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QUALITATIVE RESEARCH harmonize with student

Analyze after you observe cultural concerns such as dorm

life, dining patterns, preferred
o Term for a wide variety of approaches to and methods for friendships, attitude towards
the study of natural social life classes and scheduling
(current trends in society, perception) You will meet people who think alike but they are still completely
different because of how they are brought up – subculture
o Information/ data is collected and analyzed
o Primarily but not exclusively non quantitative in 2) Grounded Theory
character consisting of textual materials such as: - methodology of meticulously analyzing qualitative in
order to understand human processes and construct
- Interview transcripts theory
- Fieldnotes
- Documents That is, theory grounded in the data
- Visual materials : artifacts, photographs, video or constructed “ from the ground up “
recording, internet sites
That document human experiences ofothers &/or one’s - originated from mid-1960s
self in social action & reflective states Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss
(what is happening in society supported by research) (studied illness and dying)

o QUALITATIVE vs QUANTITATIVE - analytic process of constantly changing small data

And why it’s not exclusively non quantitative units primarily but not exclusively collected from
Document the social Document the social interviews
phenomenon first phenomenon first Analyze the data
Then find the correlation through a series of cumulative coding cycles to
between the phenomenon achieve abstraction and a range of dimensions to the
and variable
emergent categories’ properties
Even just 1 respondent is A sample size is required
information data - works toward achieving a core/central category that
conceptually represents what the study is all about
o GENRES - the core/central category becomes the foundation for
1. Ethnography generating a theory about the processes observed
 Observation and documentation of social life in
order to render an account of a group’s theory – dapat marerelate sa social behavior
 Refers to both the process of long-term discrimination
fieldwork and the final (most often) written - how do you prove this?
product - Can be observed through smaller units
 ORIGINALLY – method of anthropologists 1. Denial, alienation, deprivation of something
studying foreign people’s culture??___ Understand the data bcs denial doesn’t equate to
 NOW - multidisciplinary in its applications to descrimination
explore cultures in classrooms, urban street Behaviors can exist once you dictate it’s a behavior
sellers, business, organizations, etc Opinions are opinions unless you make them facts
 Fredrick Erickson’s 1997 analogy
i. Culture is knowledge that is 3) Phenomenology
learned and shared
ii. People use it to generate behavior & - study of the nature and meaning of things – a
phenomenon’s essence and essentials that
interpret experiences diff. b4 n now
determine what it is
iii. Culture is knowledge, language,
values, ___, and material objects that
- genre’s roots lie in the philosophy’s early
are passes from person to person or
hermeneutic analysis, or the interpretation of texts
group to group
iv. Research difficult conditions (and for core meanings
their “ software updates “ of a
- Today, a research approach that focuses on concepts,
peoples ways of living
events, or the lived experiences of humas
Ex. Abm business-minded
v. 2005 – researched about an - Experience : grocery shopping to getting marries
undergraduate’s life when she lived Why do women go to the groceries more often
on camapus
K-12 Curriculum a
1. Provided a detailed framework
(based on what it is)
on student culture
2. Documents how a university’s (focus on phenomenon)
mission and goals does not Notebook is a requirement
Grasps – paper + 10 weeks b4 paper

- Focuses on a single unit for analysis – one person, one

group, one event, one organization and so on.

- The genre serves as a reasonably manageable

holistic project for novices to qualitative research to
learn basic methods of fieldwork, data collection, and

- Not necessarily to develop an argument for how the

single case represents or reflects comparable individual
or sites

- Unlike studies that research a large number of settings

or participants to gather a broader and more
representative spectrum of perspectives, the case study
in and of itself is valued as a unit that permits in-depth

You study something in depth then the results will represent it as


i. Nature
ii. Statement of the problem/ title 1
iii. RRL 1 - b4 xmas party
iv. Methodology 2 -
v. Results and Discussion 3
vi. Research Defense jan-feb

Research title n 3 questions

Correlat ion between chronic fatigue syndrome and stress through a
case study on cfs affected students

Case study on students with chronic fatigue syndrome trigerred by

1. Are they directly or indirectly related? How?
2. How many Setonians are affected by cfs?
3. Is stress a contributing factor?
4. How is chronic laziness different from chronic fatigue?
5. How can we change the education system in such a way that
it will address the needs of students with cfs?
6. Physical and mental health vice versa effect

(Either change the findings or we change the title)

Written 25
Perf task 50
Term exam 25

Think in english

Sit in front when in college

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