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Respected Staff,

We are submitting the lab report of Mechanics of Materials entitled Stress Analysis of

Pedestrian Bridge. This report focuses on the problems that are related to the stress, load and
forces that are acting on the Pedestrian Bridge. This report includes all the methods and complete

calculations that we can do on a bridge.

We hope you will find this report satisfactory.

Yours sincerely,

I hereby dedicate this report to my parents whose love, affection, prays and supports are always a

source of encouragement for me to reach this destination and humble icons for others in future.

My parents and teachers who give me real eyes that helps me to lead myself and others in every

path and moment of this life.

The success and final outcome of this report not only depends on our handwork that we have

done in completing this report but also due to the assistance that is provided by our teachers and

lab attendants.

We hereby give a special thanks to Sir Ahmad Naveed with whom guidance we are able to do

our work completely. He was very cooperative in this regard.

Finally, I would like to thank Allah Almighty who is the source of all the Knowledge and

Wisdom with whose kindness and mercy I am here and owe my life because of him.

Once again, I thank all of my friends and teachers who have helped me in this regard and

because of their contribution I completed this report.


In this article, you will be able to understand the types of loads, beams, trusses

and bridges. This report discusses the truss of specific pedestrian bridge and applying

truss analysis for finding highly stressed element. There are two different methods of

solving trusses including Method of joints and section methods. You will use method of

joints for solving the truss because it is the easy method for finding forces along different

members of the truss. The forces acting in all elements of the truss are calculated by

method of joints. In truss analysis, the compressive forces are taken as negative and

tension forces are taken as positive. Forces and area are found by using relative

mathematical formulas .These findings lead to highest stressed element in the truss.
Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal………………….…………………………………………………….......... i



Summary…………………………………………………………………………………..…….. iv

CHAPTER#1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1. Aims and Objective: ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Scope of study: ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Load:..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1. Types of load: ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.2. Types of loading: ........................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Beam: ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1. Types of beam: .............................................................................................................. 5
Trusses and Bridges ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.5. Truss ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1. Types of truss: ............................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Bridge .................................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.1. Arch bridge: ................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.2. Beam bridge:................................................................................................................ 11
1.6.3. Cable stayed bridge: .................................................................................................... 11
1.6.4. Truss Bridge ................................................................................................................ 12
1,7. Stress .................................................................................................................................. 12
1.7.1. Types of Stress: ........................................................................................................... 13
1.7.2. Strain:........................................................................................................................... 13
1.7.3. Factor of safety: ........................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER#2 Research Methodology ....................................................................... 15

2.1. Joint Method:...................................................................................................................... 15
Stress Analysis on Pedestrian Bridge ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER#3 Observation and Calculations : ............................................ 19
Conclusion .....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER #4 Discussion and Analysis: ........................................................ 34

CHAPTER#5 Recommendations and Conclusion ................................... 34
References .....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 37
Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................................ 37
List of Figures
Figure 1 Point load on a Cantilever Beam……………………………….. ...2
Figure 2 Uniformly Distributed load ………………………………………...2
Figure 3 Uniformly varying load…………………………………………......2
Figure 4 Lateral Load…………………………………………………………2
Figure5 Transverse Load on a Beam………………………….……………...3
Figure.6 Axial loading on beam………………………………...………….....3
Figure.7 Cantilever beam…………………………………….…………….....3
Figure 8 Simply supported Beam…………………………………………......3
Figure 9 Overhanging beam…………………………………………………..4
Figure10 Propped Cantilever Beam………………………………… ……….4
Figure 11 Fixed beam………………………………………………………….4
Figure12 Continuous Beam…………………………………………………...4
Figure13 Planar Truss………………………………………………………...5
Figure14 Space frame Truss………………………………...….......................5
Figure15 Warren truss……………………….…………..…………………....5
Figure16 Pratt Truss………………………….……………………………….5
Figure17 Lenticular Truss…………………..………………………………..5
Figure18 Town’s lattice truss…………………………………………………5
Figure 19 Arch Bridge………………………………………………………...7
Figure 20 Beam Bridge………..……………………………………………….7
Figure 21 Truss Bridge……..………………………………………………….7
Figure 22 Cable Stayed Bridge…………….…………………………………..7
Figure 23 Cable Suspension Bridge……………………………………………8
Figure 24 Component of truss bridge…………………..……………………....8
Figure 25 Fixing of Gusset plate through riveting…………………………….8
Figure 26 Truss bridge over a river………………………………………………8
Figure 27 Heavy load on bridge………………………………………………….9
Figure 28 Extreme condition on truss bridge……………………….....................9
Figure 29 Roadway truss bridge………………………………………………….9
Figure 30 Types of stresses………………………………………………………10
Figure 31 Simple truss structure………………………………………………….12
Figure 32 Simple truss structure………………………………………………….12
Figure 33 Section Method………………………………………………………...13
Figure 34 Graphical Method………………………………………………………14

The purpose of bridge is to make a path over the obstacle such as roads, lakes and rivers. The

design of the bridge changes according to its function, where the bridge is constructed and which

material is used to make it. In order to design a bridge, it is necessary to find out that how much

weight a bridge can withstand without breaking. For this purpose, we use truss analysis to find

the highly stressed member of the bridge. This approach will help you to find that how much

load the bridge can bear.

1.1. Aims and Objective:

This report is intended for use as basic introduction to stress analysis on the pedestrian bridge for

undergraduate engineering students in their junior or senior year. Students are assumed to have

an adequate background in calculus, physics, engineering mechanics, and Mechanics of material.

The objectives of this text are

 Analyze the stresses produced on the specific pedestrian bridge

 Find the highly stressed element of the pedestrian bridge

1.2. Scope of study:

This study is designed to help you to determine the stresses acting on the bridge and the aim

of investigation is to provide you to basic knowledge of the bridge. It will give you accurate

method for finding compressive and tensile forces acting on the bridge. The natural factors can

also affect the bridge and hence there is necessary to consider these factors as well.

1.3. Load:
When the individual components of a structure are subjected to external forces, these

external forces together place a load on the components of the structure. Load produces stresses,

deformation and displacement in a structure.

1.3.1. Types of load: Point load:
If a load is acting on a particular point of a structural member, it is called point load. The

point load is also called concentrated load. For example, hammer hitting a single nail into a


Fig. 1. Point load [1] Uniformly distributed load:

Uniformly distributed load is a load which is uniformly distributed over the entire

length of the structural member and it has a constant value such as 10kN/m. uniformly

distributed load acts on the centroid of the body.

Fig. 2. Uniformly distributed load[2]

2 Uniformly varying load
Uniformly varying load is a load which is uniformly increasing or decreasing form

triangular shape over the structure. It acts on the centroid of the body.

Fig. 3. Uniformly varying load[3] Dead load:

Dead load is a permanent or stationary load that is transferred to a structure throughout

the life span. Dead load does not change with time and remain constant. Dead load can be in

tension or compression. Live load:

Live load is either moving or movable load without any acceleration. Live load is usually

unstable and does change position. Live loads are the loads of machine, people and furniture so

on. Lateral load:

Lateral load is a live load which is acting in a horizontal direction on the structure.

Lateral load is typically a wind load against an earthquake and earth pressure against a beach


Fig. 4. Lateral load[4]

1.3.2. Types of loading: Transverse loading:
In transverse loading, forces act perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the member. It

causes the material to bend and the member does not retain its original position. Internal tensile

and compressive strains are produced which change the curvature of member. Transverse

bending produces shear force and bending moment in a member. Axial loading:

In Axial loading, force act parallel to the axis of the member that is fixed. Axial loading

causes the member undergo tension or compression. If the axial force is applied on the centroid

of member, it is called concentric loading. If the axial force does not applied on the centroid of

member, it is called eccentric loading.

1.4. Beam:
A beam is a structure that resists loads when they act perpendicular to the axis of beam.

The loads act on the beam produce reaction forces at the support points of beam. The net effect

of forces acting on a beam produces shear force and bending moment. Beams are specified by

the types of their supports, shape and material.

1.4.1. Types of beam: Cantilever beam:
Cantilever beam is a rigid beam that is supported at one end with sufficient restraint to

prevent rotation of that end. Cantilever beam is also constructed with trusses and slaps. A

cantilever beam carries a specific weight on its free end as a result of support on its fixed end.

Fig. 5. Cantilever beam[5] Simply supported beam:

It is a beam which is supported by a hinged support at one end and roller support at the

other end and it is not restraint to prevent rotation. It is a beam which is supported at knife edges.

Knife edge provides only the vertical reactions and no restraint to ends from rotation.

Fig. 6. Simply supported [6] Overhanging beam:

It is a beam which is supported by a hinged support at one end and roller support at

the other end, with one or both ends extending beyond the support and it is not restraint to

prevent rotation. The bending moment is positive between the supports in the overhanging beam

but bending moment is negative for hanging portion.

Fig. 7. Overhanging beam[7] Propped cantilever beam:

Propped cantilever beam is a type of cantilever beam having additional support to

avoid the deflection or to reduce the bending moment. It is beam having fixed support at one end

and the roller support at the other end.

Fig. 8. Propped Cantilever beam[8] Fixed beam:

Beam in which supports are fixed and ends are not free to move, is called fixed beam.

It is also called built-in beam. Fixed beam opposes vertical or horizontal forces as well as

bending moment. Fixed beams are used where less deflection is required.

Fig.9. Fixed beam[9]

6 Continuous beam:
Continuous beam is a statically indeterminate beam. It is a beam having more than two

supports due to which it has more than two reaction forces. Continuous beam opposes the

bending moment when load is acted on it. It is used in the bridges and railway catenary.

Chapter No. 2
Fig. 10. Continuous beam[10]

Trusses and Bridges

1.5. Truss
Truss is a structure consisting of two force members. It acts as a single assembly

having the members. External forces and reactions act only on the nodes and produce tensile or

compressive forces in the members. The beams on the top of the truss are called top chords

which are usually under compression. The beams on the bottom of the truss are called bottom

chords which are usually under tension. The inner beams of truss are called webs and the area

occupied by web is called panel.

1.5.1. Types of truss: Simple truss:

A truss is a structure which is made up of many triangles. A single triangle consists of

three beams joined together by three joints and this single triangle is called simple truss. It is

used in roofs, bicycles, aircrafts and steel bridges etc.

7 Planar truss:
When all the members and nodes of truss lie within two dimensional plane, the

truss is called planar truss. It is a truss which lies in a single plane. It is usually used in parallel in

the construction of roofs and bridges.

Fig. 11. Planar truss[11] Space frame truss:

When all the members and nodes of truss lie within three dimensional plane, the truss

is called space frame truss. It has six members and four joints. A tetrahedron shape is a good

example of simplest space frame truss. It is usually used in electrical pylon.

Fig. 12. Space frame truss[12] Warren truss:

Warren truss is made up of longitudinal members connected by cross angled members,

having series of equilateral triangles alternately. It is usually used in the construction of steel

bridges, airframe design and construction etc.

Fig. 13. Warren truss[13] Pratt truss:

It is a truss in which the vertical members and diagonal members slope down towards the

center of the bridge. The vertical members of truss undergo tension and diagonal members

undergo tension.

Fig. 14. Pratt truss[14] Lenticular truss:

It is lens shaped truss, having top and bottom chords of truss curved. Due to curved

shape of chords, the truss is deepest in the middle. It is used in the construction of bridges.

Fig. 15. Lenticular truss[15]

9 Town’s lattice truss:
It is a truss in which planks are arranged diagonally to form lattice. It is alternative to

heavy timber bridges. It is used in the construction of bridge.

Fig. 16. Town’s lattice truss[16] Vierendeel truss:

It is a framework in which members are not triangular shape but form rectangular

openings. It has fixed joints and structure of vierendeel truss is able to transfer and resist bending


Fig. 17. Vierendeel truss[17]

1.6. Bridge
Bridge is a structure which helps to cross the obstacles and its function is to carry vertical

loads.The purpose of bridge to make a path over the obstacle such as roads, lakes and rivers. The

design of the bridge changes to its function, where the bridge is constructed and which material

is used to make it.

1.6.1. Arch bridge:

Arch bridge is one of the oldest bridge and it is basically made up of bricks and stones

but now a days it is built up of steel and concrete. The introduction of new materials increases

the life time of the bridge. The load is acting outward along the curve of the arch at the each end

of the support.

Fig. 18. Arch bridge[18]

1.6.2. Beam bridge:

Beam Bridge is the simplest form of bridge. It is made up of horizontal beam that is

supported by piers at each end. It resists to twisting and bending. When load is applied on it, the

top surface of a beam undergoes compression while the lower surface of a beam undergoes


Fig. 19. Beam Bridge[19]

1.6.3. Cable stayed bridge:

Cable stayed bridge consists of one or more towers, cables coming from the towers

support the bridge deck. In cable stayed beam, towers act as load bearing structure and loads

transmit to the ground by the tours. Cable stayed bridge is similar to suspension bridge but it has

more stiffness than the suspension bridge.

Fig. 20. Cable stayed bridge[20]

1.6.4. Truss Bridge:

Truss bridge is a bridge in which truss is a load bearing structure, the structure is made

up by connected elements forming the triangular units. The connected elements may be undergo

tension or compression or sometimes both when loads are applied on the

Fig. 21. Truss bridge[21]

1.7. Stress
The External forces acting on the body are called loads. All loads deforms the elastic

material and the material develops an internal resistance to the corresponding deformation. This

internal resistance per unit area is called Stress.

Stress = Force/Area


The SI unit of stress isPa(pascal) = Nm−2 .

1.7.1. Types of Stress: Normal stress:
In this case, the applied load is perpendicular to the stressed area. Normal may be tensile

or compression. Tensile stress:

When a material is subjected to tensile stress, it deforms as its length increases and its

diameter decreases. Compressive stress:

When a material is subjected to compressive stress, it deforms in a way that its length

decreases and its diameter increases. Shear stress:

In this case, the applied load is parallel to the stressed area. It is denoted by τ.

1.7.2. Strain:
It is measure of the deformation. It can also be defined as the ratio of original length

of the material to the change in length of the material.

It is represented and defined as:

change in length, shape or volume

original length, shape or volume

For tensile strain;

change in length ∂l
ϵ= =
original length L

1.7.3. Factor of safety:

It is the ratio of maximum stress to maximum permissible or working stress. It is

always greater than 1. It tells us how much load a material can withstand without damaging it.

For ductile materials,

Yield stress
F. O. S =
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

For brittle materials,

Uiltimate stress
F. O. S =
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

Chapter No. 2


2.1. Joint Method:

The method of joints is a process used to solve for the unknown forces acting on

members of a truss. The method centers on the joints or connection points between the

members, and it is usually the fastest and easiest way to solve for all the unknown forces in a

truss structure.

The process used in the method of joints is outlined below:

1. In the beginning it is usually useful to label the members and the joints in your truss. This will

help you keep everything organized and consistent in later analysis. The members will be labeled

with letters and the joints will be labeled with numbers. This will help us to calculate the forces at

each joint. Make sure that the numbering will be in a regular pattern and find the forces according

to the regular pattern. In this way we can easily find the forces in each member.

Figure 22: The First step in method of joint is to label each a joint and each member

2. Treating the entire truss structure as a rigid body, draw a free body diagram, write out the

equilibrium equations, and solve for the external reacting forces acting on the truss structure.

This analysis should not differ from the analysis of a single rigid body.

Figure 23: Treat the entire truss as a rigid body and solve for the reaction forces supporting the


3. Assume there is a pin or some other small amount of material at each of the connection points

between the members. Next you will draw a free body diagram for each connection point.

Remember to include:

 Any external reaction or load forces that may be acting at that joint.

 A normal force for each two force member connected to that joint. Remember that for a two

force member, the force will be acting along the line between the two connections points on

the member. We will also need to guess if it will be a tensile or a compressive force. An

incorrect guess now though will simply lead to a negative solution later on. A common

strategy then is to assume all forces are tensile, then later in the solution any positive forces

will be tensile forces and any negative forces will be compressive forces.

 Label each force in the diagram. Include any known magnitudes and directions and provide

variable names for each unknown.

Figure 24: Draw a free body diagram of each joint, we draw in the known forces as well as


Forces from each two force member.

4. Write out the equilibrium equations for each of the joints. We should treat the joints as

particles, so there will be force equations but no moment equations. With either two (for 2D

problems) or three (for 3D problems) equations for each joint, this should give us a large

number of equations.

Figure 25: In planar trusses, the sum of the forces in the x direction will be zero and the sum of the

forces in the y direction will be zero for each of the joints.

Figure 26: In space trusses, the sum of the forces in the x direction will be zero, the sum of the

forces in the y direction will be zero, and the sum of forces in the z direction will be zero for each of

the joints.

5. Finally, solve the equilibrium equations for the unknowns. You can do this algebraically,

solving for one variable at a time, or you can use matrix equations to solve for everything at

once. If you assumed that all forces were tensile earlier, remember that negative answers

indicate compressive forces in the members.

Chapter No. 3


3.1. Calculations of stress on pedestrian bridge:

Figure 24. Stress analysis of the pedestrian bridge

Stress on member AP:

Figure. 25

Ʃ Fx =0

FAP cos26.5o + FAB = 0 eqn(1)

Ʃ FY=0

RY + FAP sin26.5o =0

Hence, RY=7/8

FAP = -1.96 kN

Stress = σAP = 392 kPa

 “AP” is in compression.

Stress on member AB

Figure 26

Put FAP in eqn(1)

FAB = 1.96 cos 26.5o

FAB = 1.75 kN

Stress = σAB = 350 kPa

 “AB” is in tension.

Stress on member BC:

Ʃ FY = 0

FBP = 1kN

Stress = σBP =200 kPa

 “BP” is in tension.

Ʃ FX = 0


FBC = 1.75 kN

Stress = σBC = 350 kPa

 “BC” is in tension.

Stress on member CP

Figure 27

Ʃ FX = 0

FPO + FCP cos 26.5o – FAP cos 26.5o = 0

FPO + FCP cos 26.5o = -1.75kN eqn (2)

Ʃ FY = 0

-FBP - FCP sin 26.5o – FAP sin 26.5o = 0

-1 - FCP sin 26.5o + 0.87 = 0

FCP = - 0.29 kN

Stress = σCP = 58 kPa.

 “CP” is in compression

Put FCP in eqn (2)

FPO = - 1.49 kN

Stress = σPO = 298 kPa

 “PO” is in compression

Stress on members CN and CD

Figure 28

Ʃ FX = 0

FCD – FBC – FCP cos 26.5o + FCN cos 26.5o = 0

Put FBC and FCP

FCD – 1.75 + 0.29 cos 26.5o + FCN cos 26.5o = 0

FCD + FCN cos 26.5o = 1.49 eqn (3)

Ʃ FY = 0

FCO + FCN sin 26.5o + FCP sin 26.5o = 0

FCO + FCN sin 26.5o – 0.13 = 0 eqn (4)

Figure 29

Ʃ FX = 0


FON = - 1.49 kN

Stress = σON = 298 kPa

 “ON” is in compression.

Ʃ FY = 0

FCO = 0

 “CO” is zero force element.

Put FCO in eqn (4)

FCN = 0.29 kN

Stress = σCN = 58 kPa

 “CN” is in tension.

Put FCN in eqn (3)

FCD + 0.29 cos 26.5o = 1.49

FCD = 1.23 kN

Stress = σCD = 246 kPa

 “CD” is in tension.

Stress at member DE

Figure 30

Ʃ FY = 0

FDN = 0

 “DN” is zero force element.

Ʃ FX = 0


FDE = 1.23 kN

Stress = σDE = 246 kPa

 “DE” is in tension.

Stress on member NE

Figure 31

Ʃ FY = 0

-FND – FNE sin 26.5o – FCN sin 26.5o = 0


FNE = - 0.29 kN

Stress = σNE = 58 kPa

 “NE” is in compression.

Stress on member NM

Ʃ FX = 0

FNM – FON + FNE kcos 26.5o – FCN cos 26.5o = 0

FNM + 1.49 – 0.29 cos 26.5o – 0.29 cos 26.5o = 0

FNM = - 0.97 kN

Stress = σNM = 194 kPa

 “NM” is in compression.

Stress on member ML

Figure 32

Ʃ FY = 0

FME = 0

 “ME” is a zero force element.

Ʃ FX = 0

FML = - 0.97 kN

Stress = σML = 194 kPa

 “ML” is in compression.

Stress on members EL and EF

Figure 33

Ʃ FY = 0

FEM + FEL sin 26.5o + FEN sin 26.5o = 0


FEL = 0.29 kN

Stress = σEL = 58 kPa

 “EL” is in tension.

Ʃ FX = 0

FEF – FED – FEN cos 26.5o + FEL cos 26.5o = 0

FEF – 1.23 + 0.29 cos 26.5o + 0.29 cos 26.5o = 0

FEF = 0.71 kN

Stress = σEF = 142 kPa

 “EF” is in tension

Stress at member FG

Figure 34

Ʃ FY = 0

FFL = 0

 “FL” is zero force element.

Ʃ FX = 0


FFG = 0.71 kN

Stress = σFG = 142 kPa

 “FG” is in tension

Stress on member LG

Figure 35

Ʃ FY = 0


FLG = - 0.29 kN

Stress = σLG = 58 kPa

 “LG” is in compression.

Ʃ FX = 0

FLK – FLM – FEL cos 26.5o + FLG cos 26.5o = 0

FLK + 0.97 – 0.29 cos 26.5o – 0.29 cos 26.5o = 0

FLK = - 0.45 kN

Stress = σLK = 90 kPa

 “LK” is in compression.

Stress on member KJ

Figure 36

Ʃ FY = 0

FKG = 0

 “KG” is a zero force element.

Ʃ FX = 0


FKJ = - 0.45 kN

Stress = σKJ = 90 kPa

 “KJ” is in compression.

Stress on member GJ
Figure 37

ƩFY = 0

F KG+ FGJ sin 26.5o + FGL sin 26.5o = 0


FGJ = 0.29 kN

Stress = σGJ = 58 kPa

 “GJ” is in tension

Ʃ FX = 0

FGH – FGF – FGL cos 26.5o + FGJ cos 26.5o = 0

FGH – 0.71 + 0.29 cos 26.5o + 0.29 cos 26.5o = 0

FGH = 0.19 kN

Stress = σGH = 38 kPa

 “GH” is in tension.

 Stress on member HI

Figure 38

Ʃ FY = 0

FHJ = 0

 “HJ” is zero force element.

Ʃ FX = 0


FHI = 0.19 kN

Stress = σHI = 38 kPa

 “HI” is in tension.

Stress on member IJ

Figure 39

Ʃ FX = 0

-FIJ cos 26.5o – FIH = 0

FIJ = - 0.91 / cos 26.5o

FIJ = - 0.28 kN

Stress = σIJ = 56 kPa

 “IJ” is in compression.



4.1 Results:

FAP = - 1.96 kN (FAP is under Compression)

FAB = 1.75 kN (FAB is under Tension)

FBP = 1 kN (FBP is undergo Tension)

FBC = 1.75 kN (FBC is under Tension)

FCP = - 0.29 kN (FCP is under Compression

FPO = - 1,49 kN (FPO is under Compression)

FON = - 1.49 kN (FON is under Compression)

FCO = 0 kN

FCN = 0.29 kN (FCN is under Tension)

FCD = 1.23 kN (FCD is under Tension)

FDN = 0 kN

FDC = 1.23 kN (FDC is under Tension)

FNE = - 0.29 kN (FNE is under Compression)

FNM = - 0.97 kN (FNM is under Compression)

FME = 0 kN

FNM = - 0.97 kN (FNM is under Compression)

FEL = 0.29 kN (FEL is under Tension)

FEF = 0.71 kN (FEF is under Tension)

FFL = 0 kN

FFG = 0.71 kN (FFG is under Tension)

FFG = - 0.29 kN (FFG is under Compression)

FFG = - 0.45 kN (FFG is under Compression)

FKG = 0 kN

FKJ = - 0.45 kN (FKJ is under Compression)

FGJ = 0.29 kN (FGJ is under Tension)

FGH = 0.19 kN (FGH is under Tension)

FIJ = - 0.28 kN (FIJ is under Compression)

4.2 Discussion

Any external reaction or load forces that may be acting at that joint.

A normal force for each two force member connected to that joint. Remember that for a two force

member, the force will be acting along the line between the two connections points on the

member. We will also need to guess if it will be a tensile or a compressive force. An incorrect

guess now though will simply lead to a negative solution later on. A common strategy then is to

assume all forces are tensile, then later in the solution any positive forces will be tensile forces

and any negative forces will be compressive forces.

Hence From the above list it is clear that the highest stressed element is “AP”.

Chapter No. 5


5.1. Conclusion:
After stress analysis of bridge, we analyzed all stresses produced on the different

elements in the truss. The highly stressed member is element ‘AP’ and the maximum stress that

element AP can bear is 392kPa. If load is applied on the joint, then the greatest stress is produced

in the element ‘AP’ which means ‘AP’ brakes first in our whole truss of bridge.

5.2. Recommendations
1. Digital instruments must be used to find the accurate dimensions of the bridge members.

2. Such method should be introduced to do bridge analysis that will reduce our time


3. The point load must be at that point of the bridge where load distribution at all joints can

easily be determined.

4. Live load should not be used in bridge analysis because it changes highly stressed element

of bridge.

5. Dimensions of bridge element must be of same value so that area of a member will not be


6. There should be a software which can do stress analysis on the bridge.

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Appendix 1

Abbreviations and Symbols

∂l Change in length

F Force

Ϭ Stress

ϵ Strain

L Original Length

F.O.S Factor of Safety

P Load

A Area


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