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Teeny-Tiny Knit Mitts

by We Knit Together
(Instagram: @weknittogether @loopsandcables,, Ravelry: We Knit Together)

5 sts and 8 rows per inch in stockinette on size 6

Cast on 24 (28, 32) sts on US size 4 needles. Place
marker (this is marker indicates the beginning of a
row, BOR) and join in the round. Note: Be careful not
to twist stitches.

Stitch marker set up row: Work repeats of K1, P1 (1X1
ribbing) 6(7,8) times, place marker. Continue ribbing
until the work measures 1.25(1.5,2) inches, ending at
first placed marker.

Switch to size 6 needles. Work complete rows of knit
stitch until work measures 3(3.75,4.5) inches.

Finger decrease:
Decrease row: Slip BOR marker, K1, ssk, knit until 3 sts
remain before next marker, k2tog, k1, sm, k1, ssk, knit
all stitches until 3 sts remain before BOR marker,
k2tog, k1 (4 sts decrease). Repeat decrease row until 8
Sizing: sts remain.
0-3 month (3-6 month, 6-12 month)
Materials: Trim yarn leaving a 6-inch tail. Using a darning needle
Yarn: DK weight thread the yarn through the remaining 8 sts and pull
Needles: US size 4 (3.5 mm) DPNs tight so they gather. Weave in the ends and block.
US size 6 (4.0 mm) DPNs
Notions: darning needle and measuring tape (Optional: pick up 3 sts on one mitt and knit a 3 st I-
cord for 14(16,18) inches. Pick up 3 sts on second mitt
Abbreviations: and knit to join. Weave in ends.)
BOR- Beginning of Round
K-Knit Share your work on social media using
P-Purl #TeenyTinyknitmitts and on Ravelry under Teeny-Tiny
k2tog- Knit 2 together Knit Mitts.
ssk - Slip slip knit
st(s)- stitch(es)


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