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Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley Eton ery Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom Tel. (0044) 1635 817 363, Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 ‘email: \ © Virginia Evans ~ Jenny Dooley, 2016 Design and lustration © Express Publishing, 2016 First published 2016 Made in EU Allrights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers ‘This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-5208-3 Acknowledgements ‘Authors’ Acknowledgements We would lke to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for thelr support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Eattor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miler (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controler the Express design team; {and Kevin Haris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank ‘those institutions and teachers who plloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback ‘were invaluable in the production of the book. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. WW “ax What kind of chores do you do around the house? Do you do more chores during the week or at the weekend? Read the title of the text and look at the pictures. What do you think the title means? What sort of chores do you expect to read about? Do you do any of the chores you i see in the pictures? ATS _| pitches iim Which person, E (Emma), B (Bill), IM (Megan) 'm not always in the mood to help or C (Chloe): ‘out with the chores around the house but when it comes to doesn't feel like doing chores sometimes? is learning how to do something new? Labrador, | am always the first dislikes one chore in particular? ‘one to volunteer! Dusting, ‘says that even litle children do their vacuuming, making the chores? ‘beds, washing the car and so on are boring but = sia scfoiisen aves 6 has to follow a weekly plan of chores’ me a chance to get out of the house, play and get some exercise! Megan, 15, Glasgow walking Choco, our 3-year-old Rone combines a chore with fun and fitness? Vocabulary Use: turn, set, exception, switch, clear, involved, schedule, trim, mow and mood to complete the sentences. There are four ‘extra words. Use the extra words to make sentences based on the text. 41 Every person in the house is In keeping the house nice and clean. 2 We should... wm the hedge; it's grown too tall. 3 It's my job to... the table after dinner every night. 4 According to this week's I hhave to do the laundry at the weekend, Cera 5 Jeremy hates it when it’s his to do the dishes. pile up, mow the lawn, weeding, trim, hedge, load, fold, set the table, volunteer, schedule, exception, switch 6 Kylie wil gladly do any chore her mum asks her todo, with one vacuum the carpets. My mum has put up a list of chores each one of Us has to do around the house during the week. We are a big family living in a two-storey house 's0 we need to got ourselves organised! We all follow the week's schedule but with one exception: when it's my ‘tum to do the ironing. | simply hate ironing so when I have to Speaking & Writing © DD Work in pairs. Make alist ofall the Oremacieel nes erased eae discuss them with your partner. Say which chores you like/don'tlike/don’t mind doing and why, how often you do a chore ete. SORRE, —% Siocoing th css. nas ston to mie San hey eee, whe doing them and t relaxes mo. n fact, 'm Nock hor Bleed aie happy to do the dishes every dy! ironed the clothes whi id B: | don't realy mind doing the dishes, i's not the dishes for her! trig. only hate when we have guests end ape there's lots of washing-up to do afterwards! etc. Which household chores do teens in your country do more often? Do a class survey to. find out. Write a short paragraph with your findings. Read the paragraph to the class. Celebrations = What national holidays do you 3 Read the text again and correct the sentences below. have in your country? What is special about these days? How do you and your family usually spend a national holiday? Bank holidays are usually on a Friday. ‘The Spring bank holiday is a modern festival People dance around the May Queen at the fairs. Its traditional to go to the countryside for the Summer bank Reading holiday. When it rains, people usually stay outside on the beach, 6 The Notting Hill Carnival is the smallest in Britain o Look tthe headings ofthe De wasenlaiecs sncsimeane aman reat pabareterteas | fairs, pastimes, maypole, picnic, stalls, I$ || excuse, promenade piers, risk, | downpour, indoors, scones, gloom, | carnival, decorate, costumes, parade for most British people, the phrase ‘bank — Basicaly, i's @ public holiday when banks, shops and services holidays in Britain’ often brings to mind a wet are closed. Most bank holidays are on a Monday so people weekend in a seaside resort with the whole family can have a long weekend, Let's look at a sitting on damp sand, under grey skies, eating a couple of typical British bank holidays ppionic of soggy sandwiches with ginger beer. So and what most Briish famies do to What isa British bank holiday? enjoy them. == Spring Bank Holiday here's no better way to welcome the British spring than the Spring ‘bank holiday, on the first Monday in May. It is “== both an ancient spring festival and a workers’ ae celebration and this means i's very similar tothe Cy x C ===5 holidays held elsewhere in Europe on the 1st of == May. in Britain, there are lots of firs, where people ‘ake part in traditional games and pastimes. The most popular is dancing round the Maypole, which ends with a young git! being crowned with flowers as the May Queen, Then, families enjoy the rest of the day by having a picnic or eating food from the fair stalls. May Day is @ treat day out for the whole family and an excuse to have lots of jolly good fun. Vocabulary Speaking & Writing Mee eeveice (orate 5, SD wer oni. mnie younove at ees phrases. Then, use the from a visit to Britain during a holiday, and your partner is phrases in sentences of your asking you about your experience. Use the information own. from the texts to prepare question and answers, then act lacs wi oat ot ie oma” Pe a caus Bees oe conceneces As Wredwormhaun saan? [21] soosy 8 weekend Tsay waa tore or ho Sig ek ai 31_] long © resort ‘A: What happens then? 2 Wel (EI rainy > music ; ISTE) moog esau 6 [2s some ote esearch oot rman about a major national holiday in your country. Write a short paragraph about this holiday. he next public holiday is the Summer bank holiday on the last Monday in August. This is when many British families head to a seaside resort. Traditional British seaside resorts, such as Blackpool in the north and Brighton inthe South, offer tourists the chance to enjoy long walks by the sea, see performances on the piers, watch Punch and Judy shows' onthe beach and eatfsh and chips on the promenade. Of course, there's always the risk that a day out can be nined by a summer downpour but then everyone can head indoors to tea room fr tea, scones and cakes toi the gloom of a rainy day. In London, itis also the weekend of the Notting Hil Carnival, te largest ccarival in Europe. The event is run by the local West indian ‘community, who decorate al the floats and make the costumes for the parade. There are also lots of bands and djs playing reggae, s0ca and pop rmusio, 2 well as stalls seling delicious West Indian foods. BEER, «Punch and tucy shows are tractional comic puppet Dining Etiquette You have been invited to dinner in a British home and you don't want to be impolite by mistake. So, what are the rules that guests in British homes should remember to avoid giving offence? Here's 4 Baber mekes = good Sones 12 quick guide to some of the most important do's and don'ts. guest in your opinion? What are ‘some dining etiquette do's and Wh Saude When. W JUArrive Reading heed the headings ieee I's a good idea to bring something to drink with | Paster ee as eae ee ‘Small gifts will be appreciated but don't ‘embarrass your hosts with anything very expensive. Another big no-no is hugging and kissing people you don't know very well. Do shake hands with your hosts. Don't be ‘over-fiendly. guests should follow when invited to a British home? Read to find out. There are some things you should never do under any circumstances if you want to get second invite as a guest. _ © point at people with your cutlery ka. At the Dinner Table © lick your knife or plate ever Your hosts will show you to your seats at the dining table. They : ble). ae will also serve you your meal or, sometimes, they will ask you ‘to help yourseff to the dishes on the table. Don't take too much! ‘And a few tips for things to do to make yourself a popular guest. _* compliment the hosts on their home "© say ‘please’ and ‘thank you" Armed with these tips, you will have a wonderful evening and soon become a favourite guest with all your new British friends! Read the text again and choose the correct, option. stehs Pares epttag a ee coe : eating/leave the table. mph Vocabulary AEA ice coe men 1 | think you can have some of the best conversations at the table. 2 How rude. She is speaking with her mouth 3 He really 8 cscsnnnnsensne 10 Point YOUF Knife at other guests 4 Do you have a on English customs | could buy, please? 5 It'snot good manners to make noises while you're eating Make sure you leave enough of every dish forall the shi Bs Pee oer cals other guests 100. People in Britain put all their food sata earnee Barco. ‘on one plate and they don't share the food on their f os plate with others. Your napkin should go on your lap Speaking & Writing ‘and you must keep it there until you leave the table. You should hold your knife in your right hand and your fork in your left. if you are offered something you don't wish to have, don’t wave it away, just say 5 Tell the class four things you remember from the text, sno! Hane 6 THM Imagine you made some etiquette mistakes at a dinner party in Britain. What were they? How did the other people at the table react? Were they shocked or amused? Write an email to a friend telling them what happened. (about 120 words) Eating out 4 Hos ton do you at at Ar hae special Reading places in your country to eat breakfast, lunch and supper? Is there one especially Look at the pictures and read the headings. (fanclis etal aereourcomrtoT What sort of food do you expect these places to serve? Read to find out. Delicious and Affordable ‘Greasy spoon’ cafés ‘The nickname ‘greasy spoon’ for British cafés doesn't sound very appetising, but the food is usually delicious! They are the best place to get a classic British fry-up of bacon-and-eggs, sausages, tomatoes and baked beans, all washed down with good strong tea. These cafés offer good, hearty, tasty food at cheap prices and are very popular with working people, like builders and truckers, because the food sets you up for a long day of hard work. A pub lunch ‘Many British pubs offer a ‘ploughman's lunch’ similar to the food of farmworkers in the past. This is a simple meal of fresh bread and butter, a chunk of Cheese, a slice of ham, a spicy sauce called ‘chutney’, and a salad. It's plain, healthy and cheap, and great to enjoy ina pub garden in summertime A fish-and-chip shop Fish and chips is a classic British dish. The fish is normally cod, deep-fried in batter and ‘served with thick-cut potato chips. Lots of salt and vinegar go on it, and in the north of England, a side order of mushy peas often ‘comes with the meal. Traditionally, fish and chips comes wrapped in paper. In the past, it was wrapped in newspaper. Most people take their fish and chips meal home to eat. It's delicious and inexpensive, but usually only a once-a:week treat! ‘These are all cheap and cheerful, as the British say. But the country has one very famous restaurant at the other end of the Dining in style Dede cua Berkshire village of Bray. It is run by eee cucu may ec CL ae ees ee aCe Te eee) eee emer Lena ERC Ces eed PUG C lm Colma ee like snail porridge and bacon-and-egg ice Cee eae ey COD EMU Re ng DOR USUAL aoe een ctu ad Crean greasy, appetising, fry-up, bacon, wash down, builder, pub, ploughman, cod, deep-fried, batter, laboratory, snail, porridge, waiting list, reservation i i i i i mushy, the other end of the scale, | i i }, | scale! ——— 3 6 Choose the correct answer. 1. The food served at a ‘greasy spoon’ Ais inexpensive and filing. __B takes too long to cook. is rather unappetising. 2. Aploughman's lunch is A food made by farmworkers, © agood, simple meal. B always eaten outdoors. 3 What makes fish-and-chip shops different from the other restaurants? ‘A. You don't normally eat on the premises. B The food they serve is healthier. © They are much more expensive, 4 According to the text, a fish-and-chips meal A isnot eaten very often during the week. B always comes wrapped in newspaper. © isnot very popular in the north of England, 5 What is special about The Fat Duck? A. tis the only restaurant in Bray. B Its food preparation methods are strange, © It doesn't have many tables. Vocabulary Select the correct words to complete the collocation: celebrity, baked, lunch, order, chunk, day, chips, spicy, scientific, waiting. Use the phrases to make sentences of your own. 1 methods | 6 beans 2 long | 7 potato ofcheese | 8 side octacee-onet |AL9) list 5 ploughman's 10 sauce Speaking & Writing {E> workin pars. vrte the tesa statements based cata alan Ftc Gn cia SeaT nat Seen ater caterer eae Heat Eo A on i ICT] Do some research to find out about one of the best restaurants in your country. Why is it special? Does it prepare food in an unusual way? Are there any particular dishes that it is famous for? Present your information to the class. SN 4th Have you recently had to go to the doctor or ‘to hospital? Did you have to pay? What do you know about healthcare in the UK? The British system of me et en cc Read the headings below. Write down three things you would like to know, then read to see if you can find out the answers. This stands for ‘General Practitioner’. He or she is a local doctor, who works in a clinic called a surgery. Most families have a GP they know and trust. A GP can deal with most health problems, though he or she will often refer patients to a hospital for tests or to a consultant for special treatment. ‘The initials stand for ‘Accident and Emergency. It is @ department of a hospital that treats urgent injuries such ‘as burns and broken bones. f you become seriously hurt rill, then you must go to ASE - or call an ambulance to take you there. ‘The number to call in any emergency, and when you need an ambulance, in the UK is 999, An operator will ask you which service you require, and you say ‘ambulance’. You must give your location of the problem. EE clig Thisis a doctor who specialises in one area of medicine. They are normally very ‘experienced and work in major hospitals. Ct ES For some procedures, especially operations, there is a waiting list. For this reason, some people pay to go to a private hospital. Normally, you have to pay for alternative therapies, dentistry and eye tests. Some employers offer private health insurance for their workers. | Terra European Union, proot, practitioner, surgery, refer, consultant, specialise, department, urgent, ambulance, operator, require, procedure, operation 5 f 6 Read the text again and complete the sentences using information from the text. 1 The NHS has been in existence since 2 You can use the NHS if you have lived in the UK for 3. Tourists may have to prove they have ... they receive treatment through the NHS, 4 AGP works in 5 A GP may need to ask a patient to go to a hospital before are types of injuries that can be treated at ABE. 7 Youcan call sto take you to A&E, 8 When you call 999, you must tell them where you are and give 9 There can be operations, 10 There are people whose work offers them nnn for treatments such as Vocabulary Use words from the Check These Words box in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 You need to see a doctor who in allergy treatments. 2 The 999... asked for our address and nature of injury. 3. AGP has ... Jason to a heart specialist. 4. The Intensive Care Unit is one of the hospital that has recently been renovated, 5 Eric had to have three ... could start walking property again. 6 People at the scene of the accident called 999 and asked for on his knee before he Speaking & Writing CD Work in pairs. You work as a receptionist in a hospital, and people come to ask you about questions connected with the NHS. A: If lama foreigner, can | use the British NHS? B: Only if you have travel insurance, or you have lived in the country for a year. [ETI tmagine you have moved to the UK and had to see a doctor about a health problem, or you had to go ‘to hospital. Describe your experience and if it was different from the health service in your own country. 14 Do you play rugby, cricket or tennis? Do you ‘ever watch them on TV? Do you know any places or teams in Britain associated with these sports? Reading What famous sports clubs are there in London? Why do you think London is famous for hosting sporting events? Read to find out. Choose the correct answer. 1. Why have most people heard of Wimbledon? ‘A. Because of the size of the Centre Court. B_Awel-known series of matches are held there. © tis the home of a world-famous tennis player. 2 Why is the MCC so significant for fans of cricket? A It is.a club connected with the history of the game. B thas the best team in the UK. © The Queen is a member of the club. 3 How did the Harlequins get their name? A. Becalise their clothes made them look like jesters, B It was selected by chance. € It's the name of their club stadium, 4 What do the Harlequin Football Club and the Wimbledon Tennis Club have in common? A. They are in the same part of the city. B The Queen attends events in both of them. © They are about the same size. 5 What do we lear from the text? A. The British Royal Family likes rugby, B. Tennis was invented in the UK. © Allthree clubs have special traditions for clothing, The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club This isa private members club and is better known as the Wimbledon Tennis Club because iti the venue of the annual Lawn Tennis Championship. The Wimbledon Championships are the most famous tennis Competitions in the world. The club stadium and the championships are named after the | quiet, leaty district of southwest London | which isthe club’s home. The president of the club is the Duke of Kent and its patron is the Queen. During the championships all players have to. wear the same colour dothing - white! The final match is always played on the Centre Court watched by fifteen thousand people. ‘One of them is usally the Queen! = Shot =e WU Harlequin Football Club ‘Although the Harlequins are a football club they don’t play standard football, but they play rugby, which is a type of football. This game is played with an oval boll which players must carry or kick to the other end, of the pitch to score a try, which is a goal worth 5 points. Based in southwest London, the Harlequins are ‘one of the most famous British rugby teams. The team ‘was formed in 1860. Members picked the name out of a dictionary! It means a jester or acrobatic clown. Their kit has a brightly-coloured diamond patter like the ones jesters used to wear. Their stadium is the Twickenham Stoop, seating 18,000 spectators. But don't confuse it with Twickenham Stadium, over the road, which often hosts the Rugby World Cup! | Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) The MCC may have a good team, but most people join the club to watch other teams play on their home ground. The club’s home ground is Lord's. Lord’s is not only the MCC's home ground, it also hosts important international cricket ‘matches, MCC members include politicians and royalty, as well as famous international players from other countries. Normally, people have to wait decades before they can join because the waiting list is so long! The club's colours are yellow and red ‘and members wear a tie in these colours. It's affectionately called the ‘egg and tomato tie’. Lord's has the oldest sports museum in the world, and is the spiritual home of the game of cricket. Caen venue, leafy, patron, host, decades, spiritual home, oval, pitch, score a try, ‘form, jester, kt, spectator Vocabulary Choose the correct item. 1. They live in @ nice, leafy/oval district, north of the city centre. 2 The 2012 Olympic Games were formed/hosted by the city of London. 3 When our team walked out onto the football pitch/venue, we started cheering. 4 The Marylebone Cricket Club has thousands of members/presidents. 5 The Queen is the ‘spectator/patron of the Wimbledon Tennis Club. 6 James put his rugby kit/try in his backpack and left for Practice, Speaking & Writing ESSER work in pairs. Imagine you are going to see a sports match in London. Where would you choose to go and why? Tell your partner or the class, ICT] Find information about a famous sports club in your country, e.g. a football club. Include information on the club's age, ground or pitch and kit as well as an interesting fact about the club. Present your information to the class. Cultural London 1 Would you prefer to go toa theatre, a gallery or a musical show? Why? Reading Look at the pictures of the Di ia camry of them? What do you think they are used for? Who are they named after? SB ‘At which venue, (A, B, C or D) can you hear/see ... 1. exact models of well-known people? 2 classical music in a traditional venue? 3. anold work in a modem setting? 4 someone talking about science Ke issues? Britain is one of the most important art galleries in the. ‘country. Built by a sugar manufacturer in 1897, it houses lots of art by Brilish artists, It's a marvellous old building and a 5. works created specifically for a competition? nee 4 fitting home for British art throughout the ages. Its also the Roe Be ci lledlle Riehl home of the Turner Prize exhibition. The exhibition features five top modem artists competing fora prize of £50,000. The prize winners can sometimes be controversial. One year, a ‘nominee artist recreated her messy bed. Madame Tussauds {8 perhaps the most recognisable wax museum in the world. Since it ‘opened in London in 1895, thas become so popular that it now has branches around the UK, the USA, Europe and Asia. There's also @ Madame Tussauds in Sycney, Australia. Milions of tourists visit the museum to see the incredibly elke wax fques of famous. personaities that include scientists, politicians, entertainment celebrities, sports Personalities and so on. Visting the museum isthe next best thing to meeting your favourite inventor, athlete orf starin person! 6 COT ik] Vocabulary Match the words in bold in the texts to their synonyms below. Then, use the words to write sentences related to the texts. 4. formal dinners: 2. modem 3 realistic 4. producer: 5 excited 6 amazing The Royal Albert Hall is one of London's biggest venues. It opened in 1871 in honour of Speaking & Writing ‘Queen Victoria's late husband, Prince Alber. Ia Posty esd br densi ek Gece 5 D work in pairs. Write a quiz based on but also some rock and pop concerts in more the texts with ten true/false questions. eae poe Havewe Whee Exchange your quiz with another pair and eeeeinu ia reid ubeqne answer each other's questions. Correct the to lectures including a talk by Einstein! The ieee nenites hall is most famous, though, for a series of Concerts called The Proms and, especially the 6 ICT] Do some online research to find out toes Night of ther Props, when te audience. information about a major gallery, theatre or very enthusiastic, jumping around and ‘museum in your country. Write a short shouting asi they were ata rock concert and paragraph about it. Read your paragraph to not a classical music one, Everyone sings inetciaaa along to patriotic favourites like ‘Rule Britannia’ and Jerusalem’! The orchestra has ‘as much fun as the audience. The Young Vic is a theatre on the ‘south side ofthe River Thames. And, yes, there's an Old Vic too! The Ord Vio, or Royal Victorian Theatre was manufacturer, marvellous, built in the 19th century. The Young feature, controversial, nominee, Ree acs anantot bison the branch, lifelike, venue, late, ‘same street, The Cut, and was set ees Uupin 1946 to show plays for younger audiences. Now, it shows mainly Glassics in a modern or interesting way; such as Shakespeare set in a modern inner-city environment, ‘as well as contemporary works by unknown young writers. Nm 4h Does your city/town have a wide selection of places where you can see good Merion aac Wise do you arid youn) Read Gordon's message in his blog below. friends usually go when you want to see a What sort of places do you think are popular tanecaplary with young people who want to see films and plays? Read to find out. eee | } SUR US tye waa Hi everyone! I'm doing a schoo! project on the entertainment preferences of young people and I need your help. Where do you like to go when you want to see a film or a play? What places are popular with your friends? Post your comment below. Thanks! Mii scl Hi, I'm Kieran and I'm from Perth, ‘Scotland, Like many teens in our city, my friends and | like going to the IMAX Playhouse at the weekend, We all love films, so it's a great place to hang out. The screen is enormous, so you really feel like you're inside the film, especially when its being screened in 3D. After the show, we often grab a bite at our favourite fast food place and talk about the film! Read the text and mark the following ‘statements T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. 1. Gordon is asking other bloggers to recommend a good film or play. 2 The IMAX Playhouse is popular with teens in Kieran’s city 3. After the cinema, Kieran and his friends often get something to eat. 4 The plays at the Unicorn Theatre are aimed at younger crowds. 5 Lily doesn't go to the theatre very often. 6 The Minack Theatre is on the beach. t [ | preference, hang out, enormous, screen, | | grab a bite, put on, audience, open-air, cliff, t | carved, comedian, check out Hello, everyone! I'm Tom and | must say that those places sound really fun! Here in Cornwall eee eke Rea ‘an open-air stadium on the side of a clif, Visitors sit on seats carved into the rock and look out See ea ee er my family and my friends to watch performance: yvthing, from comedians to operal Pe Mac Cau: Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with hang out, screen, check out, take place, grab, put on in the correct form. 4 How about sonnnnne bite at the NeW café after the show? | hear they make amazing sandwiches. 2 The events that : in the film are based on a real story. 3. I'm thinking of ..... os the new cinema complex this weekend. Do you want to come along? 4 Patrick usually with his friends at the park in his free time, 5 Our local theatre ers a ‘wonderful production of Othello last month 6 Claire hopes that her short film during the town's fim festival next month Speaking & Writing 5, GD voor ne tee cs resent in the text would appeal more to you and people your own age? Discuss with a partner. 6 ICT] Do some online research to find out about a popular cinema or theatre in your country and complete the fact file. Use the information to write a short paragraph about the venue. Name Location Event types: Show/Screening times Ticket prices Additional Information/comments AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Oe Pe ae Seo Seen ene Se uy range of activities. Read on to learn more about Te ete ‘What time do you finish school? Do you go straight home or do you take part in other activities? Reading Read the headings and look at the pictures. Which activities look more appealing to you? What other activities do you think are offered? Read to find out. Skills Activities include ICT, cookery and language lessons. ICT classes teach a variety of ‘computing skills: from using a search engine to basic programming. In cookery classes students learn how to make balanced meals using the right ingredients and healthy cooking methods. Language lessons offer students the chance to start learning a foreign language of their choice and get to know about a diferent culture, Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1. You can study your lessons at an after-school club. 2 ICT classes are only for beginners. 3. You need to bring your own ingredients to.a cookery class. 4 Sports classes only offer team sports. 5 Children can learn through playing in an after-school club. 6 Not many students choose the Arts classes Vocabulary Select the correct words to complete the phrases: career, balanced, skills, government- run, performing, methods. Use the phrases to make sentences related to the text. Sports & Games Students can train in football, cricket, rugby or other sports and play against other schools. Athletics is also popular. In fact, several ‘Olympians began their sporting career because of taking up an after-school activity! Younger students can play different fun and educational ‘games, such as Maths or vocabulary games or do

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