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anaes oe i ae | Name: Below are words that are used traditionally a¢ Christmas, Mach the word to its meaning. A. a gatund of greenery manger B. happy or joyous bough or information sidings D. aumgat sagarplam E a ype of candy 6 parteidge Fa feed box for cattle or horses G. ated flower Hi messenger mistlecoe Lappe of bid poincctia Ja green plane with white berries Copy 014 Kt Dacre Ah Retard Fear adetoalueathona einen Christmas Around the World = Japan Itis estimated that less than 1% of Japan's population is Christian. Therefore December 25th is not a national holiday. Clstmas is mostiy o. commercial event in Jopan. Many People do not know ihe meaning of Christmas, but big corporations decorate lights buidings and trees. Many people place trees in their homes and have party's such as bbonekai(forget-the-year parties). Many Japanese use lanterns, fas, flowers ond dolls to Gecorate thet trees. They may also exchange gifs, do Caroling, Hotelosho is tne Japa- nese Santa Claus. he walks around observing children. if they ate being good. he gives them a toy rom his sack. In action to exchanging gits there s & custom ef sonding cselbo (the end of the yecr gifts fo one another. A common gil given is a red envelope containing lucky money as a gift for the Chinese New Year. They also put out bows of ceronges and fangerines which symbolize wealth and good fertune. + "Merry Christmas" -shinnen Omedeto = China The Chinese New Year is the foremost winter holiday in China. This is @ time for feasting, family reunions and fun. Food plays a major role in Chinese New Year celebrations, where families hond out oranges, lychee nuts and other snacks which symbolize good fortune. Even though most Chinese are not Christians, you can stil see signs of Christmas ‘everywhere. Many peopie put up Christmas trees, decorated with paper chains, flowers, ‘and poper lantems, They alo decorote houses with beautiful paper lanterns. Chinese children hang mustin siockings for Santa Claus whom they call "Dun Che Lao Ren |dwyn- chut-lau-oh-tun) which means “Christmas Old Mon” + "Merry Christmas" - Kuna His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan = Russia Rusia celebrates Chistmos on January 7th. After the 1917 revolution, Christmas was banned throughout Russia. It wasn't until 1792 thal the holiday wos openly ob- served. On the eve of Christmas itis traditional for all fomiy members to gather and share a meal. Some farrilies fast prior to Christmas Eve Service, then have thoir meal. They traditional git given is a Matryoshke doll. The outer dalls open to reveal smaller dolls nested inside, Russian families decorate their trees with candy, oranges. apples. dolls, and fabric. + “Mery Christmas" - Pordrevivavu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom! = Great Britain The Christmas celebration in Great Britain is not unlike Westem Christmas celebrations, Peo- ple decorale all through the month of December, making puddings, baking cookies and decorating Christmas trees. Christmas pudding is an important tradition in Entish Christmas celebrations. According to custom, the pudding must be prepared by the 25th day after the Tinity. It's prepared with 13 ingredients which stands for Jesus and the twelve disciples. In honor of the journey the wise men made to see baby Jesus, each member of the family takes tums siining the pudding from east to west with a spoon. Chidren in Great Britain gen presents on Chisimos Day offer Father Christmas delivers gifts. Insiead of saying “Mery Chisimos' in England you ate greeted with "Happy Christmas”. The fist Crrisimas cards were sent cut in England and caraiing is ciso a tracitional way to celebrate the seo. son. = “Merry Christmas" - Nadolig Liawen + France The celebration of Christmas in France varies by region, but most celebrate on December 28th. French children place the'r snoesin front of the fireplace in the hopes that Pére Noél [oka Popa Noél) wil fil hem with gifls. There is also Pére Fouettard who gives out spank ings fo bad children! In 1762 a law was passed thai all letters wiitien to Santa would be re- sponded fo with a postcard. Christmas trees in France are decorated with stars of many different colors and the creche’ (manger scene) is the center of the decorations. Thay cel- ebrate the birth of Christ by singing carols and rejoicing! Foods like Buche de Noel and Galette des Rois are made this time of year. Say "Mery Christmas” - Joyeux Noel = Haly Christmos in Italy is festive lime and is racitionally celebrated December 14—January & (Christmas Eve - Epiphany). The main day for gift giving is Ephiphany when the three Wise ‘Men gave Baby Jesus their gifs. In laly presents ore brought by La Befana, whe arrives in the night fo fill children's stockings. Christmas decorations and trees are becorring more: popular, bu! the main focus of Gecorationsis ihe Nalivily Scene or Creche. The fis! man- ger scene ariginated in Italy and was made by St, Francis of Assi fo encourage the wer- ship of Jesus. Traditionally a meatiess or fish dinner is eaten on Christmas Eve folowed by ‘alvin nativity scene anc midnight mass. + "Meiry Chrstmas - Buone Feste Natalizie = Germany ‘he preparation for this special fest begins with the advent secson. This time you wil find allot of advent calendors filed with chocolcte or other goodies. Many families in Germo- ny ight one candle each Sunday during the advent season, The traditions of the Chvist- mas tree originated in Germany. Martin Luther was the first person to bring an evergreen tree inside. He added lights to the tree to symbolize the stars over Bethlehem. Trees are now decorated with apples, candies, cookies and candles and an angel on top. There are many gift-bearers in Germany depending on which region you are in, but each one is a helper to Kirst Kindl or the Christ Child. Children set out goodies for him to eat as he delivers gifts to their homes. + "Mey Chrisimas” Froehliche Weihnachten = Spain Felices Pascuas is “Merry Christmas" from Spain. Unlike many other places in Europe. Chhisimos ighis go up in December when every town and city wil decorate the streeis. They often celebrate with meals of seafood and cold cuts of meat. Trays of Christmas cakes and sweets ore also served, the most important sweets are Turén, a nougat made Of losted sweet almonds. They also have paella (a tice and seafood dish fruils, candy ‘ond cherimayas (apple custard). Evary town and most churches will have a nativity dis- Play, some ore arimatec ond illymincted ond can cover massive areos. In Spain people tas! all day on Chiisimas Eve, not ecting until atter michight when bells chime loudly at midnight caling people to mars. After midright mass, feasting can bagin. The Three kings deliver gfls on the eve of January 5. The children leave out thei shoes with hopes of find ing them filed with candy and toys in the moxning. On January éth they have a big pa- race with floats tossing out candy to the children. » “Merry Christmas” - Felices Pascuas = Mexico FelizNavidadis the greeting you'll hear in Mexico at Christmas time. in Mexico Christmas is a big deal! Many Mexican families will celebrate the holiday with family and have what are called Posaides fre-enactmenis of the voyage that Mary and Joseph took to seek sheller for the birth of Jesus). They wil oiso celebrate with a pifiata stuffed with candy! Pastorelas (a pastor s a shepherd] ate plays which reenact the visitation of the angel to the shepherds to announce the bith of Chist, The plays recreate their journey to visit him. In Mexico Christmas begins around December 15 and doesn't end untl after January 6 which is El Dic de los Reyes. On January 6, the children receive their gifts from the Three kings. Like in Spain they leave their shoes out hoping to find them filed with candy and toysin the morning. The poinsettia is the traditional Christmas plant andis native to Mexi- co. + “Merry Christmas" - Feliz Navidad Name: Write a Christmas Metaphor or S ‘Ametaphor compatescwo dings crcl. A simile compares twa things wing iter ie oa Example of a metaphor: The sound of dhe Christmas carols danced around the neighborhood “The metaphor compares the sound ofthe carols ta dance. Example of simile: The resents spied out fiom under the Wee like maces The simile compares the presents @ wate Part 1: Write a Si Fillin the blank to create 2 Christmas simile 1. The Christmas re wa sig a 2. The Chuintmas bes sounded Hike 3. On Chrismas Eve the house wat a que as 4. Like the now began fl 5. Lacy wrapped the present as cateflly 5 Part 2: Write a Metaphor Below are traditional Christmas items, Write a sentence foreach one that includes a metaphor 1. socking 2 candy cane 3.8 4.ommament cookies Copy 014 Kt dvacaream Age Resor Fear adetoalue athonaceinelenore Wrzreader 0 Some oft ours are hoping fo get compensation othe poer sate of the hotel, an | ink they havea very . case. ‘There's no point in trying to wade across the river, the currentis far too I you're asking me which of the candidates should get the job, I'm afraid | don't have any te views elther way. (o) (slit IRIolNIel ILI IL 00 Write only the missing word in CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 28 Thetrains are stl. .. despite the snow. My nose has been .. all week because of this awful cold. The project had to be completed by July and unfortunately we were ... short of time, 27 The quickest way to get back to the hotel is to .. across the meadows. The newspapers are_predi interest rates next week, ting that the government is going 10... ‘As the play was in danger of being too long, the producer decided to... part of the second act. 28 Hotels tend to their prices in the summer season. ‘We're hoping that the show we're putting on next month will .....:.ns sence lot of money for charity ‘The advertising campaign ought to .. . the profile of the company. 2 30 a Susan Moore is a world on ancient civiksations. Only the treasurer has the .. to sign cheques. Many schools in Britain are financed by a local central government funding. in conjunction with ‘Your work has not been up to standard in the last three months, but we are prepared to let you make a start, Write the report today while the events are stil In your ming. ‘You will find that Professor Stanton has an entirely ..... problem. approach to this ‘The TV reporter gave a full of the run-up to the election. ‘You need to take the family’s views into .. ‘on holiday. .» before you decide where to go Please don’t make a fu on my Example: © Do you mind it | watch you while you paint? objection DO YOU vs nsse ° have any objection to my watching Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet YOu while you paint? 32. My sister needed more than three hours to finish her homework last night. over it ee cone her homework last night. 33 I couldn't find a parking space this morning anywhere Iwas .. to park this morning, 34 I dor't intond to wait hore all morning, Intention ' os here all moming. 35 37 38 38 The two children began to argue fiercely about who had damaged the bicycle, broke A 7 the two children about who had damaged the bicycle. | admire her business ability but not the way she manages her staff. dislike Much ooo . : the way she manages her staff. Janet seems to me to be very happy in her new job. As. ...danet is very happy in her new job. ‘Acomputer breakdown was blamed for the delayed dispatch of the brochures. reason A computer breakdown was given . dispatching the brochures. ‘The sequel to the best seller was a reat disappointment to the public. ‘The sequel o the best seller... 28 of the public. Holidays, times of the day, meals, etc. We often use zero article with the names of holidays, special times of the year, or with the names gofronts and day ofthe week + Easter Ramadan New Year's Day September Monday But compare: + Tllsce you on Saturday. | * They arrived ona + They arrived on the + We met on Saturday. Saturday as far as Tean Saturday after my remember birthday party. = next Saturday / ‘we are only interested in| =a particular Saturday, last Saturday the day of the week, not specifying which one which particular Saturday With winter, summer, spring, autumn, and New Year (meaning the holiday period), we can ofien use either the or zero article: + In (the) summer I try to spend as much time in the garden as I can. + In Scotland, they really know how to celebrate (the) New Year. We use the when it is understood which summer, spring, ete. we mean: ‘+ "When did you meet Beth” ‘In the summer.’ + "When are you going to university?’ ‘In the autumn.’ (= next autumn) 1 first went skiing in the spring of 1992, We say ‘in the New Year’ to mean at or near the beginning of next year: + Til see you again in the New Year When we want to describe the features of a particular holiday, season, ete + That was a winter Til never forget. , we use a/an: We use the and a/an in the usual way when we talk about the morning/afternoon/evening of a particular day: + [woke up with a sore throat, and by the evening my voice had disappeared. + We're going in the afternoon. + "You look upset.’ 'Yes, I've had a terrible morning." However, we use zero article with at night and by night. Compare: + She kept us awake all through the night. and + Tdon't like driving at ni ge eo arte with midnight, midday, and noon: + Ifpossible, I'd like it finished by midday. We usually use zero article when we talk about meals: + What have we got for dinner? + I don't like drinking coffee at breakfast. We wouldn't say, for example, ‘I had a/the breakfast before I went out’. However, if we want to describe a particular meal, then we can use an article: + We didn't get up until 10 o'clock and had a late breakfast. + The dinner we had at Webster's restaurant was marvellous. When we talk about a formal dinner or lunch for a special occasion, we use ‘a dinner’ or ‘a juneh’ + We're having a dinner to welcome the new manager: Study these extracts from newspapers. Decide which ofthem need an article (the or alan) with the highlighted word. (B) 1... They had to spend night in a hotel because the flight was del 2 _...will be able to wake up in morning and find their video-recorder. 3. ...was often kept awake at night by their song which floated up through the window. 4 or are old people who go to bed in afternoon because they can’t afford to heat their houses. 5 ..until deliberations were completed. On Saturday morning, the jury embarked on its most difficult task. 6 put into the sculpture itself; lights can be used at night which focus on the works; better alarms at the... 7 ...storm area grew and drifted southwards during afternoon, while other storms developed over the North... 8 ...can doze off in the sunshine, or wander out at night. Single parents are, particularly on holiday, out on thei 9. ..aeflect the pain of the story. But, then, it was evening of celebration. It all ended with audience. 10 ..because in my head was a dream I had during night and I wanted to continue that dream to. yed... Where necessary, correet the articles in this extractfrom a letter. (A, B& C) Deon So, fovay, Gostras png, ant al the Himonigs. We xh satin Of HW ci We of wang oll dann oe tare feds ening 05 se dein la dng te mh be ‘ain in Noe han ard mit hin it WOLSt ping fits Lanse hor Fw Asta cay ‘tle. Gu sasha shina

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