Current Events Assignment

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Two of the greater deficiencies of students in the United States

are the continued use of reading and writing as they apply to
their coursework or casual enjoyment.

This assignment will give you the opportunity to:

 Improve your knowledge about various topics

 Improve your comprehensive ability shifting short term
memory into long term
 Relate everything to anything
 Gain great wealth, especially when it comes to points in

Write a bulleted Outline, 1-2 paragraph summary, and a 1
paragraph analysis of any current event with relevance to a
subject you are currently enrolled.

Complete the assignment so that you meet the following


 1 side of 1 full page

 1 full page divided into 3 sections
 Margins of .8 inches, 10-11 point font, times New Roman, 1
to 1.5 spacing
 Include 1 small graphic insertion
 Full justification

Subjective elements of quality and relation to topic are heavily

Course Period


Title & by Date

Outline (bullets- not full sentences)




Summary (1-2 Paragraphs 5-6 sent/each)








Analysis (relation to course or subtopic)





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