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1. Full name of the company:” Cognizant”

2. Company logo and website:

3. About company: ( Brief description)

 Cognizant is an American multinational corporation that provides IT
services, including digital, technology, consulting and operations
4. Vision and Mission:
 Mission: Cognizant's single-minded mission is to dedicate our
business process and technology innovation know-how, deep
industry expertise and worldwide resources to working together
with clients to make their businesses stronger.
5. Leadership including the founders:
 Brian Humphires-CEO
6. Company’s financial health including revenue of the company:
(Recent one)
 Company’s Net income is $2.10 billion.
 Total equity is $11.42 billion.
7. Culture/Vision /Mission / Values of the company:
 Transparency
 Passion
 Empowerment
 Collaboration
 Integrity
 Customer Focus
8. Company Headquarter including branch locations:
 Headquarter-Teaneck, New Jersey, U.S
9. No. of Employees:
 There are nearly 2,89,900 employees.
10. Number of clients and names of important ones:
 There are many clients, predominantly clients are based out of US and
some of them which are major are Burger king, Credit Suisse, Wells
11. Recent Products and services offered:
 Cognizant provides information technology, information security,
consulting, ITO and BPO services.
12. Useful Facts of the company:
 DBSS was renamed as Cognizant in 1997
 Cognizant was the first American company to ring the NASDAQ(Nasdaq
Stock Market)
13. Competitors:
 HCL Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services.
14. New Technology/ areas company is expanding into:
 Cognizant to invest over $200 million in India Infrastructure Expansion.

15. Public or private and their stock prices in share market:

 The value of share price is 61.88 USD

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