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Database Design Document 2019

Database Design Document
< Quick Marker >




MENTOR: Msc.Nhat Minh Nguyen

Giang To Huu

Huy Le Quoc

Tuan Huynh Anh

Trung Dang Quoc

Da Nang, Oct 1, 2019

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Database Design Document 2019

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................7
1.1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................7
1.2. Goal .....................................................................................................................................................7
1.3. Scope ...................................................................................................................................................7
1.4. Documents referenced .........................................................................................................................8
2. Database Design ..........................................................................................................................................8
2.1. Table Overview ...................................................................................................................................8
2.2. Table relationship Diagram .................................................................................................................9
2.3. Table Physics.......................................................................................................................................9
2.3.1. Table HocSinh: ..........................................................................................................................9
2.3.2. Table DeThi ...............................................................................................................................10
2.3.3. Table BaiThi ..............................................................................................................................10
2.3.4. Table DiemThi ...........................................................................................................................11

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Database Design Document 2019

Project Information

Project acronym QM
Project Title Quick Marker
Start Date 8/8/2019 End Date 10/12/2019

Lead Institution International School, Duy Tan University

Project Mentor & Nhat Nguyen Minh
contact details

Tel: 0905125143 Email Tel
Giang, To Huu 0905171067

Team members Huy, Le Quoc 0359322922

Tuan, Huynh Anh 0935023182
Trung, Dang Quoc 0932713490

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Database Design Document 2019

Database Design Document

Document Title Database Design Document

Reporting Period Oct 5, 2019

Author(s) Anh Tuan Huynh

Role Developer’s member Member Huy Le Quoc

Developer’s member Member Giang To Huu

Product Owner, Developer’s Member Tuan Huynh Anh


Scrum Master, Developer’s Member Trung Dang Quoc


Date Oct 5, 2019 Filename Database



Access Project and CMU Program

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Database Design Document 2019

Document History

Version Date Comments Updater

Create Database
V1.0 1/10/2019
Design Document

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Database Design Document 2019

Document Approvals: The following signatures are required for approval of

this document.

Mentor Nhat Nguyen Minh Date


Product Owner Tuan Huynh Anh Date


Scrum Master Trung Dang Quoc Date


DEV Team’s Member Giang To Huu Date


DEV Team’s Member Huy Le Quoc Date


DEV Team’s Member Tuan Huynh Anh Date


DEV Team’s Member Trung Dang Quoc Date


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Database Design Document 2019

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
- Based on Architecture Document to write database design document.Place
information system’s database design document describes structure of database and
file structure of system. Database Design document will introduce all attribute the
System that will help developer and tester base on this design to implement and test.
1.2. Goal
- To create database tables most accurate and follow the architecture design analysis
1.3. Scope
- This Database Design Document provides the basic for “Quick Marker System”
Database design.
- It defines the database that will support the “Quick Marker System” Data Model.
- It describes both logical and physical definition, non-functional issues and the
database interfaces, storage aspects are defined in the physical database design
- The table performance considerations requirements. The following topics are covered
in this document:
 Assumptions and decisions on database design.
 Entity-mapping.
 Table column definitions.
 Primary, unique and foreign key definitions.
 Column and row level validation rules (check constraints).
 Rule for populating specific columns (sequences, derivations, demoralized
 Interfaces and dependencies with other components.
 Data access description.
- The database design for “Quick Marker System” is composed of definitions for
database objects derived by mapping entities to tables attributes to columns, unique
identifiers to unique keys and relationship to foreign keys.
- During design, these initial definitions are enhanced to support the functionality
described in the functional specification/ user stories and defined in the primary and
supporting modules of the application high level design .

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Database Design Document 2019

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviations Description Comment

PK/FK Primary Key / Foreign Use to indicate a file is a
Key Primary or Foreign key in a
ERD Entity Relationship Show the relationship
Diagram between entities in the

1.4. Documents referenced

No. References Document information


2. Database Design
2.1. Table Overview

No Table name Short Description

This table shows all detail
1 HocSinh
information of a student.
This table shows all detail
information of the class stores
2 DeThi
the answers corresponding to
each exam code.
This table shows detail
3 BaiThi information of the class stores
exam information of students.

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Database Design Document 2019

This table shows all the class

4 Diem
stores test scores for students.

2.2. Table relationship Diagram

Figure : Relationship schema.

2.3. Table Physics
2.3.1. Table HocSinh:
This includes the attribute: <SoBaoDanh, TenHocSinh, Lop >

Attributes Data Type Constraints Null Description

SoBaoDanh NVARCHAR Primary key Not Student’s
registration number
TenHocSinh NVARCHAR Not Student’s name
Lop NVARCHAR Not student's class

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Database Design Document 2019

2.3.2. Table DeThi

This includes the attribute: <Id,MaDeThi, MaBaiThi, DapAn>

Attributes Data Type Constraints Null Description

Primary key Not Identification of
MaDeThi NVARCHAR Primary key Not Exam paper code
MaBaiThi INT Foreign Key Not Student test code
DapAn NVARCHAR Not Answer of the test

2.3.3. Table BaiThi

This includes the attribute: < MaBaiThi, DanhSachBaiThi, NgayTao, TenBaiThi,
SoCau, HeDiem >

Attributes Data Type Constraints Null Description

MaBaiThi INT Primary key Not Student test code

DanhSachBaiThi NVARCHAR Not List of exam

NgayTao DATE Not The date the test
was created
TenBaiThi NVARCHAR Not Subject of the test

SoCau INT Not Number of

HeDiem INT Not Score coefficient
of the test

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Database Design Document 2019

2.3.4. Table DiemThi

This includes the attribute:
<Id, SoBaoDanh, MaDeThi, MaBaiThi, BaiLam,DiemSo>

Attributes Data Type Constraints Null Description

Id INT Primary key Not Identification of

student’s work
SoBaoDanh NVARCHAR Foreign Key Not Student’s
registration number
MaDeThi NVARCHAR Foreign Key Not Exam paper code
MaBaiThi INT Foreign Key Not Student test code
BaiLam NVARCHAR Not student’s work
DiemSo INT Not Student's score

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