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Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade

Lead your life by improving your

communication skills

Ajinkya Chopade
Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade

Copyright © Ajinkya Chopade, 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the author.
For any such permission or enquiry email to be dropped at

First Edition Published in 2019

To my parents,
Meena Chopade and Jayant Chopade,
who always believed in me & told me I could do whatever I wanted to do in my life.
(So far, so good!)

To my all my friends & students,
who have always been my strength & energy.
Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade


1. PUBLIC SPEAKING – TODAY’S NECESSITY...............................................

2. IF YOU CAN WALK – YOU CAN TALK! ........................................................

3. LEARN TO LISTEN BEFORE YOU SPEAK. ...................................................





6. LAY OUTING AND ORGANISING YOUR TALK .......................................

7. HACKS TO PERFECT SPEECH-STARTS!.......................................................

8. STARTING BASICS.............................................................................................

9. THE MIDDLE! .......................................................................................................

10. THE END ................................................................................................................

11. YOUR TONGUE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE TALKING!...............................

12. LOVE AT FIRST “SIGHT”! – EYE CONTACT ...............................................



14. IT’S PACE NOT RACE OF SPEECH THAT MATTERS! ..............................


Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade

16. IMPROMPTU TALK ...............................................................................................

17. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS ...................................................................................

18. PANEL DISCUSSIONS ..........................................................................................

19. ACING JOB INTERVIEWS....................................................................................

20. VIDEO CONFERENCING .....................................................................................

Are you excited to get better at
21. TALKING TO MEDIA ............................................................................................ Communicating and Public
Speaking skills?
23. GROUP DISCUSSIONS .........................................................................................

24. DEBATES...................................................................................................................

25. GROUP PRESENTATIONS................................................................................... The fun (and learning) starts

from next page.

Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade

Hola, Amigos!

Communication is a part and parcel of our daily

lives. We communicate with a variety of people which
includes our family members, friends, co-workers,
clients, etc. It is thus one of the most important skills to
master. If you struggle with people skills, you limit
yourself every time you interact.

Think – If your people skills were effective and

communications productive; what would it mean for
your career? Would your promotion or raise chances go
up? Will those skills also help you in your personal
relationships? Most often the answer is YES!

We know that these skills are vital for our growth,

yet we spend so less time in improving them. This book
shall help you draw guidelines and get better in your
public speaking. Use it as a reference tool till you master
the art of communication.

The first part of book covers steps that would in

and ultimately help you in delivering great speeches and
talks. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. It is
one of the most common phobias we humans have. The
book covers chapters on how to overcome this fear and
the gradually get better at delivering presentations.

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Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade Connect to Lead | Ajinkya Chopade

‘Connect to Lead’ also has chapters that cover

interview skills & group discussions. These are vital
when it comes to getting a new job, or securing admits
into good schools. Read them carefully and practice the
procedures mentioned, to rock your next selection

With changing times, the means of our

communication are also changing. We talk to cameras
more often than ever before. This book covers topics like
video conferencing, talking to media, etc as well, to
ensure your virtual communications and presentations
stand out. Social media has become a part of our life. We
use websites like Facebook and LinkedIn almost daily to
interact with our peers. The book also has a chapter on
this topic because, if properly exploited, social media has
the potential to help you lead in both your growth
professional and personal front.

Best wishes for your journey in this direction ahead!


It might not always be easy, but it’s definitely going to

worth it!

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Public Speaking – Today’s


“You can increase your value by 50%,

just by learning communication skills”
- Warren Buffet

Back in 5th century BC, there existed a Greek

statesman called Pericles, who is still considered as one
of the best orators of all times. He is said to have a
considerable influence over his men and was widely

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accepted as a leader. Nearly 2500 years later in 2004, an where you feel “I am the hardworking one, but he can
extraordinary speech put a relatively unknown senator in speak so well that the boss always prefers him”? – This
US politics in the spotlight – Barack Obama, who then book is for you. For students who are at the start of their
created history by becoming America’s first black careers, this book will act as a guide to overcome fear and
president. excel in presenting themselves to lead their way ahead.

One common skill both excelled at? – Public Public speaking (also called oratory or oration) is
speaking the process or the act of delivering a speech to a live
audience. It can be a formal speech, a business
If there was one skill, that could sail us through
presentation, sales pitch; or even an informal one when
our personal as well as professional careers – It is
you are asked say a few lines at a society meeting or a
definitely communication skills. It is the deciding factor
friend’s birthday party. Whether your friend is getting
which makes great leaders, managers, CEOs, salespeople,
engaged and has called you to raise the toast, or you’re
entrepreneurs, and influencers. With AI and automation
attending a funeral and have been entrusted with
taking away most of our routine jobs, this is a skill that is
consoling, you shall need to address a live audience.
human to its very core, and shall not be replaced. So,
With such a varied and deeply rooted importance in our
what exactly is Public Speaking? And how relevant is it
lives, it becomes one of the essential skills to master.
in today’s dynamically changing world?
Even then, it remains one of the most feared skills and a
Let’s Explore! very few master it.

If you are reading this book, you are either a Excellent oratory skills have benefits on all three
student looking to kickstart your career or a professional fronts – personal, social, and cultural. Personally, anyone
who wants to climb up the stairs by improving who can master the art of speaking in public, gains an
communication. If you are the latter, you already know immense amount of confidence to lead in life. If you can
the influence that good oratory skills can have in your present your thoughts clearly and influence people, you
careers. Mostly this is the deciding factor on whether you advance hugely in your careers. Whether your IT job
get that better project, or the presentation trip abroad, or requires you to interact with computers or your sales job
perhaps even a promotion. Ever been in a situation

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with people, this skill has the potential to turn your

personality around in a positive way!

If you can Walk – You can


“A book may give you excellent suggestions on how best to

conduct yourself in the water, but sooner or later you must
get wet …”
- Dale Carnegie

Speaking at seminars, I often ask the audience -

“How many of you love to come up on stage and deliver
speeches?”. Usually, it’s just a couple of hands that go
up. When I ask them reasons for the lack of skillsets
pertaining to public speaking, some of the most common
answers that I hear are – “I am afraid of making fun of

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myself”, “What will the audience think of me if I mess up sound like you are succeeding in the present. Although
“, “I didn’t have the right exposure in childhood”, “I lack these techniques seem shady at first, they have an
the confidence” and so on… immense effect on your confidence and performance.
Here are a few lines you can start using for your self-talk
The fear of public speaking is so rampant, that it
is more normal to be afraid than to enjoy it. It is however • I am going to perform very well today.
easy to learn to channel this nervousness into positive • I will remember my presentation well.
energy for your next talk. Here’s a short ABC secret to • The audience is excited to hear me out!
• I am a great speaker.
help you out in your next talk:
• I am enthusiastic when I speak.
1 – Affirming • I am calm and relaxed.
• I am excited about this presentation.
2 – Breathing • My audience enjoys it when I talk about my
3 – Composing • I have prepared very well today!
• I talk with power and polish.
• I use all opportunities to learn and develop my
Affirmations skills.

This is the part where you start giving yourself

the motivation self-talk. Convert your negative sentences Breathing
to positive ones. Instead of saying “I am so nervous” start Almost every successful speaker on this planet
saying “I am excited about this performance”. will tell you that breathing is a great way to overcome
You should tell yourself what you want and not your nervousness. You should breathe slowly and
what you don’t want. For example, don’t say things like deeply. This technique works wonders in calming us
“I know I am going to fidget and forget the sentences on down in panic modes. You should put up a habit of
stage. Don’t become an astrologer and predict future; breathing in sets multiple times a day. You should take
better have a positive image of things working out and long breaths, hold them, and exhale slowly and repeat.
trust yourself. Use positive verbs whenever possible and

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we say in Hindi – “֔֫չ շ֑֭֞ շ֛֧եչ֧ “– Translated as “What

Composing will people say?”; has killed more dreams than failures
would ever do!
Being composed is very critical to be able to speak
confidently. You do this by self-assuring yourself. If you For all of us who are afraid of going out in front
are nervous, the stress builds up not just in your mind and presenting – There’s a beautiful lesson that toddlers
but across your body. The above mentioned two can teach us.
techniques will not only help you with de-stressing your Have you ever seen a toddler learning to walk?
mind, but also takes care of your physique.
Unconsciously, our muscles develop a lot of tension. A child who is learning to walk sees that
Stretch out and relax your muscles a bit before you go for everyone around him can commute very easily on their
the big presentations. The palms can get real sweaty even two legs. He develops a thought process which tells him
on chilly days when you are presenting. You should dry that - if all can walk – walking must be easy and that he
your hands before you take up the podium. Avoid should be able to do it too! With this firm belief, he takes
talking with a dry throat. Drink water, stay hydrated. Try his first few baby steps; the world cheers him for trying
listening to relaxing music. Smile at people around you; and gets into an ultra-supportive mode.
this should help you in building up confidence and set He however Falls – Fails.
you rolling for a fantastic speech.
Undeterred by failure, he gets up again and
pushes himself – Another fall. He changes his ways,
learns that he can lean to a wall, and start balancing.
֔֫չ շ֑֭֞ շ֛֧եչ֧ !
Every failure acts as learning to progress, and finally,
The fear of embarrassing oneself in front of after hundreds of failed attempts, he learns to walk
people definitely stands to be one of the biggest fear that properly. The child’s brain is not shaped to think in
majority of us possess, over a period of time some of us practical ways – It works on belief. The belief that he can
realize that it is also the stupidest one that we have. As walk alone, is enough for him to learn this vital skill. For
those kids who don't try walking by themselves, the

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environment around pushes them. It's supportive and And if you get this part right - you will very soon
cheering for every little progress in the route, and they be parting speeches like Obama and Modi!
gradually get walking.
Remember, though - the world around you is not
How is the story relevant in our public speaking all the same. Not everyone has been able to walk (be
101 guide? Think, what if after the first few failures the good in oratory skills) in this world. There might not be
child would have thought to himself “Probably this isn’t rewards for all the little progress you make along the
for me?”, “What will the people think about me, if fall way. Moreover, there might not be cheer around when
embarrassingly!? “ you fall. Motivation may be distant - And belief certainly
a rare thing. When you fail this time around, maybe the
Would he ever be able to learn to walk?
consequences would be much direr than that of a falling
We ask ourselves, “Will I be able to do it?”. Public baby. The world suddenly might not be all that
Speaking is going to be like learning to walk. We shall supportive; In fact, it may laugh! There might not be
learn by falling again and again. One might ask - what’s someone to hold your hands, to help you balance as a
the single most crucial step in learning to walk? child has - But just like a child would - Remember to stick
to basics. Children in affluent households (who have all
Is it figuring out how to balance? Leaning against
types of walker toys and people around them to help) do
a wall? - No!
not learn to walk better than those from poor sections.
It’s taking that first step. Believing that if the That’s because their mind isn’t programmed yet to limit
world can - so can I. themselves based on the resources, they have access to!

So, let’s get back to basics and copy that little Remember to believe you can walk too!
child. He fell again and again - but he stood up every
Remember to be audacious to fall a hundred
single time. That’s all it takes. Your determination to
succeed - don’t be afraid to fall on your face, to break a
bone or two, ensure that you get up back again - every Remember to change ways but not the goal - and
single time. that leaning against a wall is ok!

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But more importantly, remember to get up every aspects that come with being able to present/speak to win
single time! in your lives and build successful careers.

And not only can you take those first walking

baby steps, but soon you can learn to run and soar!

Happy Walking, Running, Soaring, and becoming

the greatest Orator in the world!

There’s another question that I throw at my

students afraid of speaking out very often “How much
time did you give to learning History/ Geography in
your life till now?” now unless the answering ones are
professionals in the field our answers generally are all
that we did in school – probably 3-4 hours a week for say
40 odd working weeks a year and this cycle for at least 2-
3 years. That’s a total of 350-450 hours at least on the
subjects which might not have ended up directly
contributing to our profession.

Now tell me how much time have you spent

practicing your communication skills? People skills?
Aren’t these the skills that matter the most in our careers
now? Still, they remain shockingly neglected.

The good news – with a little amount of efforts,

they can be mastered! This book will guide you step by
step on how you should start working on yourself and
how to monitor results. It covers all the significant

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Learn to listen before you


“7 Effective Ways to Make Others Feel Important

Use their name.

Express sincere gratitude.

Do more listening than talking.

Talk more about them than about you.

Be authentically interested.

Be sincere in your praise.

Show you care.”

― Roy T. Bennett

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To become a good listener, let us first understand

One of the finest motivational speakers of our what it means to be bad at it. Poor listeners talk a lot.
times is Simon Sinek. In one of his ted talks, he speaks They show no interest in hearing others out. They listen
about "how leaders inspire". He tells the story of Martin to people without attention or energy and often interrupt
Luther King – of how his father would always speak at the talk. They generally don’t ask questions or give any
the last by allowing all the members talk before his turn. reactions and are insensitive to others. Their body
His book' Leaders eat last' – outlines the importance of language tells you that they are disinterested in listening
leaders listening to people around them, before letting and only interested in their part of the story.
out their own opinions.

Do you recall an instance where you were

passionately conveying someone your experience or
story, and they didn't seem to show interest to listen?
You had to leave the topic halfway through. It happens
quite often with most of us, and none of those are good
experiences to recall. We, humans, love to tell our stories
to others, and that's why before you become a great
orator, you should become a good listener. Listening to
what others have to say makes them feel respected and
honored. Most often, they develop an instant fondness to
When we list the four basic essential communication
you when you give then your time and attention.
skills, they rank up as follows:
Hearing to someone is different from listening. Hearing
is an innate ability, listening is a learned skill. 1) Listening – 45%

Whether you are talking with someone face to 2) Speaking – 30%

face, or telephonically or over a video call, you must
3) Reading – 16%
exercise skill and courtesy as a listener.
4) Writing – 9%

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Listening tops the chart and other mediums very proudly tell stories of how their head Mr. Ratan
follow. Now let us look at the amount of training, time, Tata, met them after months and enquired about
and attention we give to these skills: something personal to them. If you remember these small
insights about people, they will take you a long way in
1) Listening – (Least)
your career.
2) Speaking – (Next Least)
Your ability to listen will enhance your
3) Reading – (Second most) relationships with the people around you. You will also
notice considerable progress in your confidence.
4) Writing – (Most)
Let’s start by reaching out to your co-
You can see the stark difference between the
workers/friends/relatives/parents and asking them to tell
usage/importance and the time we allot working on these
you about something they like or their lives. You will
skills. Listening definitely needs to have a greater
find the experience enriching!
amount of conscious efforts.

When you respect the people around you, they

respect you back. If you are a person who acknowledges
and listens to what people have to say, you will win their
hearts easily. You have to stop talking and start asking
questions, be curious about other ideas and perspectives.
Everyone likes to tell their own story. Take interest while
listening to people around you, be patient, and do not
interrupt. Use their nonverbal behaviours to draw cues.
Respond often.

CEOs and heads of large corporations will often

spend a great deal of time listening and recalling what
people around them had to say. Employees of Tata will

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presenting is sure to get multiplied many folds. I thus

often suggest my students start with mastering the

Sometimes people byheart speeches in languages

4 they do have command on, and deliver them. This
should be avoided. In situations where the audience asks
questions or you are required to tweak your talk on the
spot, you will find yourself paralysed in this case.
Limit of language is the limit of
Do you remember the famous speech by Mr.
our worlds! Chatur (Silencer) in 3 idiots? It’s a classic example of how
much important language is when you are presenting in
public. Even if we leave apart the fun part of the speech;
language plays a pivotal role in being able to perform
confidently. Think of a situation where you are
“We tend to look through language and not realize how much
presenting, and you find it difficult to recall the
power language has.”
vocabulary for what you want to say. You will probably
~ Deborah Tannen end up taking long pauses or fail to convey your message
to your listeners. It is definitely a situation no one should
want themselves in.

One of the most common hindrance that I have

identified to speaking confidently in public is the lack of
command over the language of communication. If you
are presenting or talking in English and lack confidence
in your knowledge of the language – your fear of

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crucial skill that enhances your employability prospects

probably more than anything else. So with the
importance of language understood – it’s time we move
forward to our Public Speaking lessons 101!

Unfortunately, we don’t have as much liberty as

Calvin has above. If we say “Yakka foob mog, grug…”
we are sure to be thrown out by our audience sooner or
later. Thus, it is wise to start with learning language if we
are not proficient at it. Proficiency of fundamental to
above-average vocabulary will set us good to go!

This proficiency can be built upon by you by

regularly reading newspapers and starting to have some
basic interactions in the language. A lot of channels on
you-tube teach almost every language in the world
today. Pronunciations are also important – Google guru
and YouTube Pradhyapak can help you with these. A
few hours of practice every day leads to tremendous
results in the long run.

English, in particular, stands out as one of the

most important languages to know today. With
command on this language – there is almost no limit to
what you can learn online now. It is also the single most

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is without a doubt one of the most successful orator

leaders of our times. His addresses are always particular
and unique to his audience. He often starts his speeches
in the local languages of the regions. Not just that, his
election speeches in election campaigns are extremely
5 inline with the current moods of the audience. If he is
speaking in formal events and interviews, his talks are
much more polished and diplomatic. He customizes his
You are a mere tailor stitching public talks by tailoring them to the audience he
addresses. It is one of the crucial aspects to keep in mind
for your audience! while one prepares for any public speech.

The more you know about your audience and the

speaking situation, the more effective your speech should
be! A proper audience analysis or review is when you
understand what the general profile of your listeners is.
“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to What would they find interesting? What might they
get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, already know about the topic? What they would need to
and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” know and how they would feel about it. This analysis
– Alexander Gregg should also help you in structuring your speech and
presentations, and will help you decide on your delivery
methods and techniques. It’s said, “Battles are not won
on battlefields – they are won inside strategy rooms.”
What strategy room does in wars, this analysis will do in

Have you heard India’s prime-minister Modi your presentations.

delivering speeches in different parts of the country? He The same message may require completely
different adaptions or techniques of delivery depending

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on the audiences. To ensure that your message reaches and are excited to hear from you. The mindset with
right to the heart of your audience, you must customize which the listeners are sitting in the room should tell you
your talk based on the audience diversity and which path you should take.
demographics. Another major factor is the
In the first scenario of a forced audience – you
communication situation, which plays a vital role in
would need to create the motivation for them to listen.
shaping how and what should you be talking on those
You would be required to tell them why listening to you
should be of any interest to them, and how can they
Let us start by discussing some of the key benefit from being involved in the session. This can be
points of how you can undertake this analysis or survey done by asking questions, throwing facts, doing/saying
of your audience and how that should help you in something that startles them and grabs their attention in
preparation of your speech. the first place. Remember your end goal is not to give
your planned speech just the way you planned it. It’s to
deliver the message or information that you wanted to
Motivation convey.

Why is it - that the person sitting in the audience - In the second scenario of a motivated audience,
is there in the first place? Why do you think these people the listeners already have an image of you built in their
chose to spend their time listening to you? Questions like minds. You need to deliver up to their expectations. You
these will tell you the motivation of your listeners. It is need to talk about the topic in a specific and structured
perhaps the most crucial aspect to know when you are way here. There is no need to try on getting their
speaking. Publicly It is very vital to understand their attention here; you should get to the subject and spend
“why”, because only then can you tell them what they more time talking about it.
want to listen.
What if you have been asked to speak at a
Your speech should change according to function where you have no idea about your audience's
your audience. Listeners can be those people sitting with motivation? Speakers are often blank or unsure of the
little interest or those who have read or heard about you motivation of their listeners. The assumption that the

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audience is very excited to hear you out or vice versa is interest and motivation of the audience to listen to you. If
not a great way to go around. You should start over by you are speaking to a group of housewife mothers, some
asking questions to the audience and gauge and get your small example or correlation of your topic with their
answers from your responses. Suppose you are at a place daily challenges – about cooking or raising children will
to speak about "Entrepreneurship". You can start by draw their attention instantly towards you.
asking questions like – "How many here know what
Our human minds are quite evolved, and in
entrepreneurship is?", "Who all are interested in finding
today's era where we are hammered continuously with
out about it?", "What do you already know?", "What is it
excessive information, our minds keep on searching for
you want to know?". Questions like these will quickly tell
"What's for me in this?". If you can answer that basic
you the mood and the inclination of the audience. Once
question for the audience – you have gotten their ears
you get your answers, you can promptly frame and
glued to your talk. Identifying the most significant
structure your speech accordingly!
challenges, habits, and interests of your audience will
Other significant demographic segregation that help you connect the topic with them. This can be
can be handy for you are Age, Gender, Educational level, planned and structured accordingly.
Occupational groups, etc.
You should also find out about the most common
With little help of google guru, you will find how values that your audience keeps. Appealing to such
Mr. Modi had once been trending for mentioning Pub-G values often bonds the audience together and gets
and viral mobile game while replying to a question from attention. At times invoking emotions in the listeners is
a mother. It's an excellent example of how subtle things also a way and works miraculously.
can make your talk stand out and be memorable for your
audience. If your listeners are millennials or students,
then you can talk to them about a social media platform Adjusting to the Situation
they use, some trending game or topic. This will make
After learning so much about the audience we
you their hero in no time. They will start looking to you
should aim to improvise and adapt as per the situation.
as someone they can connect with – or say – they will
You must consider the situation when you are speaking.
accept you in their group. It immediately raises the

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You should consider factors like time, place, occasion, time and how you do it is your art. Your speech should
size of the audience, and overall context of your speech. be structured such that you start with a burst and end
with a bang! The general perception that short addresses
Extrinsic factors like time of the day, day of the
are easy is wrong. The lesser the time is given to you, the
week, important festival/occasion, etc. and intrinsic like
higher command on knowledge is required. You are
the time allotted to you are extremely important to know
needed to fit the most relevant parts of your topic into
to deliver a good talk. If you are speaking in morning
the timeframe and deliver it effectively!
hours, you need to talk so to start the day for your
audience – your words and tone, the vigor of your voice Whether you are speaking outdoors or indoors, in
and manner of the presentation should carry that energy. a classroom or a convention hall, on a stage or a room
If its evening and you are the only thing standing should also be seen before you structure and finalize. The
between your listeners and their homely comforts, you places can very often throw many unexpected challenges
better ensure that you make their staying back for you at you, the better you adopt, the better speaker you
worth and remember to wrap up before it gets late. become. Thinking about these challenges beforehand is a
great way to not stumble upon anything at the time of
Similarly, Mondays will mean your audience is
your talk.
still dragging from weekend mood and Fridays will
mean you are dragging their weekends away. This, of If you are speaking to a group of 10 individuals or
course, will vary based on different scenarios, but the giving an interview or perhaps talking to hundreds of
larger picture should remain the same. If it’s a festive listeners, your presentation has to change accordingly.
mood, starting with greetings for the occasion can be Your voice, tone, pace, and body language would need to
great to connect with the audience. be tailored according to this. As speakers, we generally
get constant feedback from the audience looking at their
Also important is knowing the time allotted to
reactions to our talk here; larger audiences are difficult to
speak. You cannot have the same speech for 1-hour talk
read. Establishing eye contact is very vital regardless of
and a 20-minute talk. What separates great orators for the
the audience size, and you will find more in the chapter
others is how well they adapt to this and make changes.
about it ahead.
The main motto is to pass the message in the allotted

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Different occasions demand a different you. You

can’t speak with some voice(tone, loudness, pitch) at a
birthday party or a death anniversary. Listeners have a
perceived message, they want to listen to, and when the
speaker does not deliver this message, a disconnect is
very certain. It is thus vital to get the context right.
One could argue that despite his best efforts,
he/she fails at keeping the attention of listeners – these
skills develop over a period of time. You did not learn
Lay outing and organising your
cycling in the first run – you learned it by falling over talk
dozens of times and perfecting it gradually. Public
speaking is like cycling, so don’t worry about falling and
hurting yourself, gradually, you will get there!

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the

knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

– Lilly Walters

Lay-outing and planning your speech flow is

crucial in delivering excellent speeches. So, what is the
process of organizing your talk? What should be the flow
and structure to write down a great speech?

Of course, the structure should vary depending

upon your audience. But primarily, it remains the same.

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Any speech or talk can be bifurcated and split into three that longer a person speaks, the higher is the possibility
parts of the audience getting bored.
1) The Introduction
2) The Middle We should remember that the audience is a passive
3) The Close listener. If you give them a complex idea and leave it up
to them to figure out things, they are not going to find
The introduction should be used to get the attention you as a good speaker. The listeners are sitting as they
of your audience and arouse curiosity. It should also be
want you to share something with them that they will
used to introduce yourself and the topic. The middle part
is your core presentation; it includes comprehensive understand.
information about the topic. The conclusion should not be
done before you complete covering all the topics. It
should be a subtle summary of your topic and should Clarity:
leave the audience with something to think about.
A long script is not a good script. Your talk has to
Apart from the knowledge of your topic and be short and clear. You should be able to explain your
expertise, a successful speech has several other attributes point in the time that is allotted to you. You have a
like chance to dig deep into the topic when the time assigned
• Simplicity
to you is long. However, in most cases, you are going to
• Clarity
• Focus have a paucity of time. You must optimize the talk
• Uniqueness depending on whether you are speaking for an hour or
• Energy 20 minutes. Sometimes the time allotted can be as low as
10-12 minutes, in which you have to ensure that your
Simplicity: message is clear and it reaches the audience in this short
If your talk is too complicated for the audience to
comprehend, then, you are going to lose their attention. If
the topic itself is complex, you are going to need to break Focus:
it down and make it simple. It is a very well-known fact

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Very often, we see that speakers sway away from

the topic. A constant focus must be maintained on the
subject. You can be an expert in many fields, but if you
have been called to talk about topic A, you should stick The audience is always best captured by energetic
to topic A. If you allow yourself to sway in thoughts, the and enthusiastic speakers. Your personality should
speeches become disorganised monologues which makes reflect out of your talk. Your passion should come out
the audience lose interest easily. from the words that craft your speech. If you are able to
do this right, you will not just capture the attention of
Focus on your topic as narrowly as possible, even
your listeners, but also manage to hold it.
if it means that subtopics are not touched.
A combination of these five attributes is what
makes your audience listen to you with great attention.
Uniqueness: These are the foundations on which every great speech
has stood.
You should be aware of the surroundings and
about the audience that you are talking to. Many
speakers have one scripted speech that they repeat at
every occasion. Think of a teacher who has one address
for teacher’s day, and he delivers the same speech every
year. Over a period of time, people will surely notice, and
the speech will lose its sheen. Understand your audience
and craft a talk unique to them. Details of this are
covered in the chapter about the audience.

The audience participates and responds the best to

speakers who know them well. Two-way communication
makes a talk indulging. Small tweaks to your script can
make it unique.

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Hacks to perfect

“A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his

audience's attention, then he can teach his lesson.”

John Henrik Clarke

You can think of the introduction and start of

your speech as the trailer of a movie. It's important that
the trailer raises eyebrows and generates interest in the
audience to go and watch the film. Your start does the
same for your talk. It can decide whether the listeners

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point their ears at you or conveniently away from you. It more intriguing manner. There are several good ways to
should firmly answer questions like "Why should I listen attract, capture and hold the attention of your audience.
to you?", "How is what you are about to talk worth my You can :
time and attention?", "How is it relevant to me?". This all
• Involve your audience,
should be done simultaneously while creating interest in
• Relate the subject to your personal experience,
the minds of listeners and also conveying the critical idea
• Ask startling questions,
and preview of the topic of your talk.
• Throw out mind-blowing facts,
They say, well begun is half done – To me in • Tell a story,
public speaking well-started is 70 percent work • Use humour, etc
completed. This can be achieved by greeting the audience
Getting your audience involved
with a smile and establishing active eye contact from the
very start. Your body language throws far too many clues This is, by far, the most tried, tested and
to the audience, and the first impression should always successful way to capture attention. When you involve
be a strong one. You should definitely not read your the audience in your talk – and make it interactive, you
introduction. By introduction, here, I am not referring to instantly connect them to you and your message. It also
information about yourself as a speaker, that may or may allows you to give out compliments to the interactors,
not the amongst it. The overall idea pitching is what is which helps you carve out their notice almost
being referred to. immediately.

Very often speakers start speeches by saying People like to hear good things said about them
things like "Hello, my name is so & so…. I am so & so… and their community. While addressing a group of
Today I'll be talking about so & so… etc". Starts like these doctors – saying something like “To me being a Doctor is
are an invitation to sleep for any audience, unless they one of the noblest things to do on this planet, I am ever
are internally motivated to hear you out – rest assured thankful to all of you present here for your contributions
people will doze off. I call such starts lullabies. It is, of to the society”. Similarly, when addressing a group of
course, essential to convey the information mentioned teachers “Teachers are the ones who shape our future,
above to your listeners, but it has to be done in a much just like a painter paints a canvas – teachers paint the

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lives of their students, I salute all the teachers here and Personal experiences have always intrigued us
thank them for their contributions”. Such starts will humans, and therefore starting with one - is a great way
connect you with the audience instantly. to grab attention. Relating your topic to your experience
also establishes a common ground between yourself and
Another way to involve the listeners is to relate
listeners. It also gives you credibility as a speaker; the fact
your topic directly with their lives. If you are speaking on
that you can personally relate to the topic makes your
the subject of public speaking with a group of students,
audience feel they should be able to do the same too. It is
starting with how the skill can be vital for their careers
just like all of us are more willing to listen to others and
will be useful to attract attention. Such examples will
take their advice if we know that they have travelled that
strike the right chord and bring you and your audience
road themselves.
on the same page. Using words like “We”, “Our”, “Us”
will also help them in connecting to you easily.

Ask startling questions

Relate the subject to your personal experience Generally, we ask questions to get some
information, but when starting a talk – asking a rhetorical
“When I was in school, I used to be terrified to
question is a great way to get the ears tuned to your
speak in front of the class. I still remember when in my
frequency. These questions should come out of the blue
8th standard, I was asked to come in front of the class
and surprise the audience; their purpose is to generate
and speak. It was a beautiful winter morning, and I was
curiosity about the subject in the listener’s minds. Asking
shaking with terror; my palms were sweating as if the
engineers, “Why did they choose engineering?” is one
temperature outside was to touch 50. I must have taken
such question which has worked well for me in my
20 minutes that day to speak what should have been a
interactions with students. “Do you think God is real”,
few minutes topic…….” This is my true story. From
“How much do you think the uber driver who dropped
being this kid who was afraid to death for public
me today earns per month?”, “What do you think is your
speaking, I evolved as a speaker. Such stories also make a
purpose in life?” Questions like these get the audience
great start to your presentations.
thinking and thus inclined to listen.

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Questions like these provide a provocative opening involve the audience at the start. They also help in setting
to your talk. The audience is startled, and you manage to up the mood of the listeners in lieu with your topic.
catch them off-guard, they thus make a great start to your
Use humour

Humour is another great way to establish a

Throw out mind-blowing facts
lighter mood amongst your audience. When
“Did you know that 'the amount of solar energy appropriately used, it puts them in the receptive mode. It
that hits our earth in one hour is more than we humans also connects you with them, makes them have a sudden
consume in an entire year!' Something like this to start a affiliation towards you. However, one should be careful
topic about solar energy or 'The three wealthiest families to adapt and use humour to start a speech. Mere picking
in the world have more assets than the combined wealth up a joke from any joke book won’t fit our purpose. We
of the forty-eight poorest nations.' Like this to start a must weave it to match our topic.
topic of income disparity in the world. Such facts are
One can also start with a famous quote; the whole motto
again meant to startle the audience and get them
of having a good start is to create curiosity driven
shocked. Human minds are wired such that anything
attention of listeners. You can always be creative in
unusual draws curiosity; they are a safe bet for your start.
trying out different ways that could work for you and
Tell a story – Story boarding your topic. However, care should be taken to ensure no
one is offended in the process and your topic does justice
'Once upon a time…' isn't this one of our most
to the amount of curiosity and attention you generate
beloved lines to hear? We humans have grown up
while getting a good start.
listening to stories. For very long - they have been the
means to pass on information along generations; that is
why we are wired to listen to them with interest. Stories
entertain and educate us and are excellent means to

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talk, it should include the following main points

concerning the audience:

• Establishing a relationship
• Getting full attention
8 • Introducing your credentials
• Introducing the importance of your topic

Starting Basics Establishing a relationship:

Your primary goal should be finding common

ground for you and your listeners. You can do this by
talking something about their profession, education, etc.
or some of your personal stories that would resonate
“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the
with them.
knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”
Remember the audience will mostly decide on
– Lilly Walters
whether to hear you or not based on your interaction for
the first 60 seconds.

Getting full attention:

In the previous chapter, we saw many different Once you build a relationship with your listeners,
hacks to start and deliver a great talk. Here we will
the next part is to fortify this attention that you have got.
outline the basics that any introduction should cover.
It is tough to address a distracted crowd, so this is also
Before you get into the topic and middle section of your
the best time to resolve any issues that can be distracting
to the audience.

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If people are walking inside the room, you can

choose to wait for some time. If some issue is distracting
Introducing the importance of your topic:
the audience, it should be dealt with. This part should be
used to invoke curiosity in the room. In this way, you The starting part of your speech should also have
will get their complete attention. you touching on WHY is your topic important part.
Before you tell the audience your thoughts or expertise,
Introducing your Credentials:
get them questions to think. Get them involved in the
Even though a lot of speakers start with this part performance, and connect them to the rest of the talk.
as their first part, I feel introducing yourself should come
with a slight delay. People are not interested in knowing
what your education is, where have you studied and
which medals have you won. They are here to listen to
the topic. We think hammering the audience with
credentials will get them interested in your talk. It works
the other way around. I feel when you introduce the
topic first and create curiosity and then go on to talk
about yourself, your credentials get a lot more value and
ears to it. You mustn’t also leave the audience guessing
“who is this speaker” for a very long time.

It is also essential that you know which of your

achievements are relevant to the listeners. I have been to
seminars where speakers spend a considerable amount of
time on just reading their credentials. This should be
avoided at any cost. Remember topic is much more
important than who you are.

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you are free to lecture them. Such assumptions will only

lead you to a disaster. Make your speech such that, as
you speak, the audience feels they are involved in the
conversation as well. This does not necessarily mean that
the audience participates by raising their points or
9 questions. If you notice, listeners, very often respond by
nodding their heads, smiling, and cheering up as you
talk. These elements should make up the core of the
The Middle! middle section of your talk.

Have firm opinions and stand by them

Once you are done with the initial part of your Would you follow a person who does not take a
talk, its time to speak about the topic. This part should be
stand on his thoughts? You should have a firm opinion
given the maximum time of your speeches. Here is a
about your topic. Very often, I see speakers who talk a
three-step guideline to craft this part to perfection:
thing first and the second later. If you give too many
1. Use an interactive style conflicting thoughts on the subject to listeners and then
2. Have firm opinions and stand by them fail to select one, you are going to be perceived as a weak
3. Avoid the use of Jargons leader. People want to hear people who take a stance and
then justify why they are correct, not people who show
them which all stands can be taken.
Use an interactive style

You should not use a very formal speaking style

Avoid use of Jargons
when you speak about your subject. Don’t assume that
the audience does not know about your topic and that Don’t expect your audience to know jargons, even
the most common ones. If a speaker says, “I will be

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reaching there by EOD”, it can leave a lot of listeners 'The future of Humanity' in a technical summit, You
confused. Using End of the Day instead of EOD will should blend your subject with technology. The topic can
solve this problem. You don’t want your audience to be abstract and multifaced, but it has to adjust according
come out confused, or worse, lose their attention towards to the theme.
your talk just because you used jargon or a phrase they
Modulate the pace
are unfamiliar with.
The speed of your talk should be modulated
If you stick to these guidelines, you will have a
continuously as you progress. Comparatively difficult
great mid-section of your talk. However, I am going to
and abstract points in your talks should generally have a
leave you with some more gyaan on how to make this
slow pace. When you are giving out figures or repeating
part effective. Here are five points to remember:
something you expect the audience to know, the speech
1. Stick to the theme should be pumped up.
2. Modulate the pace
Have the flow of subject decided
3. Have the flow of subject decided
4. Include audience Often, I see speakers who do not have their flow
5. Personalize the talk structured keep on jumping from point A to C then back
to B, and so on. Make a list of all the subtopics/ideas you
want to talk about in your speech. Invest time in making
Stick to the theme a logical sequence and stick to it. In this way, you will not
end up confusing your audience. What is the value of
One part is the style, and the second is the theme.
your expertise, if you cannot convey it to others? Thus, it
Your talk should not sway away from the theme of the
is crucial you spend time on structuring and deciding the
event/occasion/topic. When you talk randomly or deviate
flow of your talk.
from the subject, the audience quickly understands. You
don't want comments like "He spoke well, but not Include audience
relevant to the topic". The theme here refers to the
As already covered above, it is important to
broader idea or topic. For eg., if you are talking about
include your audience in your talk. Often when the

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conversations are long, it is a good idea to ask questions that this script or talk was explicitly made for them. It is
in between your speech, maybe crack a joke or two. All an excellent tool for winning hearts and becoming a great
the hacks that are discussed in the chapter about starting orator.
methods can be put in between long talks. This keeps the
audience listening to you as you proceed.

Many successful speakers include their audience

completely in their talks by having them respond
throughout their speeches. You can tell a story, or your
thoughts and ask questions like “How many people here
think the same?”. Some speakers have the audience
respond to them by saying Aye / Yes and throughout the
talk at regular intervals, keep asking, “Do you agree?”.
An audience which is indulged well will very easily

Personalize the talk

We, humans, love personal attention, when

someone remembers our names or something that is
personal to us, we instantly create fondness towards that
person. Personalizing refers to making your audience feel

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The End

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the

knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

– Lilly Walters

Have you ever attended a session where while

giving an excellent speech, the speaker suddenly says,
“Well, That’s all. Thank you!”?

Ending well is extremely important for having a

successful speech, and many speakers struggle in getting
this part right. They either bring their speeches to an
abrupt end or sway away before finishing off in haste.

In presentation competitions, I would often ask

for either the first or the last slots for talks. The first

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would mean you set up the bar high and make an impact
on the jury and audience, as it is the time when the
Summing up
average level of curiosity in the room is higher than the
norm. The last slot would mean I get the closing In instances where you are speaking on an
opportunity. When the event ends, the audience is more academic topic, it is generally a good idea, to sum up, all
likely to remember and think about the last talk they the points that you have covered in the lectures. There
heard. Similarly, how you end your speech determines can also be other occasions where this is needed. It
how long the audience feels about you or your topic. generally helps the listeners in drawing an outline of
your talk and remembering the key points.
Your talk should be well outlined such that you
know when to conclude. If it is a timed presentation, care
should be taken that you have time to end well. Time
Ending on a high note
slots for individual sections should be made in such
cases, and you should stick to them strictly. In situations Just like you should have a stellar start, you
where you find time running short, make decisions to should also have a stellar end. All the hacks for starting a
skip a few points. Say you had 5 points to speak about in speech well can be used to end the address as well. The
the middle section of your talk but allotted time is idea here is to leave your audience excited, happy, and
running out, skip the last or most least important aspect. hopeful. You can do this by telling some quotes, cracking
Remember it is you who knows there were five points; a joke or giving them something to think about. This will
the audience only knows what you tell them. However, a ensure your speech has a long-lasting impact.
well-timed and practiced speech will not lead to such
Emotional Parting
A good conclusion would typically sum-up your
talk (Depending upon such requirement if any). It should In many situations like training workshops, or
tell your audience that you are done and most long seminars, or even an hour-long lecture, you spend
importantly end on a positive note. time with your audience. Although it is difficult to know
the audiences individually, if you have delivered a good

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talk, they generally know you well. Most of us humans

are wired to form fondness and friendships quite quickly.
Ending by telling them how much you loved interacting
with the listeners, how they have been a fantastic
audience, and how much you shall be missing them.
Don’t be surprised to have some emotional faces as you

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communicate just with our tongue; our ears, hands, and

bodies talk to the audience as well. When we say that a
person is a great orator, it's never just the speeches that
he delivers; it's more about the way he delivers it.

11 Recall, and you will find some speakers who were

able to leave a very lasting impact on you through their
communications. They could be those who spoke a few
lines, but the message reached right to your heart. It's
Your Tongue is not the only one because they weren't just talking to you, their eyes, hands
talking! body all were reflecting the idea that they were
presenting. Delivering a speech is one part; giving your
excellent performance is another. Delivery is
comparatively much easier, and if that's all your motto,
then "Google Read" will do the work for you, but
performance requires sync of your body, mind, and
“Body language and tone of voice - not words - are our most tongue. When you talk to motivate, your voice and body
powerful assessment tools.” should reflect it. Think how would you feel if a speaker
- Christopher Voss turns up and in a very depressed and low tone says
"Guys, you got this, believe in yourself you will be able to
do it". Will you share the vision of the speaker?

People do not remember your words, but they Depending on the source, you will hear body
language makes up 55 – 80% of your message. The body
surely remember our actions. Rarely will you recall any speaks much more than words. Can a Public speaking
great speech because it had the perfect use of grammar, coach deliver a great speech while fidgeting and
great wording, etc. It's mostly to do with the way the talk struggling to make eye contact? Your gestures and body
was presented to you. We, as speakers, do not

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language are five times more important than your verbal


We admire famous actors, politicians, celebrities,

motivational speakers who can communicate with
confidence, sincerity, friendliness, enthusiasm, and more.
Their body language speaks to the audience much before
they can actually talk. When you enter the seminar hall,
the audience is already observing you – and in the first
few seconds, they will already have started building an
image of you in their minds. The way you walk, stand,
You should be standing firmly on both your feet.
make eye contact will already have played an important
Very often speakers end up pressing more on one of their
role in the willingness of listeners to your speech.
legs. If you put extra weight on either side, you look less
Observe how great orators speak, how they stand balanced and less powerful. Remember the purpose is
while they deliver their talks. Your legs should not be not to see where and how you are the most comfortable;
stuck together – with some fair amount of distance they it’s to identify where and how the audience finds comfort
should be apart ad straight. Your back should not be and confidence in listening to you. The way you stand
bent. Your posture should reinforce your authority and and move on the stage gives out a lot of cues to the
confidence in the topic. Your hands should not be in your audience.
pockets or behind your back. While you keep your
posture erect, your chin should be up and straight facing
towards the audience. Not too low to show nervousness Movement while presenting
or too high to appear aloof or arrogant. Pull your
Your movement on the podium or stage is a very
shoulder back and make your spine straight. The image
effective and important way to deliver your message
below will help you identify the right posture of
effectively. When you compare, your standing in one
place and talking for an hour vs. your delivering the

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same talk as you move around. The later is going to be when talking of events as a past-present-future is a good
much more effective. I often see people who either won't way to present. For example, while talking about the start
even budge while speaking or would overdo the and growth of your company, its present activities, and
movements or move too fast. You should try to find the future plans. You can start in the past by saying "10 years
middle ground between these two. ago our company was founded in so and so… in a small
plant with just five workers" standing on the left side of
Have you seen those caged animals in the zoo
the stage. Gradually move towards the center as you
who always keep on walking around deliberately – that's
come to the present and say, "Today our company has
exactly how you appear if you pace incessantly. In those
grown to a size of 500 workers across three countries".
cases, the movement becomes a distraction rather than
Finally, as you move towards the right side of the stage,
helping the cause.
"In ten year's time, we aim to be the largest manufacturer
So where should one stand and how should one of so and so… we plan to open offices in 45 countries…
move along? One proper technique is to stand center and we are set on the right path".
stage and keep on moving sideways to both directions
Movements might not always be possible when
while coming and stopping in between. Remember, you
you deliver speeches. Sometimes the mike is mounted on
are not walking a marathon; nor are there any
the podium. In such cases, if getting an in-hand
checkpoints that you start from point A and reach point
microphone is an option – I would say it should be used.
B. The movements should be in sync with the talk that
But if it is not you got to do with what you get, this is
you are presenting. When presenting with a new idea,
where the other key parts of your body language come in
talking about something important, you can move
– the hand movements, eye contacts and everything else!
towards the audience. This presses the importance of
what you are communicating that instant and gains good
comprehension from the listeners.
Using hands in sync with your talk
Similarly, just as we think of a timeline as from
Learning to stand firmly with your hands relaxed
left to right, a movement from the left side of the stage
on your sides is a good start. Hands most often give
(From audience perception) to the right side of the stage
away your mood to the audience. Depending on how

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you use them, they can both be a great friend or foe in effectively. They use it to establish authority, to get the
your public speaking. Many people find it challenging to point across the table effectively, and to keep the
hold their hands sideways and relaxed as they speak. audience glued to them.
They try to keep something in their hands or close their
Take it as an exercise (for yourself) to watch
hands together. People generally play or tinker with
speeches delivered by world leaders and observe and
things like clicker pens, pencils, their fingers, or hands.
note the various hand gestures that they use.
Actions like these are highly distracting for the audience.
They perceive this as a signal that conveys your One should always make his/her body language
weakness and nervousness; it should, therefore, be consistent with the message. If you are not presenting in
avoided and any cost. sync, people will not believe what you have to say. But
when you do so remember it has to look natural and not
Fidgeting is often seen as a lack of self-assurance
robotic – the key to mastering body language is to gain
by the audience. Thus, it is best to avoid holding any
self-confidence. Believing in oneself will do away with all
pencils, pens, paperclips, or any similar item that you
the unwanted nervous gestures we impersonate. There
could end up playing with. Also, equally important is not
are countless videos available on YouTube, which can tell
to put your hands in pockets as you present your topic.
you how to improve on this aspect as well as about hacks
It's another subtle message which cuts you off from the
for the presenting well. Find time to go through these.
audience. The action reduces your gestures hugely and
also appears too casual. Remember you need to give the
audience the respect that you wish to acquire back from
them. It's always a 'give and take relationship'. It is
sometimes ok to stand with one hand in the pocket, but
the other should extensively be used for gestures.
Gradually the aim should be to communicate and gesture
effectively with both hands.

With some observation, you will realize all good

orators use their palms and hands to communicate

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Love at first “Sight”!

“There is a saying, 'Eyes are the windows to the soul.' It

means, mostly, people can see through someone else by eye
contact in seven seconds. I have a habit that if I meet someone I
don't know, I'd like to look at her or his eyes on purpose. When
my eyes lay on them, I can immediately see their true color.

- Peng Liyuan

How does a hero propose his girl in movies? It's

one of the magical scenes that almost every movie has;
perhaps in our lives as well. A well dressed up man
walks slowly towards his girl, with a bouquet of flowers,
sits on his knees while offering the flowers, looking right
in the eye – and proposes. Now replay this same scene in

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your heads - all the same just with one exception. The Eye contact means looking up to your audience
hero, this time fails to look up at the girl in the eyes. The and letting your eyes do the talk in sync with your
magic disappears. That's the power of eye contact. tongue. It is essential as it builds the perception of you
being an honest, confident, and sincere person. This is
If nonverbal communication makes up more than
important across all your communications – whether you
half of your message to the audience, then eye contact
are speaking to your relatives and friends or your
surely makes up more than half of this non-verbal part of
employers. Often during interviews, the candidates who
your communication. When you fail to make eye contact
can talk to the interviewer looking in the eye are picked
with your listeners, you are perceived as
up as hire. It therefore also becomes a particularly
o Not confident important skill to master and learn.
o Not trustworthy
Eye-contact reaffirms interest in audience
o Shy
o Uncaring When you enter any seminar hall to perform or
o Aloof deliver your talk, most often you would be introduced
o Embarrassed before you go out and grab the microphone. This time
o Not interested slot is when the audience is observing you, and thus a
great chance to create a positive image of yours in their
And almost every other unwanted or
minds. You should start by scanning through your
unfavourable attribute you can think of.
audience, look out for the friendly, excited faces and start
Eye contact is probably the most crucial part of throwing out smiles and subtle positive gestures at them.
getting your body language right. To show that you Very often, I see speakers tapping upon their mobile
respect your audience, you need to be able to talk to them phones as they try to appear super busy, as they do this,
– and looking into their eyes is the way of telling them, they miss out on the great opportunity to read and
that they are important for you. Our eyes are the gateway connect with their audience. One should try and master
to our hearts, and if your message is to pass on to the this as he/she becomes good in oration.
hearts of your listeners, then you got to look at them in
their eyes.

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We all have been to those events where the crack a joke and lighten up the environment and when
speakers have delivered their entire talks only looking at you have to talk technical and pass your expertise.
the chief guests or the judges, while completely ignoring
How exactly should you establish this “so
the rest of the audience. Simply put, by concentrating
important” eye contact then? You don’t want to look
only on a certain section of the audience while neglecting
robotic and mechanical; you don’t even want to stare at
the rest. This is a very common mistake made by both
your listeners. Have you ever had a conversation with
first time and experienced speakers. When you establish
someone who did not break eye contact with you and
eye contact with just one section of the audience while
kept staring? How did it make you feel? Eye contact is
ignoring the others, it sends a message that you are not
definitely powerful but needs to be used in the right way.
interested in those ignored listeners of yours. Your eye
contact has to be right from the first person in the Your listeners know when you look at them, they
audience to the last one in the back-seat corner. I often feel acknowledged. Most often they reply to you by
tell my students how their eye contact should flow and nodding their heads in affirmation or with a subtle smile.
capture every listener. Your mere glancing at them is enough to show that you
notice and value their presence. The people who were
Many would argue that to establish good eye
looking at you as you delivered your talk with eye
contact; one requires to have extreme confidence. I feel it
contact will feel more connected to you and your topic.
is also the other way around – Good eye contact gives
you immense confidence to speak in front of people. Eyes One of the biggest challenges in maintaining eye
tell you if your talk is progressing the right patch and is contact is being insufficiently prepared. You, of course,
being received well by the audience, which means it puts can’t read notes and maintain eye contact at the same
you in control of your talk. It acts like a feedback system time. Good eye contact builds a relationship between the
telling you which part is being received well by the speaker and listener that binds them. You can practice
audience and which part is boring them, in which part eye contact by speaking to yourself in the mirror to start
you were able to convey your message perfectly and with, later ask some of your friends to listen to you and
which one confused them! You know when you have to give feedback. Record and re-watch your own speeches

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to develop and understand what you did right and what

went wrong.

Facial expressions are the magnified shadows of

your eyes, and they speak out just as much. You can’t say
“Guys I have an interesting story to tell you” with a dead 13
poker face. It is crucial that you speak from your heart -
the rest should follow. Conscious efforts to correct your
facial expressions often backfire – it is best if you talk
from your heart and believe in what you are saying, as
Playing with voice and speech
long as you don’t hold yourself back the expressions will to present effectively
reflect your emotions in the right way.

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the

knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

– Lilly Walters

How loudly should you speak when addressing

a group of people? Should it be loud enough to show
Let your eyes do the talking!
your authority or low toned so as not to appear arrogant?
The tone and pitch of your speech are very vital
components of delivering good talks.

A straightforward answer is that your voice

should be loud enough for everyone to hear comfortably;
imagine if the last row of listeners who are excited to

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hear you out can’t listen to you because you are not loud The tone and depth of your voice should match with the
enough! That’s terrible. How much ever interested, if topic you are speaking about, just like the excited child –
listening to you means your audience has to stress their we should learn to let our ideas and thoughts flow freely.
ears and pay a lot of attention to listen to you – they are
When you appeal a certain serious emotion in the
sooner or later poised to lose out the interest. The speaker
audience, the loudness as well and tone should simmer
should be loud and clear such that there is no problem
down; on the other hand, when you speak to motivate
for the audience to comprehend the talk. There are
and want to pass the enthusiasm into the crowd – both
multiple other factors that are important and require
should go up. It works like magic. Think of all the
practice to perfect them for a good presentation.
motivational movies or speakers that you have heard;
Listeners definitely need to hear every word you they manage to do this effectively.
speak, questions like “What did he say?” should never
Most of us use three to five different notes of
come out of your audience. The volume of your speech is
pitch while interacting in our daily lives. Pitch is the
like the default mandatory; the tone, pace, clarity, and
frequency of soundwaves we produce, just like a piano
depth are the addons that make your talk go from good
would have low and high notes – we have low and high
to great! Let us discuss these one by one.
pitches. Low pitches are calming to hear while high
Think of a child who has just bought a new toy set pitches sound exciting. They are an excellent tool to
and wants to tell that to his friends? How will he convey reflect our feelings.
the message? His voice and tone will reflect his
excitement, Right? Even if you are talking to this child
over a call, his enthusiasm will pass on through his voice. Ummm… hmmm… ahhh… - The Fillers
That’s how powerful voice is in delivering great
Haven't we heard them? The filler words in
between speeches? Someone talking about the company
How would you feel if a speaker says, “I am in a board meeting can sound like "So that was about our
excited to speak to you today” in an extremely bland marketing department… aahhhh… moving on to our
tone, something that does not go in line with his talk? financial reports… aaaaa… I would like to start by

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looking at our previous year's data… aaaaa…. If you see people complain that these fillers are not something they
there…". Speakers very often use such filler words use consciously and they come out as they speak, and
unknowingly. We should try and avoid them as much as that they fail to keep track of them – this can definitely be
possible. true but equally valid is the fact that with little amount
efforts this habit can be eliminated out of all your public
Remember if you forget some of the points – It's
you who knows that you are forgetting, the audience
doesn't! In a very famous scene from 3 Idiots Raju and
Farhan manage to fool Mr. Chanchad by threatening him
to flow the asthis(ashes) of his father down the drain,
even when the Kalash is empty – If you forget some part
of your pre-thought-out speech, it is always wise to not
reveal it, after all, its only you are aware about it. You
should gracefully move on to the following topics.

As for the aaahh, ummm sentence fillers, it is

always better to pause and not use them. Speaking
clearing is very important. If you end up using too many
of these fillers, most often, the audience will perceive you
as someone who is not clear with his thoughts and is not
able to speak with clarity! It also builds an image of yours
in their minds that you are not confident or well
prepared about the topic. Speakers should, therefore, try
to avoid these fillers at any cost.

Sometimes we excessively use words like "Right",

"And", "The" or reputations of some phrases, forcefully
punched between our lines. Very commonly I hear out

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your audience. Understand that these are different from

speeding up or speeding down as you talk. Let us discuss
how we can use pauses effectively to our benefit while
delivering a talk.

14 When you speak to the audience, their attention is

majorly at comprehending your words; our mind is
trained to process and understand the data that comes in
continuously, but what if the information is too
It’s Pace not Race of speech continuous? The brain activity gets monotonous – also,
that matters! when you talk about something that is drastically
unique/different, our minds require extra processing
time. This is where pauses play a vital role.

““The most precious things in speech are the pauses.” If you ask the audience a question like “What do
you think?”, you should allow them time to process the
- Sir Ralph Richardson
data and reply. Pauses at such moments are extremely
important. Also, when you pass a joke, you should allow
time for the audience to understand and react to it. A
Your talk should be delivered to your audience at
speech without pauses becomes monotonous and should
a pace that they comprehend. As you deliver your
be avoided.
speeches, there is another tool that can help you make
them great - the Pauses! Pauses can also be used as a means to bring
discipline to the audience. Though it isn’t a very popular
Pause is when you stop in between your talk for
way of using pauses, it surely is an effective one. A
some time, intentionally. Breaks are essential as they give
speaker who pauses aptly is the one who is in control.
your audience time to think about and absorb in what
Think of a situation where you are handed over the mike,
you have just said. Pauses are also a great tool to control
and there is some disturbance in the audience, a small

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pause and delay in your start should shush it down. If

someone in the audience starts talking and seems to be
disturbing you and others, a short pause and a stern look Time to twist some tongue!
at them should be enough to convey them your point.
This generally works very well. The audience should also
be given time to applaud you. At places where applause If you find it hard to pronounce a particular
is expected, when you take a break, the audience gets word/letter in a language, always remember, practice
time to react and applaud you. helps.

Watch news reporters, professional speakers, and Tongue twisters are great tools to help you get
observe how they speak. Reading aloud to your friends, better at pronunciations. Here are some of twisters you
family members, etc. is a fantastic way to start practicing can try reading out load. Do this exercise repeatedly and
public speaking, projection techniques, and vocal variety. you will see noticeable results.
Try reading out/telling stories; you can read them out of
children’s books or even tell your own stories. This will
help you develop and make subtle improvements in your Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
oratory skills.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Betty Botter bought some butter

But she said the butter’s bitter

If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter

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But a bit of better butter will make my batter better .

So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter

She sells seashells by the seashore

There are some letters in English alphabets which HACKS TO EFFECTIVE SPEECH
cause an explosion of air when you speak. These letters
are called as plosive sounds. They can be caused by

B (as in cab)
““Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of
Ch (as in French) the people.”
D (as in need) – William Butler Yeats
G (as in pig)

J (as in judge)

K (as in pack)
As speakers, we need to understand that
P (as in hip) speeches have exceptional power! Some of the most
famous speeches have led to the rise and fall of
T (as in boot)
civilizations and nations. The correct usage of language
Listening (closely) to reporters will show you the can be effective in invoking the emotions of the audience.
emphasis and clarity they have in these words. We Just as there are multiple routes to go from one city to
should try to practice aiming for the same proficiency.

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another, the message can be conveyed to the audience in rough idea. Getting in unnecessary details bores the
various ways. These different ways evoke a different audience, they feel their time could have been better
level of involvement of listeners and create different invested elsewhere. Remember the audience can always
levels of impact. dig in and find the exact numbers for their reference later
on if they are interested in the same!
Simply put, it means that some ways of saying the
same things are more effective than the rest. As speakers, You can play around much more with spoken
we must consciously choose the most effective ones and language, a freedom that is absent in written formats. It is
know - what impact they would create. Changing some much more interactive. It is said, “It takes more words
modest interaction habits can put us in the likable spots per idea to say something than to write it.” This is
of our listeners. The language and wordings of our because the audience cannot reread your spoken speech.
addresses can be the deciding factors if our speeches fail Your wordings need to be simplistic and such that they
or succeed! touch the hearts of your audience.

We must remember that the mode of Conversed language is much less formal as
communication here is oral and not written; this changes compared to a written one; it is also more personal, more
the rules of the game. You are no longer required to be intense, more repetitious, and should use more examples
precisely formally correct as long as your message passes and narratives. When carefully used spoken words can
on. Also, you are not expected to give out small details create a much more significant impact than the written
pertaining to numbers or reports, conveying the broader counterpart. There are four critical ways in which you
idea is enough. For example, while speaking about the can become an influencer for your audience
number of cars sold in January “A total of four thousand
• By introducing your subjects(topics) in certain
five hundred and twenty-one cares were sold” is the
written language – for oral it can be just “Some 45
• By arousing intense feelings about your topics
hundred odd cars”. Rounding off numbers is a good and
• By bringing listeners together
efficient way of communicating your message without
• By ensuring actively participation
getting too specific. Your role as a speaker is to convey
the information, and figures should be used to give a fair

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To be a great orator, you must understand each of these Make listeners paint the canvas
factors and practice them effectively!
Just like artists paint a picture on canvas, speakers
can paint pictures in the minds of the audience. This is
the beauty of verbal communication. It should be
practiced every time you tell a story – For instance, a
sentence like

“It was Sunday morning, and I was sleeping when

suddenly he woke me up.”

can become -

“It’s was that winter Sunday morning when you put all
your alarms off so that you can sleep for an extra hour. I
was sleeping in the comforts of my warm blankets -
when suddenly he decided to play the villain and wake
me up.. bla bla bla...”.

This should help you understand the difference. When

your talk contains minute details, it effectively paints the
picture in the minds of your listeners. This is the art of
speaking; you can make all the stories much more
immersive by choosing to go in detail as against telling
them blandly! This is the power of spoken language; the
audience sees what you allow them to see.

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Invoking Feelings Power of using inclusive pronouns

Language can also be used to invoke strong and We, as speakers, should work to make the
intense emotions from the audience. Words can touch audience as connected to us as possible. Care should be
our hearts and stay with us for life. Good communication taken, not to use any words or phrases that may alienate
skills thus also are a big responsibility as they should be your listeners. If you are struggling to make the audience
used ethically and not to abuse. Stories paired with the understand a certain topic, and you say something like,
right wordings and delivery can get your listener’s eyes "You people won't understand what I am saying
filled with tears or get them pumped up with a goal. That because....", the audience will undoubtedly stop paying
is exactly why excellent oratory skills are sometimes attention to you. If your speech portrays you as superior
considered to be extremely powerful weapons. in any aspect than the audience, they will find it hard to
understand you.
The audience should be able to relate to the topic
that you are speaking in the present. You can invoke the Good orators use inclusive pronouns. While
past with stories, present with current challenges and speaking, instead of saying - 'my future', 'my plans', 'my
future with hope and promises – this is what most of our cause' they say, 'our future', 'our plans', 'our cause', etc.,
politicians do. They sell us dreams which can convince wherever possible. These small changes in your use of
the voters more effectively than the rest is the one who words, tells the audience your talk is of importance to
gets the throne. You should be able to paint the picture of them. Also remember, your listeners like to be praised.
any past event, present scenario, or a future expected Opportunities to heap praises on your listeners should
event in the minds of your listeners. not be wasted. Saying something like, " It's a privilege, to
be able to address, all of you smart people today." in the
Uniting the audience is also a great way to engage
starting parts of your talk, or, ending by saying "You
and reap results. Language can be used to unite or divide
have been a fantastic audience." is effective.
people based on how you frame it. Read the chapter with
Obama’s speech to relate to what is being covered in this With some observation, you will find that all good
chapter. leaders acknowledge the questions asked to them in Q
and A sessions. You will hear them say things like "Great

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question, thanks for asking". The motto is to put your

audience first and make them feel honored.

Here is a list of six C’s important for using language


1. Clarity – Your speech should be simple to

2. Colorful – Language should be vivid to ensure
your talk is memorable Impromptu talk
3. Concrete – You should have firm stance, and be
able to develop a powerful image in audience’s
“Impromptu speaking is something you can learn gradually
4. Correct – Correctness of the words and
and keep on getting better at it.”
pronunciations is important
5. Concise - Your sentences should be brief but – Ryan McLean
6. Culturally Sensitive – Care should be taken that
you don’t say or mean anything that can be
When we talk about public speaking there are
four major ways to categorize our speeches into:
culturally sensitive or could hurt someone.
• Scripted Speeches
That’s it! Remember to use and fill your speeches
• Extemporaneous Speeches
with positive words like “Interesting”, “Great”,
• Memorized Speeches
“Exciting”, “Awesome”, “Thanks”, “Let’s do it together”,
• Impromptu Speeches
“You got this”. These reflect your passion and attitude
also creating an instant affiliation of the listeners towards Scripted speeches are those that are generally
you. prepared well in advance; they are written out and can
be read from pages or using teleprompters.

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Extemporaneous speeches are those, which are meeting. In situations like these, your and company’s
also written in advance but are often delivered without a reputation is on the line. In cases like these, you can win
reference to the script or notes. over the confidence and trust of your boss and set course
for your career growth.
Memorized speeches are ones that are well-
scripted and then practiced so thoroughly, that there is Communication is surely the number one
no requirement for reference. These are byhearted, or as professional skill. What use is your knowledge if you
the name suggests memorized and delivered. can’t effectively communicate it to others? As you climb
up the ladders in your professional growth, good
Ever been in situations where you are asked
communication becomes extremely vital and expected.
to present or speak with extremely short notice or
When you represent large organizations, you speak on
perhaps no notice at all? When you couldn’t prepare
behalf of them, and small errors in speaking can mean
before you talk? That’s precisely what impromptu
huge losses for organizations.
speaking is. Situations like these are extremely common
in real-life situations. If you deliver a great talk in the There’s something very interesting about
moment, you win a lot of hearts and build great impromptu speaking – Most people generally do not
relationships with people. To be a good orator, being able enjoy public speaking. Thus, when you are asked to
to deliver great impromptu talks is a must-have skill. speak, they know it is challenging. They are curious to
see how you perform(impromptu) and have a higher
Once you get going with basic public speaking,
interest and attention. Also, the fact that most impromptu
you are going to look out for opportunities to be called
speeches happen at the exact instant, it makes the
upon to speak. Over a period of time, your mind will
audience extremely receptive to them. Your performance
subconsciously, always keep the script ready for you.
in impromptu moments has a momentously strong
Until then, you should always assume that you will be
impact on your future career and personal opportunities.
called upon to speak and prepare yourself for it
People value communication skills a lot, so your
performance impacts how they feel and think about you.
There will be instances when your boss This gradually impacts the decisions they make about
unexpectedly calls you to speak or present in a client you in promotions, raises, or otherwise.

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Impromptu speaking is perceived to be the most Next, you should throw a few main points you
challenging part of communication; it is, however, not want your audience to know. Decide on what you want
that difficult and is the most common form of speeches. It to talk about. Remember, you are not giving an elaborate
happens around us every day. When you bump into an speech and stick to the points that are important. If your
old friend, talk to your employees, give an unexpected listeners have questions, they will reach out to you later.
toast at a birthday party, meet and introduce yourself to A lot of times we see, impromptu speeches turn into a
someone or many such other situations. detailed long speech where almost everyone loses the
interest to hear. Its all about making small and impactful
So how do you train yourself to be good at
speaking unexpectedly? The key is to start by assuming
that you will always be called upon to speak. Thus you The end should be like a summary. You have
should prepare in advance or at the moment. Here’s how already talked about the current situation, and now you
you can cover most points and prepare yourself for any should give some inclination on the future. If you have
meeting or call in just half a minute. mentioned a problem earlier, you can probably tell a few
solutions you have thought of. Effort should be made to
Half minute Preparation requires you to outline
make the ends positive and optimistic as much as
and proceed in following sequence
1. Introduction
Whenever there is a possibility(in the conclusion
2. A few important points
part of your talk), you can open the room for questions. If
3. Conclusion
you have missed out any point or haven’t been able to
The introduction is like the title of an article; it make yourself clear, the audience will reach out to you.
should tell the audience the topic as well as create some
But what happens when you are asked to talk
excitement in their minds about it. Here you should tell
suddenly, and you have absolutely no time to structure
the listeners, what is it that you know and that everyone
it? More often, this is going to be the case than earlier.
there would like to listen to.
The solution is simple, stick to the three above mentioned
points. Start with an introduction, and build your points

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as your talk progresses. Remember to keep it short and

stick to the topic. End it well on a positive note and open
up for questions. As I mentioned earlier, with some
amount of practice, our brain will always have a rough
copy ready for impromptu situations gradually.
Good luck with your next impromptu talk! You
are going to kill it

Interpersonal Skills

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the

knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

– Lilly Walters

As technology increasingly becomes a part of

our lives, interpersonal skills are more crucial and
significant than ever before. In this chapter, we will
discuss some basics of building interpersonal skills and
getting good at them.

While it’s a common myth that – Communication

skills are acquired, the fact remains that they can be built
and mastered with practice. And given their significance
in our careers, it is important we make a conscious efforts

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to get good at them. All you need is an open mind and Requesting people for favour
readiness to learn.
Many students and professionals fail because they
When you want to ask your colleague for a favor
are reluctant to ask for help. This is something I think we
at work – how should you do it? How to get people
all need to learn. We should strive to come out of our
interested in you? How to befriend someone? Have you
shells and accept that everyone around us has something
ever wondered on questions like these? Let’s Explore!
to teach us. I have noted down a few crucial points that
We, humans, are social beings. It is just that the should help you in this regard:
majority of us today wear a cloak of professionalism
1. Be kind and do favors before you ask them
which reduces our social interactions. Very often there
2. Explain to them the complete situation and
are two people in the room, who want to interact, but
context of your request
would wait for the other person to start of the
3. Accept and acknowledge that you are asking for
conversation. If you have been one of those people, its
time you start taking the initiative. Throwing a smile as
4. Try finding common ground
you walk past people, stopping and asking them how are
5. Show Genuine Gratitude
they doing, initiating conversations is all that makes us
human. Remember the worst that can happen is that you
do not receive a reply, or maybe an uninterested reply.
Be kind and do favours before you ask them
But also remember the possibilities otherwise are endless.
You can have a friend for life, someone who has your This is the best way to know people will generally
back when you are in trouble. It is a well-researched and help you. Be kind to them and proactively help them
documented fact that people who are great with when they are in trouble. When you help people when
interpersonal skills are merrier. A small “Hello, how are they are going through challenges, they will instantly
you doing” can go a long way in building relationships. recognize your efforts. This means when you need any
help, they will be more than willing to help you out. In
this way, your reluctance in asking for help also reduces

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Explain them the complete situation and context of Try finding a common ground
your request
Wherever possible, try finding out how you can
Making point-blank requests will often be turned work out things for the benefit of both of you.
down or not taken actively by the people you are asking. Relationships are always give-and-take; no relationship
It is better if you can explain the entire context of your will last in a one-sided manner.
challenge. Like just asking someone “I need $200 please”
is less effective as opposed to explaining to him why you
need the money, why is it you don’t have funds right Show Genuine Gratitude
now, and by when should you be able to return the
Don’t ever shy away from showing gratitude for
money, which should get the job done. The later
the help that you receive. Tell people that you value the
techniques will have more helping hands for you than
efforts they have taken for you and that you are thankful
the first.
for the same.

Accept and acknowledge that you are asking for help

Very often, people try to disguise the favor they

are asking for as a benefit for others. It is a big mistake to
do so. It is always better to be frank, and not hide your
intentions. Acknowledging that you need help does not
make you pitiful. It shows the people around you your
honesty and courage to accept this, and also their
importance to you, as you ask them for help.

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Call vs WhatsApp vs Email Use of WhatsApp / SMS

The use of messaging services like WhatsApp or

Our communications are what make us human,
SMS is done to have a quick and easy flow of
and as our interactions have increasingly grown digital.
information. It is useful in having a rapid and
Receiving a call from a friend asking about our
straightforward transfer of information or short
whereabouts, an unexpected birthday message or an
discussions on topics/ideas. It is also a bit personalized
email make us feel special. Developing and maintaining
media, in comparison to Email. If you wish your friend
relationships in very vital to succeed as a leader. So how
on his birthday, it is better to send a message over the
should we use digital media to make personal
phone than to write an email.
connections with people around us?

Use of Call / Video call

Use of Email
Calling remains the most personal way of
Email is the most common medium of
interaction in our digital world. Being able to talk with
communication for most of the formal work that we do.
the person on the other side in realtime connects us more
It is a very slow mode of communication. Because it is
than any other media. Calling on formal fronts should be
related to work – it also has this perception of being
carried out when the topic is to be discussed and
formal. It should generally be used when people you are
finalized in a short time span. Calling is also used when
writing to, have a strong preference towards emails (that
there is an emotional content to our talk.
you know of). It is also good when you are working in
different time zones, or are traveling. It is an effective We should make use of these media effectively in
way to convey information, but not so practical for our lives. The connections that we have with our
discussions or lengthy communications. colleagues and friends define our success as social
beings. Every time you have an opportunity to call a
It can also be used when you want to avoid people who
friend for a birthday, rather than sending a message – go
talk too much. We all have those friends who can turn a
for the call1
5-minute call, in hours-long affair. Just email them

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these have become a common format for many public

events. Conferences, TV shows as well as Online telecasts
all have adopted and started using this format.

Role as Moderators
This is one of the most challenging roles to play in
panel discussions. To be a good moderator, you need to
be knowledgeable about the subject. You are handed the
Panel Discussions responsibility of keeping the panel in-line with the theme
and time, while also allowing and managing the
audience. You have to ensure all presenters get equal
“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the opportunities to speak, and the right questions are asked.
knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.” And you have to know how to step back and let the
discussions proceed while keeping the control to
– Lilly Walters yourself.

As you progress in your public speaking skills; If the moderator fails, the discussion can be a huge
failure. Here are some guidelines which should help you
sooner or later you will be part of panel discussions. moderate these events successfully:
Panel discussions are events where three or more
presenters/experts sit together and discuss a certain topic 1. Keep an eye on the watch
or idea. In some of these you may participate as 2. Enforce time boundaries
presenters, others as moderators. These discussions are 3. Make discussion rules
uniquely challenging. They can sway off the topic pretty 4. Get the setup ready in advance
easily. Thus it becomes essential that we look at the 'dos 5. Know the audience and presenters well
and don'ts' from the perspectives of both moderators and 6. Know topic well
presenters to have a good panel discussion. Recently 7. Learn to wrap up

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rules during presentation randomly, this can draw ire

from concerned parties, especially if someone feels you
Keep an eye on watch
are indulging in partiality.
The most common mistake that the moderates do
is that they overshoot on time. As panel discussions are
so dynamic, many unexpected topics and discussions can Get the setup ready in advance
prop up. It is your task to curtail them effectively and
Setting up of the discussion stage or venue should
stay on time. Use a stopwatch to monitor the time as it
be done in advance. If you have a preference of people
seating in a specific manner, then name tags should be
put on the chairs. This can avoid embarrassing last
minute rush or mess-ups.
Enforce time boundaries
Know audience and presenters well
It is very crucial to be dominatingly speaking
throughout the discussion. You have to delicately Only when you know the presenters well, will
manage to shut some guests off to allow the others to you be able to ask them specific questions. Only when
speak. Both the presenters whom you enforce time you know the audience well, will you be able to ask the
constraint on or the one who is not able to speak could be relevant and important questions. You should, therefore,
upset depending on how you manage the situation. do your homework for this study beforehand.

Know topic well

Make discussion rules Do your research and come with a prior

understanding of the topic and some framed questions. If
It is always wise to start by setting up and
you are unaware about the subject, the presenters can
conveying the discussion rules to both the panelists and
hijack the panel discussions, or you could end up asking
the audience. It becomes easy for you to moderate the
an irrelevant question while missing important ones.
discussions with these rules later on. Not conveying or
not making up rules will mean, you will need to make

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Learn to wrap up 5. Prepare for difficult situations

Times up – Discussions are not. Most often, you

are going to find yourselves in situations like these. It is
Understand the rules
important to wrap things in time as both audience and
presenters can have time commitments. You should be You must understand the rules set by the
able to summarize and end the discussion in time. moderator very well. Different panel discussions can
have a different set of rules. If you have any doubts
If you follow these guidelines thoroughly, you get
regarding the do’s and don’ts or the flow of the event – it
all the basics in place for being a good moderator.
is wise to get them cleared before the event starts.
Remember, panel discussions can proceed randomly –
and you are the captain of this ship! Learn about the other panellists

To be able to participate effectively, you must find

out a bit about your co-panelists and their work. This will
Role as Speakers help you route questions well in discussions. You will
also get a fair idea of thoughts and ideas the people in the
Even though moderators are supposed to lead discussion have.
any panel discussions, it is the joint responsibility of
Follow the rules
Speakers as well to make the events successful. The
speaker can contribute to the success of panel-discussions The most important rule is to follow the rules! We
by simply sticking to the rules. Here are some guidelines are civilised, its time you prove that.
to help you become a good presenter in any panel
Stick to the topic
Most commonly, the panels sway away from the
1. Understand the rules
topic while discussing. As a speaker, it is your
2. Learn about the other panellists
responsibility to avoid the urge to speak off-topic and
3. Follow the rules
bring the discussions in-line with the subject.
4. Stick to the topic

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Prepare for difficult situations

You should be ready with difficult questions that

may arise in these discussions. You should also be able to
stir through controversial topics. If you check the data,
you will observe that most of the controversial
statements by experts prop up during panel discussions.
You must have a strong presence of mind and answer Acing Job Interviews
such questions diplomatically.

Best luck for your next panel discussion!

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the

knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

– Lilly Walters

Now that you have your communication skills

in place, this chapter will cover the basic preparation tips
on job interviews. Whether you are a fresh graduate and
appearing for an interview the first time, or someone
who is preparing for a promotion or job change – a small
structured preparation for the interview will put you
ahead of the majority competition.

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All our years of hard work stands to be judged It is time, we know and understand our strengths.
based on the 15-20 minute interview. A good interview I say “discover” because most of us, who have never
can translate into an exponential career growth, while a thought about it, will have the “aha – Eureka” moments.
missed opportunity into a spiralling downfall. Very List down the smallest of details of your life from your
often, I have seen students with the anxiety of public childhood to this date, observe and find out a narrative
speaking fail in competition with equally skilled ones you can build around most of the experiences you have
who are better at presentations. Best of best employers had. Write down all the skills that you think you have,
and interviewers get swayed by charismatic categorize them as basic level, intermediate level, and
interviewees. So, to do exceedingly well in our next expert.
interview, let's get started with basics.
Your Introduction
Discover and Document yourself Preparing a proper introduction of yourself goes a
long way in getting success in your interview. The
introductions should contain something intriguing
abouta you.

Most introductions that I receive in interviews would

start with something like this
In the thousands of interviews that I have “Hello my name is…………….
conducted, one astonishing insight that I have developed
is that all of us know so little about ourselves. I ask my I am from……………..
students how much time did they spend on their project I have completed my schooling from……………...
submissions this year – Answers vary between at least
30-50 hours. Then I ask them how much time they have With ……... Percentage
spent on thinking about what they have done in life till 12th from………... with ………... percentage
now? Their skills, achievements, etc. The answers are
none to minuscule amounts. Graduation from ………… with ……… Percentage

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I have done my project in…………… introductions beforehand gives you a huge advantage
over other candidates. However, care should be taken
Bla…. Bla… bla….. “
that it does not appear like a scripted answer. Your
Introductions could possibly be the only chance sound and method of delivery should do justice to the
you have to lead in the interview. It has to be mastered to intro should come out with passion and excitement.
perfection. You are not required to read out the points
The next step is to find out about the company that
written in your CV to the interviewer. You need to tell
you are planning to apply to. Think of the questions that
him something that is unique about you and makes you
they can ask you. Prepare answers for questions like
the candidate he has been searching for. List down the
most important skills and achievements that you have. • How and why are you the right fit for the job?
Include them in your introduction and make it • Which is the most significant skill you have for
something sound interesting. Speak with a lot of this job?
confidence and excitement – You are talking about • What qualities define you?
yourself! If you are not excited or happy with everything • A few adjectives that suit you?
that you have done, why would the company hire you? • A few weaknesses that you have?
• What are your life goals?
You do not know the time they will allow you to
• Do you like to work in teams or individually?
introduce yourself for – accordingly you should spend
time and prepare three introductions. These are the questions that can be thrown at you;
apart from these, it is important to also study about the
• 30 - seconds intro
firm. You should find out
• 1.5 - minute intro
• 3-4 - minute intro • What exactly does the organisation do?
• What are market situations?
The 30 seconds one should only have the most
• Who are the major competitors and clients of the
important achievements and skills in it. The 3-4-minute
ones can be stretched to cover everything, including
• What is it’s market share?
smaller achievements, hobbies, etc. Structuring the
• Does the company have any mission statement?

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• Do you know someone working in organisation? • Smile at the interviewer right from the start and
• Has the company been in the news lately? Any throughout the interview.
competitors in the news? Any important news • Maintain eye contact
related to the sector the firm operates in? • Speak clearly
• Sit upright
Google-Guru should help you in finding these
• Plant your feet on floor
answers. Knowing about the company will give you
• Use your hands for gestures as you answer
advantage and opportunities to lead in the interview.
Avoid the following when in an interview, most of these
During Interviews
are a outcome of nervousness and should be avoided:
Once your homework is done, and you are ready
• Look down when thinking about answers
for interviews, there are a few important points to take
• Touch your face
care of. Your body language speaks with the interviewer
• Tap your foot
as much as you would. It is important to come out as a
• Cross your arms
composed individual than an anxious one.
• Slouch on chair
Do’s • Bite your lips
• Cross your legs
Here are some important points to help you to ace any • Lock ankles
interview: • Look at the clock
• Play with a pen or pencil
• Dress well for the interview.
• Stay hydrated and calm The question of salary
• Always ask for permission before entering the
The most common question I receive about
interview room.
interviews is – how should one answer the question

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“What is the salary that you expect?” Interview skills get better with practice. You
should know very well about your strengths and
When I ask this question in interviews, I primarily
weaknesses. To overcome the nervousness – try
receive two types of answers, one stating numbers where
participating in multiple mock interviews. You can
I get answers like “50k a month”, “25k a month”, etc. and
ask your friends or relatives to ask you questions; you
others are the more modest ones like “Anything that the
could also enroll for one of the many professional
company finds suitable.”
interview training services available these days.
Both answers I feel are terribly wrong. The
Best luck with your next interview!
number can be off the mark by a huge margin, what if
they were ready to pay you 50k and you asked for 40? Time to get selected!
What if it happens the other way around? You will be
effectively able to answer this question when you have
the answers to these questions

• What is the general salary range for the job?

• What amount of money do I need to support

If a company is offering a salary of 30k per

month, and you are ok with the amount – you can
answer in the following manner

“ Sir, your organization, gives a salary of around

30k for the job I am applying to, I am comfortable
working around that figure, provided that I have a
good perspective growth graph and learning

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important that we learn to present ourselves well when

we are in virtual meetings like these. Lately video calls
using phones have taken over the laptops and are
becoming an integral part of how we communicate. Be it
formal meetings/interviews or informal birthdays the
20 chances are you will be using the audio-video medium
more often. Video streaming, online lectures, online
panel discussions all have started taking place using this
Video Conferencing / Calling media. VCs have revolutionised how we interact and
thus these are the future of meetings.

The requisites to present yourself well on video

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the conferences is largely on two fronts. The hardware and
knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.” surrounding setup part, and how you carry yourself in
front of camera. Let us look at both these factors points
– Lilly Walters
by point.

Technology and communication are getting

intertangled more than ever before. A few decades ago, Setting up the Surrounding and Hardware
MNC’s would need to fly their executives around the
Have you been in a video conference where the
world for meetings. It was both time taking and costly
person on other side appears in dark (low light)? Or the
affair that reduced the efficiency of firms. Today such
angle of camera is so weird that the person appears
meeting have been replaced by Video-conferencing.
weird? Or someone walks behind the person on the call?
Businesses initially setup audio-video rooms for these
There can be dozens of such small mistakes that people
meetings, but soon our laptops became a handy tool for
do while video-conferencing. All of these are avoidable.
the same. Many organisations now conduct interviews
online via video conferencing, it thus becomes extremely

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With little effort, these can be corrected. Let us look at

them one by one.

Based on the type of microphone you are using, a

Internet connection fair judgement should be made on how you sound on the
other side of the screen. Laptops have inbuilt
The very basic prerequisite for any good virtual
microphones, if you are using these then you should be
meeting / call, is a good connection. You do not want
as loud as our in-room conversations with people. If you
your interview to be interrupted because of a poor
are using a collar mike, or a professional setup the
broadband connection. Care should be taken that a
sensitivity of microphone can vary. A good way to
sound internet connection is available for good quality of
ensure you are properly heard on other side is to voice-
transmission in videocalls.
record some sentences, and hear them out to understand
the audio setup better. Sometimes, people put their VC’s
Lighting on mute and forget to unmute them before starting. A
basic level proficiency of the VC tools should be learned
This is a crucial part of a good VC. Low light /
to avoid such mistakes.
uneven light / too much light can spoil how you appear
to the people sitting on the other aide. Before the start of
meeting, you should check the lighting conditions
Camera Angle
around you. If the light source is on one side, then it will
illuminate that side of your face while throwing shadows Keeping the camera of your laptop or mobile
on the other. Equal light from both directions, or a well phone at the right angle is extremely important. The ideal
spread light should be close to ideal. Similar to how a live angle is about straight in line of your face. Because our
audience will draw conclusions about you based on your workstations/worktables are at a lower height, we often
appearance, it is important that you appear well to the end up placing our laptops there and conveniently tilt the
people watching you. A lot of good videos can be found screen. When we sit on chair our face’s elevation is much
on YouTube about proper lighting. higher than the camera. This is the most common camera

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angle mistake that people make. If the camera is placed Backup Photo
lower than your face you look down upon the laptop,
Often when there are interruptions in the
which does not appear well on the other side. Also, every
connection or technical issues, the VC systems flash your
time you look up, you’re the camera flashes your nostrils
pre-uploaded photo on the screens. Care should be taken
on the other side. In such case the laptop should be
to ensure a good professional photo is uploaded on that
placed on some elevation. Similar rules will apply for
mobile video calls. Unless the conversations are
extremely casual, a good camera angle is a must.

How to carry yourself in front of Camera

Background check Because video meetings can be attended sitting in
Imagine someone walking behind you, in an the comforts of home or informal settings, people often
extremely important interview, or your fried calling you forget how important it is to present themselves well.
out, or something odd / disturbing object behind you Here are some common mistakes that people commit in
which appears in the video calls. Taking a proper note of VCs
how your background looks, is extremely important. Attention
Taking care that no disturbances will come in between of
your VC will ensure a good performance. If you are If you sit in a video conference with a cell phone
home, you should consider informing everyone around in your hand. People are going to notice. Care should be
about the important call. If there is a door in the taken that you are attentive throughout the session. At
background, you can consider shifting your location, to times the video meetings become monotonous with some
avoid people coming in or going out to appear in the person speaking for long time intervals. If the moderator
video feed. Phones and other ringing devices should be is briefing the participants, and the brief is expected to
put on silent mode. It’s similar to the preparation you take ten minutes. You might feel it is got time to stretch a
would do while attending a live interview. little bit, or grab on the sandwich you have been waiting
to eat for so long; but remember the other members are

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still watching you. Such actions will show your Keep all files handy. If your VC is for sales of February,
disinterest, and could even offend your co- and the chances are questions on sales of January could
workers/bosses. pop up, keep the numbers and documents for that month
handy as well. This will show your preparedness and
People often have a habit of sitting at ease or
help you answer questions quickly.
slouching in front of camera. Remember just because
people are not physically present in the room, does not
mean the other rules of meeting change. Scratching of
face or anything that can make you appear odd should be
As a chair of a Video-Meeting
avoided. Your sitting posture should be upright and in Sometimes you may be asked to be the chair of
sync with the occasion. VCs or need to yourself chair a meeting for your team.
This role is similar to the role of moderator in panel
discussions (as discussed in that chapter #). To start with
Eye Contact – with the Camera ensure you have a moderate technical know-how as you
This is the key to appearing good in presentations would be needing to connect all the concerned people
on camera. Your eyes should be looking at the camera online. Take care that you don’t miss any person from the
and not on the screen. The audience / people in meeting, list to be online. You are expected to introduce the
will quickly observe your gazing elsewhere. Even if you topic/problem to be discussed and stick to the agenda.
are staring at the screen where the others are visible, it Manage the members well and remember to conclude.
can give a perception that you are working on your After the call is over, one should put a habit to
laptop and speaking. make minutes of meeting, which is essentially the
summary of the meet. Follow the guidelines mentioned
in this chapter to present yourself exceptionally the next
Keeping information handy time you videocall.
When sitting for any VC, the preparations should
be similar to any non-virtual meeting you would attend.

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The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then
stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I
really quit. So why did I drop out?
It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young,
unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by
college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted
at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped
Here’s the famous Stanford Commencement speech by
out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a
Steve Jobs. Notice how he starts by finding common
girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in
ground, weaves stories with messages, and ends on a
the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby
high note – The three critical success factors for any
boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.” My biological
speech. The video is very easily available on YouTube,
mother later found out that my mother had never graduated
and you can observe how he modulates the tone, pitch,
from college and that my father had never graduated from high
and pace as he speaks.
school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only
relented a few months later when my parents promised that I
would someday go to college.
I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from
one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated
from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to
And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a
a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from
college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my
my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.
working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college
tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no

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idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science
was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all can’t capture, and I found it fascinating.
of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I
None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my
decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It
life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first
was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the
Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed
best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could
it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful
stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and
typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in
begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.
college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or
proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied
the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have
It wasn’t all romantic. I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on
them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped
the floor in friends’ rooms, I returned Coke bottles for the 5¢
in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not
deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across
have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was
town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the
impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in
Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled
college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years
into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be
priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can
Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy
only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that
instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every
the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to
poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand
trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take
This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the
the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn
difference in my life.
how to do this. I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces,
about varying the amount of space between different letter
combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was

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My second story is about love and loss. I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from
Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and
The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness
I started Apple in my parents’ garage when I was 20. We
of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed
worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the
me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.
two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4,000
employees. We had just released our finest creation — the
Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And
During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT,
then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you
another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an
started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought
amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to
was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first
create the world’s first computer animated feature film, Toy
year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future
Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the
began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we
world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I
did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out.
returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is
And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire
at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance. And Laurene and I
adult life was gone, and it was devastating.
have a wonderful family together.

I really didn’t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I

I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t
had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down — that I
been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I
had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with
guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head
David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for
with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing
screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even
that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to
thought about running away from the valley. But something
find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for
slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The
your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,
turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been
and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe
rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.
is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love

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what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at
settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my
find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and pancreas. I didn’t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors
better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is
incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three
Don’t settle.
to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my
My third story is about death. affairs in order, which is doctor’s code for prepare to die. It
means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you
have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It
live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most
means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be
certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since
as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your
then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every
morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my
life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And
whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a
I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a
row, I know I need to change something.
biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat,
through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into
my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated,
Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool
but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the
I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.
cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it
Because almost everything — all external expectations, all
turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is
pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just
curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now.
fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly
important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best This was the closest I’ve been to facing death, and I hope it’s
way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through
lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than
your heart. when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

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No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great
don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination notions.
we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it
should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention
of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth
way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a
too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the
cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true. back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early
morning country road, the kind you might find yourself
hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell
life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I
results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate
opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most to begin anew, I wish that for you.
important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary. Thank you all very much.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called

The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my
generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand
not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with
his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal
computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with
typewriters, scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like
Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along:

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I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in

history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history
of our nation.

2X Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic

shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation
Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon
I have a Dream light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in
the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak
to end the long night of captivity.
Here is the speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
delivered in the year 1963 in the March on Washington
for Jobs and freedom. It was delivered to over 250,000 But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One
supporters and remains the defining moment of the civil hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled
rights movement and is one of the most popular speeches by the manacles of segregation and the chains of
of all time! You should observe the wordings of the discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a
speech, and relate with the learnings from the book - how lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material
he wins over the audience and clearly shows his vision. prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still
Observe similarities with the other speeches in the book. languished in the corners of American society and finds himself
See how repetitive use of the phrase is used to invoke in exile in his own land. So we have come here today to
emotions and engage the listeners both by Obama almost dramatize an shameful condition.
50 years later and that in the following speech.

In a sense we've come to our nation's Capital to cash a check.

When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent
words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,

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they were signing a promissory note to which every American

was to fall heir.
Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now
is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of
segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time
This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as
to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the
white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life,
solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
reality for all of God's children.

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the
promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.
moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate
Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given
discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn
the Negro people a bad check; a check which has come back
of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but
marked "insufficient funds."
a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off
steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if
the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither
But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We
rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his
refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great
citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to
vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash
shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of
this check- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of
justice emerges.
freedom and the security of justice.

But there is something that I must say to my people who stand

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of
on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In
the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the
the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty
luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of
of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for

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freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the
must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the
and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to highways and the hotels of the cities.
degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must
rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul
force. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is
from a smaller ghetto to a larger one.

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro

community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, We can never be satisfied as long as our chlidren are stripped of
for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "for
here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up whites only."
with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their
freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk
alone. We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot
vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for
which to vote.
And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march
ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the
devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until
justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty
We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of
the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.
I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of
great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from
narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your

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quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution

and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a
the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the
state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the
faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.
heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom
and justice.

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South

Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin
somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not
but by the content of their character.
wallow in the valley of despair.

I have a dream today.

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the
difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a
dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious
racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the
words of interposition and nullification, that one day right
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out
down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to
the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-
join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and
evident; that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons
I have a dream today.
of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be
able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

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I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exhalted, Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of
every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies
will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made of Pennsylvania.
straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all
flesh shall see it together.
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But
This is our hope. This is the faith that I will go back to the not only that; let freedom ring from the Stone Mountain of
South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of
mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be Tennessee.
able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a
beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray
together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up
for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring,
when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from
every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and
sing with new meaning, "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands
liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last!
Pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring." Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.

So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New

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“I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs
to you. It belongs to you.

I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't

start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign
2X was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the
backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and
the front porches of Charleston. It was built by working men
and women who dug into what little savings they had to give
Excerpts from Obama’s Victory $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.
speech It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth
of their generation's apathy … who left their homes and their
families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.
Here is a part of the speech by Mr. Obama after winning
It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the
his elections, look at the language used and think of why
bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect
and how the specific words are used, repeated, and
strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered
spoken. After your analysis, find the youtube video of
and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a
the same speech and observe the body language and the
government of the people, by the people, and for the people has
delivery of the speech. Mark the pauses that he takes and
not perished from the Earth.
think of the possible reasons behind them see how the
audience reacts and comprehends the speech, mark out This is your victory.
places where you see effective use of language to invoke
And I know you didn't do this just to win an election. And I
emotions from the audience. This should help you gain
know you didn't do it for me.
in-depth understandings and relations of everything
written in this book. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that
lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the
challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our

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lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end
in a century. on this autumn night.

Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the
Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if
of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. we go back to the way things were.

There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a
children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage new spirit of sacrifice.
or pay their doctors' bills or save enough for their child's
So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility,
college education.
where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look
There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new after not only ourselves but each other.
schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while
not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I Main Street suffers.
have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will
In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people.
get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there.
Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship
There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for
won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. so long.
And we know the government can't solve every problem.
Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first
But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House,
face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual
above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this liberty and national unity.
nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years —
Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic
block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused
Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure

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of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told
back our progress. for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a
woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are
millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in
not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it
this election except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106
must not break our bonds of affection.
years old.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I
She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there
may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I
were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone
need your help. And I will be your president, too.
like her couldn't vote for two reasons — because she was a
And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, woman and because of the color of her skin.
from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around
And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her
radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are
century in America — the heartache and the hope; the struggle
singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of
and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the
American leadership is at hand.
people who pressed on with that American creed:
To those — to those who would tear the world down: We will
Yes we can.
defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support
you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes
still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and
true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our reach out for the ballot.
arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of
Yes we can.
our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding
hope. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across
the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal,
That's the true genius of America: that America can change.
new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.
Our union can be perfected. What we've already achieved gives
us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow. Yes we can.

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When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors
world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote
and a democracy was saved. the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm
that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that
Yes we can.
while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with
She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we
Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of
who told a people that we shall overcome. a people:

Yes we can. Yes, we can.

A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Thank you; God bless you, and may God bless the United
Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and States of America.

And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a

screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America,
through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows
how America can change.

Yes we can.

America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there

is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves — if our
children should live to see the next century; if my daughters
should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what
change will they see? What progress will we have made?

This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment.

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Closing Notes
Congratulations and Kudos to you for making it!

This brings us to the end of this book, I hope the lessons

in the book have been helpful and act like a lamp in
darkness for building your communication skills. The
key however is to practice, practice, and practice more.
Learn to throw yourself in situations which you are
afraid of. Go and address people, make speeches and
gauge their effectiveness, call out and make new friends,
use social media to build and manage your connections
and forge long lasting relationships.

with people around you,

In your life both
professionally and personally!

This is not the end, your journey has just begun!

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Couple of years ago, when I walked into my first
classroom (as a teacher), little did I know; that it was
about to change my life so remarkably. It is said - you
should find out your passion, and that was the day I
found mine. It was to help people to get the best out of
themselves. Having taught and trained tens of thousands
of students since; I have to thank all my students, whose
results and energy have inspired me to write this book.

I would not have had the confidence to write this

book, or dream and believe in myself had I not met
Nikhil Pandit. He has not only been my mentor but also a
good friend who has crafted me in a big way.

There are countless people who have helped me in

my journey till here. To Dr. Vitthal Gond, who has
written the preface to this book, and always been the first
to support and inspire. To Dr. Kiran Derle, with whom I
cofounded Target Campus, for trusting and pushing me.

Thanks to my dear friend Nikhil Anand, author of

the book ‘Hired’, for bearing and helping me out. This
book would have been a manuscript in dreams had it not
been for you!
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I have had the great honor and privilege of

working with some very wonderful people, who have
Finally, to all those people who read this book and
inspired me in ways that are difficult to quantify. The list
pass it to someone you believe it will inspire, a BIG
of my mentors is rather long. To Asad Ali Jaddi, whose
influence on my life cannot be put in words, thank you
for showing me what wisdom means. To Sunil I signoff with the hope that we all get to follow our
Dhopavkar, whose hardwork and persistence has been dreams, and together build a better world!
an inspiration in writing of this book

To my ever-supportive family, who ensured that I

am not driven by convention. To Pappu kaka, who
continues to teach me the importance of interpersonal
and people skills and has been big encouragement for
this book. To Pravin mama, who has supported me in my
baby steps towards entrepreneurship and taught me how
to take the plunge in unknown waters. To Sumedh and
Amulya, who I hope shall, make good use of this book.
And to all my rest of Family, all of whom have
contributed largely.

In MDI Gurgaon, I have been surrounded by some

of the most brilliant minds I have met in my life. This
book was also made possible by the constant support and
push by Aditya Bharadwaj, Prakhar Aggarwal, Varun
Modi, Pavithra K., Parth Dave, Arjun Krishna, Phani
Shekhar, Shrikar Kamesh, Gaurav Gupta and many
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About the Author You can get in touch with Ajinkya through the following
Mr. Ajinkya Chopade is the co-founder of Target
Campus, Maharashtra’s leading institute for career
development. He an Educator, Author and a successful Linkedin:
Entrepreneur. He is a much sought-after speaker.
Ajinkya is also one of India’s very few Avian Researchers
and the secretary of “The Feline Club of India.” Website :
Being a third-generation educator, he inspires and
encourages individuals to realize their true potential.
Ajinkya never tires of using his energy to transform the
world, well-beyond the podium and public appearances,
meshing traditional and social media to empower his
audiences. He has trained tens of thousands of
Graduates, empowering themselves over years to build
successful Careers.

As a business student from MDI Gurgaon, one of

India’s top B-school; and ESCP Europe, world’s oldest
and leading one - Ajinkya dreams of an India where all
students have equal access to quality education, and an
education system that moves beyond theories and
towards building key skills in learners. He feels that
continuous learning is need of the hour and dedicates his
free time in learning new skills.
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Space for Notes!

Trust yourself, you got this!
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Space for Notes! Space for Notes!

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Trust yourself, you got this! Trust yourself, you got this!
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Space for Notes! Space for Notes!

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Trust yourself, you got this! Trust yourself, you got this!
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Space for Notes! Space for Notes!

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Trust yourself, you got this! Trust yourself, you got this!
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Space for Notes! Space for Notes!

8 9
Trust yourself, you got this! Trust yourself, you got this!
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Space for Notes!

Trust yourself, you got this!

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