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This spiritual self help guide is written from the perspective of an actual spiritual guide, a personal guide who knows certain truths and who wants to help others to remember
the truth concerning the nature of our spiritual existence. Our spiritual self is the most beautiful and powerful form. This may be associated with nature, love, creativity, or anything
else which induced a sense of serenity.
This activity plan is on the subject of enhancing individual Spiritual Self. Various information are acquired from books and online sources to satisfy the given data. In which
the activities includes the involvement of students, teachers and various professionals to be able to conduct the activities presented. Specific objectives, time frame, budget and
the expected outcome is also presented in order to have a more detailed information as a reference for the future conduct of the activities.
This activity plan aim to help people to overcome hardship and improve their beliefs and also discover their true being, release their pain and find deep inner peace and
enhance our knowledge about spiritual self.

1. To help people overcome hardship and improve their beliefs.
2. To discover their true being, release their pain and find deep inner peace.
3. To enhance our knowledge about spiritual self.
Action Plan Summary

Activities/ Persons
Topic Objectives Time Frame Budget Expected Outcome/ Result
Strategies Involved

The participants of this activity are

 To look after their self so they
expected to increase flexibility,
can avoid fatigue and illness Venue fee:
muscle straight and tone. Improve
respiration, energy, vitality, athletic
 To become productive and  1 hour for
Developing self  Instructors, performance, cardio and
motivated Doing Yoga actual activity Sound system:
care plan Students circulatory health. This will also
help to maintain a balance
metabolism to our body.
 To enhance knowledge and
skills TOTAL:Php800.00

 To know the similarities of Tourfee:Php500

In this Exhibit activity the
different religion
 Licean  1 hour for participants will understand the
 To be aware of different Exhibit of Sound system:
Dimensions of Student, lecture different beliefs and religions of
religions different Php500.00
Religion Administrator individual person. Also they can
and staff appreciate everything in this world.
 To explore their beliefs and Snacks: Php500.00
knowledge about their religion

 To know the different rituals Miscellaneous

expenses: Php200.00
The participants will now have
Practices of  To Understand the value of  Students/  1hour and
better self-understanding on
different Rituals their beliefs Film Viewing Participants 30mins per Snacks:
different Rituals/Ceremony. It also
and Ceremony  To provide chances for student session. Php100.00
help them to realize the real value
learning of different rituals.
 To spread knowledge about
The participants should be
 Adolescents/ Venue: Php200 enlightened on how important is it
 To deepen the relationship to
The religious Students to be knowledgeable with our own
our creator Seminars
beliefs Snacks: Php500 religion, in doing this seminar it
 2hours in a day
 Facilitators gives hope and enlightenment to
 To provide chances for people the problem.
to minimize depression

Professional fee for

 To express feeling and  Professional
the speaker:
emotions speaker
Php500.00 The participants will be more
aware concerning the important of
Spirituality  To give information about the  Students
Symposium 2 hours spiritual to our also helps us
important important of spirit
Snacks: Php1,000.00 to be connected by God. In doing
 Teachers these we can create a good
 To be able to explore different relationship to our creator.

In doing yoga it helps them to develop their feeling and to feel better. Exhibit of different Religions helps them to understand the different religions of every Filipino in our society.
They can also get an idea or knowledge about everything that is true. In film viewing it helps them to get more opportunities to showcase their knowledge and share it to each and
every one. In religious beliefs it helps people to understand how important religion is it. We also get any ideas or our belief in religion because its start in. Spirituality very important
to us people to know the important of it, it also the way that we can do things that God decided for us.

Understanding the self on Spiritual self on page (94)

Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever greater amounts. Consumerism is everything that connected to
the modern society’s idea that buying unnecessary or wanting more things make them feels good or satisfied like get the latest gadget, wear the trendiest clothes, etc. Now in this
topic we will be able to learn and practice to avoid consumerism.

This activity plan is on the subject of Managing Consumerism. Various information are acquired from books and online sources to satisfy the given data. In which the
activities includes the involvement of students, teachers and various professionals to be able to conduct the activities presented. Specific objectives, time frame, budget and the
expected outcome is also presented in order to have a more detailed information as a reference for the future conduct of the activities.

1. To provide better protection for the consumer
2. To give awareness to all consumers
3. To make consumers wise with their decisions.

Action Plan Summary

Activities/ Persons Expected Outcome/

Topic Objectives Time Frame Budget
Strategies Involved Result

 To be able to defend their self from unwanted

external pressures and be aware of how Venue fee: The student will be able to
consumerism control our life Php500.00 practice the proper ways
 1 hour a
A good practices to control consumerism
day/ once
to control  To educate the consumers about their rights and Seminars  Adolescents Sound system: and also they become
a month
consumerism responsibility as buyers and sellers, as well as Php300.00 more responsible of what
what factors to consider when making decision. they are doing.
Food : Php500.00
 To make them understand their weaknesses

 To be able to know how to monitor all our  30 min In this strategy people will
How to spend
expense Planning  Students ahead know how to budget their
money wisely
 To know how to improve our standards of living money wisely.

 To be able to avoid impulse purchases.

Venue fee :
 To spread how consumerism affect our lives.
The effect of  3hour and Php1,000.00 The participants will now
 To understand the negative effects of Seminar/  Consumers
consumerism to 30mins per learn, understanding on
consumerism Orientation
our life session. Materials how to live their lives
 To guide consumers on their daily lives. Php500.00 properly.

Projector fee
 To spread awareness on how consumerism The students/ facilitator
control our lives  2hours in will have the opportunities
Raising Posting Venue: Php200
 Students the to share their knowledge
consumer awareness
 To give them understanding of raising morning, 2 to everyone. Also it will
awareness on on social Snacks: Php200
consumerism  Facilitators hours in guide them to live in this
consumerism media.
the world happy and
 To provide information about consumerism afternoon) peacefull.
Professional fee
for the speaker:
 Professiona The participants will be
 To help them to understand l speaker more aware concerning
The influence of the advertisement to the
Symposiu Php500.00
advertisement to  To educate them in doing an related to their  Students consumers buying
m for
the consumers daily wants 3 hours behaviour, it also helps
influencing Snacks:
buying  Teachers them to be more
consumers Php1,500.00
behaviour.  To help them determine and choose reliable knowledgeable and
reason why they need to buy.  Facilitator/ Sound System:
understand what they
organizers want to in life.
Consumerism is consuming us by making us buying material things that we don’t need. It makes as less independent and more lazy in which it is not only affects our
thinking process, therefore we should make a wise decision when we spend our money. We should think about it first what really we want to buy and how we want to live with it,
and also it takes time to measure our unnecessary and necessary need when it come to our materialistic life, a wise consumer knows everything to avoid it.

UTS Book the material/Economic self on page 88.
(Sassatelli, R, 2007, p.3.). Slater ( 1997)

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