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Colégio Gutemberg

Inglês 8ª Classe /Avaliação Trimestral 90 Minutos

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SECTION I—Reading and Comprehension

Conservation in Mozambique

Mozambique is working hard to conserve its unique marine and land creatures. There are many
conservations projects in Mozambique.

One project is in Chimanimani Mountains that border Zimbabwe.

This is an important park because Chimanimani is famous for the rare birds

Another project is the Trans frontier Conservation Area and Tourism Development Project. This
project is helping to keep safe many different species living in our country. The project is
encouraging the kind of tourism that helps to protect the land and its animals.

Another project is the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation and Resource Area, which is shared
by three countries – Mozambique, South Africa, and nesting turtles, whales,
dolphins and whale sharks as well as huge number of waterfowl such as pelicans, storks, herons
and terns are protected. Elephants too will be looked after here.

The Mozambican side of the park covers about 40000 square kilometres.

Nearly 6000 wild animals such as giraffes, zebras, impalas, gazelles and warthogs have been
relocated into Mozambique from South Africa. If we keep working together, our wonderful
creatures will be safe for people to enjoy forever.

Answer the following questions

1 According to the text, Chimanimane makes border with a country. Which one


2Why is Chimanimani an important park?


3Which three countries manage the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation and Resource Area?

4 what is Mozambique doing to make sure future generations will be able to use our wildlife?


5 Do you think the wild animals are important to us in Mozambique? Why ?


SECTION II—Grammar Points

1 The birds are singing_______________.

A sweet B sweetly C sweetest D sweeter

2 The twins liked to dress ________________.

A differently B different C easy D easily

3 The trees lose their leaves __________winter.

A during B at C out D on

4 Kate always ________ sandwiches for lunch.

A cook B cooks C eats D eat

5 They_____________ in the sea by this time yesterday

A were swimming B was swimming C are swimming D is swimming

SECTION III –Writing Skill (150 words)

Write a short description of one member of your family. Explain who this person is to
you and refer to his or her profession and above all relevant information about him.

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