Water Treatment Process

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17/U/10320/PS – 217017025




I, SSONKO GEORGE WILLIAM, declare that all the information provided in this report is a
true experience of what took place in my industrial training at NATIONAL WATER AND
SEWERAGE CORPORATION ENTEBBE during the period 04/06/2019 to 9/08/2019

This is to certify that SSONKO GEORGE WILLIAM had his Industrial under the supervisor at
the plant in the organisation of National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Entebbe
branch, and under the University Supervisor. The report is now ready for submission for
examination and award of marks.

Signature………………………. Date:………………………..


(University Supervisor.)

Signature………………………. Date:………………………


(Field Supervisor.)

I would like to dedicate this report to the following people;

My family mostly my brother, Mr. Wamala James who has nurtured me to become the person I
am today. I thank her for all the financial support throughout my education up to this stage, for
the moral upbringing and the good words of hope.

My fellow trainees with whom we have shared the good and bad moments of the industrial
training process. These include Natukunda Loyce, Jacob Egure, Mubiru Colline Joshua and
Minge Simon. Thank you for being very cooperative and may God bless the work of your hands.

This training is as results of many people. The pooling of knowledge has been consistently
generous and I have been sustained and encouraged by the good will of my correspondents,
benefactors and friends.

I greatly appreciate the almighty God for a gift of life wisdom and knowledge that he has given
me as well as spiritual guidance in completion of this training. I convey my lovely appreciation
to my parents for the advice and financial support they given me during the whole course of

Very special thanks are owed to a number of people; Madam Nabukomeko Bernardatte. You
have not only been my organizational supervisor for this training but a parent who always
wished me good, I cannot enumerate your help and finish. Confidence, guidance and correction
has been you. You’re such a wonderful lady. (R.W, 1962)

I continue to convey my heartfelt appreciation to my academic supervisor; Mr. Richard

ocheng, a senior lecturer in Chemistry Department who thought to visit me and guide me here
and there. God bless you richly.

Mr. Richard; quality control assistant, I cannot remember how many times I ran to you for help
and you responded it beyond human count. You really shared much more than you could. All
plant attendants in the organisation, should I forget that love, care and transport you gave me
during the training? Never.

All in all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the entire Management of NWSC for
allowing me to do my industrial training in this corporation. Thank you.


This report gives the historical background, health and safety precautions and organization
structure of National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC).

The description of water treatment process water (which involve screening, pre-settlement and
pre-oxidation, coagulation, flocculation, settlement or clarification, filtration and disinfection.)
followed by water and waste water analysis.

Screening removes big particles such as stones, snakes, clothes, fish and some other aquatic
animals from water that is entering the process. The screened water then enters catchment point
where it is pumped by sub massive pumps through two pipes that joins to the same pipe
constructed underground delivering the raw water caught to the stilling well. At the stilling well,
Soda Ash is added if raw water has got a low pH, followed by dosing of water with a flocculent;
alum or a polymer is used. Then water enters in the flocculation tank with formation of flocks
and sedimentation occurs in the sedimentation tank where there is formation of clear water, scum
floats on top and sludge sinks to the bottom. Clear water is clarified in the clarifiers. Then water
flows to the sand filters for filtration. After the filtration process the water needs to be disinfected
and, in some cases, ozonated, or treated with UV light. It then goes into the distribution system
where it gets stored in reservoirs ready for transport through pipes to the society for

For Quality control and assurance laboratory tests are carried out. The report has got tables and
figures for different numerical data analysis.

For sewerage treatment, sewerage coming from different parts of the town is screened to remove
big particles like pampers, polyethene, condoms, clothes, handkerchiefs among others and then
allowed into the anaerobic ponds where there is breakdown of sewerage by microorganisms in
absence of oxygen to facultative ponds and finally to the Aeration ponds or maturation ponds
where microorganisms work in presence of oxygen.

NWSC National water and Sewerage Corporation

NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units

Pico platinum Cobalt

DO Dissolved Oxygen

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

CBOD Carboneous Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Ppm Parts per million

RW Raw Water

FW Final Water

HLM High Level Metre

LLM Low level Metre

NEMA National Environment and Management Authority

WTP Water Treatment Plant.


DECLARATION............................................................................................................................ I

APPROVAL. ................................................................................................................................ II

DEDICATION............................................................................................................................. III

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ......................................................................................................... IV

ABSTRACT. ................................................................................................................................. V

LIST OF ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................. VI

CHAPTER ONE: .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. ........................................................................................ 1

1.1 BENEFITS OF THE ORGANISATION (NWSC) TO THE COMMUNITY. .....................................................2

1.2 INFORMATION FOR A PROCESS DESIGN....................................................................................................3
1.3. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF NWSC. .............................................................................................4
1.4. TRAINING OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................5
1.4.0 Training objectives.......................................................................................................................................5
1.4.1. Training Activities .......................................................................................................................................5
1.4.2. Scope of training .........................................................................................................................................5
1.5 RELEVANCY OF THE TRAINING. .................................................................................................................5
1.6 COURSES IN RELATION TO THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING. .....................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO: ......................................................................................................................... 8

2.0 SAFTEY AT THE PLANT. ................................................................................................... 8

2.0.1 SAFETY POLICY AT NWSC. ........................................................................................................................8

2.0.2 CHEMICALS HANDLED AT THE PLANT. ..................................................................................................9
2.0.3 ACTIONS ARISING FROM THE HAZOP ................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER THREE: ................................................................................................................... 11

3.0 WATER TREATMENT PROCESS ................................................................................... 11

3.0.1 REASONS FOR TREATING WATER ..................................................................................................................... 11

ENTEBBE. .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Screening. ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3.0.1 Action of ALUM ......................................................................................................................................... 14

@SSONKOGEORGEWILLIAM2019 Principle of coagulation ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Flocculation. ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Procedures used for dosing Aluminium Sulphate ................................................................................................. 15 How to determine the dose rate to be supplied by the pump ................................................................................ 15
3.0.2 Sedimentation/clarification ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.0.3 Filtration. ................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.0.4 Post chlorination ........................................................................................................................................ 17

CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 19

4.0 ANALYSIS OF WATER QUALITY .................................................................................. 19

4.1 Description of some important instruments and equipment used in the analysis of water quality ............... 19
4.2 PARAMETERS CONSIDERED DURING THE ANALYSIS OF WATER QUALITY ............................................................ 20
4.2.1 TURBIDITY ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Colour ..........................................................................................................................................................2
4.2.3 Hardness ......................................................................................................................................................2
4.2.4 Electrical conductivity .................................................................................................................................3
4.2.5 PH test..........................................................................................................................................................4
4.2.6 Chlorine demand test ...................................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 6

6.0 SEWERAGE TREATMENT PROCESSES IN THE LAGOONS.......................................................................6

6.1 WASTEWATER TREATMENT ........................................................................................................................6
6.2 WASTE STABILIZATION PONDS (WSP) .......................................................................................................7
6.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS OF LAGOONS .................................................................................................7
6.3.1 Maintenance of lagoons ...............................................................................................................................8
6.3.2 Important design parameters .......................................................................................................................8
6.4 TREATMENT PROCESSES IN THE WASTE STABILIZATION PONDS ......................................................8
6.4.1 Aeration .......................................................................................................................................................2
6.4.2 Anaerobic pond ............................................................................................................................................2
6.4.3 Facultative pond. .........................................................................................................................................3
6.4.4 Aerobic/maturation pond. ............................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER SEVEN. ...................................................................................................................... 5

8.0. RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................................................5

8.1 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................................5
8.2 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................6
8.4 APPENDIX. maximum values of portable water quality parameters ............................................................7


FIGURE 1: AN ORGANIZATIONAL CHAT OF NWSC. ...................................................................................................4

AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION ENTEBBE.............................................................................................. 18
FIGURE 3: BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR THE WASTE WATER NATURAL TREATMENT. ..............................................................4

TABLE 3: SHOWING THE CHLORINE DEMAND TEST FORM. ................................................................ 5

(MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE) ......................................................................................................... 7



National water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is an autonomous public corporation 100%
owned by the government of Uganda and hence a parastatal organisation. The central
government of Uganda represented by both the ministry of Water and Ministry of Finance
maintains a contract with NWSC.

The NWSC was established by decree No.34 of 1972, following an earlier study on the need for
improvement of water and sanitation services in the major urban centres of Uganda by WHO.

NWSC address: P.O. Box 7053 Kampala Uganda. Where its Headquarters are in Kampala

Aims / objectives:

To carry sewage (waste water) from people’s homes in pipes, treat it and discharge it when

To supply portable water.


To sustainably and equitably provide cost effective, quality water and sewage services to the
delight of stalk holders, while conserving the environment.


To be the leading customer centered water utility i0n the world.


Customer is the reason we exist.

Quality policy:

NWSC is committed and shall endeavor to provide quality water and sewage services to her
esteemed customers in collaboration with other stalk holders in an efficient and cost-effective
manner, ensuring utmost customer delight and continuous service improvement in an
environmentally friendly manner.

NWSC profile.

NWSC is a public utility company whose mandate as defined in NWSC art section (1) is to
operate and provide water and sewerage services in areas entrusted to it on a sound commercial
and viable basis. The NWSC has expanded from 3 towns in 1972 to the current 23 urban centres
viz; Kampala, Kira, Gulu, Jinjja, Entebbe, Mbale, Masaka, Hoima, Kasese, Mukono, Bombo,
Soroti, Lira, Tororo, Kabale, Lugazi, Fort portal, Bushenyi, Arua, Mubende, Iganga, Hoima,

Historical background:

NWSC is a water supply and sanitation company in Uganda. It is wholly owned by the
government of Uganda .it was formed by Decree No: 34 in 1972 by Hon. Christopher Ebal, the
chairperson and Hon. Silver Mugisha, the Managing Director. It was aimed to serve the urban
areas of Kampala, Entebbe, and Jinja offering water supply and sanitation. In 1995, NWAC was
re-organised under the NWSC statute. The company was given more authority and autonomy
and the mandate to operate and provide water and sewerage services in the areas entrusted to it.
As October 2016, the following cities and towns receive services from NWSC; Kampala, Kira,
Gulu, Jinjja, Entebbe, Mbale, Masaka, Hoima, Kasese, Mukono, Bombo, Soroti, Lira, Tororo,
Kabale, and others from different municipals.


1. Provision of portable water to the society.
2. carrying sewage (waste water) from people’s homes in pipes, treat it and discharge it
when treated. Hence reduction on the environmental pollution.
3. Provision of jobs to the people in the country.

Product needed and the production rate.

NWSC aims at producing portable water ready for domestic use such as drinking, cleaning and
other uses and the production rate is approximately 20000 m3 volume of water per day, that is
when the plant is operating normally where the power supply has not gone off.

Purity of the product.

The term “water quality” describes the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of
water. These properties collectively determine the overall water quality and the fitness of the
water for a specific use. These properties are either intrinsic to the water or are the result of
substances that are dissolved or suspended in the water.

The table which shows the standard values for different water parameters based on Uganda
Beaural of Standards (UNBS) is also attached to this report. The kind of treated water which has
to be discharged into the environment.

Raw material used and site selection.

NWSC Entebbe branch, uses raw material of raw water and extracts it from Lake Victoria and so
its plant is constructed near the lake.

Utilities available.

Power supplied by Hydro Electric Power (HEP) in 3 phases to rum the air blowers, pumps and
other electrical appliances used at the plant. Well treated portable water is also a utility obtained
from the reservoirs used for domestic use such as cleaning, cooking etc.

Expected market.

Owing to water is a utility to most of the industries, used in manufacture of other products such
as beverages, and the community needs water as a basic need. Market is not a worry.

FIGURE 1: An organizational chat of NWSC.

Minister of Water
Lands & Environment

Board of directors

Board of directors

Managing director

Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief

manager, manager, manager, manager, internal
engineering management finance and commercial auditor
services services accounts and customer Principal


1.4.0 Training objectives

To understand the applicability of all the theory studied at the University in the different course
To understand how to trouble shoot industrial problems using the knowledge acquired at the
university in real life.
Discover how water quality is tested and the guidelines that exist in controlling the quality of
To understand how process control and optimization is one practically.
To experience hands on operation of the different equipment and machines at work place.

To explore and identify the different types of processes in a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with
understanding the role of technology in a WTP and its impact on society and the Environment.

1.4.1. Training Activities

During the training period, it was compulsory for a trainee to train in all the sections. The
training schedule is as follows; raw water intake from the lake at the intake point, water
treatment process, water analysis, mixing chemicals for dosing the water, waste water treatment
and analysis. The training for each day is divided into
two sessions the morning period starting at 8:00am to 12:30pm and then the afternoon period
starting at exactly 2:00pm to 5:00pm.

1.4.2. Scope of training

The internship training lasted for 10 weeks from 4th June 2019 to 9th August 2019. The areas
covered during this training include; water treatment, quality control where there is analysis on
water by testing different water parameter and quality assurance, sewerage treatment the Healthy
and safety at the plant.


After along study of theory at the university, it always necessitates the students to know how
actually theory is applicable in the field always referred to as field attachment (industrial

This industrial training has been of great importance as far as acquiring skills is concerned. In
this training I have related my class work with the field to which I was attached.

I learnt how to manage a plant and an organisation in general since I used to watch the plant
engineer his ways and skills, he used to manage it, working as an overseer.


All the course was employed in my training but majorly the following were used.

1. Analytical chemistry.

We have been dealing with laboratory tests where we have been analyzing water samples on
different parameters such as PH, turbidity, colour, Tss. alkalinity and hardness plus more other
topics all have been covered in this course. Precision and accuracy of the results obtained from
different samples is also done.

2. Environmental chemistry

In this course, we dealt with water characteristics and pollution where we looked at PH,
turbidity of water and being treated, COD, BOD and others. How to deal with polluted water and
treat it to the national standards.

3. Mass transfer 1.
Distillation here is the unit looked for. Distillation as a means of obtaining reference water
used for blanking or zeroing is also performed at the plant.
4. Separation process.
In this course, a few topics such as sedimentation, filtration, and other mechanical
separations are highly employed by NWSC at the plant during water treatment to separate
water from dirt.
5. Industrial Stoichiometry
Determination of flow rates and dosing rates of different chemicals to water such as polymer,
or chlorine is done at the plant, hence application of material balance.
6. Communication skills
This course helped me greatly in my life because I learnt how to talk to my fellow workers
and how to communicate with my bosses.

7. Industrial management
In class we learnt the two theories, theory X, and theory Y, those who work under
supervision (pressure) and workers who are willing to work without any supervision. I
recalled this when one plant attendant was caught sleeping at the plant. I also learnt how to
manage a plant and monitor it very well.
8. Unit operations laboratory
Different units such as separation units like filtration, sedimentation, flocculation, and others
were employed at the plant where I had to borrow some knowledge from this course to put it
into practice.
9. Plant design.
The way we study it in class is the same way the NWSC plant was designed. Hence putting
the class work into practice.




To achieve safe and healthy working environment and safe working practices by all in all
section and workplaces through; -
Continually monitoring and maintaining safe working conditions of equipment and safe
working practices in all areas.
Creating awareness among all concerned about safety in all walks of life through continuous
education and training.
Safety is highly observed in the plant by each plant attendant;

They put on personal protective gears to protector themselves and these include, helmets to
cover their heads, safety boots for feet protection and a well-fitting overall to cover their
bodies from dangerous chemicals such as polymer, HTH, Al2(SO4)3 which are very

In the laboratory, when the analyst is testing for different parameters; the personnel puts on
his or her white long-sleeved lab coat with gloves, all for protection.

The plant is fenced from the water body (Lake Victoria) to prevent dangerous aquatic
animals e.g., (snakes) from penetrating into the plant

In each tank such as fluorination tank, contact tank, water detectors, or water sensors are
installed in them to detect any over rise in water level or over flow of water.

Chemicals such as sulphuric acid are handled with at most care, water face shields and
protection of hands from heat produced when contents of vessels are mixed

Gloves, laboratory over coats for body protection; gas masks and face shields are encouraged
to avoid inhalation of dangerous fumes.

Use of fume cupboard is highly encouraged at the plant.

Fire extinguishers should be put in place to be used in case of fire outbreaks

All workers should follow the Colour coding along the path ways to avoid accidents.

The plant put in place enough lights for proper vision during night work especially.

All workers should follow the warning labels indicated all over the factory to reduce risks


Water Treatment Works personnel are often exposed to hazardous chemicals during
their daily operational activities. Chemicals such as chlorine (liquid, gas and pellet form), ferric
chloride, lime and other chemicals should be handled with care, as these materials are harmful
and can be toxic, strongly acidic and irritating on the skin. Specific safety training must be given
to all staff who could be exposed to such materials.
These chemicals exist as liquids, solids, others are in gaseous form. Chemicals in liquid or
solution form are mixed HTH solution and polymer. Gaseous chemicals existing are Chlorine
gas and in solid form we have ALUM and powder HTH.

1. Chlorine. This is used as a disinfectant. It comes in three states; Gas chlorine

(compressed Cl2 vapor) containing 99.9% Cl2, High Test Hypochlorite (HTH) containing
65% Cl2, this exists in powder state and also Bleaching powder (BP) which contains 35%

But NWSC mainly uses High Test Hypochlorite (HTH) as a disinfectant.

2. Hydrated Aluminium Sulphate Al2(SO4)3.14H2O containing 9.00% Aluminium. This is

commercially known as 17% Alum and it is used as a coagulant to remove dissolved
matter in water.
3. Sodium Carbonate - Na2CO3. Widely called Soda Ash, it is used for pH correction or
adjustment, literally known as water polishing.

All these chemicals are very dangerous to human healthy, where if inhaled for a long time, they
are carcinogenic and affect the respiratory system of the body, on addition to that some of these

chemicals are very corrosive which would make handling very difficult. So, on this point, safety
is highly encouraging at the plant to avoid body injuries and accidents


These are the actions or dangers which are potentially hazardous to plant, personnel, the public
or the environment; they also have the potential to jeopardize the operation of the plant

Risks of falling into the lake (water) at the source of the plant

Dangerous aquatic animals from the water body(lake) such as snakes, crocodiles

Wild animals which can escape from the zoo (WEC) into the facility are all dangerous to the
workers in the plant

Health problems like asthma due to very cold weather conditions at the plant

Chemicals e.g., Cl2, Al2(SO4)3, affect workers health

Technology is still low where at some points of operations, manual effort is applied



3.0.1 Reasons for treating water

The water obtained is polluted as a result of increased agricultural and industrial revolution and
so the subsequent population increase. Those are some of the reasons for the water treatment.
Water is used in various process applications in industry. The degree of treatment of water in
these applications depend upon the end use. For example;

Soft water is needed in textile industry in the process of dying to ensure the easy distribution
of the dye.

Deionized water may be necessary for many processes.

De-aerated water may be necessary in order to prevent corrosion, which is enhanced by

dissolved oxygen.


Water treatment is the process of making water to be ready for use in home and industries by
removing undesirable materials or reducing them to the desirable or accepted amounts.

In Entebbe plant, water treatment involves screening, pre-chlorination, flocculation, coagulation,

sedimentation, filtration and post chlorination.

Water is obtained from the lake (Lake Victoria) and contains fish aquatic animals, aquatic plants,
algae, and other materials disposed int the lake by man.

The objective of water treatment is to produce a final product that is microbiologically and
chemically safe for consumption as well as aesthetically acceptable.

There is a screening point about 100m in the lake away from the samps which is made up of
metallic bars that controls large particles, debris, fish, and other depositions from entering the
pipe along with water.

Water is delivered up to the samps by gravity. There are two samps which are 9meters deep. The
first samp is small and when is full it pours into the into the second samp. In the second samp
there are three submassive pumps of which two operate at a time.


Pump1 and pump2 have a capacity of 410m3 per hour while pump3 has a capacity of 710m3
per hour

These pumps can be operated either locally or remotely

The time of run of each pump is recorded such that if pump1 and pump2 run for 400hrs, they
are taken for maintenance whereas pump 3 has to run for 600hrs to be taken for maintenance.

Sometimes collective maintenances are done to ensure that pumps are in a good condition.

These pumps pour the water into a 600mm diameter pipe which extends 200 meters up to the
shore where it divides into two one takes to the old plant and the other one take to the new
plant for processing.

1. The old plant water processing.

The old plant has only two process namely; filtration using pressure filters and disinfection using
chlorine from calcium hypochlorite.


Raw water coming from the pipe enters into the pressure filters where there are sand layers
namely coarse, medium and fine that effectively filter the raw water.


Water from the pressure filters enter into the tank where a measured and a controlled flow rate
calcium hypochlorite which is a possible source of chlorine that kills off the dangerous
microorganisms in water.


There is afloat that measures the level of water within the tank. If the level of water is low the
cleaning of the pressure filters (back washing) is done to increase their effectiveness.

Water from there is now good for use and is delivered to the centrifugal pump which pumps it to
the Low-Level Reservoir and then into the distribution channels.

2. The new plant water treatment process.

The new water treatment process is an improved way of water treatment which involves
disinfection, flocculation and coagulation, sedimentation and filtration.


The reasons for chlorination are:

To kill/remove/inactivate all disease-causing organisms such as pathogens or bacteria.

To control taste and odour.

To remove iron and manganese.

To remove some gasses such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphate.

The raw water is delivered to the chemical house where controlled flow rates of calcium
hypochlorite (chlorine source), aluminium sulphate (alum), and at times sodium bicarbonate
(sodium hydrogen carbonate)

The role of sodium bicarbonate is to increase the pH to the standard required.

The role of aluminum sulphate is to participate in a reaction that lead to the formation of flocs a
process called flocculation. This removes the colloidal particles from water hence making the
water clear.

The role of calcium hypochlorite to produce chlorine which is a disinfectant and kills the
hazardous microorganisms, algae in water making water safe for use.

The above chemicals are rapidly mixed in a flowing channel to allow the water to uniformly
contain both chemicals.

3.0.1 Action of ALUM

ALUM when in solution attracts these negatively charged particles in a process called
coagulation. These small particles when formed attract each other and form bigger ones which
eventually settle down leaving the clear water on top (supernatant) to be relayed in the next
treatment process called filtration. Principle of coagulation

i. Floc formation; when coagulant is added to water and mixed thoroughly, a thick
gelatinous precipitate is formed which is insoluble in water. This precipitate is called
floc. As floc settles down, it attracts and arrests the particles due to collision and makes
them settle down due to their sizes.

ii. Electric charges; its observed that iron formed possess electric charge. Colloidal
particles thus increasing the size.

During the process of coagulation, the solution of aluminium sulphate is added to water to
destabilize colloidal and finely divided materials and cause them to begin aggregating. Flocculation.
Water from the chemical house flows into the flocculation basin these are designed in a zig zag
fashion to slow down the water movement and to provide ample time for the reactions leading to
flocculation. Flocs here are seen to form. To form the flocs alum is the main component in so

When particles are slow to settle or are non-settling, chemicals (coagulants), such as alum
(Aluminium Sulfate), are added to the water. These react with the unwanted suspended particles
to form larger particles, called floc. The larger size and weight of the flocs then causes them to
settle rapidly

Dirt in the water is negatively charged and tend to repel each other. In order to allow the particles
to come together; a coagulant (Zeta floc or polymer) is added. For coagulants are positively
charged, so the coagulant tends to attach on the negatively charged dirt creating a positively
charged surface pulling more dirt particles to come together forming a floc. Procedures used for dosing Aluminium Sulphate
Raw water (5 litres) were collected into a clean plastic container.

The colour, turbidity and PH of the raw water were determined.

ALUM solution (1%) was prepared by dissolving aluminium sulphate (1g) in distilled
water (20mls) and making 100mls of the solution.

Samples of the raw water (1 liter) were measured into glass beakers (1 litre capacity
each) and marked them 1, 2 and 3.

The beakers were arranged under a floc tester.

Then, the water samples were dosed with varying amounts of the ALUM solution e.g.
2mls, 3mls and 4mls.

The timer was turned to 30minutes and the machine was switched on to run at
150rpm for about 5 seconds and reduced it to 45rpm.

The formation of floc and scum during stirring was observed.

The samples were allowed to settle for further 30 minutes.

The tests were repeated for the above parameters including residual aluminium, and
the best dose was the one with the lowest colour, turbidity and residual alum of

The results were recorded in a floc test form which were then used to choose the
optimum dose rate. How to determine the dose rate to be supplied by the pump

The water pump used at NWSC delivers water at a rate of 215,000ltrs/h (215m3/h).

The capacity of the ALUM solution tank was 5,000litres.

Therefore, at a dose rate of 3g/m3, with a flow rate of 215m3/h, the hourly consumption was;

215 ∗ 30

For a shift which was 8 hours;

6.45*8 = 51.6kg

Chemical concentration = 5000

= 0.02kg/L

Solution flow rate;

Hourly consumption 6.45

= =
Chemical concentration 0.02

= 322.5ltrs/h

Therefore, the rate at which ALUM was being dozed in the pump was;

=( )%

= 35.8%

3.0.2 Sedimentation/clarification
Water from the flocculation basin flows into a sedimentation tank which is about 5m deep.

Here flocs continue to form and the water speed is greatly reduced. The colloidal particles
combine to form heavy particles called sludge which settle down the tank and the lighter
particles remain on the surface and are called scum.

The scum can be scooped off using a scooper whereas the sludge is removed by removing all the
water from the sedimentation tank.

Under this stage, there is removal of all kinds of particles, sediments, oil, natural organic matter
and colour from water to make it clear.

Clarification is highly effective at reducing turbidity and removing colour, solids and colloidal
materials from water and wastewater when used together with chemical feed, sludge treatment
and filtration of clarified elements.

3.0.3 Filtration.
Water from the sedimentation tank flows through the weir channels to the open sand filters (4)
which effectively filters the remaining small particles of scum. The sand filters have coarse,
medium and the fine sand layers which fitter the water very well.

3.0.4 Post chlorination

Filtered water is delivered to the contact tank where post-chlorination is done using calcium
hypochlorite as a source of chlorine.

Water flows to the centrifugal pumps which raise the water to Higher Level Reservoir for


Treated water pumped to

Pressure filter low level reservoir
Pump 1
Chlorination tank pump

Water valve controller to the old plant


Water valve controller to the new plant Treated water pumped to the
Metal screen Pump 2 high level reservoir

Flocculation tank
P-10 Sedimentation Sand filter
Here prechlorination and Contact tank
tank Centrifugal pump
aluminium sulphate are Here post chlorination is done
added and mixed
Pump 3

NB: To increase the efficiency of the filters, they are cleaned by backwashing when the high-
level inlet valve is reached in the filter,



During the analysis of water quality, several laboratory tests were carried out to ensure final
water conforms to standard recommended by the World Health Organisation for final

Some of these laboratory tests include; tests on colour, PH, turbidity, electrical conductivity,
hardness, chlorine demand tests, bacteriological water analysis among others.

Water from each source (i.e. raw, clarified, filtered and final water) is analyzed on a regular basis
to confirm suitability for final consumption. The type of analysis could vary from simple field
testing for a single analytic to laboratory based multi component instrumental analysis.

4.1 Description of some important instruments and equipment used in the analysis of water
Spectrophotometer: Is used to measure the amount of light that a sample absorbs. The
instrument operates by passing a beam of light through a sample and measuring the intensity
of light reaching the detector.

Turbidity tube: Is designed to gauge the level of suspended solids present within the heating
system water. It is useful to not only demonstrate the level of clarity and contamination to
you and your customers, but also as a comparative tool to monitor that the discharged water
is successfully clearing the power flush process.

The electrical conductivity meter: Measures the electrical conductivity in a solution. It is

commonly used in hydroponics, aquaculture and fresh water systems or impurities in the
water. The common laboratory conductivity meters employ a potentiometric method and

The electronic balance: Is a device used to find accurate measurement of weights. It is used
very commonly in laboratories for weighing chemicals to ensure a precise measurement of
those chemicals for use in various experiments.

Autoclave: Is a device used to sterilize equipment and other tools that need sterilization
before use. This is done by subjecting them to high pressure saturated steam especially at
around 120°C for about 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the load and the content.

Lauryl sulphate broth: Is used for the detection of coliform bacteria in water and

BOD bottles: These are ideal for incubating diluted samples of sewage and its effluents,
polluted water and industrial wastes to determine the amount of oxygen required during
stabilization of the decomposable organic matter by aerobic biochemical.

4.2 Parameters considered during the analysis of water quality

There are several parameters considered while analyzing the quality of water. Some of these
parameters are:

Turbidity. Total suspended solids.

Colour. Bacteriological analysis.

Hardness. Residual aluminium sulphate.

Electrical conductivity. Floc/jar test.

PH test. Alkalinity.

Chlorine demand.

4.2.1 Turbidity
This is the amount of particulate matter that is suspended in water. Turbidity measures the
scattering effect that suspended solids have on light.

There are very many materials that cause water to be turbid and these include; silt, clay,
plankton, microscopic organisms, finely divides organic and inorganic matter, soluble colored
organic compounds, etc.

Turbidity is measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) or Formazan Turbidity Unit

(FTU). The instruments used for determining turbidity are the turbidity meter and the turbidity

tube. The turbidity 0tube has a yellow ring (graduation O) at the bottom and this is used to
analyse light scattering effect. It is also having graduation scale at the inside.

The WHO standard turbidity of drinking water is 5NTU.

4.2.2 Colour
Surface water from various sources gets coloured primarily due to decomposition of organic,
metallic salts or coloured clays. This colour is considered as apparent colour as it is seen in the
presence of suspended matter where as true water is derived only from dissolved inorganic and
organic matter.

Safe drinking water should not have colour. The maximum permissible value for colour is
15PtCo according to the World Health Organisation. Beyond 15PtCo consumers may not find
water aesthetically acceptable.

The tools and equipment used included; Direct reading Spectrophotometer (DRS), 2 Sample
cells, Test samples (raw, clarified, filtered and final water), Distilled water.


Raw water 28
Clarified water 21
Filtered water 00
Final water 00
Table 1: Showing the results obtained for the colour of different water samples.

4.2.3 Hardness
It is a measure of the ability of water to easily form scum with soap.

It is of two types permanent hardness and temporary hardness

Permanent hardness is caused by the presence of calcium sulphate and magnesium sulphate
where as temporary hardness is caused by calcium hydrogen carbonate and magnesium hydrogen

This experiment is done by titration using Eriochrome black T indicator

Sample of results obtained in one of the experiments

SAMPLES Raw water Final water

Initial value 0.00mls 3.10mls
Final value 3.10mls 5.90mls
Volume of EDTA (Final 3.10mls 2.8mls
value – Initial value)
Titre value 1.55mls 1.4mls

Hardness 31mg/L 28mg/L

Table 2: Showing the results obtained while determining the hardness of water.

For raw water sample

Volume of EDTA = Final value – Initial value.

= 3.10 – 0.00

= 3.10mls

volume of EDTA
Titre value = 2

= 2

= 1.55mls

Titre value
Hardness = Sample volume ∗ 1000

= ∗ 1000

= 31mg/L.

4.2.4 Electrical conductivity

This refers to the ability of water to conduct electricity. Water contains ions, which are
responsible for conducting electricity and therefore the greater the ion concentration, the greater
the electrical conductivity and vice versa.

4.2.5 PH test
PH is the negative logarithm of concentration of the hydrogen ions

The concentration of hydrogen ions determines the alkalinity and acidity of water.

Alkalinity occurs when the concentration of the hydrogen ions is lower in the solution and when
the PH value is greater than 7 on the PH chart.

Acidity occurs when the concentration of the hydrogen ions is higher in the solution and its value
on the chart is less than 7.

A neutral PH i.e. water with equal acidity and alkalinity conditions, and its PH is 7 on the chart.

NB. World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a PH in the region of 6.5-8.5.

4.2.6 Chlorine demand test

The chlorine demand for water is the amount of chlorine needed to react with organic matter and
other substances in water. It is therefore the difference between the amount of chlorine added and
the residue remaining after the contact time (i.e. 30 minutes).

Chlorine is dozed into the clear water well which contains final water. About 15 to 30 kg of
chlorine is always dosed in the 250 litres tank in 24 hours. The amount of chlorine added after
reaction within the contact time leads to an increase in the temperature of water because the
reaction become correspondingly more active and intense, thus increasing the amount chlorine
that reacts.

It is vital the correct dose if chlorine is given since over dosage doe not only cause irresistible
bad smell in water, but also dangerous to human health. Under dosage would not be sufficient to
destroy the disease-causing organisms in water.

The WHO recommends that the residual chlorine in water should be less than 0.2mg/L.

Sample of the results obtained in one of the experiments

Containers Portion HTH Chlorine(mg/L) Free

added (mg/L) *(65/100) chlorine
1 0.100 10.000 0.065 0.060
2 0.200 20.000 0.130 0.070
3 0.300 30.000 0.195 0.050
4 0.400 40.000 0.260 0.080
5 0.500 50.000 0.325 0.050
6 0.600 60.000 0.390 0.060
Table 3: Showing the chlorine demand test form.

Then the chlorine demand for water ═ dose at break point ‒ free residual chlorine at that



Sewerage treatment involves the treatment of wastewater by passing it through several waste
stabilization ponds for further treatment to take place.

There are several terms used in sewerage treatment and these include;

Sewer; which is a term used to describe the pipe that is used for transporting wastewater.

Domestic wastewater; which is wastewater that comes from human domestic activities such
as water from the toilets and urinals, bathroom and laundry.

Sewerage network; is defined as the whole system of infrastructures and constructions

involved in the sewerage.

Sewage/wastewater; is water whose quality or characteristics have been changed so that it is

no longer good for human consumption and domestic use.

Foul water; is an alternative name for wastewater from the toilet.


Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) and Constructed Wetlands (CW) have proven to be effective
alternative for wastewater treatment and the construction of flow energy consuming ecosystem
that use natural processes in contrast to complex high maintenance treatment system.

Wastewater treatment is closely related to the standard and/or expectations set for the effluent
quality. Wastewater treatment processes are designed to achieve improvements in the quality of

Wastewater may contain faeces, water, food residues, urine, tissue paper and many more

Waste Stabilization Ponds and Constructed Wetlands have the following advantages:

Simplicity in use and construction.

Low cost of maintenance.


Low cost of construction.


Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) are large, deep and shallow basins in which raw sewage is
treated entirely by natural processes involving both algae and bacteria. It is one of the most cost
effective, reliable and easy way of treating domestic and industrial wastewater and it is also very
effective in the removal of faecal coliform bacteria.

WSPs are large man-made basins in which grey water, black water or faecal sludge can be
treated to an effluent or relatively high quality and apt for reuse in fields such as agriculture e.g.
irrigation, or aquaculture e.g. macrophyte or fish pond. They are semi centralized after
wastewater has been collected from various sources.

WSP systems comprise of a single string of anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds arranged
in series. In essence, anaerobic and facultative ponds are designed for the removal of Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD) and the maturation pond for the removal of pathogens, though some
BOD removal also occur in the maturation ponds and some pathogens are also remove in the
anaerobic and facultative ponds.


These are a series of sewage treatment ponds that ensure stabilization of wastewater from all
their respective sources e.g. bathrooms, toilets and urinals and wastewater due to laundry among

It is designed with three main ponds namely; anaerobic, facultative and aerobic/maturation

Anaerobic ponds are built to a depth of 2-5m and have a relative shorter retention time of 1-2

Facultative ponds should be constructed to a depth 1-2.5m and have a retention time between 5-
30 days.

Aerobic ponds are usually between 0.5 to 1.2m deep with retention time of 15-20 days.

A dyke is constructed on all sides of the lagoon to prevent inflow of surface water and discharge
of effluents. A properly located lagoon must be constructed in clay soil lined to prevent leakage.


Lagoons should be set up in a location free from trees or other structures which restrict
sunlight exposure to air movement.

To prevent leaching into ground water, the ponds should have a liner. The liner can be made
from clay, asphalt, compacted earth or any other impervious material.

To protect the pond from runoff and erosion, a protective beam should be constructed around
the pond using the excavated materials.

6.3.1 Maintenance of lagoons

Lagoons are maintained through the following ways:

Ensure that there is permanent vegetation cover on the lagoons dyke in order to prevent
erosion of the dyke.

Grass should be cut from it on a regular basis in case it has over grown.

Shades should be avoided from the location.

Sludge should be emptied periodically to prevent clogging of the outlets.

6.3.2 Important design parameters

Temperature. Retention time.

Net evaporation. Population to be handled.

Flow rate. Space or land available, etc.

NB: Bacteria responsible for treatment are mesospheric. High temperatures have no problem on
it but low temperature affects it since it slows down treatment processes.


The processes of sewage or wastewater treatment in the waste stabilization ponds starts from
aeration before it joins the different stages of the waste stabilization ponds that are involved in
the process. These waste stabilization ponds are anaerobic, facultative and aerobic/maturation

6.4.1 Screening

Waste water coming from the urban centres through the sewers (3) enter into the reception
chamber which are directed to the screening channel.

In the screening channel, there is a metallic net which traps the polyethene papers, papers,
clothes, pampers, and other materials that come along with wastes.

There is a bypass which when the flow of the wastes is too high, they are diverted.

6.4.1 Aeration
Wastewater entering the treatment plant is high in carbonaceous materials and organic nitrogen,
a large portion of which is converted to ammonia on its way to the treatment plant.

It is at this aeration stage where ammonia gas and sulphur in the waste water are removed by
exposing the surface of the wastewater to air before it enters into the anaerobic pond. Removal of
silts also takes place in the manholes since sewage in the pipes flows under atmospheric pressure

6.4.2 Anaerobic pond

Then the waste water flows to the distribution channels which divides it into three anaerobic
ponds but normally two or one work at a time to provide ample time for the de-sludge of the

In the anaerobic pond is the primary treatment stage and reduces the organic load in the

It is a man-made pond which is 7ft deep. Solids and BOD removal occurs by sedimentation and
subsequent anaerobic digestion inside the accumulated sludge. It does not contain dissolved
oxygen or algae.

Anaerobic bacteria convert organic carbon into methane and through this process remove up to
60% of the BOD.

In this pond the conditions cannot support life of aquatic plants and animals due to absence of

The process of anaerobic digestion is more intense at a temperature above 15°C. Anaerobic
bacteria are usually sensitive at PH < 6, thus acidic waste must be neutralized prior to its
treatment in the anaerobic pond.

A properly designed anaerobic pond will achieve about 40% removal of BOD at 10°C and more
than 60% at 20°C. A shorter retention time of 1-12 days are used.

Mutual relationship exists between bacteria and algae. Bacteria break down complex organic
compounds into simple inorganic substances like water in the process of hydrolysis, acid genesis,
acetogenesis and methanogenesis.

6.4.3 Facultative pond.

It is constructed 3ft deep consisting of the primary and the secondary facultative ponds. The
primary facultative pond receives raw water while the secondary facultative pond receives
particle free wastewater from the anaerobic ponds, septic tanks and shallow sewerage systems.

Dissolved oxygen concentration in the water gradually rises to maximum due to photosynthetic
activities of pond algae, and to minimum at mid night when respiratory activities consume

In a series of WSPs, the effluent from the anaerobic pond is transferred to the facultative pond
when further BOD is removed. The top layer of the pond receives oxygen from natural diffusion,
wind mixing and algae-driven photosynthesis. The lower layer is deprived of oxygen and
becomes anoxic or anaerobic. Settled solids accumulate and are digested at the bottom of the
pond. The aerobic and anaerobic organisms work together to achieve BOD reduction up to75%.

Anaerobic and facultative ponds are designed for BOD removal while aerobic ponds are
designed for pathogen removal.

Scamming is done here to remove suspended particles in order to prevent competition between
bacteria and suspended solids.

6.4.4 Aerobic/maturation pond.
It is 1.5ft deep depending on the temperature conditions and receives effluents from the
facultative pond.

It is commonly referred to as the maturation pond, polishing or finishing because it is usually the
last step involved in a series of ponds designed for sewage treatment, thus offering the final
process of the treatment. It is the shallowest of the ponds ensuring that sunlight penetrates the
full depth for pathogen deactivation to occur.

Water emerging from the aerobic pond is clear and ready to be disposed back to the streams that
lead to the water bodies.

FIGURE 3; process flow diagram for the waste water natural treatment.


channel Clean water
Q1 P-5 P-6 disposed into
P-2 the swamp

Metal screen Facultative pond Maturation pond

To remove Aerobic pond
big particles Anaerobic ponds


The training period was only 10 weeks and as far as waste water treatment process and analysis
is concerned, to understand it in details, the training period should be at least increased to 12
weeks for undergraduate trainees.
Personally, this industrial training has provided me with an unlimited supply of expertise and
knowledge that I will forever have readily available. So, I recommend the Department to go on
with it due to much benefits such as skills students gain from it.

To the organization; although NWSC has undertaken some interventions to increase access to
sewerage services, especially within Kampala, there is still need for more interventions,
especially in areas outside Kampala. Access to sewerage services in NWSC operation areas
outside Kampala is still low and this negatively affects the ability of NWSC to ensure that all the
sewage generated is adequately collected and treated. Although NWSC had undertaken steps to
improve access to sewerage services in some urban areas and provision of treated water to some
rural areas is not yet fully accomplished , some village people still fetch there water from
boreholes which contains much mineral ions and those near the lake , utilize the untreated water
from the lake, access of the total population serviced by NWSC to sewerage services for the
years 2011/12 and for 2012/13 was 6.4% and 6.7%, respectively. Hence it is still low has not
significantly improved over time, more need is required.

The industrial training period at NWSC, it provided an overview on how actually the theory is
applicable in the field. Therefore, the industrial training was so fruitful in terms of knowledge
addition working experience as well. And so, learnt to think outside the box as being creative is
As long as waste water management is concerned, National Water and Sewerage Corporation
(NWSC) has taken steps to ensure effective management of sewage in its ambit of operation.
Some of the steps ta0ken include: developing both short- and long-term plans aimed at
addressing sewage management challenges, and ensuring regular monitoring of effluent quality
through conducting monthly effluent tests. The sewage treatment infrastructure in the areas of

Entebbe and Kabale were also well-maintained. However, there are still areas that need
improvement if the NWSC waste management objectives are to be achieved.
The treatment and supply of drinking water is a challenging task that includes many
diverse aspects ranging from water quality management in catchments, operation and
control of water treatment plants, distribution of treated water, community
participation, project management,

1) Australian Drinking water Guidelines (1989) Taste Thresholds of Monochloramine and
Chlorine in Water. Report No WSAA 10
2) Van der Walt E, (2001) Water quality deterioration in potable water reservoirs relative to
chlorine decay MSc thesis Potchefstoomse University for Christian Higher Education
3) American Water Works Association, American Society of Civil Engineers (2005) Water
treatment plant design McGraw-Hill Inc.
4) http://www.waterquality.crc.org.au/consumers /Consumersp17.htm#T1[Accessed on 9/7/04]
5) www.watercorporation.com.au/Docs/State Water_Strategy_complete.pdf [Accessed on 9/7/04]
6) Approved methods for the physical and chemical examination of water (3rd edition), the
institute of Water Engineers.
7) Standard methods for the examination of water, waste water (15th edition).
8) Water Analysis Hand book, Hatch Company.

8.4 APPENDIX. maximum values of portable water quality parameters

Parameters National standards for potable National standards for

water. potable water.
(maximum permissible treated (maximum permissible
water.) untreated water.)

Ph 6.5 – 8.5 5.5 – 8.5

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 50mg/l 100mg/l
Turbidity 5 NTU 10 NTU
Color 15ptco 15ptco
E. Coli 0 Not specified.
E.C 1000ms/cm 2500
TSS 0.00Mg/l 0.00Mg/l
Residual Aluminum ˂0.20 mg/l ˂0.20 mg/l
TDS 700Mg/l 1200mg/l
ALKALINITY 500Mg/l 500Mg/l
Calcium 75Mg/l 75Mg/l
Mg 50Mg/l 50Mg/l
Bicarbonate 500Mg/l 500Mg/l
Total iron Less than 0.3 Mg/l ˂0.3 Mg/l
Total hardness as CaCO3 500mg/l 500mg/l
Feacal coli form 0 C Fu /100ml 0 C Fu /100ml
Free/residual chlorine (0.20 – 0.50) mg/l Not specified

Table 4: National water and sewerage corporation, standards for portable water (maximum


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