Pharmacist Role in Infection Control

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Medication Therapy and Patient Care: Specific Practice Areas–Statements  291

ASHP Statement on the

Pharmacist’s Role in Antimicrobial Stewardship
and Infection Prevention and Control

Position 3. Surveillance systems to track the occurrence and

transmission of infections.
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 4. Surveillance systems to track the use of antimicrobials
(ASHP) believes that pharmacists have a responsibility to and the development of antimicrobial resistance.
take prominent roles in antimicrobial stewardship programs 5. Promotion of evidence-based practices and interven-
and participate in the infection prevention and control pro- tions to prevent the development of infections.
grams of health systems. This responsibility arises, in part,
from pharmacists’ understanding of and influence over an- Responsibilities of Pharmacists
timicrobial use within the health system. Further, ASHP be-
lieves that the pharmacist’s ability to effectively participate Pharmacists’ responsibilities for antimicrobial stewardship
in antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention and and infection prevention and control include promoting the
control efforts can be realized through clinical endeavors optimal use of antimicrobial agents, reducing the transmis-
focused on proper antimicrobial utilization and member- sion of infections, and educating health professionals, pa-
ship on multidisciplinary work groups and committees
tients, and the public.
within the health system. These efforts should contribute to
the appropriate use of antimicrobials, ultimately resulting
Promoting Optimal Use of Antimicrobial Agents. An im-
in successful therapeutic outcomes for patients with infec-
portant clinical responsibility of the pharmacist is to ensure
tious diseases, and reduce the risk of infections for other
patients and health care workers. the optimal use of antimicrobial agents throughout the health
system. Functions related to this responsibility may include
Background 1. Encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration within the
health system to ensure that the prophylactic, empiri-
Antimicrobial stewardship is utilized in practice settings
cal, and therapeutic uses of antimicrobial agents result
of health systems to improve patient outcomes while mini-
in optimal patient outcomes. These activities may in-
mizing the unintended consequences of antimicrobial use.
clude antimicrobial-related patient care (e.g., aiding in
The goals of antimicrobial stewardship programs include
appropriate selection, optimal dosing, rapid initiation,
attenuating or reversing antimicrobial resistance, pre-
and proper monitoring and de-escalation of antimicro-
venting antimicrobial-related toxicity, and reducing the
bial therapies) as well as the development of restricted
costs of inappropriate antimicrobial use and health care-
antimicrobial-use procedures, therapeutic interchange,
associated infections. Guidelines published by the Infectious
Diseases Society of America and the Society for Healthcare treatment guidelines, and clinical care plans.2
Epidemiology of America and endorsed by ASHP and other 2. Working within the pharmacy and therapeutics com-
organizations describe an evidence-based approach to anti- mittee (or equivalent) structure, which may include in-
microbial stewardship in health systems and the important fectious disease-related subcommittees, to ensure that
role pharmacists with infectious diseases training have in the number and types of antimicrobial agents available
leading stewardship efforts.1 are appropriate for the patient population served. Such
Identifying and reducing the risks of developing, ac- decisions should be based on the needs of special pa-
quiring, and transmitting infections among patients, health tient populations and microbiological trends within the
care workers, and others are an important part of improving health system. High priority should be given to devel-
patient outcomes. In order to maximize outcomes, antimicro- oping antimicrobial-use policies that result in optimal
bial stewardship should be used in combination with infection therapeutic outcomes while minimizing the risk of the
prevention and control practices.1 Most health systems main- emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms.
tain an infection prevention and control program directed 3. Operating a multidisciplinary, concurrent antimi-
by a multidisciplinary committee. The specific program and crobial stewardship program that uses patient out-
responsibilities of the infection prevention and control com- comes to assess the effectiveness of antimicrobial-
mittee (or its equivalent) may differ among health systems. use policies throughout the health system.
Typically, the infection prevention and control com- 4. Generating and analyzing quantitative data on anti-
mittee develops organizational policies and procedures ad- microbial drug use to perform clinical and economic
dressing outcome analyses.
5. Working with the microbiology laboratory personnel
1. The management and provision of patient care and to ensure that appropriate microbial susceptibility tests
employee health services regarding infection or infec- are reported on individual patients in a timely man-
tion prevention and control. ner, and collaborating with the laboratory, infectious
2. The education of staff, patients, family members, diseases specialists, and infection preventionists in
and other caregivers in the prevention and control compiling susceptibility reports (at least annually) for
of infections.
292  Medication Therapy and Patient Care: Specific Practice Areas–Statements

distribution to prescribers within the health system to mulary restriction and preauthorization, enhances the effec-
guide empirical therapy. tiveness of educational activities in the patient care setting.1
6. Utilizing information technology to enhance antimi- Specific activities may include
crobial stewardship through surveillance, utilization
and outcome reporting, and the development of clini- 1. Providing clinical conferences, newsletters, and other
cal decision-support tools. types of educational forums for health professionals
7. Facilitating safe medication management practices on topics such as antimicrobial use and resistance,
for antimicrobial agents by utilizing efficient and ef- decontaminating agents (disinfectants, antiseptics,
fective systems to reduce potential errors and adverse and sterilants), aseptic technique and procedures, and
drug events. sterilization methods.
2. Educating and counseling inpatients, ambulatory care
Reducing the Transmission of Infections. Pharmacists patients, home care patients, and their families and
should participate in efforts to prevent or reduce the trans- caregivers in the following areas: adherence to pre-
mission of infections among patients, health care workers, scribed directions for antimicrobial use, storage and
and others within all of the health system’s applicable prac- handling of medications and administration devices,
tice settings. This may be accomplished through and other infection prevention and control procedures
(e.g., medical waste disposal).
1. Participating in the infection prevention and control 3. Participating in public health education and awareness
committee (or its equivalent). programs aimed at controlling the spread of infectious
2. Establishing internal pharmacy policies, procedures, diseases by
and quality-control programs to prevent contamination a. Promoting prudent use of antimicrobials,
of drug products prepared in or dispensed by the phar- b. Providing immunization access for children and
macy department. This is of paramount importance adults, an
in the preparation and handling of sterile products.3 c. Promoting appropriate infection prevention and
Other considerations include (but are not limited to) control measures (e.g., proper hand hygiene
provisions for cleaning pharmaceutical equipment techniques).
(e.g., laminar-airflow hoods and bulk-compounding 4. Providing exposure to antimicrobial stewardship and
equipment) and establishment of appropriate per- infection prevention and control practices through
sonnel policies (e.g., limiting the activities of staff experiential and didactic training for practicing
members who exhibit symptoms of a viral respiratory health-system pharmacists, students, residents, and
illness or other infectious condition). research fellows.
3. Encouraging the use of single-dose packages of sterile
drug products rather than multiple-dose containers, ex- Education and Training of Pharmacists
cept in sterile environments.
4. Recommending proper labeling, dating, and storage of ASHP recognizes that the current shortage of pharmacists
sterile products and multiple-dose sterile-product con- with advanced training in infectious diseases and the limited
tainers (if used). number of training opportunities may require pharmacists
5. Encouraging routine immunization (e.g., influenza without such training to assume some of the responsibilities
vaccination) of hospital staff and others who impact described above. ASHP supports the expansion of pharmacy
the patient care environment, and promoting periodic education and postgraduate residency training on infectious
screening for selected transmissible diseases (e.g., tu- diseases in order to develop an adequate supply of pharma-
berculosis) in accordance with health-system policy cists trained to deliver these essential services.
and federal, state, or local regulations.
6. Promoting adherence to standard precautions by
health care workers, patients, and others who impact Conclusion
the patient care environment.4
7. Collaborating in the development of guidelines for ASHP believes that pharmacists have a responsibility to
take prominent roles in antimicrobial stewardship and in-
risk assessment, treatment, and monitoring of patients
fection prevention and control programs in health systems.
and health care workers who have been in contact with
Pharmacists should participate in antimicrobial stewardship
persons with a transmissible infectious disease. and infection prevention and control efforts through clinical
8. Striving for zero tolerance of health care-associated endeavors focused on proper antimicrobial utilization and
infections, including surgical site infections, catheter- membership on relevant multidisciplinary work groups and
associated bloodstream infections, catheter-associated committees within the health system.
urinary tract infections, and ventilator-associated
Educational Activities. The pharmacist’s role includes
providing education and information about antimicrobial 1. Dellit TH, Owens RC, McGowen JE, et al. Infectious
stewardship and infection prevention and control to health Diseases Society of America and the Society for
professionals, patients, and members of the public who Healthcare Epidemiology of America guidelines for
come in contact with the health system’s practice settings. developing an institutional program to enhance antimi-
Incorporating active intervention techniques, such as for- crobial stewardship. Clin Infect Dis. 2007; 44:159–77.
Medication Therapy and Patient Care: Specific Practice Areas–Statements  293

2. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Kollef M, Shapiro S, Fraser V, et al. A randomized trial of
ASHP guidelines on the pharmacist’s role in the de- ventilator circuit changes. Ann Intern Med. 1995; 123:
velopment, implementation, and assessment of critical 168–74.
pathways. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2004; 61:939–45. MacDougall C, Polk RE. Antimicrobial stewardship pro-
3. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. grams in health care systems. Clin Microbiol Rev.
ASHP guidelines on quality assurance for pharmacy- 2005 Oct; 18(4):638–56.
prepared sterile products. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. Sepkowitz KA. Occupationally acquired infections in
2000; 57:1150–69. health care workers. Ann Intern Med. 1996; 125:826–
4. Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, et al. 2007 guideline 34,917–28.
for isolation precautions: preventing transmission of in- Shlaes DM, Gerding DN, John JF Jr., et al. SHEA and IDSA
fectious agents in healthcare settings, June 2007. www. Joint Committee on the Prevention of Antimicrobial Resistance: guidelines for the prevention of antimi-
(accessed 2009 Feb 18). crobial resistance in hospitals. Clin Infect Dis. 1997;
Suggested Readings

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guideline for

disinfection and sterilization in healthcare facilities, This statement was reviewed in 2013 by the Council on Pharmacy
2008. Accessed 15 December 2008. Practice and by the Board of Directors and was found to still be
ncidod/dhqp/pdf/guidelines/Disinfection_Nov_2008. appropriate.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. Approved by the ASHP Board of Directors on April 17, 2009, and
Guidelines for environmental infection control in by the ASHP House of Delegates on June 16, 2009. Developed
health-care facilities: recommendations of CDC and through the ASHP Council on Pharmacy Practice. This statement
the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory supersedes the ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Infec-
Committee (HICPAC). MMWR. 2003; 52(No. RR- tion Control dated June 3, 1998.
Diekema DJ, Doebbeling BN. Employee health and infec- Curtis D. Collins, Pharm.D., M.S., is gratefully acknowledged for
tion control. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1995; drafting this statement.
Gardner P, Schaffner W. Immunization of adults. N Engl J Copyright © 2010, American Society of Health-System Pharma-
Med. 1993; 328:1252–8. cists, Inc. All rights reserved.
Goldmann DA, Weinstein RA, Wenzel RP, et al. Strategies
to prevent and control the emergence and spread of The bibliographic citation for this document is as follows: ASHP
antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms in hospitals. Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Antimicrobial Stewardship
A challenge to hospital leadership. JAMA. 1996; 275: and Infection Prevention and Control. Am J Health-Syst Pharm.
234–40. 2010; 67:575–7.

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