ICAS Benefits Wording

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Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196

Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
Executive Summary
While the traditional Employee Health and Wellness Programme (EHWP) model is effective in providing
psychosocial support for employees that choose to access the service, the general trend has changed significantly
as companies gain a better understanding of the various health issues and related costs that impact their

After a thorough analysis of general attendance, productivity, healthcare spend as well as incapacity and disability
trends, the following statistics provide an indication of what is required to improve employee health and deliver a
meaningful return on investment for your business.

 On average 30% of costs are due to mental health (stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression) and psychosocial issues
(drug abuse, financial issues, conflict, family and relationships conflict, etc.).
 A further 30% of absence, health care and related costs are caused by musculoskeletal health issues (back and
neck pain, etc.).
 25% of which is due to medical problems (cardiovascular and respiratory conditions are the major contributors).
 The remaining 15% of absence will be driven by abuse of health care and sick leave without any actual
identifiable causes.

Due to the above statistics companies and providers are forced to adopt a new service model to address all these
specific issues through an integrated and extended EHWP model which includes medical, psychosocial and
musculoskeletal support, interventions and services. In addition to self referrals, a more pro-active approach
through identifying risk factors that could cause healthcare, absence or productivity issues needs to be adopted.
This can be facilitated through a day 1 absence management system and through line managers who are able to
refer employees for support where appropriate. It is for this reason that we have created the SAACI Employee
Wellness Programme, available to all our members and a preferential rate.

We believe that our holistic approach to employee wellness through SAACI will in addition to efficiency and
productivity savings, deliver a real measurable return on investment (ROI) for your organisation. Significant
benefits can be achieved through a reduction in absence and a reduced healthcare spend through the early
detection and intervention of physical, medical, emotional and psychological health problems, which have an
impact on the workplace. Thank you for considering the SAACI Wellness Programme, powered by ICAS and we are
excited to discuss how this programme will add value to your organisation.

What follows is a high-level outline of the specific services included in the comprehensive SAACI Employee
Wellness Programme offering with the aim to enhance your company’s health and wellness strategy. The primary
goal of the Wellness Programme is to inform, empower and provide employees with the skills to take ownership
of their health and wellbeing. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,

Francois Colin
National Business Development Manager, E-mail: fcolin@icas.co.za

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
SAACI EWP Service Offering
1. Policy Development & Review Services
ICAS offers its clients a unique professional strategy and policy consultancy service which entails the development and/or review of
the organisation’s EHWP strategy and related policies. This ensures that the organisation’s EHWP is driven by a clear vision and built
on a solid regulatory foundation.

2. Clinical & Professional Support Line Serviced 24/7

ICAS has a toll-free telephone helpline which is available 24/7 and 365 days per year. It is available in all official languages and staffed
by a large multi disciplinary team of clinical professionals to ensure the employee can get the appropriate support and advice
required and whenever its needed. See self referral below.

3. Referral Services

a) Self-Referral
Employees have access to these services through a 24-hour, 365 day-per-year toll-free helpline as well as via SMS and call-back
service. This service enables employees to receive confidential advice and guidance immediately with the most appropriate
healthcare professional which could be a: counsellor, psychologist, social worker, health coach, nurse, physiotherapist, dietician,
Biokineticist or occupational therapist. ICAS has these multi-disciplinary teams in place who provide a clinical relevant triage
assessment to decide and agree on the best support and intervention strategy for the employee which may include:

 Telephone or face-to-face counselling for employees with psychosocial or mental health issues.
 Guided self-help or face-to-face treatment by a physiotherapist or Biokineticist for individuals with musculoskeletal problems
such as back pain.
 Health coaching, risk management or medical advice by a nurse or referral for further medical assessments and support for those
with more complex medical concerns or issues. The companies' existing services and infrastructure will be used as far as possible
for example on-site doctors, clinics, medical aid, etc.
 Throughout this process the telephone clinician acts as the case manager to ensure the condition is resolved, that the employee is
not lost in the system and that the employee becomes fully productive in the workplace.
 Integrated reporting on health issues, work impact and outcomes.

b) Manager Referral
In order to have a real impact on absence, productivity and employee health, managers play an integral part in identifying and
referring employees with absence, productivity or health related issues into this service.
Various sources of referrals should be identified within every organisation and managers adequately trained in order to effectively
refer employees for support, advice and case management. These referrals are normally done by line managers, HR, H&S and/or
other stakeholders that are involved with healthcare, productivity and attendance.
This also includes referrals from on-site clinics, nurses and doctors (for those that would benefit from case management support and
face-to-face interventions). It is also imperative to identify and refer employees with risk factors for case management at annual
medical surveillance or wellness days. The same management approach is used as with self-referral with the only difference being
that the referrer will receive reports on the employee with work recommendations that could assist in supporting the employee in
the workplace.
I. Managerial Assisted Referrals
Assisted referrals are made when employees’ problems are not yet impacting on their work performance and their manager believes
that they would benefit from counselling or health support. It can be seen as a pre-emptive referral to reduce risk. In all assisted
referrals, we provide the manager with a written report containing the employee’s attendance for sessions and relevant progress

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
SAACI EWP Service Offering
II. Managerial Formal Referrals
A formal referral takes place when an employee is experiencing difficulties that are impacting on work performance. The primary aim
of the formal referral is to assist the manager and the employee in taking steps to improve the employee’s work performance. In all
Formal Referral cases, we provide the manager with a written report containing information and recommendations relevant to the
employee’s attendance and work performance.

III. Absence Management Referrals

At the start of the programme any employee who have had repeated absence events or who have been off work for more than 5
days is referred to the EHWP. The employee is assessed and case managed through the most appropriate interventions to result in
better attendance. All new cases will be supported from the first day of absence through the 1st Day absence management service
included in the programme.

IV. Healthcare Referrals

A healthcare referral is made to ICAS by an internal company healthcare provider which normally includes an on-site nurse or primary
care clinic. This happens when the nurse or healthcare provider believe the employee will benefit by the services that ICAS offers
such as counselling or physiotherapy. The primary aim of the healthcare referral is to ensure that all healthcare providers are aware
and make use of the ICAS service. We will communicate with the healthcare provider on the outcome of the referred case.

4. Psychosocial Support Services

a) Telephonic Counselling:
A large proportion of employees who access our psychosocial services could be assisted through telephone counselling. The
counsellors can help your employees reach a decision, sort out confused feelings, try a different approach or just find a better way of
living with a problem that will not go away.

b) Face-to-Face Counselling :
Employees with more complex issues may require face-to-face counselling. These employees and dependants can also be referred to
one of our professional affiliates for face-to-face, short-term counselling. The face-to-face counselling is provided either close to the
employees home or work.

5. Health & Medical Management Services

This service includes:
 Health Coaching & Health Risk Management
 HIV/AIDS Counselling and Support
 Referral to existing company services such as Medical Aid/On-site clinics
 Chronic Disease Management
 Incapacity & Disability Management
 Medical Case Management

a) Telephone Assessment & Case Management

Employees have access to comprehensive telephonic medical advice (Health @ Hand). Employees who use this service are able to
speak to nurses and receive advice and support on a variety of medical conditions. The clinician acts as the clinical case manager and
provides on-going case support and case management to ensure the employee returns to good health and is able to return to work
quickly and safely.

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
SAACI EWP Service Offering
b) Face-to-Face Medical Interventions (Fee per service)
Employees with more complex medical conditions may require face-to-face assessment and treatment and our clinical team will refer
such employees to the necessary professionals either through the existing company resources (such as medical aid or an onsite clinic)
or to external providers that are registered on the ICAS Network and who work according to our clinical protocols. Where required,
face-to-face treatment will be charged on a fee per service basis. Throughout this process the case manager will follow up with the
employee and provide on-going case management to ensure a safe and healthy return to work.

6. Musculoskeletal Health Management

a) Telephonic Assessment, Guided Self-Help & Case Management

This service consists of telephone treatment, guided self help, education & exercise prescription as well as return to work case
management. This service records and provides first line support for all employees who have a physical health problem such as back
pain. Our team of clinicians (physiotherapists and occupational therapists) perform a clinical assessment, offer immediate advice and
support and offer self-management advice on the best way to manage their condition. Employees with more complex conditions that
we are unable to resolve through telephone treatment and guided self help will be referred to our affiliate network of trained and
advanced physiotherapists and Biokineticists for a course of face-to-face treatment (Up to 6 sessions). Embedded in this pathway is a
team of professionals specialising in advanced pain management as well as referrals to specialists where required. Throughout this
process on-going case and network management as well as management Information including health outcomes are provided to
ensure a safe and healthy return to work. Where required, face-to-face treatment will be charged on a fee per service basis.

b) On-site Health and wellbeing consultant (Physiotherapist for companies with more than 30 staff)

An important part of the Musculoskeletal Health Management services are provided through a number of half day on-site visits by
one of our dedicated Physiotherapists who will design the required programme based on each company’s individual needs. These
sessions will include a combination of services such as ergonomic assessments and recommendations, face to face clinical
consultations with specific employees, absence consulting and health and wellbeing advice and support. For companies with a staff
count of less than 31 employees this service is available on a fee per service basis.

7. Life Management TM
a) Financial Advice & Support
Our solution, accessed via our unlimited telephonic service, is based on financial mentors who provide independent and objective
advice based on each employee’s financial circumstances. This service is provided telephonically by financial advisors with
qualifications in law and certification in Personal Financial Management from UNISA’s Centre for Business Management as well as
expertise and experience in personal financial management.

Services accessed include:

 Financial tools
 Credit report advice
 Savings and investment advice
 Check /verify garnishee orders and loans
 Tax returns
 Estate planning
 Debt relief solutions

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
SAACI EWP Service Offering
b) Legal Advice
This component empowers your employees with assessments, legal counselling, information, assistance and advice on a broad range
of legal matters. This service is provided by a team of qualified legal professionals who are permanent employees of ICAS (advocates,
attorneys and paralegals) experienced in handling a range of issues including consumer affairs, social benefits and legal matters.

The legal service includes unlimited telephonic legal advice pertaining to:

 Contracts
 Property
 Taxation, Financial, Pension, Retirement
 Third Party claims
 Wills and Testaments

c) Family Care
A team of professionals provide this service, including social workers, psychologists, and medical and legal practitioners with
expertise and experience in:

 Childcare
 Eldercare
 Education and Social Benefits
 Disability
 Resourcing and sourcing information needed by our clients (schools, hospitals, doctors to name a few).

8. Managerial Consultancy
Managerial Consultancy is a separate division within the Call Centre dedicated to supporting line managers/ supervisors, HR
specialists and internal EHWP custodians. This service is provided by a team of professionals with clinical, consulting and HR training,
with a focus on supporting managers/mentors/supervisors in their existing relationships with employees and providing them with
professional help in effectively handling new or difficult ‘people management’ issues such as (but not limited to):

 Relationship/interpersonal conflict,
 Motivation of employees
 Discipline
 Providing performance appraisals
 Managing diversity, etc.

9. e|Care
The e|Care service offers information and practical tools to equip your employees with the resources, knowledge, and motivation to
live a healthier, more productive life. Multi-media delivery – via internet, email, social media, and print materials – of targeted
wellness communication ensures that the EHWP is incorporated into employees’ lives during working hours and beyond. The e|Care
programme is designed to integrate effectively into your EHWP strategies, offering several opportunities for communication.

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
SAACI EWP Service Offering
10. Onsite Group Trauma and Crisis Intervention
Trauma counselling is available to employees and their family for situations such as witnessing or being involved in a violent event or
witnessing a death, even if this happens outside of work. Should a traumatic incident requiring psychological first aid occur in the
workplace, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing or Trauma Response services are available to employees that have been exposed to
such an incident. The primary goal of this intervention is to mitigate the impact of the critical incident on those who have been
primary, secondary or tertiary victims of the event, and to facilitate the recovery process of those experiencing stress reactions.

11. Comprehensive Absence Management

a) 1st Day Absence Reporting & Management Service (Optional for companies with more than 50 staff)
Absent employees are required to contact our national service centre (NSC) before their work day commences for all unplanned
absence such as sickness absence or family responsibility issues, where our team of healthcare professionals log details of the
employees’ absence, offer support and capture expected return to work details.
The contact is made via a toll- free phone number (same as the EWP) or through USSD which could be accessed without requiring
airtime. Line managers are instantly updated with this information through an sms as well as e-mail services. Line management will
also have access to an on-line portal for instant access to all staff who are absent for the day including their expected return to work
The key features are:

 Capture of all absence data, trends and issues

 Immediate notifications and alerts to line managers, HR and other identified stakeholders summarising absence details, expected
return to work date and indicating next steps to take and the appropriate time to take them
 A clinical absence support & verification assessment for all cases reporting a medical, physical or psycho-social concern and
immediate advice and support given to employee by appropriate healthcare professionals for the employees condition such as
nurses, counsellors, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists or physiotherapists
 Referral and signposting to existing company services such as primary care, on-site gym, Occupational Health Clinics, medical aid,
PHI, EWP etc.
 Automatic trigger into ICAS absence management referral service on agreed triggers for detailed assessments and return to work
case management and interventions
 Provision of a return to work interview form for line managers including summary information on each employee’s absence
occurrences and policy triggers though a line managers absence portal.
 Monthly management information, covering absence trends, reasons, analysis and process compliance, allowing management
and HR to monitor absence activity and make informed decisions that help reduce absence.
 Through analysis of the above, proactive account management is provided to highlight emerging trends, identify hot spots,
provide guidance and advice on actions to reduce absence and facilitate best practice workshops.
Early intervention is a key factor in managing the cost of healthcare and absence. It ensures that potential long term absence,
incapacity and disability are prevented and allow for the most appropriate and cost effective intervention at an early stage. By
recording data we can ensure appropriate cases are highlighted to HR and line managers at the earliest opportunity. For businesses
that don’t know, or are unsure of their cost of absence and the reasons for absence, this service provides a consistent and accurate
way of identifying the true cost of absence per job role, department and a range of other matrixes. A key benefit is where critical job
roles exist the manager is notified well in advance of shift commencement which allows for more effective resource planning.

b) Absence Referral Service

This service is particularly valuable for cases where risk for repeated or long-term absence has been identified or in cases where
employees are on long term sick leave. The purpose of the Absence Management Referral Service is to assess and support the
employee with the main aim of addressing barriers and improving health whilst involving all relevant stakeholders to ensure a
coordinated and safe return to work process. It is important that all line managers are adequately trained and empowered in order to
identify and manage the correct employees to be referred through to our absence referral service.

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za
SAACI EWP Service Offering
The Absence referral service includes:

 Detailed analysis of your current absence data to set a benchmark to measure improvements as well as to deal with urgent
(Legacy) cases first.
 Absence Referral Service & Sick Note Verifications (the verification of medical certificates according to the standards as set out by
the HPC)
 Line Manager Training

12. Marketing and Communication

The launch strategy is customised to address your unique needs. This tailored, cost effective launch strategy creates awareness and
maximises utilization taking into account:

 Integration of all services

 All regional offices, branches and sites
 A communication strategy that engages with different stakeholders
 Language requirements, company culture and the corporate identity
 Launch competition prizes to create enthusiasm
 Cost effectiveness
Ensuring long term sustainability is crucial to the success of the programme. This is achieved using various forms of electronic and
printed media:

 Print media - pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, posters and wallet cards.

 Electronic media – desk drops, SMS/MMS campaigns, personalised weekly e-mail newsletters and a branded website with
interactive content.
 Orientation or induction sessions.
 Awareness Programmes – awareness campaigns as per the National Health calendar or per identified trends such as trauma,
substance abuse, stress, financial issues, anxiety, depression, etc.

13. Orientation Sessions

Awareness sessions are provided to further orientate managers and employees, via a series of comprehensive Manager and
Employee Orientation Sessions that are customised to meet relevant stakeholder needs (such as language and gender) as well to
provide in-depth information to the various departments. The sessions are held with all executives, line managers, union
representatives, HR specialists and employees at your offices. These sessions are managed by your dedicated ICAS client relationship
manager as well as regionally located ICAS client relationship managers.

14. Account Management & BI Reporting

A dedicated client relationship manager, who acts as a single point of entry into the organisation, is assigned to each client and
coordinates the full implementation and management of the programme. They ensure that the EHWP is extensively marketed and
fully integrated with each client and appropriately managed at all times. A strategic planning session headed by the dedicated client
relationship manager will ensure consensus on the goals and strategic direction of the programme. The mandate of our Business
Intelligence department is to ensure that the value of the interventions provided is visible to the employer. This is done through a
bespoke reporting system. All interactions between ICAS and the service users are captured in a central database for analysis and
All engagement data (offsite and onsite services) is reflected in an aggregated, de-identified and concise report. Our Business
Intelligence team is made up of business analysts, statisticians and researchers who utilise a sophisticated data management system
to capture and analyse all integrated EHWP services engagement data and activity. Client information is mined and interrogated to
provide relevant data according to needs, statistics on utilisation trends and uptake of services in various departments, impact of
presenting themes, ROI and recommendation for future interventions. All our reporting is provided in a de-identified and
summarised manner to ensure confidentiality of service users at all times. Reports are provided on a bi-annual and annual basis.

ICAS Southern Africa, Dunkeld Office Park, 6 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 - Tel: +27 11 380 6800 - Fax: +27 11 325 7122
E-mail: info@icas.co.za - Web: www.icas.co.za

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