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Architecture Concepts: Red is Not a Color

Bernard Tschumi

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Architecture Concepts: Red is Not a Color
Bernard Tschumi

Architecture Concepts: Red is Not a Color Bernard Tschumi

An autobiographical look at the work of a seminal modernist architect. This is the first comprehensive
treatment of the architecture of Bernard Tschumi. Part monograph, part architectural theory, and part story,
the book narrates a three-decade journey through a personal history of architecture and architectural ideas,
intertwining theory, practice, and hypothetical projects with forty built works. From Tschumi’s many written
works, such as Architecture and Disjunction and The Manhattan Transcripts to such renowned projects as the
Parc de la Villette in Paris, major concert halls in Geneva, Switzerland, and in Rouen and Limoges, France, a
high-rise in Manhattan, the Vacheron Constantin Headquarters in Geneva, the Paris Zoo, and the Acropolis
Museum in Athens, the book presents a profusely illustrated tour through the work of the architect, set in the
context of a rich history of architectural ideas. Written for the layperson as well as the specialist, the book is
an entertaining narrative about the condition of architecture today.

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