Android-Based Smart Attendance Monitoring Application Using Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology

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An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department
College of Engineering
Mindanao State University
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Castillon, Krizzie Mae C.

Cerillo, Richard B.

October 2013

Regular manual attendance monitoring requires a considerable amount of time. It

poses inconvenience and delay both for teachers and students. Furthermore, attendance

list can be tampered and lost, making manual monitoring of attendance rather inefficient.

To counter this inefficiency, it is the main concern of this study to develop a SMART

Attendance monitoring application using near field communication technology that only

requires students tapping the encoded NFC tag to the NFC-enabled Android phone

secured by their teacher. This application shall allow teachers to do various tasks which

include naming multiple classes, encoding student tags to a particular class, selecting a

specific class to monitor attendance and sending the recorded attendance through email

with the aid of an internet connection. The gathered attendance information is saved to a

database table. It shall determine whether a student came on time, late or absent by way

of a point system. A point of 1 for a student who arrived on time, 0.5 for late comers and

0 for absent. In addition, it shall prompt an error message when the tag is tapped more

than once within the same class or when tapped but does not belong to a particular class.

In essence, the application that will be developed should be fast-responsive offering

efficiency and convenience.

Keywords: Attendance, Near Field Communication Technology (NFC), Android Phone,

Email, Database, SQLite



Title Page i

Abstract ii

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures v

List of Tables vii

Definition of Key Terms viii

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Objectives of the Study 3

1.3 Significance of the study 4

1.4 Scope and Limitation 5

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature 7

Chapter 3: Methodology 11

3.1 Action Flowchart 11

3.2 System Requirements 12

3.3 System Description 13

3.4 Software Development Plan 13

3.4.1 Admin Activity Page 14 Creating a Class 15 Class Naming 16 Setting Class Schedule 16 Adding Tags in a Class 17 Viewing List of Tags 18 Writing Student’s Tag 19 Sending to Email 20

3.4.2 Record Attendance 22

3.5 Sytem Running and Test Plan 23

References 27


Figure Page

3.1 System Flowchart 11

3.2 System Design 13

3.3 Main Layout Page 14

3.4 Admin’s Layout Page 14

3.5 Class Button Page 15

3.6 Class Page Setup 15

3.7 Class Naming Page 16

3.8 Setting Class Schedule Layout 17

3.9 Tapping Student’s Tag Page 18

3.10 Student List Layout Page 18

3.11 Write Tag Field Layout Page 19

3.12 Recorded Attendance List Layout Page 20

3.13 Deleting/Sending Data to Mail 20

3.14 Selecting Email Provider Layout Page 21

3.15 Sending Email Field Layout Page 21

3.16 Select Class page 22

3.17 Tap Student Tag Page 23


Table Page

3.1 Subject Class Database Table 16

3.2 Class 1 Database Table 18

3.3 Encoded Student Tag Database Table 19

3.4 Sent Mail Database Table 22

3.5 Record Class Database Table 23

3.6 Student’s Tag Information 24

3.7 Time Schedule of Each Class 25

3.8 Student’s Name in Each Class 25

3.9 Time-in of each Student in each Class 26


Accuracy – the ability of the system to be precise and avoid errors when monitoring the


Android Phone – is a smartphone, a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system,

with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone.

Anomalies - Repetition of parts or subsystems (or whole systems) to provide a backup in

case of primary-system failure.

Attendance – the action of going regularly to or being present at a place or event

Consistent – is used to describe a system that performs its operation in the same manner

throughout the activity

Database – is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be

accessed, managed, and updated.

Efficiency – refers to the quality of a system that performs accurately according to its

purpose within a desired period of time

Java – an object-oriented programming language that is platform independent.

Near Field Communication (NFC) – is a set of short-range wireless technologies,

typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows

you to share small payloads of data between an NFC tag and an Android-powered

device, or between two Android-powered devices.

NFC tag- small stickers, which contain a small unpowered NFC chip and is

programmable with sort of information and then plopped into almost any product,

letting you read them with a smartphone or another NFC-capable device.

NFC-enabled android phone- android phones with built-in NFC technology.

Normalization – a systematic approach of decomposing tables to eliminate data

redundancy and undesirable characteristics.

Redundancy - repetition of parts or subsystems (or whole systems) to provide a backup in

case of primary-system failure.

Reliability – the ability of the system to do what is expected to do or the desired result.

Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

Attendance is usually the top priority when it comes to a student’s performance. It

usually has a higher weight compared to other metrics such as productivity and quality.

In schools, regular attendance monitoring is critical for academic success. Information

about absences may be the most practical indicator for identifying students in need of

early interventions. This study ensures that every student attending school is monitored

properly on time.

Generally, there are different software and hardware systems employed by

companies, organizations, and universities to automate the manual way of monitoring

attendance. Some implement this using biometrics, face recognition, smart card

scanning,barcode scanning, radio frequency identification (RFID) as well as near field

communication (NFC). [1]

NFC (near field communication) is an emerging technology for electronic devices

which allows them to communicate with each other by simply touching or bringing them

very close to each other. This act of communication is called to “tap and go” or tap-in.

NFC is a descendant or an evolved form of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) [2].

Near-field communication devices operate at the same frequency (13.56 MHz) as HF

RFID readers and tags [3]. NFC can also be called the 2nd generation or ‘2G’ RFID.

Using NFC, communication could take place between two active devices such as cell

phones or even between a NFC device and a passive (or unpowered) tag. A lot of NFC-

enabled phones now exist in the market and many applications have been or are being


NFC tags can be small stickers, which contain a small unpowered NFC chip.

Depending on how the tag is programmed, it can change various settings, launch apps

and perform certain actions just by holding your phone close to it. To do this, the tag

takes a small amount of power from the smartphone and sends its stored information onto

it. NFC tags contain data and are typically read-only, but may be rewriteable [4].

Comparing this to manual monitoring , say there are 60 students in a class,

getting the attendance will already consume 3 to 5 minutes of the time excluding the late

comers. Furthermore, the traditional way to check student attendance in a class is a roll

call: the teacher has a list of students registered for his course and he calls, one by one,

the names of the students in the classroom. Alternatively, the teacher circulates a piece

of paper within the classroom and students write their attendance directly on the paper. In

the latter case, some students can write the names of other students not present in the


Hence, to counter this inefficiency, the main concern of this study is to develop a

SMART Attendance monitoring application using near field communication technology

which only needs students tapping the encoded NFC tag to the NFC enabled mobile

phone secured by their teacher.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to develop a new attendance monitoring system using near filed

communication technology for the schools. Specifically, this study intends to accomplish

the following:

1.) To make use of the NFC-enabled mobile phone as the main device for

monitoring the attendance.

2.) To make use of the students’ NFC tags which contain their information in

monitoring their attendance by tapping it to the NFC-enabled phone.

3.) To allow the teacher to do the following tasks:

a) Write Student Tags

b) Name and select a specific class in which the attendance will be


c) Add student’s tag to the class they belong.

4.) The application will be able to generate reports such as:

a) Student’s List for each class.

b) Attendance summary of each class for the whole semester.

5.) To distinguish whether the students came on time, late or absent.

6.) To prompt error if:

a) A student tapped the tag more than once within the time duration

of the class.

b) A student tag does not belong to the specific class.

7.) To send the chosen class attendance summary database table for the whole

semester via email.

8.) To test the quality of the system by verifying if the above objectives are

met accurately.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The SMART Attendance monitoring application using near field communication

technology will help improve the mode of checking the attendance of students during

regular classes. It will make the task hassle-free for the teachers as they only need to

leave their NFC phones on the table ready for students to tap their tags for their

attendance to be recorded. In addition, not only will this offer convenience but it surely

saves time. The students need not to write their names, course, signatures, and other

related information manually since these data are already stored in the database.

Also, in manual monitoring, some students use to ask favor from their classmates

or friends to record or sign their names even though they are not actually around during

the class. With the proposed system, students can no longer do this act of fraudulence

since tapping their own NFC tag individually is the first stage of this monitoring system

and only one tag is scanned per student attendee.

Lastly, it provides real-time reporting capabilities. It will properly monitor the

arrival time of the student and will notify whether they are present, late and absent by

way of a point system.

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only on developing a SMART attendance monitoring

application using Near Field Communication technology. The hardwares to be used in

implementing the application are NFC tag owned by each student and NFC-enabled

Android phone kept by the teacher.

The application will be developed using Java as the programming language with

Eclipse IDE as the Android development tool. SQLite will be used as the database in

Android applications and SQL as the language in running queries to the database. These

are all open source projects so they were downloaded from the internet and are available

to be used for free. The proposed application will be developed capable of creating and

naming multiple classes, selecting a specific class in which the attendance will be

recorded and sending the data through email.

The proposed SMART Attendance application will be tested by installing its .apk

file to an Android phone. Five (5) NFC tags will be used each owned by five selected

students. The following activities will be tested: creating five classes with four students

each and with different time schedule, selecting each of the class for monitoring the

attendance, testing all the possible attendance status of the students and sending the

recorded attendance via email. An internet connection will be needed to send through


The possible attendance status to be recorded per class will be the following: one

on-time student that will be tried to record twice, one late student, two absents, and one

that does not belong to the class. A student will be considered late if the arrival time is

fifteen minutes after the starting time of the class. Absent will be marked if the NFC tag

of the student failed to tap the phone within the class duration, that is: if the tag will be

tapped after class duration and if the tag will never be tapped on that day.

All data will be automatically stored to a corresponding linked table in the

database. For the database development design, a technique called normalization is being

used to minimize redundancy and to remove any anomalies in organizing the fields and

tables of a relational database.

Chapter 2


Most of the related studies discussed in this chapter are more focused on

attendance monitoring systems implemented in schools and companies. The researchers

of these studies used different technologies such as Smart Card, RFID and Barcode


A study conducted by Mohd Firdaus Bin Mahyidin, a student from Universiti

Malaysia Pahang, entitled Student Attendance Using RFID System [5]. The researcher

designed an attendance system by using Radio Frequency Identification and student card

in getting student attendance. RFID is a new technology that transmits the identity of an

object or person wirelessly, using radio waves in the form of a unique serial number [6].

An RFID system consists of three components: an antenna and transceiver which are

often combined into one reader, and a transponder or the RFID tag which has been

programmed with information. The antenna uses radio frequency waves to transmit a

signal that activates the transponder. When activated, the tag transmits data back to the

antenna. RFID differs from barcodes because RFID can be read from a distance, so that

the tags need not to be on the surface of the object. The system runs by getting the code

from the student’s card which acts as the tag using the antenna and transceiver and

passing the information code to the interfacing application software. The software

contains a Graphical User Interface developed in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and the

database is done in Microsoft Access 2003. Firstly, the lecturer needs to fill in forms such

as lecturer name, subject, and code subject, and needs to choose port and speed to make

connection with the RFID reader. The code obtained from the student’s card is compared

to the database. When the code is matched with the database, the student information

such as name and ID number will be displayed in an interface and that information will

trigger into the list of attendance.

Another study conducted by Mazwani Binti Yahaya from Universiti Teknikal

Malaysia Melaka entitled 4 BENC Attendance System via Smart Card [7] aimed to

develop a system that monitors the students’ attendance via smart card. A smart card is a

plastic card about the size of a credit card, with an embedded microchip that can be

loaded with data, used for telephone calling, electronic cash payments, and other

applications, and then periodically refreshed for additional use. Smart cards have three

broad functions: authentication, storing value and storing personalized information and

students from UTM use smartcard, which includes a barcode, in their school. By using a

barcode scanner, the system will detect the user ID on the smart card. Then the record

and the student’s attendance are being displayed. Besides recording and displaying, the

system is also able to define the number of students who are present in the class.

Furthermore, this system can track students’ attendance for the next session class and a

warning will be given if a student has been absent for more than two times. This is to

remind a student about his/her attendance before receiving a warning from the lecturer.

This system used Visual Basic.NET, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator, and is

purely implemented during class attendance monitoring.

In addition to studies for attendance monitoring system was the study conducted

by Marvi Ervasti, Minna Isomursu and Marianne Kinnula, students from University of

Oulu, Finland, entitled Experiences from NFC Supported School Attendance Supervision

for Children [8]. This study was arranged at a Finnish primary school where two classes

and a total of 23 pupils between the ages of 6 and 8 trialed an attendance supervision

system supported by Near Field Communication technology in 2008. In the trial, the

pupils marked their arrival at and departure from the school by touching a reader device

or NFC-enabled mobile phone with a smart contactless card. The system simplified

attendance monitoring by replacing manual roll calls leaving thus more time for teaching.

Information about user experience was obtained by using a variety of data collection

methods. Children, as well as their teachers, became fast familiar with the touch-based

interaction, and the attendance supervision was soon integrated into their everyday school

routines. This study shows that a technology-supported attendance supervision system

can bring value for all end-user groups but it seems that the system will serve primarily

the teachers and the parents.

Also, another study proposed by Suchita B. Patela and Niky K. Jainb entitled

“Near Field Communication (NFC) based Mobile Phone Attendance System for

Employees” [9]. The core idea of this paper is to implement some of the emerging

technologies like mobile computing, smart card technology and near field

communications. In the trial, the employees marked their arrival at and departure from

office by NFC-enabled mobile phone with a contactless smart card. HR staffs were able

to get and send their employee’s attendance details as well as working hours and

overtime hours via an online text-messages or email at end of month. This study shows

that a technology supported Mobile Phone Attendance System for Employees can bring

value for all end-user groups but it seems that the system will serve primarily the

Employees and the HR staff.

Lastly, a study conducted by Pineda, E.J., Miquiabas, C., and Talatagod, G. from

Minadao State University, General Santos City, entitled “Computerized Attendance

Monitoring System for intramurals and General Assembly Activities of MSU-GSC

Engineering Student Organization”[10]. The developed system is able to save student

information one by one or many at a time. It can record attendance by scanning barcodes

on the students’ IDs and can generate reports such as student lists, attendance records,

user log records, and attendance summary. It also employs user account validation to

allow only authorized personnel to gain access to the system.

The studies and applications introduced lead the researchers to develop another

application in monitoring class attendance which will be more convenient for the

teachers. This study will develop a SMART Attendance Monitoring Application using

Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology. It intends to record the attendance of the

students in each class. The status will immediately be determined whether a student came

on time, late or absent by way of a point system. A point of 1 for a student who arrived

on time, 0.5 for late comers and 0 for absent.. It will also identify if the student does not

belong to the class and if a tag was tapped twice within the class duration of the day. The

recorded attendance can be sent through email. The Android application will be

developed using Java as the programming language with Eclipse IDE as the development


Chapter 3


3.1 System Flowchart

To ensure a systemtized implementation of the project, a detailed

procedure is required.

Figure 3.1. System Flowchart

The researchers intend to proceed with the development and completion of the

system by strictly following the flowchart presented in Figure 3.1. The course of action

that the researchers foresee to do for the duration of this project will also be based on the

flowchart shown in Figure 3.1.

3.2 System Requirements

In order for this study to be successfully implemented, hardware and software

tools are necessary. The following hardware units that will be used are:

1. NFC-enabled Android Phone – where the SMART Attendance monitoring

application will be installed.

2. Five NFC Tags - small unpowered NFC chips where the information will be


Developing the application will be done with the use of other softwares that

served as development tools. The following software development tools that will be used


1. Eclipse IDE – for Android development and Java programming.

2. Android SDK – for android development

3. Java Runtime Environment – software prerequisite for Java Programming in

Eclipse IDE

4. SQLite – the database for Android applications.

3.3 System Description

Figure 3.2. System Design

An overview of the operation of the system was visualized in the system setup

shown in Figure 3.2. The .apk file of the SMART Attendance monitoring application will

be installed in the Android phone capable of programming NFC tags. It will be capable of

creating multiple class, selecting a specific class in which the attendance will be recorded

and sending the recorded attendance data through email.

A programmed NFC tag which contains the student’s information will be tapped

on the NFC-enabled Android phone secured by the teacher to get the information stored

on the tag. The information will be utilized in monitoring the attendance. The attendance

record will be saved in the database via SQLite and is able to generate a summary of the

recorded attendance which the teacher can send through email.

3.4 Software Development Plan

Downloading and installation of necessary softwares, as listed on the system

requirements, will initially be done to develop the whole application.

The application will be programmed that if opened will have a page layout as

shown in Figure 3.3. It will contain two button fields naming: Record Attendance and

Admin. They are positioned this way according to their importance and how frequent the

button is used.

Figure 3.3 Main Layout Page

3.4.1. Admin Activity Page

The Admin button in Figure 3.3, if clicked, will display a page as shown in Figure

3.4 which contains three buttons namely: Classes, Write Tags and Send to Email.

Figure 3.4. Admin’s Layout Page

14 Creating Classes

The Create Classes button shown in Figure 3.4, when pressed, will display a page

as shown in Figure 3.5. It has five buttons which will correspond to the subject classes of

the teacher. Selecting one of the buttons will display a page as shown in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.5 Class Buttons Page

Figure 3.6 Class Page Setup

15 Class Naming

The Class Name button in Figure 3.6, if pressed, will display a page shown in

Figure 3.7. The page will be filled up with the Course Number, Course Description and

School Year. The Save button will add the given information to the class table in the

database. The table created will have the contents shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Subject Class Database Table



Figure 3.7 Class Naming Page Setting Class Schedule

Setting a class schedule for a specific class can be done by pressing the Set

Schedule button as shown in Figure 3.6. The Set Schedule button, if clicked, will open a

page as shown in Figure 3.8. It contains three required fields which the admin needs to

fill up. Once completed, the save button will be clicked to set the time for a specific class.

The Save button will directly add the information to the table shown in Table 3.1.

Figure 3.8. Setting Class Schedule Layout Adding Tags in a Class

Adding a student tag for a specific class can be done through tapping the tags of

each student to the NFC enabled phone. Once a tag is tapped, it will display a toggle

saying that the name of the tag is added which corresponds to the name of the student.

This is properly illustrated as shown in Figure 3.9. The student information retrieve from

each tag will be stored in a table for a selected class, say Class 1, where the students

being added. This will create a table in the database shown in Table 3.2. As a new student

tag is tapped on the NFC phone, it will automatically add a new row in the table intended

for the newly added student.

Table 3.2 Class 1 Database Table


Figure 3.9. Tapping Student’s Tag Page Viewing List of Tags

A list of student tags added for a specific class can be viewed as shown in Figure

3.10 through clicking the Student List button as shown in Fugure 3.8.

Figure 3.10 Student List Layout Page

18 Writing Student’s Tag

Writing an NFC student tag can be done by filling up all the necessary required

fields namely: First Name, Last Name, Student ID No., and Tag ID No.. This is properly

illustrated in Figure 3.11. The Write Tag button will then be clicked once all the required

fields are filled up. This button will send and encode the data on the NFC tag.

Figure 3.11 Write Tag Field Layout Page

The data that will be encoded in the tag will be saved as well in the student’s tag

database table. The table that will be created will have the contents as presented in Table


Table 3.3 Encoded Student’s Tag Database Table


19 Sending to Email

The Send to Email button in Figure 3.6, if pressed, will show the list of summary

of recorded attendance of each subject as shown in Figure 3.12.

Figure 3.12. Recorded Attendance List Layout Page

Each button in Figure 3.12 will contain the attendance of that specific class for

the whole semester. If the chosen class button is pressed, it will display a pop-up Share

and Delete window option as shown in Figure 3.13. Choosing the Share option will

display another list of options to which the data will be sent. This is shown in Figure

3.14. The data to be sent is an excel file that contains the atendance summary for that

chosen class.

Figure 3.13. Deleting/Sending Data to Mail

Figure 3.14 Selecting Email Provider Layout Page

Once an email provider has been chosen, say Yahoo! Mail, it will direct the user

to a page that asks admin to fill up three required fields. These are the email, the subject,

and the attached file. This is properly shown in Figure 3.15.

Figure 3.15 Sending Email Fields Layout Page

Once the mail is sent, the sent mail database table will record the following

information: Email address, Subject, File Name, date and time. This is shown in Table


Table 3.4 Sent Mail Database Table


3.4.2 Record Attendance

The Record Attendance button shown in Figure 3.3, if clicked, lets admin select a

specific class as shown in Figure 3.16 to start gathering student attendance.

Figure 3.16 Select Class Page

Once a specific class is selected, a page as shown in Figure 3.18 will open. This

page prompts user to start tapping the tag to the NFC-enabled phone of the teacher to get

the information stored in the tag. This information will be recorded on the SQLite

database on the Android phone. The database will have the following content: tag id,

name, student number, dates, number of dates and total of points. This is shown in Table


Figure 3.17 Tap Student Tag Page

Table 3.5 Recorded Class Database Table


Done button will be clicked after all the students tapped their tags which will lead

back to the Main Layout page. The gathered data will then be saved on the SQLite

database on the phone.

3.5 System Running and Test Plan

An NFC-enabled Android phone will be installed with the .apk file of the

SMART Attendance Monitoring application. After installation, the application will be

opened. The Admin button will be pressed to start writing student’s tag, creating classes

and adding student tags to the class they belong. This is important to ensure that

attendance are gathered for the intended class.

The Write Student’s Tag button will be clicked to write the information to be

stored in a particular tag. The information contains the students name and I.D. number.

After encoding, the Write Tags button will be pressed and that tag will be tapped on the

phone to successfully store the information. The same will be done on the next tags.

Table 3.6 shows the information that will be stored in each tag.

Table 3.6 Students Tag Information

Student ID No. First Name Last Name Middle Initial

2008-0020 Richard Cerillo B.
2008-0030 Krizzie Mae Castillon C.
2008-0041 Kathleen Roma Omalza C.
2008-0036 Laarni Marsha Lantican S.
2008-0015 Gayzel Dolor P.

The Create Class button will then be opened to create and add a class to be

recorded for the whole semester. Initially, the Class 1 button will be chosen. The Add

Name button will be opened. The Course Number will be written with ECE 120 with its

corresponding course description shown in Table 3.7. 2013-2014 will be encoded as the

School Year, and then the Save button will be tapped. The Set Schedule button will be

opened to set its corresponding time information also shown in Table 3.7, and to be

followed by clicking the Save button. The Add Tags Button will be opened and the tags

of the students for this class, as listed in Table 3.8, will be tapped. After adding the

students tag, the Done button will be pressed. The list of the students under this class will

then be clarified by selecting the Student List button. The same procedure will be done

for the next class buttons to be named with ECE 121, ECE 122, ECE 123 and ECE 124.

Table 3.7 Time Schedule of Each Class

Subject Course Description Time-in Time-out Late

ECE 120 Signals and Spectra 8:00 am 9:30 am 8:15 am
ECE 121 10:00 am 11:30 am 10:15am
Theory I
ECE 122 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 12:15 pm
Theory II
ECE 123 2:00 pm 3:30 pm 2:15 pm
Theory III
ECE 124 4:00pm 5:30pm 4:15pm

Table 3.8 Student’s Name in Each Class

ECE 120 ECE 121 ECE 122 ECE 123 ECE 124
Cerillo, R. Dolor, P. Castillon, K.M. Lantican, L.M. Omalza, K.R.
Castillon, K.M. Lantican, L.M. Omalza, K.R. Cerillo, R. Dolor, P.
Lantican, L.M. Cerillo, R. Dolor, G. Omalza, K.R. Castillon, K.M.
Dolor, P. Omalza, K.R. Lantican, L.M. Castillon, K.M. Cerillo, R.

The Record Attendance button in the Main Layout Page will be pressed to start

recording the attendance. After clicking a specific class, the students will tap their tags on

the NFC-enabled Android phone following the time –in of the students on each class

shown in Table 3.9. The status that will be revealed after each tap will be documented.

The process for recording the attendance in each class will be repeated for the

next two days at the intended time period.

Table 3.9 Time-in of each Student in each Class

ECE 120 ECE 121 ECE 122 ECE 123 ECE 124
Tag Time- Tag Time- in Tag Time-in Tag Time-in Tag Time-in
Owner in Owner Owner Owner Owner
Cerillo 8:00 am Dolor 10:05 am Castillon 12:05 pm Lantican 2:05 pm Omalza 4:00 pm

Castillon 8:16 am Lantican 10:20 am Omalza 12:25 pm Cerillo 2:30 pm Dolor 4:30 pm

Lantican 9:31 am Cerillo 11:40 am Dolor 1:40 pm Omalza 3:40 pm Castillon 5:50 pm

Dolor N/A Omalza N/A Lantican N/A Castillon N/A Cerillo N/A

Omalza 9:00 am Castillon 10:10 am Cerillo 12:10 pm Dolor 2:00 pm Lantican 4:10 pm

After recoding the attendance for three days, the attendance summary will be sent

to email. The Internet connection of the phone will be activated. The Send to Email

button in the Class Page Setup will be clicked. ECE 120 attendance summary will be

chosen to send via email. The Share option will then be clicked. Yahoo! Mail will be

chosen among the options to which the data will be sent. The data will be sent to, the mail recipient, with a subject, ECE 120 Attendance

Summary. The same procedure will be done in sending the other class attendance


For documentation, screenshots will be taken during the running and testing



[1] E.J. Pineda, C. Miquiabas and G. Talatagod, “Computerized Attendance Monitoring

System for Intramurals and General Assembly Activities of MSU-GSC Engineering
Student Organization”, Mindanao State University, General Santos City, Philippines,
March 2012.

[2] M.U. Yaqub and U.A. Shaikh, “Near Field Communication, Its Application and
Implementation in K.S.A.”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia, February 13, 2012.

[3] James Thrasher. “RFID vs. NFC: What’s the Difference?” Internet:
20.htm, April 22, 2013.

[4] Mark Knoll. “15 Creative and Useful Ways to Use NFC Tags with Your
with-your-smartphone/, July 10, 2013.

[5] M. B. Yahaya, “4 BENC Attendance System Via Smart Card.” B.D. thesis, Universiti
Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia, April 2008.

[6] Bob Violino, “What is RFID?” Internet:

1339, Jan. 16 2005.

[7] M. F. B. Mahyidin, “Student Attendance Using RFID System.” B.D. thesis,Universiti

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