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GREEN MARKETING IN BPM In 2007, the UN reported that 11 of the last 12 years
ranked among the warmest years in global surface
Green marketing is the study of all efforts to consume, temperature since 1850. This report underscores the
produce, distribute, promote, package, and reclaim critical level of climate change faced on the planet.
products in a manner that is sensitive or responsive to
ecological concerns. Climate change refers to a change in climate attributed
directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the
Green marketing management on the other side is define composition of global atmosphere.
as the process of planning and executing the marketing
mix to facilitate consumption, production, distribution, Climate change has several critical influences on the
promotion, packaging, and product reclamation in a environment that include the following:
manner that is sensitive or responsive to ecological
concerns. a. Higher temperature and increased risk
b. Decline in the quantity and the quality of water
Green marketing is increasingly an important issue for c. Increased health risk.
d. Rising sea levels.
most entities involved in marketing whether they are
e. Threats to biodiversity.
buyers, sellers, or regulators of an industry. The groups f. Affects the most vulnerable.
that need to understand green marketing are: g. Displaced people and environmental refugees.

1. Consumer - having the knowledge of green 4. The Environmental Effects on Consumption

marketing provide the opportunity to reduce
their personal influences on the environment. The role of Energy Conservation efforts to limit climate
2. Government - Federal, state, local government change and pollution.
benefit in a number of ways due to green
Energy conservation efforts and efficient usage examines
3. Companies with established environmental
reputation - companies that have been singled the extent to which organizations and individuals engage
out as standard bearers for green marketing. to reduce, reuse, or recycle resources.
4. Companies highly dependent on scarce human
capital - those companies that offer services to International conservation efforts are using legislation to
the human capital. control components that go into products as well the
5. Companies with high brand exposure - those producer's responsibility for a product beyond its useful
companies listed in 100 global brands must life.
establish a campaign for a green solution by
their products and services. 5. Discovering Value via Market Analysis
6. Companies with low market power - companies
that rely on other firms for substantial amounts This section focuses on marketing initiatives that reduce
of output must attend to the green marketing
energy consumption and enhance sustainability efforts.
7. Companies operating in highly regulated The central factor in the pursuit of sustainability is the
industries - industries that employ hazardous value that market offerings provide to consumers.
materials are subject to substantial and
increasing interest in green marketing. The successful organization must discover and identify the
value sought by consumers within a market. A market
2. Overview of Green Marketing consists of all organizations or people with a need or want
and the ability and willingness to make purchases to
Green marketing planning is the process of creating and
address these needs and wants.
maintaining a fit between the environment and objectives
and resources of the firm. A green planning process must 6. Communication Value via Integrated Marketing
explicitly examine the interaction of the environment with Programs
the corporate strategy.
Companies seeking to promote a sustainable message use
3. The Environment and Consumption a variety of promotional messages and media. Consumers
are confronted with many messages from many
Human activity and Climate Change
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companies, it is essential that marketers offer a consistent addition, households are involved in indirect energy use
message. associated with food purchases.

Integrated marketing communication refers to 12. Energy Consumption in the Services Sector
coordination among the elements of the promotional mix
to ensure the consistency of the message delivered at Despite the fact that services account for more than 50%
every communication approach. of the GDP in most mature economies, few countries
collect detailed information concerning energy
7. Producing Value via Innovation consumption in this sector. The service sector includes
service businesses, educational institutions, correctional
Product innovation refers to new goods and service that facilities, religious groups, and fraternal organizations.
offer improvements in technical abilities, functional
characteristics, ease of use, and other dimensions. As On a global level, the service sector accounts for 9% of
emerging market mature and mature markets continue to total final energy consumption and 12% of carbon
develop the need for sustainable innovations continues to emissions.
13. The Role of Industrial Consumption
8. Delivering Value via Sustainable Supply Cycle
Strategies Industrial sector accounts for 1/3 of all energy
consumption. In the recent review of energy consumption
Supply cycles support virtually every marketing product in the industrial sector, the International Energy Agency
delivery across industries. An understanding of supply recognized marked potential to reduce emissions.
cycles requires that one appreciate both the organizations
involved in making a product available for sale and the On a worldwide basis, industry accounts for 33% of energy
functions performed by these organizations. consumption and 36% of carbon emissions.

9. Delivering Value in Retailing 14. Sustainable Reporting and its Value

Several factors combine to make retailing the epicenter of The magnitude and urgency of the sustainability risks
the supply cycle in many industries. Although the retailer is faced by organizational demand that firms provide
typically closer to the consumer retailers often lacked the complete information regarding their financial,
financial and human resources needed to gather market environmental, and social performance.
Sustainability reporting is relatively new phenomenon that
10. Proclaiming Value via Sustainable Pricing Strategies is increasingly employed by firms in many sectors of the
economy. More than 10 years ago, the UN began analyzing
The role of pricing in most companies is to deliver motivations for developing sustainability.
sustainable product offerings to consumers. The proper
pricing of an organization's product offerings enables the GREEN BUILDING PRACTICES IN ENERGY CONSERVATION
firm to achieve its objectivem and the development of the
1. What is Green Building?
pricing strategy must be derived from overall strategy of
the organization.
his day and age, you hear everyone talking about going
green. Whether you want to admit it or not, at some point
11. The Role of Household Consumption
everyone will have to follow with the green movement.
If we are to influence energy consumption in the home, This is because at the rate we are going, the earth is simply
the it is necessary to examine the amount and manner of not sustainable. That means that over the years, we will
this consumption. Home energy consumption represents begin to run out of certain natural resources that are
29% of total energy consumption. needed in order for us to survive.

Households consume energy through space heating, The U.S. EPA says “Green building is the practice of
appliances, water heating, lighting, and cooking. In creating structures and using processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource-efficient
throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design,
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construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and • Reduce operating costs

deconstruction. • Improve occupant productivity
• Create market for green product and services
2. Why Go Green? Social benefits:
• Improve quality of life
Most people will find when going green that they are able • Minimize strain on local infrastructure
• Improve occupant health and comfort
to reduce their carbon footprint and actually lend a
helping hand to the environment. You can go green in a
4. Why Companies are Adopting to Sustainble Business
variety of different ways, but builders and construction Practices
workers must do their part as well. If you haven’t begun
going green, then you will find that there are a variety of There are several reasons businesses should – and many
different things that you can do to help you get started. are – adopting sustainable practices, like decreasing water
consumption, switching to green power and even
Green buildings are designed in such a way to reduce designing and constructing facilities in new ways.
overall impact on environment and human health by:
Reduce Energy Bills
1. Reducing trash, pollution and degradation of Companies are employing energy-efficient technology to
environment. help reduce pollution, or emissions that contribute to
2. Efficiently using energy, water and other global climate change.
3. Protecting occupant health and improving Cut Down on Waste
Many businesses are working to reduce the amount of
Does going green really cost more? paper they use and waste they produce. From harvesting
and shipping trees to manufacturing, the paper production
Some people feel that they just can’t go green because it industry runs on a significant amount of energy and
will cost them more money, but that is really a common negatively impacts the nation’s forests.
misconception. While it may cost you a bit more to get
started when you are going green, because green Practice Social Responsibility
materials and products can be more costly, you really have
to consider the type of savings that you will be able to Decreasing water consumption helps businesses save on
reap. You will be able to save on energy costs, because their energy bill, as it takes gas or electricity to heat water,
going green also means conserving energy. You should as well as for utility companies to purify and pump the
really look at the green building as more of an investment water.
than anything else. An investment that will be able to save
you money, as well as an investment that will be able to 5. What Makes a Home Green?
help the environment! It is a win-win situation for
everyone! Below is a list of characteristics from the U.S. Green
Building Council (USGBC) to look for green home.
3. Benefits of Green Building Location - A green home should not disrupt wildlife and
should be in a densely populated area close to public
With new technologies constantly being developed to transportation.
complement current practices in creating greener Size - Generally, smaller homes are automatically greener.
structures, the benefits of green building can range from Design - A green home should allow for plenty of natural
environmental to economic to social. By adopting greener light to enter the interior so as to reduce the need for
practices, we can take maximum advantage of electrical lights. Its design should keep it cool in the
environmental and economic performance. Green summer and warm in the winter.
construction methods when integrated while design and Building materials - Look for homes with non-toxic
construction provide most significant benefits. Benefits of building materials and furnishings.
green building include: Insulation - A non-toxic insulation will help prevent cool
air leakage in the summer and warm air leakage in the
Environmental benefits: winter, saving your buyer a significant amount of money in
• Reduce wastage of water utility costs.
• Conserve natural resources Windows and doors - The USGBC suggests looking for
• Improve air and water quality EnergyStar rated windows and doors. Also, make sure they
• Protect biodiversity and ecosystems are sealed tightly to prevent heat loss in the winter and
Economic benefits: heat gain in the summer.
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Energy efficiency - EnergyStar rated lights, heating and 1. Thermal Mass - Have you noticed that your pool
cooling, and water systems. tiles stay hot even after the sun goes down?
Renewable energy - The home should be able to produce That’s because floors made of mud brick, tiles,
some of its own energy, such as the use of photovoltaic and concrete store the sun’s heat during the day.
systems (solar panels). Because hot air rises, this heat is released at
Water efficiency - A green home has a water-conserving night, so by using these floors and similar walls
irrigation system and water-efficient kitchen and you can keep the air around you nice and cozy
bathroom fixtures. Look for a rainwater collection and while you sleep.
storage system. 2. Deciduous Trees - Planting deciduous trees on
Indoor environmental quality - There should be plenty of the north side of your house provides shade in
natural light and ventilation. the summer but allows the winter sun in after
they lose their leaves. Vines on trellises along a
6. How Do Green Building Principles Support Energy northern verandah provide the same effect.
Efficiency? 3. Skylight Highlights - Putting small skylights into
the roof of your house can provide light in dark
Energy efficiency is good for the environment, but more so areas. This reduces the need for extra lighting
it is an important cost saving component for any business, fixtures during the day and allows for a nice
facility management or homeowner’s budget. On an moon view at night.
annual basis, commercial buildings in the U.S. consume 4. Shady Trees - Planting shady trees along the
68% of America’s electricity and 39% of its total energy. windy side of your house will protect you from
Without even mentioning that these same buildings the hot summer afternoon sun as well as the
generate 38% of our greenhouse gases, one can easily see cold winter winds. All these trees create habitats
that the low hanging fruit in the building industry is energy for more birds, which means fewer insects that
efficiency in new and renovated buildings. It is important crawl into your ears while you doze on the front
to note that it is possible to achieve energy efficiency porch with your mouth open.
while maintaining a project budget. 5. Large Windows - Locating large windows on the
southern side of your house allows breezes to
7. Eco-Power & Energy Efficiency flow through your home from north to south and
this reduces your need for air conditioning.
At home, you now have more choices than ever for
becoming energy efficient and environmentally friendly. 9. The True Energy Savings of Living Sustainability

Cut Down on Home Energy Use If you want to reduce your energy bills and be kinder to
the environment, or if you’re looking to move into a new-
1) Kill your vampire power: Keeping things plugged in, build home that’s more energy efficient, then you’ll love
even when they are switched off, sips a constant stream of this information that you might never heard before.
energy out of your power outlets. Unplug your cell phone
chargers, stereos and toaster ovens, and watch your It tells you everything you need to know about reducing
energy bills sink. bills in your home, including what uses up the most energy
2) Buy Energy Star appliances: These are certified and and what small habits you can change to make your home
labeled so that you know you are getting an energy cheaper to run, in addition to some interesting you may
efficient machine. If you have old, tired appliances in your not have known
house, consider investing in something new. Although you
have to pay up front to buy something new, you’ll be Did You Know?
surprised to see how much less cash efficient appliances
demand over time. • The unreleased energy contained in the average
3) Turn off your lights! You just don’t need to have them dustbin each year could POWER A TELEVISION
on that much – especially during the day if your home gets FOR 5,000 HOURS.
decent daylight. LED bulbs save energy over incandescent, • Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the
and going to bed at a normal hour means that you won’t energy necessary to produce them.
be burning the midnight oil. • Enough energy is saved by recycling one
aluminum can to RUN A TV SET FOR 3 HOURS.
8. Five Ways to Add Passive Solar Feature to Our Home • 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough
energy power a 60-WATT LIGHT BULB FOR 3
Here are 6 ways to passively solarize your current home so HOURS.
you can slash electricity costs, cut emissions, and impress • Your IPhone USES 16p of energy a year
your friends with science. • Microwaves use 70% to 90% less energy than
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• An average 5 minute power shower can use up Lighting is one of the most critical—and most visceral—
to 100 liters of water. qualities of an indoor space, and the difference between
• The energy use to boil one kettle of water could good and bad lighting can make or break comfort, mood
light a room for entire evening. and overall happiness in your home. Exposure to natural
light affects your immune system as well as your circadian
10. Energy and Atmosphere - Keeping Cool and Staying rhythms, sleep cycle and hormones, and studies have
Warm linked lack of sunlight to depression (S.A.D), immune
problems, diabetes and cancer.
Passive Design is the best and most-obvious way to start a
green building, because it improves ventilation, it’s more Change Your Bulbs
comfortable than living with constant heating and air-
conditioning, it significantly reduces electricity bills, and it This is one change that is easy to implement and can draw
reduces greenhouse gas emissions from heating, cooling, cash returns immediately. Replacing a 100-watt
mechanical ventilation and lighting. incandescent with a 32-watt Compact Fluorescent Light
Bulb (CFL) can save you at least $30 in energy costs over
Insulate! the life of the bulb, AND, if every household in the U.S.
replaced one light bulb with a CFL, it would prevent
Every material has a specific ability to resist heat traveling enough pollution to equal removing one million cars from
through it; this is its R-value. Higher value = better the road. How’s that for a win-win situation? CFLs provide
insulation. For the residential market, however, there are high-quality light without the heat of incandescent bulbs,
essentially three forms of insulation: flexible sheets, rigid and they use much less energy and last up to 10 times
boards, and spray or blow-in products. longer.

Make Your Building Airtight Make Use of Natural Light as Much as Possible

Half the challenge is in pinpointing just where and how CFLs and energy-efficient lighting are all well and good, but
your home is leaking precious climate controlled air. why use artificial light at all when we all have access to a
Suspect areas might be around light fixtures (especially free, bright, renewable source of light in the sky? Of
recessed ones), electrical outlets, attic access openings, course, we need artificial light to function at night, but if
old wooden floors, cracks in walls, and most often through our houses were well conceived and well designed in the
gaps around windows. first place, we would all have access to copious amounts of
natural light through well-placed windows, skylights and
More Passes Through Windows than Just Views translucent wall panels.

Your windows can be engineered to block heat in the Add a Window or Skylight
summer and cold in the winter. Windows let in not only
visible light, but infrared and ultraviolet light as well. These You may not have the option to renovate, but if you do,
forms of radiation hit interior objects and raise their now is a perfect time to take it. There are a lot of great
ambient temperature – such as your napping cat, for translucent insulating building products coming on to the
example. Nowadays, most windows have a factory-applied market which will allow you to let light into your home
coating, but you can also pick up IR and UV blocking tints without letting heat in (or out); a typical concern with
at your local home improvement store. If you’re skylights and large windows of the past.
purchasing windows, be sure to take note of the U-value,
which is a measure of how much heat makes it through an Reflect on Reflection
assembly (as opposed to an R-value, which is a measure of
resistance.) The lower the U-value of your windows, the You can maximize the light in a given room by choosing
more insulation they provide. light colors and reflective materials for your walls, ceiling
and floor. Light-colored and shiny flooring options like
Air Conditioning & Machine Efficiency linoleum or polished wood can reflect a lot of ambient
light, brightening up your space. Low-VOC paints typically
If you’re in the market for a new central air system, be come in only light colors, anyway, sparing the indoor air
sure that it has a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) from noxious gases. Mirrors on walls will also reflect light
of 13 or greater. As of 2006, it is illegal to buy anything less around and brighten your space exponentially.
efficient anyway. If your twenty-year old system is running
at 9 SEER and you upgrade to 13 SEER, you’ll save 30% 12. Appliances, Electronics and Responsible Energy Use
Without even adding lighting, these electronics are
11. Environmentally Lighting for Health and Well-Being responsible for nearly 50 percent of an average home’s
electricity bill. Lighting commonly adds another 15-20
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percent, space heating and cooling, cooking, and water important—spaces kept at a constant temperature do not
heating make up the rest, and also comprise your natural mimic our natural internal fluctuations, and can cause a
gas bill. sense of malaise.

Pay Up Front for Quality Appliances Reduce Indoor Air Quality Problems At the Source

Some call these “white goods”, but they come in all colors, Identify potential sources of indoor pollution that stem
and buying the right models can save you a lot in energy from design choices, existing conditions, and lifestyle
costs over time. Refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, activities. Moving into a new home, remodeling a space,
clothes washers and dryers, and stoves will cost you plenty
and bringing in new furniture can expose inhabitants to
to purchase and even more to operate, but manufacturers
are bringing more efficient models to the market all the abnormally high levels of volatile organic compounds
time, so choose wisely. (VOCs), which are the toxic gases, such as formaldehyde,
released from everyday materials that are responsible for
The easiest way to identify the most energy-efficient contributing to cancer, asthma, fatigue, and other
products is to look for the ENERGY STAR label. EPA ailments.
continues to improve their product specifications to
ensure that industry is staying aggressive with energy
efficiency. Among major appliances, refrigerators,
freezers, dishwashers and clothes washers are all labeled.
Also look for “Energy Guide” tags, which show a model’s
expected annual energy use and how that ranks against
peer models.

13. Indoor Environmental Quality - Clean Air & Comfort

for Homes and Office Spaces

Feeling good in our homes or offices isn’t just a matter of

having a beautiful space: No matter how fabulous your
furnishings, a poorly designed indoor environment can
literally make you sick. Building green means considering
not only the environmental impact of materials and
construction, but also the physical and psychological
health of the occupants. The next phase of our series
covers Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)—one of the
criteria of the USGBC‘s LEED rating system—and how you
can achieve it in your own space.

Design to Create a Sense of Control Over Personal Space

People generally experience a greater sense of wellbeing

when they can make easy adjustments to their immediate
space, such as through operable windows, skylights and
sliding doors. Climate controls designed into multiple
rooms can also promote comfort and conserve energy by
allowing temperature changes only where needed.

Studies show that employees are actually far more

productive in an office space that permits awareness of
outside conditions.

Help Buildings Breathe Better

Spaces that are closed up like hermetically sealed boxes

can cause pollutants to accumulate to levels that can pose
health and comfort problems and contribute to Sick
Building Syndrome. Instead, naturally ventilate spaces as
much as possible without compromising reasonable
humidity levels. Variations in temperature are also

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