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Version: 1.1
Date: 16/10/2019

Mentor: Nguyen Duc Man

Group: B-Grade Team
 Mai Van Thanh
 Hoang Kim Quy
 Huynh Tan Dung
 Le Minh Hoang

Project acronym B-Grade

Project Tittle Grade Management System Using Block chain

Start Date 24-Aug-2019 End Date 07-Dec-2019

Lead Institution International School, Duy Tan University

Project Mentor Nguyen Duc Man
& contact
Tel Tan Dung
: 0904235945
Product Owner Email :

Tel: 0964318076

Scrum Master Mai Van Thanh

& contact Email:
Tel: 0383009855
Name Email Tel

Hoang Kim Quy 0794218717

Team members
Le Minh Hoang 0962228965

Huynh Tan Dung 0964318076

Mai Van Thanh 0383009855

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Document Information

Document Product Backlog Document


Name Role

Le Minh Hoang Team member

Team Huynh Tan Dung Product owner &

Information team member

Hoang Kim Quy Team member

Scrum master &

Mai Van Thanh Team member

Date 18/10/2019 Filename ProductBacklog_v1.0.docx

Access Project and CMU Program

Document History

Version Date Comments

V1.0 18-Oct-2019 Create Product Backlog

V1.1 25-Oct-2019 Update Product Backlog

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Document Approvals
The following signatures are required for approval of this document.
Msc Man, Nguyen Duc Date
Thanh, Mai Van Date
Scrum master, DevTeam
Dung, Huynh Tan Date
Product Owner, DevTeam
Quy, Hoang Kim Date
Hoang, Le Minh Date

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Document Information................................................................................................... 2
Document History ......................................................................................................... 2
Document Approvals ..................................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Purpose............................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Scope................................................................................................................ 5
1.3. References ........................................................................................................ 5
2. User stories ............................................................................................................. 6
2.1. User stories of Dean ......................................................................................... 6
2.2. User stories of Admin ....................................................................................... 7
2.3. User Stories of Giáo Vụ.................................................................................... 8
2.4. User stories of Staff academic affairs department ............................................. 9
2.5. User stories of Student .................................................................................... 11
2.6. User stories of Lecturer .................................................................................. 12
3. Product Backlog Specification .............................................................................. 14

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1. Introduction
The agile product backlog in Scrum is a prioritized features list, containing short
descriptions of all functionality desired in the product. When applying Scrum, it’s not
necessary to start a project with a lengthy, upfront effort to document all requirements.
Typically, a Scrum team and its product owner begin by writing down everything they
can think of for agile backlog prioritization. This agile product backlog is almost
always more than enough for a first sprint. The Scrum product backlog is then allowed
to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its clients.

1.1. Purpose
• Provide a prioritized features list, containing short description of all functionality
desired in the product.

• Lists everything that the product owner and Scrum team feels should be included
in the software they are developing.

1.2. Scope
• Lists the user’s role.

• Write all the user’s requirements.

• Lists some main function of website.
• Short description of all the functionality desired in the product.
• Given the priority of each feature and function of the product.

1.3. References
No Source Note Commented [T1]: éo maasyc ái khung dài ra cho same vs
text cho dễ nhìn
Ở phía dưới cái user story
1 How to create product backlog

2 Product Backlog Example


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2. User stories
2.1. User stories of Dean

As a Dean, I want login to the system, so that I can use the system for goal.


As a Dean, I want to the logout my account for the system, so that I can stop
using system and I can log in later

Change password

As a Dean, I want to change my account password, so that my account will be

more secure

View grades

As a Dean, I want to see the grade of a particular class in the department, so that
I can see the quality of each classroom's teaching.

View scores

As a Dean, I want to see the scores of each student of the department, so that I
can assess the quality of each student's academic performance.

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View history of grades

As a Dean, I want to see the grade history for a particular class, so that I can
check if the score is revised or not

2.2. User stories of Admin


As a Admin, I want to login for the system, so that I can use system for my goal.


As a Dean, I want to the logout my account for the system, so that I can stop
using system and I can login later

Add a list of students

As an Administrator, I want to add a list of students who have signed up for the
course, so that I can manage students more easily

Check the balance of Ethereum


As an Administrator, I want to check the Ethereum account balance of the

lecturer, so that check if lecturer has an Ethereum account

Send Ether

As an Administrator, I want to send Ether to the lecturer Ethereum account, so

that I can send Ether to the lecturer when they need it

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2.3. User Stories of Faculty staff

As a Faculty staff, I want to login for the system, so that I can use system for my


As a Faculty staff, I want to the logout my account for the system, so that I can
stop using system and I can log in later

Change password

As a Faculty staff, I want to change my account password, so that my account

will be more secure

View Transcript of each class

As a Faculty staff, I want to see marks for a specific grades in the department, so
that I can check the errors in grades when input grades.

View Transcript of each student

As a Faculty staff, I want to see the grades of each student of the department, so I
can track the quality of student learning

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Edit grades

As a Faculty staff, I want to edit grades when authorized, so that I can edit grades
when I need

Input grades

As a Faculty staff, I want to input grades when authorized, so that I can input
grades when I need

View history of grades

As a Faculty staff, I want to see the grade history for a particular class, so that I
can check if the score is revised or not

2.4. User stories of Academic Affair Staff


As a academic affair staff , I want to login for the system, so that I can use system
for my goal.


As a academic affair staff, I want to the logout my account for the system, so that
I can stop using system and I can log in later

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Change Password

As a academic affair staff, I want to change my account password, so that my

account will be more secure

View grades

As a academic affair staff, I want to view grade of a special class belonging to

each department, so that I can assess the quality of student learning as well as the
teacher's teaching

View scores

As a academic affair staff, I want to view scores of each student, so that I can
track and assess the academic quality of each student

Edit grades

As a academic affair staff, I want to edit component grades of each student, so

that I can edit the component grades when it's invalid

Input grades

As a academic affair staff, I want to input test grades for students, so that I can
input test grades when I need it

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Edit test grades

As academic affair staff, I want to edit test grades of each student, so that I need
to edit when I enter the wrong grades

View schedule

As academic affair staff, I want to view schedule to edit grades, so that I can
detect anomaly correction

2.5. User stories of Student


As a student, I want to login for the system, so that I can use the system for my


As a student, I want to the logout my account for the system, so that I can stop
using system and I can log in later

Change Password

As a student, I want to change my account password, so that my account will be

more secure

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View detail transcript of a subject

As a student, I want to see the specific score for each subject, so I can see the
grades and check the grades is entered correctly or not.

View Transcript

As a Student, I want to view transcript, so that I can monitor my own learning


Send report

As a student, I want to send feedback to the lecturer, so that I can respond to the
grades when the lecturer enters the wrong grades.

2.6. User stories of Lecturer


As a Lecturer, I want to login for the system, so that I can use the system for my


As a lecturer, I want to the logout my account for the system, so that I can stop
using system and I can log in later.

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Change Password

As a lecturer, I want to change my account password, so that my account will be

more secure

Input grades Commented [T2]: ở đây chúng tôi dùng grades, phân biệt
grades, score vs point hộ t
GG dịch thì cũng dịch ngược lại dùm

As a lecturer, I want to input grades for columns, so that I can finish importing

View grades

As a lecturer, I want to see the grade of each subject within the scope of mine, so
that I can check if the student's grades is missing or incorrect when input grades

Edit grades

As a lecturer, I would like to revise the component grades if there are any
mistakes that student feedback, so that I can correct grades when there is student

Check feedback grades

As a lecturer, I want to check student feedback, so that I can make sure the
feedback is correct

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3. Product Backlog Specification
Priority and Estimates
Priorities are set from high (H), medium (M) and low (L):
- Priorities of some user stories can be the same with others.
- If a user story has dependencies, it must have lower priority than its dependencies

No. As a <type I want to <perform so that I can <achieve Priority

of user> some task> some goal> (H, M,

1 Dean Login in the system. I can use the system for L

my goal.

2 Dean Logout my account from I can stop using system L

system and I can login later

3 Dean Change password my I can change password H

account in the system my account if I need

4 Dean View grades of a I can see the quality of M

specific class under the each classroom's teaching
5 Dean View transcript of each I can assess the quality of M
student of the each student's academic
department performance.
6 Dean View history of grades I can check if the grades M
of a specific class is revised or not
Table 1: Product Backlog Specification (Dean)

No. As a <type I want to <perform so that I can <achieve Priority

of user> some task> some goal> (H, M,
1 Faculty staff Login in the system. I can use the system for L
my goal.

2 Faculty staff Logout my account from I can stop using system L

system and I can login later

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3 Faculty staff View grades for each that I can check the errors H
specific class in the in grades during the entry
department process.
4 Faculty staff Change password my I can change password my L
account in the system account if I need
5 Faculty staff View transcript of each I can track the quality of M
student of the department student learning
6 Faculty staff Edit component grades I can edit component H
when authorized grades when I need
7 Faculty staff Input component grades I can input component H
when authorized grades when I need
8 Faculty staff View history of grades of I can check if the grades is M
a specific class revised or not
Table 2: Product Backlog Specification (Faculty staff)

No. As a <type I want to <perform so that I can <achieve Priority

of user> some task> some goal> (H, M,
1 Admin Login in the system. I can use the system for L
my goal.
2 Admin Logout my account from I can stop using system L
system and I can login later
3 Admin Change password my I can change password my H
account in the system account if I need
4 Admin Add a list of students I can manage students M
who have registered for more easily
the subject
5 Admin Check the balance of To check if lecturer has an M
ethereum account / etheruem account
Table 3: Product Backlog Specification (Admin)

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No. As a <type I want to <perform so that I can <achieve Priority
of user> some task> some goal> (H, M,

1 Academic Login in the system. I can use the system for my L

affairs Staff goal.
2 Academic Logout my account from I can stop using system L
affairs Staff system and I can login later
3 Academic Change password my I can change password my L
affairs Staff account in the system account if I need
4 Academic View grades of a specific I can assess the quality of M
affairs Staff class belonging to each student learning as well as
department the teacher's teaching
5 Academic View transcript of each I can track and assess the M
affairs Staff student academic quality of each
6 Academic Input test grades I can input test grades H
affairs Staff when I need it
7 Academic Edit test grades I need to edit when I enter H
affairs Staff the wrong grades
8 Academic View schedule to edit I can detect anomaly M
affairs Staff grades correction
Table 4: Product Backlog Specification (Staff Academic department)

No. As a <type I want to <perform so that I can <achieve Priority

of user> some task> some goal> (H, M,

1 Student Login in the system. I can use the system for my L

2 Student Logout my account from I can stop using system L
system and I can login later
3 Student Change password my I can change password my L
account in the system account if I need
4 Student View specific grades of I can see the grades and M
each subject check the grades is entered
correctly or not.
5 Student View transcript of total I can monitor my own M
grades learning progress.

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6 Student Send massage feedback I can respond to the grades M
points to Lecturer when the instructor enters
the wrong grades.
Table 5: Product Backlog Specification (Student)

No. As a <type I want to <perform so that I can <achieve Priority

of user> some task> some goal> (H, M,
1 Lecturer Login in the system. I can use the system for L
my goal.
2 Lecturer Logout my account from I can stop using system L
system and I can login later
3 Lecturer Change password my I can change password L
account in the system my account if I need
4 Lecturer Input subject grades in I can finish importing H
columns student grades
5 Lecturer View grades of each I can check if the student's M
subject within the scope score is missing or not
of that lecturer
6 Lecturer Edit the component I can correct grades when H
grades if any mistakes there is student feedback
are responded by
7 Lecturer Check massage student I can make sure the M
feedback grades feedback is correct
Table 6: Product Backlog Specification (Lecturer)

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