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One day, Dywen, Enari, Shacri, together with their leader Flic were enjoying a normally abnormal

Daysatur morning when someone bumped into Dywen and fhe two both fell from the impact.

Cassie: I'm sorry! *Dywen gets up and helps Sica*

Dywen: *looks confused* uh?
Cassie: I said I'm sorry.
Dywen: *tilts her head in confusion*

Two other normal looking girls came into view, shouting.

Carrie: Cassie! Cassie! Where are you? *looks around* Cassie! Oh there she is! *she grabbed
Carrie's hand and lead them towards Cassie*

Shacri stuck out her pinky finger, points it at Carrie and Antoinette and asked loudly.

Shacri: Two you are hell the who?

Carrie: *raises both her hands as if to ay they're innocent* Chill! We're Cassie's friends. I was
trying to find her. Cassie, are you alright? Did they hurt you? *checks on Cassie to see if she is
Cassie: I'm fine, they helped me. *points to Dywen, Shacri, Enari, and Flic*

Dywen, Shacri, Enari, and Flic gasped while Cassie, Carrie, and Antoinette we're confused by
their behavior.

Enari: Down it put! That do don't!

Cassie: *looks at her hand then looks at Enari* What is it?

Flic stepped forward and lowered Cassie's hand.

Flic: Put down hand. No do it again.

Carrie, Cassie, and Antoinette widened their eyes.

Carrie: D-did you just understand us?

Flic: Yes, I understand. But I speak not good.

Suddenly, the three lost girls kneeled and begged Flic to help them find the border.

Cassie: Please help us! We've been walking around in circles trying to navigate our way out. We
need to go back!

Flic turned away to talk with his companions. A few moments later, they seemed to agree with the
decision they've came up with and turned back to their visitors.
Flic: Come with us.

They lead their visitors to the center of their town. While walking, Carrie and Cassie asked Flic.

Carrie: What is this place?

Cassie: Why is this place so weird?
Flic: You are in the country of Bamboozled.
Shacri: Bamboozled of part western the Eporue of city the in are we.
Flic: She said we are in Eporue, in the western part of Bamboozled.
Dywen: Language Brongnian speak we and Brongnians are we.
Flic: We are Brongnians and we speak Brongnian language.
Enari: Culture confusing our for famous is Bamboozled and cheerful and very loud are people the.
Flic: The people are very loud and cheerful and Bamboozled is famous for our confusing culture.

Carrie and Cassie nodded at the information.

Carrie: Why did you lower my hand when I pointed at you?

Flic: Pointing at a Brongnian with the pointer finger is a sign of disrespect.
Dywen: Bamboozled in here in rules have we.
Flic: Yes, we have rules. We shouldn't disrespect one another. We should never be silent, unless
necessary. No to violence. What we should do is be friendly with one another, interact with each
other, be polite and respectful, everything should be in backwards, and the louder, the weirder, the
crazier, the better.
Cassie and Carrie: Woah.
Cassie: You Brongnians must be wild.
Flic: Definitely.
Enari: Absolutely.
Shacri: No doubt.
Dywen: Too wild.

Dywen, Shacri, and Enari all covered their mouths. Eyes wide, the group were dumbfounded.

Flic: How did you...?

Shacri: We don't know.
Enari: It just came out naturally.
Dywen: This is great! Now we can interact with each other!

The group cheered and with the Brongnians finally able to tell them directions correctly, Cassie
and Carrie went back to their world safely.

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