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Class Test Solution (Surveying) 13-04-2019

Answer key

1. (a) 16. (c) 31. (c) 46. (d) 61. (b)

2. (a) 17. (c) 32. (d) 47. (c) 62. (b)

3. (b) 18. (c) 33. (d) 48. (a) 63. (d)

4. (b) 19. (a) 34. (a) 49. (b) 64. (a)

5. (a) 20. (b) 35. (a) 50. (b) 65. (c)

6. (d) 21. (d) 36. (b) 51. (a) 66. (a)

7. (c) 22. (a) 37. (c) 52. (c) 67. (a)

8. (c) 23. (a) 38. (a) 53. (c) 68. (d)

9. (d) 24. (d) 39. (a) 54. (d) 69. (a)

10. (c) 25. (c) 40. (b) 55. (c) 70. (a)

11. (b) 26. (d) 41. (b) 56. (b) 71. (b)

12. (c) 27. (d) 42. (d) 57. (a) 72. (b)

13. (c) 28. (c) 43. (b) 58. (d) 73. (a)

14. (c) 29. (a) 44. (c) 59. (c) 74. (a)

15. (a) 30. (d) 45. (c) 60. (d) 75. (a)
1. (a) Topographical survey is done to determine Actual area = (shrunk scale)2 × measured area
information about man made and natural = 104 m2
features on earth surface including their
elevations. 6. (d)

Reconnaissance survey is a kind of The main principle of surveying is to work

preliminary survey which is performed to from whole to part because by working whole
find out method of survey to be adopted to part errors are minimised or localized.
and its rough cost. 7. (c) Prism square is based on the same principle
Cadastral survey is done to establish as the optical square and is used in same
property boundaries. manner. It has an advantage over the
optical square in that no adjustment is
Archaeological survey is done to collect required, since the angle between the
information about old and relic structures. reflecting surfaces of prism is kept fixed.
2. (a) 8. (c)

3. (b) 9. (d)
Errors while working from whole to part Maximum length of an offset depends on:
are localised where as while working from

part to whole are expanded. (i) scale of plotting
(ii) nature of ground
Map area 1cm2
4. (b) Scale =
Ground area


16 1010 cm2 T
10. (c)
(iii) accuracy desired

Actual distance =
Measured distance
Nominal length of chain
Scale =
400000 cm × Actual length of chain
1 Actual length of chain = 30 – 0.1 = 29.90 m
Scale =
5. (a) Actual area of survey  Actual distance =  29.90 = 299.0 m

 Actual scale 
=   Actual tape length
 Reduced scale  11. (b) Actual length =
Nominal tape length

× Measured plan area × (scale)2 measured length

2 2 For chaining from 0 m – 2000 m
 10   10 m 

=    81   
 9  1cm  20.0  20.10
Average nominal tape length =
2 2 2
 10   1000 

=    81    = 20.05
 9   1 
= 108 cm2 20.05
 Actual length,L1 =  2000
= 104 m2 20
= 2005 m
= 10000 m2
For chaining from 2000 m – 4000 m
Alternate solution
20.10  20.18
9 1 Average nominal tape length =
Shrunk scale =  2
10 1000
= 20.14 m

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20.14 16. (c) Magnetic Declination,  = 2E
Actual length, L2 =  2000
Magnetic F.B of AB = N 79°50'E  79°50
= 2014 m
To find local attraction at Stn A
 True distance = L1 + L2
As Stn O is free from local attraction
= 2005 + 2014
Hence F.B of OA will be correct
= 4019 m
12. (c) Correction for temperature per tape length Correct F.B of OA = N 50°20W  30940
CT = L × (Tm – T0) ×   Correct B.B of OA= 129°40'
CT = 50 × (30 – 20) × 10–6  Obs F.B of AO = Obs B.B of OA
CT = 0.0005 m = S52° 40'E = 127°20'
13. (c) Error = M.V – T.V
If CP is the correction for pull, we have = 127°20' – 129°40'

(P  P0 ) L = – 2°20'
CP =
AE Correction = + 2°20'

Local attraction @ Stn A= 220  220 E
P = Pull applied during measurement (N)
 Magnetic F.B of AB = N 79°50'E
P0 = Standard pull (N)
L = Measured length (m)
T  = 2E, L.A = 2°20'E
A = Cross-sectional area of the tape (cm2)  T.B of F.B of AB=N 79°50' E + 2° + 2° 20'=
N84° 10'E
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity (N/cm2)
17. (c) In quadrantal bearing system bearing of line
Here L = 1500 m, P0 = 100 N, P = 150 N
varies from 0° to 90°.
(150  100) 1500 50  1500 18. (c)
 CP = 

14. (c) MN TN
5° 60º
W E 210º

5° 45° D
B  AB||DC

TS S  bearing of line DC is 30º

True bearing of line  bearing of CD = 30º + 180º = 210º
AB = Magnetic bearing + declination 19. (a) An aluminium ring, graduated to degrees
= S45° E + 5° and half degrees is attached to the needle.
= S50°E 20. (b)
15. (a) Magnetic bearing = True bearing + west Q

= 34°2040 + 2°020 129º30

= 36°210 59º

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Line FB BB compass. However, it can be done
PQ 59º0 239º0 simultaneously in a prismatic compass.

QR 129º30 309º30 27. (d)

 PQR = –FB of line QR + BB of PQ Dirunal variation: Dirunal variation is

the variation of magnetic declination over a
= –129º30’ + 239º0’ = + 109º30’ period of day. It is caused due to rotation of
(interior included angle) earth about its own axis.
21. (d) Annual variation: yearly variation due to
revolution of earth about sun.
Included angles = Bearing of previous line –
Bearing of next line Secular variation: It appears to be of
periodic character and follows a sine curve
A = Bearing of AE – Bearing of AB pattern. Secular change from year to year
= (300º – 180º) – 60º30' = 59º30' is not uniform for any given locality and is
different for different places. Its period is

E = Bearing of ED – Bearing of EA
approximately 250 years for a given place,
= (205º30' – 180º) – 300° + 360° the compass needle after moving continously
for a period of years in one direction with

E = 85º30'
respect to the true north gradually comes
22. (a) to a standstill and then begins to move in
23. (a) Contour is a imaginary line joining the points
of same elevation on the earth surface.
Line of sight is the line joining optical center
T opposite direction.
Irregular variation: It is due to what is
known as magnetic storms, earthquakes
of objective and point of intersection of cross and other solar influences. They may occur
hair. When line of sight comes in plane of at any time and can not be predicted.
collimation it is called as line of collimation.
28. (c)
Tie stations are stations on main survey The size of theodolite is defined by the size
lines and line joining these tie stations as of its lower graduated circle not by vertical

called as Tie line. circle.

Magnetic meridian is the line joining 29. (a)
magnetic north and magnetic south.
30. (d)
24. (d) Reconnaissance is preliminary inspection of
the area to be surveyed to have some idea Here the vernier has been so constructed

of the terrain and the principal features of that (n – 1) divisions on the main scale are
the grounds. During this, surveyor equal in length of n divisions of the vernier.
thoroughly examines the ground and then Let s = value of one smallest division on

decides upon the best possible arrangement main scale

of triangles. v = Value of one smallest division on the
25. (c) A and B are free from local attraction. verniers
Correction of station DE = 1° 15 n = Number of divisions on the vernier
 Correct F.B of DE = 208° 1° 15 Since a length of (n – 1) divisions of main
= 209° 15 scale is equal to n divisions of vernier, we
26. (d) The graduations have 0° at N and S and
90° at E and W. Sighting and reading cannot  n 1 
nv = (n – 1) s  v =  s
be done simultaneously in a surveyor  n 

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n 1 s 1. L  0
 Least count = s – v = s  , s=
n n 2. D  0

360 36. (b)

 S =  3600 
1080 Angular value of 1 div. (sensitivity) =
360 3600 S
  206265 *
and least count (LC) = = 20 nD
1080 60
31. (c) 0.08
=  206265 = 41.25sec.
5  80
The latitude is considered as negative when
37. (c)
reckoned southward.
Radius of curvature of the bubble tube
32. (d)
= R =
A s

5  2  103  100
=  20m
C 0.05

Length AC
n = 5
2 2 d = 2 mm

= 200
100    100    200  200 

T L = 100 m
s = 0.05 m
33. (d) Methods commonly used in reconnaissance
surveying for measurement of horizontal 38. (a)
distance are Pacing, Passometer, Pedometer, The correction due to curvature of earth
Odometer, Measuring wheel, speedometer, and the refraction can be combined into one
Perambulator etc. composite correction.

34. (a) Main triangulation station are control point C = – 0.0673d2 Where d is in km C is in
of triangular network, they command the m.
boundary of the area to be surveyed.
 C = 0.0673 × 12
Subsidiary observations are provided to = 0.0673
locate interior details of area to be surveyed.
39. (a) Correction for curvature is always

Sometimes it becomes difficult to setup the subtractive

instrument at the triangulation station then
Curvature correction BC = 0.0785 D2
a satellite is selected near the main station

as an instrument station. Observation are = T.V at B

taken to other stations from this station. – M.V at C
These are also called as false station or
A Horizontal line
eccentric station. C
Pivot stations are points not for observation L e ve l
but for continuation of triangulation B
35. (a) where D = Horizontal distance between A
and B
In a closed traverse, if the survey is error

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40. (b) By balancing the distances of fore sight and D = 100 × (2.830 –1.726)+0.4
back sight error due to curvature, error due D = 110.8 m
to refraction and error due to inclination of
line of collimation can be eliminated. 48. (a) Additive constant lies in the range of 0.25 –
41. (b) Combined correction, C = 0.0673 d2
Size of photograph
where C  meter, d  km 49. (b) Actual area covered = ×
C = 0.0673 × 1.42 (1 – PS)(1 – PL)
C = 0.132 m 20  20
Actual area = 2
 (1  0.60)  (1  0.30)
42. (d) As a check on the arithmetic involved in  1 
 
reducing the levels, the back-sights and  200 
foresights and the rises and falls must be = 4.48 × 106 m2  4.48 km2
summed up. The checks are then:
50. (b)
 (Backsights) –  (Foresights) =  Rises

F 20 1
–  (Falls) = Last RL – first RL 51. (a) Scale =  
H  h 1500  500 50
This check also takes into account 52. (c)

intermediate sight.
43. (b) 53. (c) A = r
44. (c)
1. In reciprocal levelling the error which is
not completely eliminated in due to parallex
T dA = 2r dr  2 80  

= + 12.56 m2.
2. The levelling work is best checked by close 54. (d)
loop check.
For 2  R angle at the centre is = 360º
45. (c) In case of inverted staff
RL of R = Height of instrument + FS for 120 m arch =  (120)

= (RL of benchmark+BS) + FS
= 155.305 + 1.5 + 0.575 Dº =  (120)
= 157.38 m 120m

46. (d) Reciprocal levelling eliminate following


(i) Error due to earth’s curvature.

(ii) Error due to refraction.

(iii) Error due to collimation.

Reciprocal levelling does not eliminate error
due to parallax or error due to improper
centering of instrument.
47. (c) According to principal of stadia method if
D/2 D/2
line of sight is horizontal and staff is held
vertical then horizontal distance between
vertical axis of instrument and staff station
is given by tacheometric distance equation. 6879
R = m
D = kS + c D
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55. (c) The length of the full chord is selected such 61. (b) Simpson’s one-third rule assumes that for
that there is no appreciable difference an irregular area, the boundaries between
between the arc length and the chord length two adjacent offsets are parabolic.
between two consecutive pegs. 62. (b) Area between survey line and the hedge by
For the error to be with in the limit of 1 in trapezoidal method
10,000 the length of the full chord should
36   6  4.5 
be limited to R/20 A =   4  5.5  5   5    4   10
 2   2 
56. (b) Radial offsets from tangent requires
A = 187.5m2
reference of center of curve for setting out
a simple circular curve by linear methods. 63. (d)
x 64. (a)
Lehmann’s method or Trial and error
method in the field is used to find out the
R position of the station of a plane table.

65. (c) For prismoidal rule we need 3 offsets so we
R are required to take the area at the mid

section of the tank which will be calculated
O by taking the product of average of length
and width of top and bottom of tank.
57. (a)
Last sub chord = 2303.39 – 2300 = 3.39 m
T A1 = 6 × 4 = 24 m2
A2 = 4 × 2 = 8 m2
58. (d) Difference between longitude of local place
64 42
and standard meridian Am =    = 15 m2
 2   2 
= 90°40 E – 82° 30  E = 8° 10 d
V =  A  A 2  4(Am )
3 1
As we move towards east from standard
meridian there is gain in time. 3

24  8  4  15  92 m3
V =
We know, 3
 1° = 4 min 66. (a) Whole circle bearing of a line is angle
measured in the clockwise direction from
 8 10 = 32 min 40 s the north end of the reference meridian.
So local time, In Quadrantal bearing system bearing of

= 6 h 30 min + 32 min 40 s a lin e i s measu r ed c loc kw ise or

antic lockwise from north or south,
= 7 h 2 min 40 s

whichever is nearer to the line.

59. (c) The difference between mean and apparent
WCB is simple to measure and its value
solar time comes out to very close to zero
ranges from 0° – 360°. Hence it is
which is called as Equation of time.
preferred over quadrantal bearing system.
60. (d) Sidereal year is the time required by the
67. (a)
sun to make a complete circuit of the ecliptic,
with reference to a star on the ecliptic The direction of survey line can either be
having no proper motion. Time interval established
between two successive vernal equinox is (i) With relation to each other or
tropical year.
(ii) With relation to any median. The first

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will give the angle between two lines. While 70. (a)
the second will give the bearing of the line. The line of collimation of a theodolite must
68. (d) be perpendicular to the horizontal axis at
69.(a) its intersection with the vertical axis if this
condition exists, the line of sight will
The direction of a survey line can either generate a vertical plane when the telescope
be established (i) with relation to each is rotated about the horizontal axis.
other or (ii) with relation to any median.
The first will give the angle between two If the line of sight is not perpendicular to
lines while the second will give the the truunion axis of the telescope; it will
bearing of the line. not revolve in a plane when the telescope is
raised or lowered but instead, it will trace
Bearing out the surface of cone.
Bearing of a line is its direction relative 71. (b) An error will occur if the clamp screws are
to a given median. A meridian is any not properly tightened. The magnitude of

direction such as (i) True meridian (ii) error will depend upon the slip. The error
M ag netic meridian (iii) Ar rbitr ar y can be avoided by properly tightening the
meridian screws.

(i) True meridian: True meridian through a The slip also occurs when the shifting
point is the line in which a plane passing head is not properly tightened or when
that point and the north and south poles,
intersects with surface of the earth. It
thus, passes through the true north and
T instrument is not properly fixed to the
tripod head.
72. (b) Triangulation stations to which observations
south. The direction of true meridian
through a point can be established by are required to be taken should be
astronomical observations. intervisible and stations should form well
conditioned triangles. In general no angle
True bearing: True bearing of a line is should be less than 30º or more than 120º.
the horizontal angle which it makes with
the true meridian through one of the To define exact position of a triangulation

extremities of the line. Since the direction station so that it can be observed from other
of true meridian through a point remains stations, signals are used. It should be
fixed, the true bearing of a line in a conspicuous and clearly visible over ground.
constant quantity. It should be accurately centered over the
(ii) Magnetic meridian : Magnetic meridian station mark.

through a point in the direction shown by 73. (a) For long sights curvature correction must
a freely floating and balanced magnetic be applied because due to curvature of earth,
needle free from all other attractive forces. line of collimation differs from the level line.

The direction of magnetic meridian can It is tangential to level line.

be established with the help of a magnetic 74. (a)
75. (a) The height of instrument method is more
(iii) Arbitary meridian : Arbitary meridian is rapid less tedious and simple. However, since
any convenient direction towards a the check on the calculation for intermediate
permanent and prominent mark or signal, sights is not available the mistakes in their
such as church spire or top of a chimney level pass unnoticed. The rise and fall
such meridians are used to determine the method through more tedious, provide a full
relative positions of lines in a small area. check in calculation for all sight.

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