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This section of the study presents the summary of findings, the conclusion drawn from

the findings of the study and the recommendations of the researchers.

The data collected showed that the participants are intrinsically, extrinsically, and both

intrinsically and extrinsically motivated. This manifests that the employees are generally

motivated in the workplace. Also, it was found that there is no significant difference in the levels

of motivation between intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and both intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation in terms of age, sex, civil status, monthly income, educational attainment, and length

of service. These variables are deemed to not influence the levels of motivation of employees;

the levels of motivation of the participants are independent of their profile.

The participants’ level of motivation may be attributed to the fact that whatever their age,

sex, civil status, income, educational attainment, and length of service to the company may be,

they are not relieved from their obligations to their family. Given the unique Filipino culture and

attitude of having strong familial roots, each working individual is driven to continue fulfilling

his duties to the organization. Likewise, given that the company is a non-profit organization,

each employee is always reminded to go back to the institution’s core values and reasons for

being that go beyond mere generating profits—this sense of motivation that the employees have

affirmed are derived from their adherence to the company’s goal as a non-profit organization and


Additionally, the analysis of the data exhibited that the employees are ‘satisfied’ with

their work in terms of Professional Development, Facilities Management, Benefits and

Privileges, Technical Assistance, and Interpersonal Relationships. Moreover, when grouped

according to age, there is a significant difference in the level of satisfaction in terms of

Interpersonal Relationships between 41-55 and 56-65 years old employees, but no significant

difference in the level of satisfaction in terms of the other aspects of the work experience has

been found apart from it. When grouped according sex, civil status, monthly income,

educational attainment, and length of service, no significant difference with the levels of

satisfaction of employees in terms of Professional Development, Facilities Management,

Benefits and Privileges, Technical Assistance, and Interpersonal Relationships has been found.

This level of satisfaction among the employees may be attributed to the socio-economic

condition of the country. Philippines is placed at the bottom end of the least developed countries

plagued with high unemployment and poor human development. In these circumstances, a job

with an organization is viewed as a source of livelihood and a means of social identity. It gives

them a strong sense of security. Therefore, whatever benefits they receive from the job, even

though they consider it not fair enough as they might have higher expectations, they are satisfied.

Ultimately, the results from the analysis presented that there is no correlation between the

levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. In addition, no significant correlation has

been found between intrinsic motivation and levels of satisfaction, and extrinsic motivation and

levels of satisfaction. These results express that generally, motivation is independent of

satisfaction and vice versa.


Given that results of the analysis have showed that the employees are ‘motivated’ and

‘satisfied’ with their work experience with NWTF, it is suggested that the company shall
maintain their practices or even further enhance these in order to sustain such levels of

motivation and satisfaction.

Also, it is recommended for the company to further conduct studies that would aim to

identify which factors, apart from the ones considered and presented in this study, would

significantly influence the employees’ levels of motivation and satisfaction, in order to increase

productivity in the workplace.

Further, the company may conduct career counselling sessions that would allow the

employees to receive feedback and insights regarding their performance, and that would

encourage much deeper self-reflection and introspection in terms of their perceptions regarding

their work experience.

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