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A Guide to

Lightning and
Surge Protection
to BS6651: 1999 Annex ‘C’

Bowthorpe Low Voltage Division Tel: +44(0) 1273 692 591 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 676 637 e-mail:


What are surges, transients and spikes? 3

• Who should read this guide?

Who are Bowthorpe? 3

• What can Bowthorpe offer you?

Surges 4
• What is a surge?
• Where do surges come from?
• Surges, transients, spikes - whose problem are they?

Lightning 6
• Direct Coupling
• Earth Voltage
• Inductive Coupling

Risk Assessment within BS6651 7

What the insurers say! 8

• Commercial considerations

BS6651: 1999 Annex C - Co-ordinated Protection 9

The Co-ordinated Protection Strategy 10

• It’s cheaper than you think
• How do surge protectors work?
• Design considerations

Product Selection Guide 11-14

• AC Power Systems
• Network and Telecom Systems
• Product selection diagram
• Telecommunication and wireless protection systems

Questions and Answers 15

Common Misconceptions 15

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What are surges, transients and spikes?

oday’s business environment is a

Who should read
world dominated by computers.
this guide?
Every aspect of our working lives
depends on the efficient functioning of
This application guide is designed for
critical IT systems.
• consultants
For many companies, disruption of the IT
system impacts heavily on the day to day
• designers
health of the organisation. Should
• specifiers
damage occur, the cost can be severe, in • contractors
some cases, catastrophically so. • end users
Clearly, the responsibility to prevent such
• users of electronic systems
a disaster occurring can lie with several
• insurers
people within the company. In some • IT managers
cases, external bodies such as the • finance directors
company’s insurer may be the driving • facilities managers
force to implement an effective protection • telecom managers
strategy. • technical and non-technical
The objective of this guide is to people.
familiarise you with the basics of surge
It will enable you to select the
protection, allowing you to effectively
appropriate surge suppression
counter the threat posed by lightning and
equipment to fit any particular
surges to the life of your business.
application and will provide an insight
into the phenomena of surges, what
causes them and how to stop them.

Who are Bowthorpe?

owthorpe is an internationally
What can Bowthorpe
recognised, ISO9001 registered,
offer you?
specialist manufacturer of surge
protectors for Mains Power, Voice and
Data Systems. We have representatives
• Technical hotline
on various international committees • Site surveys
including the IEC SC37A sub committee, • Consultancy advice
which is responsible for developing the • Comprehensive product range
world’s first truly international surge • ‘State of the art’ technology
protection standard, IEC 61643 • Competitive prices
• Specification of individual
products and complete protection
• Factory and laboratory visits,
witness tests
• Professional CPD accredited
• Training seminars

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What is a surge?

surge, also referred to as a spike, particularly damaging for computer

glitch or transient overvoltage, is related equipment.
a very short timescale deviation
Most surges occur on the mains supply,
from the normal operating voltage of an
but they also pose a real threat to any
electrical system.
system utilising copper communication
Typically lasting tens of micro-seconds, cables, such as a Local Area Network
surges can reach values of several (LAN) or telephone systems.
thousands of volts, thus making them

Most surges occur on

Voltage Voltage
the mains supply but
they also pose a real
threat to any system
utilising copper 0 Time 0 Time
20ms 50µs
communication cables

Surges 8/20µs surge (enlarged in time)

What is a surge? A surge is a short transient deviation of line voltage from the nominal
operating level.

Where do surges come from?

ost surges are caused by an Internally generated surges occur on a

electrical load either within or daily basis and can be easily
outside a building being switched suppressed utilising surge protectors in
on or off. Particular causes of transients the form of plug adaptors, socket strips
include large machines, lift motors, or in-line units.
welding machines and large printers.
In some cases, Radio Frequency
Fortunately, most internally generated Interference (RFI) filtering is incorporated
transients tend to be reasonably small within these protectors. RFI, or ‘noise’, is
(typically only a few hundreds of volts) rarely damaging to equipment but can be
and consequently their effects range from an annoyance if experienced regularly.
Far more damaging the short-term: data corruption, system
crashes and ‘lock-up’, to the long-term: Far more damaging to equipment and
to equipment and
insiduous component degradation which systems are the large spikes typically
systems are the is a major factor in system reliability generated externally to the building and
large spikes assessments. normally associated with lightning activity,

Small surges can cause...

Where do surges • Spurious crashing of computer
come from? equipment
Inside the Building • Corruption of data transfer over
• Factory equipment
• Unexpected printer output
• Office equipment
• Gradual component degradation leading
• Air conditioning and lift motors
to equipment breakdown

44 Distributed Internationally by Keison Products Tel: +44 1245 600560 Fax: +44 1245 600030 e-mail:
electricity supply faults or switching of 3,000 Amps inside a building.
large loads within the power distribution
Surges of this magnitude can cause
network (National Grid/ Regional
extensive damage to computer circuitry,
Electricity Company’s [REC’s]).
literally blowing up sensitive components
Large transients, such as those caused such as micro-chips and in some cases,
when there is a nearby lightning strike, causing fire within computer or
can reach values of 6000 Volts and communication equipment.

Where do surges
come from? Large spikes can
The Outside World lead to...
• Lightning
• Failure of computer power circuits
• Transformer tap switching, power
station, sub-station and distribution faults • Failure of communication interfaces
• Power cross faults • Irreversible damage to hardware
• Low quality generators

Bowthorpe supply a wide range of surge protection products to suit all needs

Surges, Transients, Spikes - whose problem are they?

Everyone’s (including yours!) compromised human safety.

Since all types of transient disturbances You may even have already suffered
can be transported via electrical wiring, equipment failure through surge damage
nearly all electronic equipment, from without even knowing it! The cause of a
telephones and fax machines to large and
computer breakdown often passes
expensive computer systems, are at risk.
unknown with the computer being simply
The extent of damage sustained ranges
replaced or repaired. Component fatigue
from corrupted data communication to
immediate physical destruction of hard- due to repeated transient attack goes
ware and, in some cases fire risk or even unnoticed until it’s too late.

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assessment which establishes the

prominence of the building given its
geographical location.

The purpose of a structural protection

system is to prevent damage to the fabric
of the building, prevent risk of fire and
safeguard personnel from the dangers of
inadvertent electrical shocks.

From the perspective of structural

protection for the building, a lightning
strike to the surrounding area is of no
consequence. However, from the point of
view of surge protection of equipment
within the building, nearby lightning
strikes are as important as direct strikes.

The reason for this is that a structural

protection system is dealing with the
primary effects of the lightning strike,
whereas surge protection is dealing with
the secondary effects of lightning.

The following diagrams portray three

important mechanisms by which lightning
strikes can affect sensitive equipment.

Direct Coupling

y far the most prominent cause of The bulk of the discharge current from a
damaging transients is nearby or direct strike to a power conductor pylon,
even direct lightning strikes. for example, will be conducted to earth.
Lightning discharge currents can be as
high as 200,000 Amps in the UK, with Some proportion of the discharge current,
the average discharge current being however, will be conducted as a surge on
28,000 Amps. the cable. The magnitude of the surge
current varies due to the length and type
Obviously, such massive currents would of the cable as well as the magnitude of
vaporise any electronic equipment or the lightning strike.
cabling in the case of a direct strike to a
Sensitive equipment can therefore be
damaged even when the lightning strike
Fortunately, this situation is rare as most is some distance away.
equipment and cabling is located within a
building. Lightning will always tend to
strike the most prominent feature, which
is invariably the roof of the building! Direct Coupling
The British Standard for Lightning
Protection : BS6651:1999 goes into great
detail on the whys and wherefores of
designing and installing a structural
protection system (lightning conductors)
for the building. The decision as to
whether to install a structural protection
system is essentially based on a risk

66 Distributed Internationally by Keison Products Tel: +44 1245 600560 Fax: +44 1245 600030 e-mail:
the power and data cables entering the This basic electrical phenomenon is
Earth Voltage
building may experience different earth responsible for the third mechanism of
voltages at each end. This causes a lightning associated surges. A cloud to
During a cloud to ground lightning strike, current to flow in the connected electrical cloud lightning strike, of which there are
the strike point is raised to a very high wiring which is perceived by the approximately up to 1 million a year in
voltage owing to the large current (up to equipment as an incoming surge. the UK, sets up a massive
200kA) being conducted through the electromagnetic field. Any cable which
ground (which has a finite resistance). lies within this field is subject to the
Typically this value could be in the Earth Voltage electromagnetic forces of it. Induced
hundreds of thousands of volts for a currents are created, especially prevalent
fraction of a second. The further away where there is a large network of cables
from the strike point, the lower the above ground. Lightning strikes to nearby
voltage value. Depending on local soil pylons, trees etc produce similar results.
conditions and climate, this voltage
disturbance can be significant up to about
2km away.
Inductive Coupling
As a consequence of this earth voltage
disturbance, any building within 2km of a
lightning strike will experience a
fluctuation of its mains earth voltage. Inductive Coupling
Because the equipment within the
building may be connected to other A current carrying cable, by virtue of its
electrical systems, such as equipment in electromagnetic field, will induce a
another building, the electricity sub- current flow in any nearby cable running
station etc., there exists a situation where parallel to it.

Risk Assessment within BS6651

ifferent areas of the country and protection is essentially determining how 1200
the world experience higher prominent the structure is and therefore
levels of lightning activity than how attractive it is to a lightning strike. 1000

others, and the climate largely

The risk assessment for surge protection
determines the overall trend. Many of the 800
is more complex. As well as determining
variable factors are built into the risk
National Grid Northing (km)

how vulnerable the building is to a direct

assessment procedures in BS6651.
strike, the risk assessment takes into 600

The risk assessment for structural account the quantity of external cables

80° 200
60° 5
20 1 0
50° 60 200 400 600
40 10 5
30 National Grid Easting (km)
40° 40 60
40 10
5 The lightning density map was compiled by
30° 60 0.1 0.4
80 40 Electricity Association Technology Limited
80 100 140 0.2 0.5 from data accumulated over four years from
20° 60 40 5 60
0.3 0.6 its Lightning Location System.
20 40
30 100 10 20 80
10° 5 20 20 140 80 20 40
40 60 60
140 180 Number of lightning flashes to the ground
0° 180
10 10 140 20 per km2 per year for the uk
10 100 100 80
5 5
10° 30 140 40 60 5
100 120 140
60 80 100 10 entering the building and the nature of the
60 120 20 5
10 40
20 10
40 5 40 equipment within the building as this
40° 80
10 20
5 determines the Consequential Loss factor
50° 5
1 1 should a system be affected.
60° 1

70° Although the risk assessment procedure

180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180°
can be a little complicated, with care it can
NOTE: This map is based on information from the World Meteorological Organisation records for 1955.
be a powerful tool to establish a realistic
Map showing thunderstorm days per year throughout the world
appraisal of the risk to a system.
Extracts from BS6651 are reproduced with the permission of BSI. Complete editions of the standards can be obtained by post from
BSI Customer Services, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.

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What the Insurers Say!

owadays, with the ever increasing

Commercial Considerations
amount of information technology
being used for businesses, the
costs of equipment repair and replacement An organisation that has taken BS6651
have become a major concern for the very much to heart is the Loss Prevention
insurance companies. Council, or LPC. The LPC is funded by
the Association of British Insurers and
In some cases, they have provided the Lloyd’s of London and is involved in all
finances to replace computer systems aspects of loss prevention and risk
worth some £100,000s that have been control on a world-wide basis. It is,
destroyed by lightning or other surge therefore, the body that the insurers refer
phenomena. Downtime and other to for guidelines when drawing up their
consequential losses often cost far more insurance policies and assessing
to replace. Many other cases occur in potential relatively new risks.
Latest statistics on claims domestic and small business applications
BS6651: 1999 Annex C has been taken
for hardware and where equipment worth £100s or £1,000s
very seriously by the LPC and, in turn,
consequential loss have has been damaged.
the insurance companies, particularly in
astonished insurers to such The insurance companies now recognise light of recent avoidable claims for
surge protection as being a solution to computer hardware damage and
a degree that they have had
this problem. They know that a total consequential loss as a result of surges,
to reassess premiums for spikes and transients.
protection system can be fitted for
any company heavily reliant a fraction of the equipment LPC statistics on claims for hardware and
on information technology. replacement value. consequential loss have astonished
insurers to such a degree that they have
had to reassess premiums for any
company heavily reliant on information
technology. A single such claim for over
£0.5 million to one insurer has certainly
focused the insurance industry’s
attention to this subject. It is now
becoming the insurer’s policy to
either demand higher premiums or
even refuse cover if the
recommendations of BS6651 are
not acted upon!

The statistics reveal that 60-70%

of commercial claims could be
directly attributed to computer
hardware failure and
consequential loss due to
surge disruption or damage.

Clearly, no organisation
appreciates higher insurance
premiums, but, equally, no
successful company can
accept computer failure
resulting in poor customer

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BS6651: 1999 Annex C. - Co-ordinated Protection

he British Standard BS6651: Each BS6651 location category is divided

1999 is titled “Code of Practice into three groups which suit different
for Protection of Structures exposure or lightning risk levels. These
Against Lightning” and outlines the are known as the low, medium and high
general principles of applying lightning system exposure levels.
protection to buildings and structures.
Bowthorpe products are suitable for the
It was in 1992 that Appendix C high system exposure level of each
(changed to Annex C in the 1999 category and also address the lower
revision) was originally incorporated exposure levels. By designing our
within BS6651 and provided “general products in this way, we greatly simplify
advice on protection of electronic product selection.
equipment within or on structures against
The surge ratings for each location
lightning”. BS6651: 1999 Annex C
category are the peak surge voltage and
gives details on the following aspects
peak surge current that will normally
of surge protection:
occur at that location in the supply network.
• How to assess the lightning exposure
Any protection device designed for
risk to equipment
these categories must be able to
• Routes along which surges can enter
withstand the respective peak surge
a building and where they go within
current and voltage. The following
the building
table indicates the protection levels
• Deciding factors for installing protection
required for the high system exposure
• Recommended levels of protection in
group of each category.
a co-ordinated protection system

Location category C B A
AC Power Protection Peak surge voltage 20kV 6kV 6kV
For AC power, Annex C defines three Peak surge current 10kA 3kA 500 A
different categories of surge protection
that vary in surge handling ability,
each designed for installation at Network & Telecom
particular locations within a building System Protection
supply network.
Annex C also defines a location
• Category C - The supply side of the category C for communication
incoming distribution board systems which specifies a 10kA
protection level. However, communication
• Category B - The mains
distribution system cable exhibits a higher electrical
impedance that helps to dissipate the
• Category A - The load side of surge energy.
socket outlets
In communication systems, therefore, as
Although not confirmed in BS6651, these long as category C protection is fitted, it
three categories reflect with the location is not normally necessary to protect
categories used in the American standard against incoming surges at location
IEEE C62.41 (1991). categories B and A.

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The Co-ordinated Protection Strategy

It’s cheaper than you think How do Surge Protectors

By carefully selecting which parts
of the computer system are most Different kinds of protector use different
critical to your business operations, types of components or combinations
implementing total protection need thereof to suppress surges, transients
not be very costly and will easily be and spikes.
within the reach of small and large
As described earlier in this guide, a surge
businesses alike.
is a rapid fluctuation in voltage occurring
A risk assessment should be performed on a signal or AC power cable which, in
to identify key equipment and to many cases, will contain enough energy to
weigh the costs of protecting this cause disruption to communications and
equipment against the potential losses often physical damage to electronic circuitry.
to the business in system downtime,
The suppressor components used are
maintenance and reduced performance.
normally one of three basic technologies:

• gas discharge tube

• metal oxide varistor
• solid-state semi-conductor.

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Design Considerations

To be effective, surge protection must

survive the maximum transient
overvoltages and resultant currents that
occur at the different locations and only
pass the residual part of the surge that
will not cause damage.

It is therefore necessary to know the

‘equipment transient design level’
(ETDL) for the equipment to be
protected. This is the maximum surge
voltage level that will not impair the
performance of the equipment and is also
known as the ‘immunity level’. The
residual part of a surge which passes
All work by reacting to the excess voltage
through the protector is known as the
caused by the surge and by changing
‘let-through voltage’ or ‘transient control
electrical state to conduct the surge
level’ (TCL).
energy safely to earth. If correctly
specified, they will reduce the surge For protection to be effective, the TCL
voltage to below the withstand voltage of must be less than the ETDL and include
To be effective, surge
the connected equipment. In normal a reasonable safety margin Vm:
protection must survive conditions, when the surge has passed, the
the maximum transient components return to their ‘standby’ state.
overvoltages and resultant Equipment manufacturers can normally
The type of technology used depends on
supply the ETDL of their equipment,
currents that occur at the the application. Gas discharge tubes or
however, our protectors are designed to
different locations and metal oxide varistors are ideal where a
protect even the most sensitive
high surge rating is required, for example,
only pass the residual equipment, so the end user has no need
category C. They do, however, suffer
part of the surge that will to find out what the ETDL is. The work is
from being slow to respond so are often
already done.
not cause damage. used in conjunction with other
components forming a hybrid circuit. As an example, the typical ETDL for a
Semi-conductor suppression is suited to computer’s mains input is around 1250V. A
the very sensitive devices used on protector capable of suppressing to a TCL
computers and communication lines. of 800V will leave a safety margin of 450V.

Product Selection Guide

Bowthorpe products are each Category C Products

designed for specific applications
and BS6651 location categories. Modular Distribution Surge
The following steps outline the Protector - MDSP 150 &
product selection process. 300 Series
Distribution panel protectors for three-phase
AC Power Systems
power systems featuring exceptionally high
surge handling capacites of 150kA and
Step 1: Location Category C 300kA. They are intended for high lightning
exposure areas and critical systems where
Identify where cables enter the building
long life and low maintenance are required
or facility. These points are where large
and far exceed the recommendations of
lightning and switching surges may
MDSP 150 and 300 Series
BS6651. Normally open and normally
appear and must be dealt with first.
closed relay contacts provide remote

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indication of protection status. Models Category A Products
with Silicon Avalanche Diode Modules
Protector Plugs and
(SAD) with extremely low clamping and
exceptionally fast response times are
particularly suited to mobile telecom This range of single-outlet surge
applications. suppressors and hardwired plugs are
available with surge only protection and
various ratings of RFI filtering. UK,
DSP1 and DSP3 French and German formats are offered
General purpose, hard-wired, single and and all units feature thermal protection
MDSP DIN rail mount replaceable modules three-phase distribution panel protectors against surges exceeding their rating,
with 30kA of surge capacity. Optional unlike most low cost products.
relay contacts provide remote indication
of protection status.
Socket Strips
These AC mains socket strips are
Step 2: Location Category B available in UK, French and German
formats with options for surge protection,
Identify sub-distribution panels that
RFI filtering and a choice of from four to
DSP1 and DSP3 supply mission-critical hardware such as
ten socket outlets. All strips feature
mini-computers, PABX systems,
thermal protection.
network file-servers and mainframes.
Install the location category B protection
described below.

With the increasing use of distributed

Network and Telecom
networks, many users prefer to protect Systems
all sub-distribution panels with these
6651C Protector economically priced products.
Step 1: Location Category C
Locate all communication cables
Category B Products entering the building including PSTN
dial-up voice lines and leased lines,
6651C Protector
ISDN and network lines. All incoming
A compact, hard-wired, panel mounting
cables that carry signals on wire
protector for sub-distribution panels
conductors must be fitted with
available in single and three phase models.
appropriate category C protection from
Spur Protector Bowthorpe’s extensive range of
Spur Protector datacom, telecom and network barriers.
Ideal for the protection of equipment on
individual ring mains, this unit can be
either wired to equipment as an inline Category C Products
protector or can be hardwired into wall
mounted conduits.
Network Barrier & Telecom
TLP Series
10kA rated barriers are available in DIN rail
Step 3: Location Category A mounted format for datalines. For telephone
PABX systems, Krone mounted units are
Fileservers, mainframe computers,
Plug-in mains protection products available in 10-line and single-line variants.
PABX, and other such hardware are
important for providing critical services
to the company and should, therefore,
be fitted with category A protection.

Our range of plug-in devices and

socket strips provide fine-tuned,
backup protection for the most
important equipment and will suppress
surges and interference from inside
Network Barrier & Telecom TLP Series the building.

12 Distributed Internationally by Keison Products Tel: +44 1245 600560 Fax: +44 1245 600030 e-mail:
2 3
1 Sub-distribution DIN-rail mountable
Supply Panel Protector dataline surge
Distribution protection
Bowthorpe Low Voltage Division Tel: +44(0) 1273 692 591 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 676 637 e-mail:








9 4 3
Spur and Inline • Surge
Surge Protector 9 4 6 4
1 5 Adaptors with
8 • 6 1 Protection

1 7 5

7 7

Service Entry
Surge Protector
7 Socket Strips
Telecom surge 5
protection Surge Protected
Socket Strips

c/w Telecom Option

Telecommunications and Wireless Protection Systems

warning light
Typical steel
FM broadcast or Microwave dish 4 Transmission
mobile telephone
antenna TV antenna equipment Digital switching

2 DC power equipment
(batteries, rectifiers,
inverters, converters)

Tower footing earth bonding Mains power
ring earth supply

Common earth
bar connected to
all electronic
equipment and Induced surge
bonded to the into buried
earth ring telecom cable

Telecommunications line
Surge protector installed
MDSP AC power protector installed in Co-axial surge protector
1 protection 2 on AC power supply to
aircraft warning light
3 MDF to protect sensitive 4 barriers
telecoms equipment

Modular Distribution Distribution Surge Telecom Line Network & Signal Line
Surge Protector Protectors Protectors Barrier Protectors
• Exceptionally high surge handling • High surge handling capability • Surges reduced to below normal signal • Din rail or panel mounting
• Two stage (redundant) protection • Two stage (redundant) protection voltage • Low ‘let-through’ voltages
• Replaceable DIN rail mount modules • Full protection status indicators • High surge handling capability • Fast response times
• Dual thermal/current overload fusing • Remote signalling version available • Negligible effect on normal line • High surge handling capability
• Status indicators with remote signalling • Fast response time and low ‘let- operation • Negligible effect on normal line
• Silicon Avalanche Diode models through’ voltage • Models available for connection to operation
available for extremely low clamping LSA-Plus™ termination strips
and exceptionally fast response time • Optimum performance with lightning
• Front end of building protection • LAN’s
• Site wiring fault indicator related surges
• Sub distribution panel protection • EPOS
APPLICATIONS: • Individual protection of critical & APPLICATIONS: • CCTV
• Front end of building protection for costly equipment such as computer • PABX • PSTN • Ethernet
mission critical sites and applications systems • Telephone and facsimile • Plant & Process Control
• SAD models particularly suited to • Computer communications using • Signalling and telemetry
mobile telecom applications. voice line modems

14 Distributed Internationally by Keison Products Tel: +44 1245 600560 Fax: +44 1245 600030 e-mail:
Questions and Answers
“I didn’t hear anything about failure. These spikes are frequently caused example, different types of computer network
Q surges and transients ten
years ago. Why are they causing
by utility power switching and heavy
industrial power users.
use a variety of connector formats, signal
levels and operating frequencies. Some
problems NOW?” applications are contained within one
“Is it possible for transients to

A Today’s computers use smaller and

more sophisticated electronic
Q affect my equipment
building, however, others include data and
power connections between several buildings
components than ever before which are far which have different protection needs.
Absolutely. Small transients can be
more sensitive to transient voltages than
earlier technologies.
A an ‘invisible’ problem, they don’t
necessarily cause immediate equipment Q “How do surge protectors
Furthermore, we can now put computers
failure, but WILL cause ‘micro bullet holes’ Surge protectors continuously
and communication equipment anywhere
we want so must be aware of variations in
inside semi-conductor electronics leading to
A monitor the power or signal line for
overvoltages. When the voltage rises
the quality of different operating
After some period of time, the hardware will above a certain level components inside
environments. Perhaps more importantly,
fail and be replaced under the assumption the protector divert the excess energy to
the electricity supply companies are not
that it “died a natural death” of age. earth and limit the voltage to a safe level.
required to provide ‘computer-grade’ power,
However, its life expectancy is actually
“What is thermal overload
so it is our responsibility to ensure the
power used for our computers is clean.
shortened by the degrading process. In
other words, the useful life of computer
Q protection and why do I
need it?”
equipment can be extended by installing
“We get very little lightning in
Q my area. Do we still need
transient suppression equipment?”
surge protection.

“Is there one complete

A Bowthorpe products have thermal
overload protection fitted as

A Lightning is only one source of

transients. Repetitive, low level
Q solution that provides total
standard. Surge protection products where
protection elements are not fitted with this
safety feature can overheat under fault
spikes on power and communication lines Every system and application is conditions and give rise to the risk of
cause circuit degradation and eventual A different in one way or another. For electric shock or fire.

Common Misconceptions

“I don’t need surge protection because my “My site is surrounded by tall buildings,
building already has structural protection.” so is safe from lightning damage.”
• Structural lightning protection and lightning • Tall buildings may attract lightning away from
conductors do not protect the sensitive your site, but, your systems will be at risk from
equipment within the building. the secondary effects caused by the
electromagnetic pulse generated when lightning
“I don’t need surge protection because my
strikes nearby.
system is connected to a UPS.”
• Your site is also at risk from surges and
WRONG! transients present on incoming power and
• Most UPSs are not designed with BS6651 in mind communication cabling.
and consequently any surge protection fitted is
likely to be limited in its surge handling capability.
“The cabling between my two buildings is
• Any protection fitted inside the UPS is specifically underground, so doesn’t need protection.”
designed to protect its own electronics, not the
equipment connected to it. WRONG!
• UPS bypass switches, when in operation, reduce • When lightning strikes the ground, even 1 or 2
any protection afforded by the UPS. km away, the current discharged raises the
ground potential in the surrounding area by
“Lightning never strikes twice.”
100,000s of volts depending on proximity to the
WRONG! strike. While the current dissipates through the
• A site that has been struck once is clearly ground, a difference between the building earth
susceptible and will often suffer problems on a points stresses the cable and any connected
regular basis. equipment.

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