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Attendance- Business Rules

Late Coming

Late Coming

Late Coming

Early Leaving

Early Leaving

Early Leaving











Punch Out Update Rights


Punch Out Update Rights


Punch Out Update Rights

Punch Out Update Rights

Punch Out Update Rights


Leave Deduction

Leave Deduction
Leave Deduction
Leave Deduction

Weekend In Calendar
Weekend In Calendar

Prorate Rule (for the new

32 employees)

Prorate Rule (for the new

33 employees)

Attendance Regularization
34 Notification

Rights Post Attendance


Rights Post Attendance

36 Cycle

Data Migration
Existing Logic In Code
ess Rules
Late coming will be considered for an employee if they are 15 mins late from their specified
Shift Start Time.

In simple words, if shift start time has been defined as 9:00 AM for an employee and if 9:15 is
the first punch in time for a day, it will be considered as On-Time and 9:16 onwards will be
considered as Late Coming.

Late coming should be reflected in the calendar.

Early leaving will be consider for an employee if they are leaving before 60 mins of their
specified Shift End Time.

In simple words, if shift end time has been defined as 5:30 PM for an employee and if 4:30 is
the last punch out time for a day, it will be consider as On-Time and 4:29 or before will be
considered as Early Leaving.

Late coming should be reflected in the calendar.

While applying for OD, WFH and Tour, employee need to mandatorily select the timing (Start
time and End time). Before this timing they should be able to select a flag (First half, Second
Half, Full Day). This flag will actually enable the corresponding time to be enabled to select.

If employee has selected First Half, then they can only select the Start time and End time only
from the first 4:15 hrs of their standard shift timings.

If employee has selected Second Half, then they can only select the Start time and End time
only from the second 4:15 hrs of their standard shift timings.

If employee has selected Full Day, then they should be able to select the Start and End time
anytime between their standard shift timings.

Note: Average working hours will not be depending on First Half, Second Half or Full Day
selection but on the Start and End time. Also, Shift Start Time should always be less than Shift
End Time.

An employee can’t apply OD, WFH and Tour, beyond their standard shift timings.

If an employee tries to apply an OD even after 5:30 PM, if their standard shift end time is 5:30,
system should show an alert stating you can’t apply this type of regularization beyond shift
duration. Same applied for before 9:00 AM.

On Apply, a notification will go to RM to approve the same must contain the Start Time, End
Time and First Half/Second Half/Full Day.
If in a month, an employee has applied for more than 03 OD or WFH or Tour, a notification
email will be sent to the RM and Vertical Head.

An employee can’t apply OD, WFH and Tour, beyond their standard shift timings.

If there is Biometric data in the system (both Punch In and Punch Out) for some part of a day,
then employee can apply for OD, WFH, and Tour for other part of the day to regularize their

Here, system should alert the employee if they are applying the OD/WFH/Tour and its getting
overlapped with bio-metric data.

Clear bifurcation should be maintained in each type of attendance regularization.

Average working hours will be calculated by considering the Bio-metric data plus
OD/WFH/Tour basis Start & End time.

If we have only Punch In and employee is trying to apply for any kind of leave or attendance
regularization on the same day, system should restrict them to first get the Punch Out
updated in the system thru HR or Vertical Head (Division Owner) as overlapping should not be
considered in any scenario and then apply for leave or attendance.

Punch Out rights need to be given to HR Ops manager login (Animesh, Samriti) and VH, only if
blank. An email notification will go to employee, teamhrops, RM on Punch Out update.

After updating the Punch Out, even HR or VH should not be able to edit it again.

Note: Employee need to connect with HR or VH offline, to update Punch Out time for a day.
System will not have that process flow.

This option is required because-

1) Without Punch In & Punch Out time (even without one) for a day, working hours would
not get calculated for a day.
2) If Punch In happened but Punch Out didn’t and employee left at 11 AM. He/She can’t
apply for OD/Leave/WFH unless we have Punch Out time for that day.
3) If Punch In happened but Punch Out happened in the early morning after 12 AM (next
day), Working hours would not get counted. So Punch Out needs to be defined somewhere.

In case an employee has more than 04 late comings in a month, HR will always have an option
to deduct their leave balance from PL.

In case there is not enough balance in PL, then system should deduct it from CL.

HR will also have an option to mark the month, where they are going to deduct the leave
balance from total and put remarks also.
Notification should be send to employee regarding the same. While deducting they should
also have an option to update remarks, to be visible in Leave Balance Sheet.

Weekend would be greyed out in calendar but must show ‘WO’ in reports.

Also, if we have data for weekends (like attendance or leave), greyed out is not applicable in
the calendar and instead of ‘WO’ in reports, actual data would come into reports.

Leave Policy 1 and Leave Policy 2 (January to December)

Total Number of leaves/12 multiply Remaining number of months remaining

Note: While calculating the total number of months remaining, if we are on the last day of a
month, that month would also get included in the count.

Attendance Regularization notification should be triggered to all employees in cc RM and

team HR ops one day before their attendance cycle closure.

Post Attendance Cycle Completion for a month, RM & Employee should not have an option to
Reject & Cancel (respectively) options for leaves (including regularization, Others). RM could
still Approve the leaves, Regularisations, Other but not Reject or Cancel them.

On the other hand, HR would have all options with them for all employees to perform such
actions restricted for RM & Employee after Attendance Cycle completion.

Current Attendance Data of the employee including Punch Data, Blanks means Absent,
Regularizations should be copied as it is in the new design, visible under Individual's calendar.

Any existing logic running in the code needs to be highlighted by the developer, which is not
getting covered in the requirement. We will check with HR whether we want that logic or not.
Leaves- Business Rules
New Field Addition in myDEN

New Field Addition in myDEN


New Field Addition in myDEN

New Field Addition in myDEN


Existing Bug

New Year Calendar


Maternity Leave

Dashboard- Header


Dashboard- Header
Dashboard- Header
Dashboard- Header
Dashboard- Header
Dashboard- Header
Dashboard- Header

Dashboard- RHS

Dashboard- RHS
Dashboard- RHS

Dashboard- RHS

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)
HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)
HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)


HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)

HR Rights (Refer Slide 18-19)



37 Calendar

Bulk Update

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
39 Leave Type- Casual

Leave Pop-Up
40 Leave Policy- 1
Leave Type- Marriage

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
41 Leave Type- Maternity

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
42 Leave Type- Paternity

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
43 Leave Type- Priviledged
Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
44 Leave Type- Sick

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 2
45 Leave Type- Casual

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 2
46 Leave Type- Maternity

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 3
47 Leave Type- Paternity

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 3
48 Leave Type- Priviledged

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 3
49 Leave Type- Casual

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 3
50 Leave Type- Maternity

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
51 Request Type- WFH

Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
52 Request Type- On Duty
Leave Pop-Up
Leave Policy- 1
53 Request Type- Tour

Data Migration

Configuration (Refer slide 1-16)

Configuration (Refer slide 1-16)
Configuration (Refer slide 1-16)

Email Notifications
TAT Calculation
Menu Changes in myDEN
Existing Logic In Code
HR needs an option to select Leave Policy on Offer Letter page (for initial policy alignment)
and on Employee Information page (for changing it in later point of time).

Once policy would be changed by the HR for an employee, the employee calendar would still
be showing the previously captured data for leave and attendance both, and going forward
should capture the leave & attendance according to the new policy.

Also, ‘Effective Date’ should be captured for all policy changes.

By-default policy will be auto-selected (but editable), based on the policy table matrix shared
in matrix.

LWP can’t be removed by Employee or RM, but HR could be able to remove it, if required.

Note: Blank and LWP are different things. LWP would be asked by system in case of
insufficient leave balance for certain leaves but blank would be there if there is no leave,
attendance regularization, others, biometric details updated for a day.

There is also a bug wherein employees could first apply for Monday and then Friday, wherever
we are restricting to apply for the leaves on Friday and Consecutive Monday. This should be

Maternity Leave, Paternity and Marriage Leave should continue to be visible in the calendar,
when we have a new calendar for the next year, if applied.

Maternity Leave, an HR should also be included in the notification email.

In Dashboard,

1) Late Coming Count

2) Early Leaving Count

should be visible for the Attendance Cycle of current month.

Average Hours dashboard value should be for the current month till date.

Average Hours should also possess colours, with colour specific text.

Average Hours for team should be along with Team Calendar, instead of showing it with self’s
average hour dashboard.
Leave Balance link should be under balance summary dashboard.

Help-Texts against dashboards like Month-to-date, Year-to-date.

A vertical line in-between the Employee Details & Leave-Attendance Details.

Icons for the employees, taking planned leave for a month, within the same team hierarchy
should have date/date range at RHS panel.

Heading to be added in the section where we are displaying on-leave individuals at RHS.

Leave Policy space should be utilized to show the holiday list of the year and leave specific
policy should be listed on selection of that leave type itself, in the pop-up.

"Detailed Summary" should be re-labelled to "Leave Details".

Apply Leaves for Employees.

Reject Employees' Applied Leaves (Irrespective of RM's Approval).

Cancel Employees' Applied Leaves (If RM has not yet cancelled it).

View Employees Calendar- Month Wise- Till LWD, after which HR can't search that employee
for any leave & attendance related actions.

They should be having an option to apply for Leave Without Pay (LWP), for any employee.

HR is able to search the employees, basis on Department -> Location -> Employee Name ->
Year (fields dependent on each other as per the current logic).
Moreover, there is an independent option to enter & search an employee (auto-complete

In both the above scenarios, HR should be able to view the leave balance of any employee
within the organization. We need to implement this feature in new design also.

HR is able to search the employees and view there applied leave details. Search parameters
here are Employee Name, Date From, Date To, Approval Status.

Moreover, HR has an additional option to apply leave for any employee.

We need to provide both the options in the new design as well. HR should also apply for
OD/Tour/WFH/Week-Off/International Holiday/Leaves/LWP (In case of insufficient balance).
Only 03 images should be there in the calendar i.e. for Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day and
Republic Day. For rest of the holidays, only Holiday should be visible in the Calendar.

In reports, it should be Holiday always.

There should be an option in the team calendar to filter the team’s leave calendar according
to a Project. Project Option should be there while selecting the team/individual calendar.

Colour should be same for all Leave Types.

Attendance Regularization should be in a different colour.

Week offs can be applied on weekends as well.

On Duty and WFH dashboard should be included in individual calendar.

Bulk Updates should allow the RM to approve the requests irrespective of the month, a
request has been raised for.

It can't be cubbed with other leave types

Minimum leave allowed is for Half-Day
Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 02 days
It can't be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday

It can be cubbed with SL and PL

Minimum and Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 03 days
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted

It can be cubbed with SL and PL

Minimum and Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 182 days
Employee can apply, if completed atleast 80 days with Denave
All week-offs and holidays will get counted

It can be cubbed with SL and PL

Minimum and Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 02 days
It can't be applied in the Joining Month
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted

It can be cubbed with other leave types except CL

Minimum leave allowed is for 01 day
Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is dependent on leave balance
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted
It can be cubbed with other leave types except CL
Minimum leave allowed is for Half-Day
Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 7 days
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted

It can't be cubbed with other leave types except Maternity

Minimum leave allowed is for Half-Day
Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is dependent on leave balance
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted

It can be cubbed with SL and PL

Minimum and Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 182 days
Employee can apply, if completed atleast 80 days with Denave
All week-offs and holidays will get counted

It can be cubbed with other leave types

Minimum and Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 05 days
It can even be applied in the Joining Month
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted

It can be cubbed with other leave types

Minimum leave allowed is for Half-Day
Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is dependent on leave balance
It can be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday, weekend will not get counted

It can be cubbed with other leave types

Minimum leave allowed is for Half-Day
Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is dependent on leave balance
It can't be applied on Friday and consecutive Monday

It can be cubbed with SL and PL

Minimum and Maximum leaves allowed in continuation is for 182 days
Employee can apply, if completed atleast 80 days with Denave
All week-offs and holidays will get counted

It can't be applied within Attendance Punch In & Punch Out duration

You can't apply it if Punch In data is available but Punch Out data is blank
Punch Out data can be updated by HR or Division Owner, if required
It can't be applied beyond designated shift timings

It can't be applied within Attendance Punch In & Punch Out duration

You can't apply it if Punch In data is available but Punch Out data is blank
Punch Out data can be updated by HR or Division Owner, if required
It can't be applied beyond designated shift timings
It can't be applied within Attendance Punch In & Punch Out duration
You can't apply it if Punch In data is available but Punch Out data is blank
Punch Out data can be updated by HR or Division Owner, if required
It can't be applied beyond designated shift timings

Current Leave Data and Balance should be copied as it is in the new design, visible under
Individual's calendar.

Leave Policy

Leave Types

Leave Specific Business Rules

Emails and Reminders

TAT Configurations

Refer Slide 42

Any existing logic running in the code needs to be highlighted by the developer, which is not
getting covered in the requirement. We will check with HR whether we want that logic or not.
L1 Internal Leave Policy
7 8

L2 1 Leave policy CL - 1 per month carryforward till calendar year


L3 BI Off Leave policy

0 8
PL Paternity Leave
15 2

Applicable in ISD projects/Trainee


Marriage Leave
3 PL is given on monthly basis, 1.25 PL at month completion

• Leave calculation year has considered from March

to February

• No Medical proofs taken from employees while

adjusting SL.
.25 PL at month completion
Casual Marriage Maternity Paternity Priviledged Sick
Leave Policy
Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly

P1 NA 8 NA 3 NA 182 NA 2 1.25 NA NA 7

P2 1 NA NA 182

P3 NA 8 NA 182 NA 5 NA 19
Fields Abbreviations Remarks
Present P
Absent A
Weekly Off WO
Holiday H
On Duty OD
Late Coming LC
Tour Tour
Work from Home WFH
International Holiday INTHO Only applicable those are working for International projects.
Sick Leave SL
Casual Leave CL
Privilege Leave PL
First Half Sick Leave SLHD1
Second Half Sick Leave SLHD2
First Half Casual Leave CLHD1
Second Half Casual Leav CLHD2
Maternity Leave MTL
Paternity Leave PTL
Marriage Leave ML Only in case of Own Marriage
Half Day Absent HDA
tional projects.
1st Email
Action Request Type Request Name
When To CC Subject
Apply Leave Casual OR + 00 RM Employee
Cancel Leave Sick Leave OR + 00 RM Employee
Approved Leave Casual OR + 00 RM Employee
Rejected Leave Privileged OR + 00 RM Employee
Apply Attendance On Duty OR + 00 RM Employee
Cancel Attendance Work From Home OR + 00 RM Employee
Approved Attendance On Duty OR + 00 RM Employee
Rejected Attendance Work From Home OR + 00 RM Employee
Apply Others Holiday OR + 00 RM Employee
Cancel Others Comp Off OR + 00 RM Employee
Approved Others Week Off OR + 00 RM Employee
Rejected Others Week Off OR + 00 RM Employee

if Request has been made within last last 24 hours of ATC, then that email should go On-Request Submi
2nd Email
Email Body When To CC Subject Email Body
OR + 24 RM Employee
OR + 24 RM Employee
OR + 24 RM Employee
OR + 24 RM Employee
OR + 08 RM Employee
OR + 08 RM Employee
OR + 08 RM Employee
OR + 08 RM Employee
ATC - 08 RM Employee
ATC - 08 RM Employee
ATC - 08 RM Employee
ATC - 08 RM Employee

at email should go On-Request Submission only.

Leave Type Field Name Element
Casual Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Sick Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Earned Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Maternity Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Expected Date Of Delivery Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Paternity Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Marriage Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Leave Type Field Name Element
Casual Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Maternity Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Expected Date Of Delivery Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Leave Type Field Name Element
Casual Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Privilege Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Maternity Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Expected Date Of Delivery Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Paternity Leave From Calendar
To Calendar
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Leave Type Field Name Element
Comp Off From Calendar
To Calendar
Day/Time Based Drop-Down
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Start Time Drop-Down
End Time Drop-Down
Total Days Text
Leave Balance Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
International HolidayFrom Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Week Off From Calendar
To Calendar
Total Days Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Attendance Type Field Name Element
Work From Home From Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
On Duty From Calendar
To Calendar
Start Time Drop-Down
End Time Drop-Down
Total Days Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Tour From Calendar
To Calendar
Full day Radio-Button
First Half Radio-Button
Second half Radio-Button
Total Days Text
Remarks Text-Area
Cancel Button
Back Button
Submit Button
Leaves- Business Rules
Comp Off
Attendance Tracker
Dashboard- Header

Dashboard- Header

Dashboard- Header

Delegate Feature
Comp-Off would currently remain as disabled and would be taken up in later phases.

The tracker to upload the leave and attendance should not be considered for the current
RM can drill-down the Average Hours details and view the individual specific average hours
and should have the option to Notify them with customized texts.

Late Arrivals should also have instance table along with Average hours of an individual and
should have drill-down functionality to view and notify the individuals.

VH HR Ops value needs to be plan against each Employee and then the same should be
shown here in header.

Delegate feature should be with Reporting Managers only to route all leave & attendance
requests to the designated person.

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