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STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘violence’?

(2) How often do you see violence in your country?

(3) What makes people violent?

(4) Is there a cure for violence?

(5) Do you think there’s too much violence on TV and in video games?

(6) Do you think humans will ever be nonviolent?

(7) Do you think men or women like violence more? Why do you think so?

(8) Why are the words ‘sex’ and ‘violence’ so often used together in the phrase ‘sex and violence’?

(9) Sam Peckinpah said: “There is a great streak of violence in every human being. If it is not channeled
and understood, it will break out in war or in madness.” Do you agree?

(10) Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but
also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him. Do you

STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) Do you enjoy watching violence in real life or in the movies?

(2) How big a problem is domestic violence in your country?

(3) Does violence ever achieve anything?

(4) Have you ever resorted to violence?

(5) Is violent crime on the increase in your countries?

(6) Do people learn to be violent?

(7) Is there much ethnic violence in your country?

(8) Do you think countries can be violent?

(9) Gandhi said: “Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.” Do you
(10) Madge Micheels-Cyrus said: “Nonviolence doesn't always work - but violence never does.” Do you

Discussion questions:______ask and answer

1. "There should be strict censorship of films and news bulletins on television
to prevent children from copying violent incidents." Do you agree?

2. "Children’s cartoons such as Tom & Jerry and Popeye teach children the wrong
lessons." Do you agree?

3. "Television cameras should not record crowd disturbances during sporting events
such as football matches." What do you think?

4. "Combat sports such as boxing where the aim is to injure your opponent should be
banned and should certainly not be part of the Olympic Games." Do you agree?

5. "Products such as pornographic videos and rap music which give expression to
violence against women should be withdrawn from sale." Do you agree?

6. "In most countries, military training which prepares people for violence against an
enemy, should be replaced by schemes to serve the community." Do you agree?

7. "Nobody should be permitted to own a hand gun for a hobby." What do you think?

8. "Combat knives should be made illegal." Do you agree?

9. "Parents should not buy toy guns or war toys for their children." Do you agree?

10. "Corporal punishment should not be used either at school or in the home." Do
you agree?
1) Define physical violence.
2) Name a type of crime and describe it.
3) Define bullying.
4) Is there a lot of bullying in your school?
5) Name a consequence of bullying.
6) What is cyber bullying?
7) Define mental abuse.
8) Which is worse: physical violence or mental abuse?
9) Is there more or less violence in different social classes?
10) Is there a lot of violence in your country?
11) If you see violence, what do you do about it?
12) When you hear the word violence, which country do you think
of first? Why?
13) Why are people violent?
14) Are there places for people in your country to go to get help
with violence?
15) Does your country inform its citizens about violence and try to
prevent it?
16) Do you think the media (i.e. TV, news, movies, etc.) makes
people violent?
17) “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree”. Explain how this
could relate to violent parents and the effect on their children.
18) Do the police in your country do a good job of stopping
19) Should parents be allowed to hit their children?
20) Do drugs and alcohol play a large role in violence?

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