Units: O "-R - "T.,K-F.'-DD

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n Units 13-14 quiz

AO L,srenondcomphbrhcrs.dn'nrch(r.

ksttrurant Chnk

I Ch..* r/ ) tne cond r€sponse.

r. I n mzy rbout M! spic, fmd.

2. I .sn r sbnd n€.sr fis rood. rn nor in tl'e nmd for lirzd.

C Circle the *od or phms thsl drcsnt 6r.

L isd $ncc / b. *ith l.mo./lin
2. lallcd slmon/sp$hct end monthrlls/tlnd {rbi/rhfi npcu.r}.
3. bect kcbabs / (hcsc onelcr / stiFfricd tofu / li.icd hananas

D compleF Lhe oiwBriion qt

a: Tho lried .hicko., pLe.

a: What kind of por.res qolld you like?

B: No. That b. all.

f-212 altmlD oc,.b"ds.L-.*tr Ess

I Thcre are loh ofbeNtilul tEes in tbis sea / forcli / vabd,x

, A r de*n /.iler / hitl ) c a rcry hot aDd dD plRa.

hvars hiehd than a raler.

Conplct each scnhnce snh ihe corcd rorm ol thc Mjedire.

amupmcnt ts|kin the M d? rlanousr

3 rvhat is rivorinrhe{orrd,rheAmazon,Danlbe.orNjle? llong,

G Rmd,he'ftk rh€n 5n,"e rh.qr{ -,

THE tsXG rrnAD{D

lE,(^1a( kF\\ ' ,.,, |LN.,,i A., r( d,itr,l \la
lSrrrD,,r rlrrJ\ n rl,c rnJdle,i'lk
llrciric oc..r. lJnr d l0liaNrl r
ll.\3ii h borh.lEtunFoirlrc $xre rnd
ini,c ot the bitgc$ ishnd nr d,! $rrc.:
rOs. x scoiti,s A. n) pcoplc crll rhc
otllx\aii.dr Ria'noN _
islrnJ rslind Hawaiian lslands
Thc \utl,c' on rhc lJiA lslitrd is\!rr
.lrcstnE.lt hrs lr)old1e l5 hindsol
cli'mrcs fi $c \.dd. nLllltnr! (tutiexl.
dosod. dd .lpnr. $nncrnn.s
irsu jc6'n.!rfui'1.
snos on ropoli(s o\0 (J', tl,ccxst sidc.llilolch rnnl l lo
ifuhes of rini pcr\!.r lr\ rhc \.r!n oirr
(h rhe ${ siJc ol drc islinJ. rhc r. hcr itr rhc li,ncd s.rres!.{llrlrt nn, n,rkcs r'or
irsunnv lixilui l(r. is.hn.{ I!rl.cr.lr n me rfuznrl \ xterl']ls nexr Ililo

ricts up r,rbourr50'| i'r drc\i'rcrrnd \\i'rcricilporrntrcs.re coldcat i'r lcl,i, ry

37'l in d!su !r lr o.lr e,ado\r io xn'i ramc$ nr scpron,borand oo!)bor
6.l"l in rhc \i'ncf ind 6t)cf n, rhe ru ner Thcrc is Aood wnltcliu. Arurt scuha dninl.
rhc l(,h.li irci ni r[. io'th is rhc driesr ind{nndcii'l rirhnr{urn{'nd. rhi(
plt oltlrc ishnd rnh otrNiho!. l0 nFlrs n,xtcs drc llig lslrtrd lnprlxr Nirh 1rcoplc
to all o\9r[c\rdd \innc.illrc\c.r

Ho* hoL ddes it g.r in ts€ilua Kona in tbe Nintcr?

tr 30'r
tr 69.F
2. Wb!!clihate h NoTfoundin HrNan? Who? do.s it rain thc no*?

oCAmbfldF!.eltJhe, .EFt6tti
$ Unils l5-10 quiz

A O ."!-r, ""r+pl,* -n\.F,i'on\..heL.7 rhc,4rpd d,,marion

O She needt ro dldy tor a resr

B .rmpl {" rh,,,n!"Nr.o' s. Uj.'ha rcrFd o' l of rhc \e-b-

,$rnr. drr I home Therc sa sK€r matrh on Tv.

rlike. hrvu,a b:nlEuc on thcltctrch. bur it ndy hin.

)!u lhop?, doralicrF uationr
A,I rlov€. h?rel, in E!'np. for ('vhilc.

C cn.k the omd \srd or pha*.

l. Please (teu / to i.ll I$hsl p.(y on Sarurdrr.
Vary rhee . d

2. $ould jou ssk Bill 6ring / to bfino the co.c,l tick.is r,njghf
3. Could you rtcu / sk Dana thdl the novie {arts ar 3: 15?

D lnl al.{ch n.ssaF. Conpl.lc lhc r.quc$usrnsihcnamc ir prrenrheses.

l. The tcst on ThnF&y isa! l:00 f.N.
Plors..tll rKe.l
2. Mei ne after cl,s t day.
Would y.u nsl ? ,Ney,
3. Thcrc s ll eybalt Eamc ronight.
4. conc torhc Dirni! un srr!d.r.

1-214 G@ED oc".h.a" u-*^a P--

c!*k (/) foft !tqteD@r!, Tne! obpl.r€ th. eids,
,u nprr: O rve goi.€d a lor ol $€ishr,
rwer I lagjbgrLlve klogtaas
1. tr r d@t lilo Eyjob .!rmo6,

,. tr lvc boEd to. w pl@, but I det lik it

3. tr I do.l lilc dJ hxntJle,

,t. O I dly n..d eoe os .loihs

6. E I3!@t to nud E6Gy ldl Mti.

6. tr I sei boEd on the ek n L

?. tr Anorhd Ebgtish 6le .t€its im.

G R.sd Ni@let e'Eail. $e! mpLtc th..han r h r*o Mt cbrqr.

id hd life dd tso tutrE Di@.

fl@ naE }!! be.? wh.l he ,ou &(e in the p.sr yd? sdr] | hrEn't
*idei In a lons tim., ll s b..n a cDzy yer.
l!. b..i pctly busy. I ws b.rcd wlth my iob, and nry litE w 3Dln3
i@fterc. I had no El e@r and no boyf .ndr I kn4 r n.ed.d 10 dar.

Fitsr, I iound . ne &b. I n@ wk rf a lrel asency, I bs n, but it'r a tot

lre srrc${ur th.n ny old jot I just lot a ..i$, thd3h.
are, I tord my rri.id Jrcli. ih.l | *nt d lo sp ouri s 16r ,arl .h. md | renl
dl d@. Thdr 161 0eMb4 sh. *Engsd . d.ia b.nEei P.rrick rnd ne.
Pardck is. srud.nt, and h. hop6 io gEdu.t in rhe srfr.r. cu6 *tat?
tlb rc dg{.d ndl Sulp|isd? Patlc* a.d I pbn to gd Mn d Eld yer.
lrEi E hot to l€€laend Mdiolorou hon.ym@n. w. rc e'y happyl
Lokiry ro*rd 1o h€ing all your ffi.

@caDb'idF udv6 y Pss lGlil!ffiiD ab t,-to quE. r-zta

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