Newfie Mittens: Pattern Notes

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Pattern Notes

Size: Adult hands, but see notes at the

end to modify for children.


 2 colours of worsted weight yarn –

preferably a light and a dark

 Set of five 4mm double pointed

needles or 4mm circular needles

 Stitch holder or large safety pin or

even some scrap yarn

Pattern 1: *k4, sl2* repeat to end of row

Pattern 2: k1, sl2, *k4, sl2* repeat to

last 3 stitches, k3

Notes: Slip slipped stitches purl-wise.

Directions: Decrease:
With colour A, cast on 40 sts. Rib in K2, P2 for 3 inches increas- Row 1: *K4, K2tog* repeat
ing to 42 sts on the last round. Do not cut off colour A. Row 2: *K3, K2tog* repeat
Row 3: *K2, K2tog* repeat
Join colour B and work 5 rounds of Pattern 1. Purl 2 rounds with Row 4: *K1, K2tog* repeat
colour A. Row 5: * K2tog* repeat
Draw up stitches and fasten off.
With colour B, work 5 rounds of Pattern 2, and purl 2 rounds with
colour A. Thumb:
Slip 6 stitches from holder, pick up and knit 8 more stitches (14
With colour B, work 5 rounds of Pattern 1, and purl 2 rounds with
sts). Divide on three dpns. Work in stockinette stitch 2 ¼ inches
colour A.
or until desired length.
With colour B, work 5 rounds of Pattern 2, and purl 1 round with To decrease:
colour A. Row 1 *K2, K2tog* repeat
Row 2 *K2tog* repeat
Next round (Thumb): P3, slip next 6 sts to a holder, cast on 6 sts,
Draw up stitches and fasten off. ENJOY!!
and complete purl round.

Continue working until 7 more patterns are complete – alternating For child’s mitten – Cast on 30 sts. Work thumb on 2nd purl row
Pattern 1 and Pattern 2 with 2 purl rows of colour A after each of Pattern 2, and work 4 more patterns for hand. 12 sts for
pattern. thumb..

November 2013 Newfie Mittens

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