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AGENDA – I .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Disec: An Overview .........................................................................................................................................................................................4

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................4

Background .....................................................................................................................................................................................................4

Current situation .............................................................................................................................................................................................5

Connections to defense industry ................................................................................................................................................................6

Violations till date ...........................................................................................................................................................................................6

Individual responsibility ..............................................................................................................................................................................6

State responsibility .....................................................................................................................................................................................7

Combatants ................................................................................................................................................................................................7

Claims by the media/Events/Incidents .......................................................................................................................................................7

Trophy video ...............................................................................................................................................................................................7

The Case Of Jamie Leigh Jones .................................................................................................................................................................8

Abuses by certain nations ..............................................................................................................................................................................8

A Private Army Guards US Officials ............................................................................................................................................................8

Discount Soldiers ........................................................................................................................................................................................8

Actions taken by the council ..........................................................................................................................................................................8

Response from the international community .................................................................................................................................................8

Questions A Resolution Must Answer ..........................................................................................................................................................10

References ....................................................................................................................................................................................................10

AGENDA - II .......................................................................................................................................................................................................11

History Of Arms Trafficking In The World .....................................................................................................................................................11

Early European domination of the trade ...................................................................................................................................................11

The Persian Gulf and Middle East .............................................................................................................................................................11

The Nature Of Weapons ............................................................................................................................................................................12

Syria And The Civil War.............................................................................................................................................................................12

Current Situation In Syria .............................................................................................................................................................................12

Arms Trafficking In Syria: Violations Till Date ..............................................................................................................................................13

Actions Taken By The Council ......................................................................................................................................................................13

Response From International Community ....................................................................................................................................................14

China .........................................................................................................................................................................................................14

The Russian Federation ............................................................................................................................................................................14

The United States of America ...................................................................................................................................................................14

The United Kingdom .................................................................................................................................................................................14

Saudi Arabia .............................................................................................................................................................................................14

Iran ............................................................................................................................................................................................................14

Germany ...................................................................................................................................................................................................14
India ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................15

United Arab Emirates ................................................................................................................................................................................15

Turkey .......................................................................................................................................................................................................15

Questions A Resolution Must Answer..........................................................................................................................................................16

References ....................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Steps To Disarm PMSCS (Private Military &Security Services) And Tackle Privatisation Of War

International Criminal Court, significant steps were taken to

ensure that perpetrators of such heinous crimes would have to
The First Committee (DISEC) seeks to deal primarily with
disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect expect to be brought to justice. Humanitarian efforts for
the international community and to deliberate upon solutions to refugees and other victims of internal and external armed
the challenges in the international security regime. conflicts nowadays are unparalleled in the history of mankind
All disarmament and international security matters are dealt with yet there is a reverse side of every medal. During the 20

within the scope of the United Nations Charter or relating to the century, technological progress led to the development of a new
powers and functions of any other organ of the United Nations.
generation of weaponry, containing the devastating potential to
The committee works in cooperation with the United Nations
destroy all human civilization on earth. The end of the cold war
Disarmament Commission and the Conference on Disarmament,
based in Geneva. appeared to put an end to the ever-existing threat of global
It is the only Main Committee of the General Assembly entitled to destruction as well. But with it new dangers emerged, new or
verbatim records coverage as according to Rule 58 (a) of the previously underestimated groups and entities began to alter the
rules of procedure of the General Assembly. {58(a) Verbatim design of armed conflict, again, ultimately pushing it to a new
records of the meetings of the General Assembly and of the limit.
Disarmament and International Security (First Committee) shall
be drawn up by the Secretariat and submitted to those organs
Among these groups, among terrorists, separatists, religious and
after approval by the presiding officer. The General Assembly
shall decide upon the form of the records of the meetings of the ethnic groups and other non- state actors have also been an
other Main Committees and, if any, of the subsidiary organs and increasing number of private contractors, used for various
of special meetings and conferences. No organ of the General purposes, including direct involvement in combat.
Assembly shall have both verbatim and summary records.
DISEC sessions are well structured and fall into three distinct
pre- defined stages:
The use of mercenaries to replace or reinforce a regular militia
 General Debate
has a long-standing tradition, dating back to ancient times. The
 Thematic Debate
Egyptian Pharaohs used foreign troops, recruited from Nubia and
 Action on drafts
other regions under Egyptian control. Later mercenary
contingents played an important role for the ancient Persian,
Greek and Roman forces. They were recruited or acquired in
“Today, the contractor issue is transnational, and requires a
various ways, in all parts of the respective empires and beyond.
transnational solution. Companies easily change headquarters,
The Romans for example mainly used Celtic or Germanic men,
names, and corporate forms. They recruit from around the world
which they continued to call “barbarians”, to secure the borders
and operate around the world. No one country can regulate this
and the very existence of the empire, especially during its last
business.“ – Faiza Patel, Chairwoman of the UN Working Group
few centuries. Earlier on the
on the use of mercenaries, 25 September 2012
Persians acquired Greek mercenaries for their wars against the
The face of war is changing, for the better and worse at the same
Greeks themselves, thereby not only using their abilities but also
time. Enormous progress has been made not only in drafting
weakening those of the enemy.
binding rules and regulations for armed conflicts, protecting
especially the most vulnerable groups affected by them, but also In medieval times, with a multitude of quasi-national entities in
in implementing such rules. With the creation of International Europe and continuously changing borders and affiliations,
Tribunals and other specialized courts, investigating and mercenaries continued to play a vital role in warfare. And they
prosecuting allegations of genocide, crimes against humanity continued to be recruited not only by their home country but also
and war crimes in Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone by foreign powers.
and Cambodia and with the establishment of a permanent
Among the numerous nationalities that provided contingents of to be covered by any national governments.
mercenaries, the Swiss stood out. Equipped with an enormous
reputation and quite contrary to today’s “Swiss neutrality”, they The tasks that private companies fulfil for and on behalf of
were employed by several European royal courts, armies and national governments or indeed other private companies are
other entities. Of these so called “Swiss Guards”, only one wide ranging. They are used in combat to support regular
remains on duty today, the Papal or Pontifical Swiss Guard, military units or work and fight in areas, which require
founded in 1509. specialized training and covert tactics. They secure buildings
such as embassies and protect diplomats and other dignitaries,
both at home and in some of the most dangerous areas in the

In recent years the issue of maritime piracy gained a lot more

media attention due to several incidents off the coast of
Somalia, but also in South East Asia and Western Africa. Ship
owners are nowadays advised to take steps, ensuring the
capability of their merchant ships to protect themselves from
pirate attacks. Many private security companies are used for
that purpose.

Private security companies also run an increasing number of

prisons, in their home country and abroad. Prisons, where
criminals are detained, but also camps and compounds where
With the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the global private
prisoners of war are held. Additionally there have been
military sector experienced a major upswing. The United States
accusations that they were also involved in running secret
Department of Defense but also the governments of several
prisons for suspected terrorists.
other nations began to work with an increasing number of
private companies for various purposes. In some cases even the It should be clarified that private military companies are not
United Nations themselves rely on the services of private mercenaries, either, although certain similarities cannot be
contractors. denied.

Private contractors are used in numerous areas, at the frontlines, In recent years large numbers of private contractors were
for protective and intelligence services and with pure recruited in Africa, some of them by parties to a conflict on the
administrative or logistical duties. While their use may cause continent itself, others by foreign powers to fight in other
serious problems and concerns there are also several important regions. It has been alleged that among those recruits are
aspects that, from the point of view of governments employing significant numbers of former child soldiers, whose previous
them, give them a real advantage over regular military or police experience but also emotional degradation appears to be quite
forces. appealing to contracting companies and governments. One of
the most notorious companies in the business was the South
The first and foremost argument is a significant cost reduction.
Africa based “Executive outcomes”, which ceased operating in
Military operations are enormously expensive. Private
companies have to work in a much more cost efficient way if
they want to be successful in their competitive market. The most recent report by the UN Monitoring Group on Somalia
and Eritrea revealed that a large number of foreign private
Another point is greater flexibility. Compared to regular military
military and security groups are active in war-torn Somalia as
with a strict command structure, they can act more freely and
well. Among these groups are African companies, but also
independently in exercising their tasks. Because of numerous
Lebanese and other Arab firms, some of which are closely
different specializations among the world’s private contractor
connected to American security firms. Their actions apparently
companies, governments can choose and alter, depending on the
constitute violations of the present arms embargo in an
nature of the task at hand, specifically the contractor that is
immensely unstable situation.
properly trained and prepared for their purposes. And again, the
cost argument plays its part, with the training costs not having
indispensable by civilized peoples.”
Several private military companies have certain economic
connections to the defense industry. While these connections As mentioned before, International Courts and Tribunals were set
ensure that they are adequately equipped for their duty, it has up to investigate and prosecute atrocities against the civilian
also been alleged, that they might contain a possible conflict of population. Domestic judiciary is also called upon to investigate
interests, contrary to the position of the national government. all crimes within its jurisdiction.
Even without such a connection, it cannot be denied that private
military firms profit largely from armed conflicts. In certain Several private military companies have been accused of serious
situations, they might have an interest to prolong an ongoing atrocities during the last years. Just one example is an incident
conflict. Since the government has only limited control over such that occurred on September 16, 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq. A convoy
forces, it cannot directly order them to cease their actions. The consisting of US state department vehicles with several
companies on the other hand might try to persuade the diplomats on board and guarded by personnel from private
government to refrain from signing a peace accord. security firm Blackwater, encountered a small car, driven by a
woman, that was slowly but steadily approaching the convoy.
While no report of such persuasion attempts has been made After shouts and a warning shot, the Blackwater security guards
public so far, this scenario is a most disturbing one, which has to opened fire on the car right in the Center of the Iraqi capital. This
be addressed by the Council as well. drew the attention of several Iraqi policemen and civilians. The
guards tried to clear the scene using stun grenades, but were
met with significant resistance and found themselves, according
to a US state department, in an increasingly threatening
It is a sad but undeniable fact that war without grave violations
situation. Several Blackwater guards opened fire at what they
of individual human rights is virtually unthinkable. But a
thought were potential attackers. They were horribly wrong. 17
consequence of that is also that parties involved in a conflict
people were shot and killed, 14 of which were unarmed civilians.
have to exercise utmost caution to protect human rights and
One guard continued to fire on civilians even after being called
especially the civilian population wherever possible. For this
and even commanded by his colleagues to stop firing. It was not
purpose, numerous documents were drafted and adopted by the
before a colleague pointed his own gun at the guardsman that he
several organs and specialized agencies of the UN and other
dropped his weapon.
organizations, arguably the most prominent being the Fourth
Geneva Convention. It clearly states in Article 3, common to all
This incident led to a deterioration of Iraqi-American relations.
four Conventions:
Blackwater’s license to operate in Iraq was suspended
temporarily. Five Blackwater employees were charged with
“Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members
manslaughter in the U.S.A. District court judge however later
of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed
dismissed all charges, because testimony against the accused
hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other
was allegedly gained under the promise of immunity.
cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any
adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex,
Human rights violations are also committed by members of
birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.”
regular armed forces and other government officials, but there is
one major difference, one question that arises when contractors
Some acts are explicitly prohibited, including:
of private companies are the perpetrators: who can be held
“a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds,
mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

b) taking of hostages;

Societies with a functioning judicial system tend to think about
c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and the concept of criminal justice in very simple ways. If a person
degrading treatment; commits a crime, a prosecutor, authorized by the state, will
investigate it and charge the person with the offense. He or she
d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions will then be brought to trial and sentenced by an impartial and
without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted competent court according to law. Afterwards the perpetrator
court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as will pay a fine or serve a prison sentence, and so justice is done.
personnel can be regarded as combatants and subsequently, if
Even more controversial and essential to the solution of this captured by a hostile party, as prisoners of war.
problem is the question of state responsibility. In the context of
our topic, this question is of special importance with regard to A person taking direct part in armed hostilities (combatant),
the issue of holding a state accountable for acts committed by while, among others, being a member of the armed forces of a
individuals acting on its behalf. So far all the numerous attempts party to the conflict, or a member of a militia under the
to modify and implement regulations concerning state command of the armed forces following a certain command
responsibility into international public law have merely led to the structure, is when captured considered to be a prisoner of war
formulation of so called “draft articles”, created by the (POW) and enjoys the protection of the Third Geneva Convention.
International Law Commission in 2001. Under these draft articles
its officials and organs can consider a state responsible for any The status of personnel of private military companies on duty in
action or omission. The same shall apply even if the official or armed conflicts as combatants and as a consequence as PoWs
organ is organized independently from the state and even if it is is disputed. They are neither regular soldiers, nor mercenaries or
in excess of its original powers. The consequence of state historically mainly foreign nationals seeking enlistment by other
responsibility for such an act would depend on the actual armed forces for the sole purpose of gaining profits, nor mere
international commitment that was violated by it. States would civilians taking up arms in a conflict.
be obliged to cease committing such acts and ensure full

Despite the provision that state responsibility also refers to

officials or organs independent from the state’s authorities, the
question whether private security companies are (or should be)
In 2005, a “trophy video” featuring presumably Scottish or Irish
included is subject to significant dispute. Private companies do
Men randomly Iraqi civilians was uploaded on a site that was
not necessarily exercise governmental or state authority. What
Unofficially affiliated with Aegis Defense Services—a private
they do is just the fulfillment of a contract with the government.
Military company that incidentally employs both Scots and
They have to be in no other relation to it. On the other hand,
Irishmen. The incident caused considerable outcry in news
official personnel before often made the services they undertake,
Media all over the world, and sparked dialogue about the state Of
working directly under the auspices of the government. When a
Iraqi defense. At that point, over 25,000 private security
private security firm protects a diplomatic mission or guards a
Contractors were stationed in the country. They were widely
prison, these are inherently tasks of the state authorities,
hated and had a reputation for abusing and even killing civilians
outsourced to private firms.
At the slightest provocation. None of them had ever been
State responsibility also calls for an effective control and brought to law, because the local law enforcement had been
oversight by the state. This matter is far from being resolved. As Specifically forbidden to prosecute them. Despite video footage,
mentioned before, the independence of private security this case was not an exception. Upon Carefully reviewing the
companies can be an advantage, but it can also create serious available material, US Army’s Criminal Investigation Division
and in fact grave problems. The state cannot simply command a eventually concluded that they are not going to press charges.
company to take specific action, as it would do with its own Meanwhile, Aegis Defense is keeping Its own internal
soldiers. It has to enter a contract with it and if the company investigations carefully under wraps. None of the incident’s
fails to fulfill its tasks, the state would have to cancel the investigative files have been released to the Public.
contract instead of just assigning the troops with another task
elsewhere. Another potential risk is that private security firms,
unlike regular military units, could go bankrupt in the middle of
an assignment, with wide-ranging consequences.

There is another aspect of this topic that appears to be an

essentially legal argument at first, but may have wide ranging
consequences. It is the question whether or not private military
employment in Iraq, guarding and escorting US officials and
performing other high-risk duties. As a company that works
closely with the military, some have dubbed them the “other
army” of the United States.

In 2007, Jamie Leigh Jones, an employee of private military

contractor Halliburton/KBR, claimed she was gang-raped by
several of her co-workers. This traumatic experience was just the
Defion Internacional has been able to hire their personnel withas
beginning of her struggles with the private military company. Her
little as US$1000 per month. The soldiers get lured into pmsc
employer then decided to cover up the incident by locking her in
because the average salary in a underdeveloped country like
a shipping container with no food or water for 24 hours.
Peru is $200.
This was followed with a warning: They’d immediately fire her if
she left Iraq to seek medical treatment
As such PMSCs are not subject to the “International Convention
against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of
Mercenaries” of 1989, adopted by the General Assembly as
Resolution 44/34.

Recent years have seen some significant efforts to deal with the
increasing importance of private military and security forces.
The government of Switzerland has been on the forefront of
these efforts and hosted a number of conferences and
international meetings to address this issue. Among the
outcomes of such meetings is the Montreux Document of 2008.
Developed by 17 nations, including for example the US, China,
France and the UK, but also Afghanistan and Iraq, under the
auspices of the Swiss federal government, the document defines
private military and security forces as follows:
Abroad Triple Canopy, like Defion Internacional, is known to
employ “‘PMSCs’ are private business entities that provide military
and/or security services, irrespective of how they describe
Discount South American soldiers. However, that’s just a small themselves. Military and security services include, in particular,
fraction of their business. Founded by ex-members of the US armed guarding and protection of persons and objects, such as
Army convoys, buildings and other places; maintenance and operation
of weapons systems; prisoner detention; and advice to or
Special Forces, Triple Canopy is a mercenary force that works training of local forces and security personnel. “This is the most
mainly for the US government in Iraq. Their employees include comprehensive and internationally most accepted definition as
former Navy SEALs, Rangers, Special Operations personnel and of today. Several questions however remain unanswered; several
police officers. After Saddam Hussein’s fall, the company found
issues are still not sufficiently resolved. These include the issues nations in Iraq and Afghanistan is slowly coming to an end, the
of individual and/or state responsibility and the implementation private military companies are about to look for new areas to do
of an efficient control mechanism over private military their work. Recent attacks on western embassies especially in
contractors. It should also be noted that the Montreux Document Arab countries may create a new demand for security personnel.
is not legally binding to any government and contains mere
recommendations for further steps, regulating the private One should also keep in mind that, while most private military
military market and the conduct of such companies. companies have their headquarters in Western nations, those
countries have not at all a monopoly over their services. Other
Several security companies agreed to formulate a Code of nations, including despotic regimes may also be interested in
Conduct, which aims at setting rules for their operations. These enlisting them for their purposes, to protect the status quo but
rules are not legally binding, but may be considered as forming a also to oppress parts of the civilian population.
basis for further attempts to regulate the actions of these
companies. There is another striking aspect of this Code: the Coordinated efforts to regulate the use of private military and
number of signatories, all of them internationally active security security forces are urgently needed. The first steps have been
firms, which gives the reader an idea of the actual scale of the taken, especially by the Swiss government and through the
issue. No less than 591 companies have signed the Code of Montreux Document. It is now up to the Council to address this
Conduct so far. issue and find comprehensive solutions to the problems arising
from it.
While the military involvement of the US and other Western
 Who must be held responsible in the event of abuse of power?
 Ways to control illicit trade of weapons by PMSCs?
 Actions to be taken against the PMSCs who violate international law?
 How to stop banned PMSCs from rebranding and regrouping in form of a another company?
 Types of weapons that can be used by PMSCs?
 Situations at, which PMSCs can be deployed?
 Way to stop recruitment for PMSCs from underdeveloped countries?
Arms Trafficking By Religious Extremist Groups In Syria

primarily to West Africa, and the Italians to a lesser extent in the

case of East Africa.
The modern arms industry thus emerged in the second half of
the nineteenth century as a product of the creation and
expansion of the first large military- industrial companies. As
European traders began trafficking arms into African, American, smaller countries (and even newly industrialized countries like
and on a somewhat lesser extent into Asian markets starting in Russia and Japan) could no longer produce cutting-edge military
the sixteenth century, During this time there was a general equipment with their indigenous resources and capacity, they
dispersal of firearms technology and a number of states increasingly began to contract the manufacture of military
developed production capabilities as gunpowder states primarily equipment, such as battleships, artillery pieces and rifles to
West European center’s emerged as the main sources of arms foreign firms.
across Europe and around the world. In the early 1880s, both the Italians and the French worked to
This Western European domination of the trade was in part supply Ethiopia with arms. And the end of 1882 imported
because of advances in firearm and gunpowder technologies and French rifles imported in Ethiopia from Marseilles. The Italians
also because of their ever-expanding global trade networks. too committed to deliver 4,000 rifles immediately and 50,000
Despite Papal bans on the sale of weapons to non-Christians Remington’s with 10 million cartridges over the next decade.
issued first in 1179 and iterated numerous times thereafter, the Further In 1884 William Armstrong opened a shipyard at Elswick
Portuguese initiated the arms traffic into the African Gold Coast to specialize in warship production—at this time, it was the only
in the sixteenth century, thus making Portugal the chief conduit factory in the world that could build a battleship and arm it
of firearms trade in Asia and Africa. completely. The factory produced warships for many navies,
The Dutch became the leading arms exporters internationally, by including the Imperial Japanese Navy, many of which were
the seventeenth century, with Amsterdam becoming the new pivotal in defeating the Russian fleet at the Battle of Tsushima in
epicenter of the trade. Purchasers of Dutch weapons came from 1905.
neighboring European states such as France and England, as
well as other peripheral states including from Sweden, Russia,
Poland, Portugal, Venice, and Morocco.
By the onset of the eighteenth century, early English private In the second half of the nineteenth century, while the arms
commercial interests began the export of arms to Africa. The trade into East Africa via Djibouti carried the most volume of
increase of trade of European firearms in Africa is largely traffic, another trade route flowed from the Persian Gulf into
credited to increased European demand for African slaves as South and Central Asia beginning in the second half of the
African traders now found themselves in a position to demand nineteenth century.
more guns in exchange for slaves. By the second half of the This route included Muscat, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the Arabian
eighteenth century there was a surge of English arms exports. Peninsula. Muscat, in particular served as the epicenter for the
England accounted for nearly 45 percent of the estimated arms traffic. There was a free flow of arms into Muscat and from
283,000-394,000 firearms annually imported into West Africa there throughout Persia and inland to Baluchistan and north to
between 1750 and 1807. Afghanistan. French merchants from Marseilles and Belgians too
France, England, Netherlands and some states in Germany imported arms into Muscat. In 1908 an estimated number of
became self sufficient in arms production, with diffusion and 30,000 rifles and 3 million rounds arrived in Afghanistan via
migration of skilled workers to other peripheral nations like Muscat, with an additional 40,000 rifles arriving in 1909.
Portugal and Russia since the early modern period. In 1854, the Although the trade of second-hand arms was vast and the illegal
British Government contracted a deal to the Elswick Ordinance trade in weapons relatively uncontrollable, greater profits were
Company owned by industrialist William Armstrong for the found to be in the manufacturing and selling of the new weapons
supply of the latest break loading rifled artillery pieces. This deal to governments. In this regard, the major military industrial
was pivotal to the galvanization of the private sector into producers included Krupp (Germany), Schneider-Creusot
weapons production, with the surplus being increasingly (France), and Vickers (Britain). This exemplified the reemergence
exported to foreign countries. William Armstrong thus became of the leading role of private suppliers in the global arms
one of the first international arms dealers, selling his weapon business as opposed to the country to country transactions that
systems to governments across the world. dominated the Cold War era. However, the sea change in attitude
1860-1918 witnessed an expansion in the volume of arms about war in general leads to governments reigning in the
trafficking. As industrialization spread across Europe, more arms controls on the trade.
could be produced more quickly than before. The main players in
the extra-European arms traffic were the French and Belgians
More recently, in 2011, the United States alone sold about $66.3
billion in weapons globally (more than 75% of the world arms Protesters calling for the release of political prisoners in March
market that year) and considerably more than the previous 2011 prompted the outbreak of civil unrest. National security
record of $31 billion. “Trade in arms and technological diffusion forces responded to the peaceful demonstrations with brutal
is thus as old as the history of war itself.” violence. By the onset of the summer of 2011, incumbent Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad refused to halt attacks and implement
the demanded reforms of the protestors.
By July, many civilians took to arms and joined the violent
protest and army defectors organized the Free Syrian Army.
Conflicts between secular and Islamist fighters, and between
other ethnic groups aggravated the conflict in the region.
With the passage of time, opposition to the government began to
loosely organize, creating several opposition organizations like
the Syrian National Council (SNC), an organization of Syrians
who had been exiled and the Free Syrian Army, composed largely
of Syrian army defectors and armed rebels.
Violence between the rebels and the government further
escalated when in August 2011, the FSA attacked the Syrian
army brutally.
A full-blown Civil War broke out following rapidly increasing
violence in the region between the Syrian Army and the rebels.
From the perspective of war, the most important characteristic The organization formed to represent opposition to the
of weapons is that weapons are durable goods. While certain government, the Syrian National Council, remains highly
types of weapons and weapon components have a limited shelf localized and fractured, hence failing to add coherence or form
life such as battery-coolant units, numerous other weapons meaningful links with the revolt in Syria. Three years on and the
remain functional for many decades. war has killed over 190,000 people, most of whom are believed
But on the downside, ammunition, which is also an important to be civilians. Incessant bombings have destroyed largely
facet of the global arms trade, tends to be less durable than populated cities and horrific crimes against humans, leading to
weapons, and is also consumed at high rates. This suggests that gross violations of human rights are prevalent. Even basic
the durability of weapons and their functionality would prove to necessities like medical aid and food are scarce.
be an asset only when sufficient supplies of ammunition are
available. This is precisely the reason why generic weapons like
the AK-47 have proliferated so widely, because of the low cost
and relative ease of finding compatible ammunition. In the case
of Syria, the rebels can both purchase ammunition for weapons
like the AK-47 and seize it from the government.
Idealistically, Weapons are also interchangeable. Take for
example, an AK-47-style rifle manufactured in Russia is
essentially the same as one manufactured in Pakistan or Egypt.
In fact in a place like Syria, it is not unusual to find AK-47-style
rifles manufactured in various countries and decades being
carried within the same rebel group.

The current conflict in Syria seems like a battle between those

loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those who oppose him.
Al-Assad has been in power since 2000, when he succeeded his
father, who had ruled the country for 30 years. A large number of
mass massacres have taken place since the conflict began,
including one in Houla in May 2012 in which 49 children died. In
response to this brutality, the UN has accused forces loyal to the
government of violating international law by targeting civilians.
Further the European Union has not renewed the arms embargo
originally imposed in May 2011. Neighboring Middle Eastern
states of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have stepped in by arming
rebels, Saudi Arabia with the vested interest of weakening the according U.S. and European security officials. These weapons,
regime’s ally, Shia Iran, and Qatar to extend its own influence in a most of which are moving to non-Islamist Syrian rebels via
post-Arab Spring Middle East. Jordan, include a variety of small arms, as well as some more
Recent tests carried out by British and French governments have powerful weapons, such as anti-tank rockets.
uncovered the use of sarin gas as a weapon, though Russia A U.S. official has gone on to say that national security officials
denies any proof of the use of chemical weapons in the conflict and members of the Congress are confident that weapons
thus far. But a chemical attack outside Damascus on August 21, delivered to southern Syria are going to, and remaining in, the
2013 brought the US on the brink of a military intervention in hands of moderate rebels rather than militant jihadist factions.
Syria, but President Barack Obama pulled back at the last Also Saudi Arabia and Qatar, believing that Syrian President
moment after Russia offered to broker a deal under which Syria Bashar al-Assad would soon fall and that Sunni political Islam
would hand over its stockpile of chemical weapons. would prevail, funded groups like the Liwa al-Tawhid, Ahrar al-
Sham, Jaish al-Islam- all of which hold links to the al-Nusra
front, al-Qaeda’s operational wing in Syria, an extremist group
with strong Islamist credentials.

Since the onset of the civil war in Syria over two years ago, one At the onset of the civil war in Syria, initially regional outfits like
of the major issues for the rebels has been access to weapons, the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council were
needed to defend themselves against the well equipped army of hesitant to respond as a result of which the UNSC was unable to
Bashar al Assad, Syria’s incumbent president. reach a consensus on decisive action to end the conflict.
Currently the President’s regime is being supplied legally by the After about a year of incessant war, on 23 February 2012, former
Russian Federation. At the same time, the army is further Secretary General Kofi Annan was appointed as the Joint Special
supplied arms by Iran, but under U.N. Resolution 1747 Iran is Envoy for the UN and the League of Arab States. The six point
forbidden from export of weapons, thus these transactions are peace plan was set forth by Annan which committed a ceasefire
illegal or occurring on the black arms market. and timely provision of humanitarian assistance. This plan
A confidential UNSC report published last year, as viewed by however failed to end the conflict. In April 2012, the UNSC
Reuters said that of the three seizures of large shipments of further authorized deployment of a UN Supervision Mission in
Iranian weapons, when investigated upon by a panel of experts Syria (UNSMIS) to facilitate this plan. These observation
over the past year showed that: activities were suspended on 19 August 2012. As a result of this
“Two of these cases involved the Syrian Arab Republic, as were Annan resigned from his position and cited the lack of political
the majority of cases inspected by the Panel during its previous unity in the UN as a hurdle to peaceful solution of a crisis.
mandate, underscoring that Syria continues to be the central Lakhdar Brahimi then replaced Kofi Annan. Under his regime, the
party to illicit Iranian arms transfers.” UNSC passed Resolution 2118 on 7 September 2013, requiring
The arms that Iran attempted to send to Syria before the Turkish Syria to destroy its current stockpile of chemical weapons. It
authorities seized the shipments included assault rifles, also prohibits Syria from using, developing, stockpiling chemical
explosives, 60mm and 120 mm mortar shells, machine guns, weapons. Syria would be penalized under Chapter VII of the UN
detonators among other items. Recently an arms shipment truck Charter for not fulfilling these terms. The OPCW is overseeing
seized on the Turkish border with Syria led to Turkey announcing this compliance.
an arms embargo on Syria. Trade restrictions (which includes an arms embargo) are also in
Light arms from the United States are also being shipped to force on Syria, these are EU imposed embargoes, which are
"moderate" Syrian rebel factions in the south of the country and directly applicable in UK law.
the Congress has approved funding for further deliveries, in a On 22 February 2014 the UNSC unanimously passed Resolution
secret vote, through the end of government fiscal year 2014, 2139 to ensure access for humanitarian aid in Syria, urging lift of
sieges of populated area and condemning the use of barrel Obama said explicitly for the first time that Assad should resign:
bombs and terrorists acts by Al-Qaeda-linked organizations. "The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but
The UN also launched an emergency appeal for $5 billion to President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. For the sake
provide humanitarian aid to victims of the war. of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to
step aside.”

On 24 March 2011, Foreign Secretary William Hague said: "We

call on the government of Syria to respect their people's right to
The Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu said on 24 May
peaceful protest, and to take action about their legitimate
2011: "China believes that when it comes to properly handling
the current Syrian situation, it is the correct direction and major
approach to resolve the internal differences through political
dialogue and maintain its national stability as well as the overall
stability and security of the Middle East. The Syrian people
themselves should independently decide the future of Syria free Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah became the first Arab head of state
from external interference. We hope the international community to openly condemn the Syrian government over its response to
continues to play a constructive role in this regard.” the uprising on 8 August 2011, saying, "What is happening in
Syria is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia." He warned Syria "will
be pulled down into the depths of turmoil and loss" if it did not
immediately move to enact major political reforms and withdrew
the country's ambassador to Syria.
On 2 June 2011, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: "It is not in
the interests of anyone to send messages to the opposition in
Syria or elsewhere that if you reject all reasonable offers we will
come and help you as we did in Libya. It's a very dangerous
position." He further added, "The situation doesn't present a Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei spoke in favour of the
threat to international peace and security. Syria is a very Syrian government in regard to the uprising – “In Syria, the hand
important country in the Middle East and destabilizing Syria of America and Israel is evident” and “Wherever a movement is
would have repercussions far beyond its borders" and asserted Islamic, populist and anti-U.S., we support it”
that Assad had made attempts at major reform. Then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in an interview on
25 August 2011 that the violence should end and "the people and
government of Syria" should join in a national dialogue. "When
there is a problem between the people and their leaders, they
must sit down together to reach a solution, away from violence”
On 9 April, 2011 it was reported that President Barack Obama
In May 2013 Iranian Ambassador to the UN, Mohammad
had said: "I strongly condemn the abhorrent violence committed
Khazaee stated: “We believe that, apart from the Syrian sides, all
against peaceful protesters by the Syrian government today and
relevant regional and international partners that wield some
over the past few weeks. I also condemn any use of violence by
influence over the parties and could help the Syrians move
protesters. I call upon the Syrian authorities to refrain from any
towards peace should participate in the conference and
further violence against peaceful protesters. Furthermore, the
endeavor towards its success. Iran's participation in the
arbitrary arrests, detention, and torture of prisoners that has
conference will depend on the details that we will consider when
been reported must end now, and the free flow of information
we receive them.”
must be permitted so that there can be independent verification
of events on the ground. Violence and detention are not the
answer to the grievances of the Syrian people. It is time for the
Syrian government to stop repressing its citizens, and to listen to
the voices of the Syrian people calling for meaningful political On 24 March 2011, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said:
and economic reforms.” "The violence must end immediately. The Syrian government
Obama also warned that Assad was "on the wrong side of history must make sure that basic human and civil rights, as well as the
and his people", and added, "Through his own actions, Bashar al- rule of law, is observed,” In early August 2011, the chairman of
Assad is ensuring that he and his government will be left in the the German government's committee on foreign relations
past, and that the courageous Syrian people who have advocated a global boycott of Syrian gas and oil exports. On the
demonstrated in the streets will determine its future. Syria will same day a German government spokesman declared that if
be a better place when a democratic transition goes forward." Assad continued to reject dialogue and resort to violence, the
While he did not explicitly demand that Assad resign, he said the Syrian government would lose its legitimacy.
US would step up its efforts on the international stage to "isolate
the Assad government and stand with the Syrian people”.
Indian Permanent UN Representative Hardeep Puri read the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on 2 April
3 August statement agreed to by the Security Council 2011, that he would press Assad on 4 April to remove emergency
condemning Syrian authorities use of force and "widespread rule, release political prisoners and adopt a new constitution.
violations of human rights”. Moreover, India abstained from President Abdullah Gul sharply condemned the siege of Hama
voting against the violence committed by the Syrian escalation on 1 August 2011, saying the Syrian government's use
government. of heavy weapons against the general populace "has given me a
On June 2012, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, called for deep shock". Gül said it was "impossible to remain silent in the
immediate ceasefire. India had voted the US-backed resolution face of events visible to everyone and accept a bloody
at United Nations Human Rights Council condemning the atmosphere at the start of Ramadan". He called upon the Syrian
massacre at El-Houla. government to stop the violence and institute reforms to restore
"peace and stability".
On 10 April 2012, Erdoğan slammed the Syrian government
saying, "They are even shooting these fleeing people from
On 29 March 2011, United Arab Emirates President Sheikh behind. They are mercilessly shooting them, regardless of
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan called Syrian President Bashar al- whether they are children or women." and added "Indeed, he
Assad and reaffirmed that the UAE stands by Damascus. (Assad) gave his word to Mr. Annan, but despite giving his word
On 25 September 2013, Foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al he is continuing to kill 60, 70, 80, 100 every day. This is the
Nahyan said that UAE continued to support the Syrians and situation Erdoğan began trying to cultivate a favorable
their legitimate aspirations for restoring security and stability to relationship with whatever government would take the place of
the country. Assad."
On 7 October 2013, Erdogan called Assad a terrorist, he said "I
don’t regard Bashar Assad as a politician anymore. He’s a
terrorist carrying out state terrorism. A person who killed
110,000 of his people is a terrorist. There’s state terrorism — I’m
speaking frankly.”
 What will be the effect of the UN Arms Trade Treaty on the Syrian conflict?
 What can be implemented to combat the root causes of armed violence? Are there certain initiatives that can wipe out illicit
movement of arms?
 Should additional limitations be imposed on arms dealers to prevent illicit movement? How can illicit transfers of arms be
 What can be done on an international level to counteract the Illicit Small Arms Trade, its effects upon Syria and the escalation of
internal conflicts within the country?
 With the illicit flow of arms into Syria from Iran, despite UNSC Resolutions forbidding the trade, how can the security of innocent
civilians be assured within the country?

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