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To find the effect of different types of
electromagnetic waves on
germination of seeds

Name - Ayush Kanojia

Class - XII ‘A'
Roll number -
1 .Certificate
3. Experiment
a. Aim
b. Theory
c. Procedure
d. Observations
e. Conclusion
4. Bibliography

​This is to certify that Ayush Kanojia of
class XII –A has done his Biology
investigatory project on the topic “ To find
the effect of different types of
electromagnetic radiations such as
microwaves and radio waves on the
germination of seeds” and has hence
completed it successfully.

Dr. Sujata Yadav

Biology teacher
Navyug school Peshwa Road

I would like to thank my teacher, Dr. Sujata
Yadav for the tremendous help and support
that she has given me in making this
project. I would also like to thank my friends
and other teachers as well as family
members who have given me valuable
suggestions in making this project.

Ayush Kanojia

Aim: To find the effect of different types of electromagnetic
radiations such as microwaves and radio waves on the
germination of seeds.
Theory: Germination is the budding of a seed after it has been
planted in soil and remained dormant for a certain period of time.
For plants and fruits that reproduce throngh seeds and pollen. the
seeds eventually grow into young plants through the process of
seed germination. ' The essential criteria for seed germination is
water. suitable temperature and good location. In addition to that.
they require oxygen and light for growth and development. The
inside of a plant seed has three main parts: the embryo is the
baby plant. the endosperm is food for the baby plant, and the
cotyledon(s). which look like leaves and contain the endosperm.
All of the parts of the baby plant are enclosed and protected by a
special covering called the seed coat. The seed coat protects the
baby plant embryo from many different conditions. some of these
conditions can be: drying out, freezing temperatures. heat.
radiation. or acidity. Some seeds take a very long time to
germinate. while others germinate very quickly. For this
experiment. we have chosen radish seeds. which germinate very
quickly in 3 to 5 days
The seed coat protects the baby plant embryo from many different
conditions. some of these conditions can be: drying out, freezing
temperatures. heat. radiation. or acidity. Some seeds take a very
long time to germinate. while others germinate very quickly. For
this experiment. we have chosen radish seeds. which germinate
very quickly in 3 to 5 days. The germination stage ends when a
shoot emerges from the soil. When the seed is exposed through
proper conditions. water and oxygen are taken through the seed
coat. There are many ways by which seeds cannot germinate
properly. This can be luck of water. non ideal temperature and pH
of soil. low supply of light and oxygen etc...
Plants use energy from the sun to grow and make food in their
leaves. Some of the sun's energy is in the form of ultraviolet
radiation. sometimes called UV rays. The UV radiation from the
sun is one kind of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic
radiation is also produced by many household appliances. like
radios, cell phones, televisions. and your microwave. When we
use a microwave. the microwaves travel through our food.
causing the food to cook.
What is an electromagnetic radiation? It is a kind of radiation
including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays. and X-rays. in
which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously.
Electromagnetic waves are formed when an electric field
combines with a magnetic field. In 1873. James Maxwell came up
with the electromagnetic theory wherein:
• The force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges
is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.
• Magnetic poles come in pairs that attract and repel each
other, much as electric charges do.
• An current in a wire produces a magnetic field whose
direction depends on the direction of the current.
• A moving electric field produces a magnetic field. and vice
EM radiation spans an enormous range of wavelengths
and frequencies. This is known as the electromagnetic
spectrum. The EM spectrum is generally divided into
seven regions. in order 0f decreasing wavelength and
increasing energy and frequency. These are radio waves,
microwaves, infra red waves, visible region. ultraviolet, x
rays and gamma rays.
In this experiment. the effect of microwaves and radio
waves on seed germination will be noted.
Microwaves are an electromagnetic wave with a
wavelength in the range 0.001-03 m. shorter than that of a
normal radio wave but longer than those of infrared
radiation. As we all know, microwaves have many
applications. Microwaves cause water and fat molecules
to vibrate. which makes the substances hot. 80 we can
use microwaves to cook many types of food. Mobile
phones use microwaves. as they can be generated by a
small antenna. which means that the phone doesn't need
to be very big. Will also uses microwaves. Microwaves are
also used by fixed traffic speed cameras. and for radar.
which is used by aircraft. ships and weather forecasters.
An example of where radar is used is in an ambulance for
alerting during emergency situations.
Radio waves are an electromagnetic wave of a frequency
between about 104 and 1011 or 1012 Hz, as used for
long-distance Communication Radio waves have the
longest wavelengths in the EM Spectrum but the lowest
frequencies. Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell. who
developed a unified theory of electromagnetism in the
1870s, predicted the existence of radio waves. A few
years later, Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist. applied
Maxwell's theories to the production and reception of radio
waves. They are used in standard broadcast radio and
television, shortwave radio, navigation and air-traffic
control, cellular telephone, and even remote-controlled

Materials: microwave, radish seeds. Soil, napkins,

permanent marker, aluminium foil, tape, Wi-Fi modem.
telephone/mobile phone, Dropper, napkins, labels or
masking tape, microwave safe containers, hot mitt, spray
bottle, box or drawers and plastic cups.

A. For effect on seed germination by microwaves.
l. Using the ruler, cut out seven 20 cm x 16 cm rectangles
of aluminium foil.
2. Cut six rectangles of paper towel. l8 cm x l5 cm.
3. Make the labels for your experiment on the paper
towels: 0 seconds. 30 seconds. I minute. 2 minutes. 4
minutes. and 8 minutes.
4. Make creases in the paper towel pieces by folding them
into thirds. each 6 cm long.
5. Set a paper towel in the middle of one piece of
aluminium foil.
6. Using the spray bottle. spray the paper towel until all of
it is moist, but not dripping wet.
7. Make a line of about 10 radish seeds down the centre of
the paper towel.
8. Fold the foil around the paper towel.
9.Write “0 seconds" on a label and place it on the foil
packet. This will be your control group.
l0. Fill the coffee cup with water and place it in microwave.
This cup will absorb any excess energy caused by the
microwaving the seeds Don't forget this step!
11 . Put about l0 radish seeds into the dry microwave safe
l2. Set the timer for 15 seconds, make sure you have both
the radish cup and water cup inside, set the power to high,
and hit start.
13. After the seeds have been microwaved, remove them
and place them on another paper towel bed and foil. Label
with the 15 seconds label.
14. Dump out the water in the cup and put in new cool
15. Repeat the procedure microwaving radish seeds for 30
seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes and 8 minutes.
16. Place the foil packets in a box or drawer.
17. Check the 0 seconds packet for germination after two
to three days. If no seeds have started sprouting, rewrap
and check again every day until its germination
B. For effect on seed germination by Radio waves.
1.In a cup, put sufficient amount of soil and carefully plant
a maize seed in there.
2.bel the cup with a suitable title and place it near a source
of radio waves such as the Wi-Fi modem.
3. For the next 15 to 20 days, water the plant regularly
with sufficient amount of water with the help of a spray
4. Repeat the same experiment simultaneously in another
plastic cup for telephone or mobile phone radio waves.
5. Note down the observations.

At first, growth was seen exponentially in radish and
maize. they grew a lot within a week's time while
their germination takes about 2 weeks. Watermelon
showed good growth in the Wi-Fi cable set up but
was a bit short in the telephone cable set up. Also.
the tomato did not grow in the telephone and Wi-Fi
router set up. It showed small growth of 1.5 cm for
the control. After the duration. of experiment. the
plants had withered and died. This experiment
proves that radio waves allow growth to a certain
point after which the plant starts to feel the negative
effects of radio waves.
From the observations we can see that maize plant
shows the most growth despite its seeds being
microwaved. Radish follows next .Watermelon
shows growth of5cm and tomato shows no growth.
Observation table showing height of
coleoptile/coleorhiza in cm for radio waves

Plant Control Telephone Wi-Fi


Observation table showing height of

coleoptile/coleorhiza in cm for microwave​.

Plant Control Microwaved



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