Imb Ela Small Group

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 Comprehension and vocabulary were the aspect of literature the students and I were

working on during our small group. Each student was given a text with questions. I
worked with students who were on grade level in the classroom. In the small group
students were asked to read the text to themselves, with a partner and then as a whole
group. This ensured that students were reading the text more than once to work on
comprehending the text and context clues for vocabulary they did not know. Lesson
was done on the carpet because this is where students like to learn and with there
being flexible seating this was just where they felt most comfortable.
 The materials included copies of the reading, highlighters for new vocabulary and
pencils to answer the questions on the back.
 The intended outcome for students was to work on comprehension with answering
questions while also using context clues to learn new vocabulary.
 The students were able to read the text fluently while also picking up on vocabulary
using the context clues in the text. The struggle of the lesson was when students and I
were going over the questions. Although they read the text three times, I still wanted
them to go back in the text and highlight where they found their answers. Most of the
students did not really read the questions or did not give much thought to it and got the
question wrong. In another lesson I would ask more questions throughout the reading
for students to make connections to help them understand the text.

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