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For centuries, the Iberian Lynx has been an exotic part of the region’s

ecosystem. However, a deadly combination of habitat destruction and food

shortage is threatening the big cat’s survival. There are only an estimated 130
lynx left in Spain, with a quarter of these being in the Doñana National Park.
Many people believe that the Lynx will become extinct. This is bad news
considering the last time a big cat became extinct was 2000 years ago.

To help save the Lynx, Park officers are fixing fences to stop other animals from
inhabiting the lynx’s territory and destroying the food sources vital to its survival.
Another reason for the fences is to stop the lynx from going near roads and
being killed by cars.

1. What two main reasons are killing the Lynx?

(a) deforestation and drought
(b) other cats and dogs in the area
(c) a lack of water and food
(d) food shortage and destruction of habitat

2. What percentage of lynx lives in Doñana National Park?

(a) 50%
(b) 15%
(c) 30%
(d) 25%

3. When did the last big cat become extinct?

(a) 2000 years AD.
(b) 2000 years ago.
(c) 2000 years BC.
(d) in the year 2000.

4. The word “fixing” (line 7) is closest in meaning to

(a) erecting
(b) hounding
(c) eradicating
(d) burning

5. What other factors kill the Lynx?

(a) the size of the Doñana Park
(b) wild dogs and pigs
(c) tourists and cars
(d) cars and other animals

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House prices in most developed countries have been rising steadily for the last
few years and nowadays it is almost impossible to buy a house in any of the
European capitals. For young people this is particularly so and it means that
many will have to have large mortgages that will take nearly all of their lives to

Affordable housing is almost a utopia for most people and in some areas prices
have jumped 17% annually for the last five years. Unless the situation changes
soon, young couples will be forced to live with their parents for a great part of
their adult lives instead of becoming independent.

6. The passage is mainly about

(a) housing availability in Europe
(b) bank mortgages
(c) living with parents
(d) European house prices

7. “House prices have been rising steadily” means

(a) they have been slowly going down
(b) they have been slowly going up
(c) they have stayed the same
(d) house prices are very cheap

8. According to the text, young people will

(a) buy a house as soon as possible
(b) probably rent and not buy
(c) have an affordable mortgage
(d) have to spend many years in debt

9. The word “couple” (line 8) is closest in meaning to

(a) pair
(b) trio
(c) one
(d) group

10. If the situation doesn’t change soon

(a) young people will have to rent
(b) will buy more houses
(c) will move to other cities
(d) young people won’t be able to leave home

446588516.doc 2
While the diplomats and the politicians talk to find a solution to the conflict,
many United States marines are preparing for war. “ We have to be prepared
just in case” said Colonel Smith of the 1 st Marine division. “We could be called
up at any moment”.

The marines are based at Camp Pendleton, a sprawling 80,000 square hectare
campus north of San Diego, California. The arid terrain is an ideal training
ground for desert warfare, so the marines feel they are ready for any challenge.
Training can also be dangerous although the casualty rate has fallen by 20%.
“We practised and practised and in the end we just got better” one sergeant

11. According to the text, many marines are:

(a) leaving the armed forces
(b) preferring to stay at home
(c) getting ready for war
(d) living in Kuwait

12. According to Colonel Smith:

(a) they could go to war at any time
(b) war is very unlikely
(c) the war has already started
(d) war is very dangerous

13. According to the text, arid terrain:

(a) is not very dangerous to train on
(b) prepares you well for desert warfare
(c) is difficult to train on
(d) is common in the USA

14. The word “ready” (line 7) is similar in meaning to

(a) late
(b) primed
(c) disorganised
(d) orderly

15. “ The casualty rate has fallen by 20%” means

(a) it is harder than before
(b) it is worse than before
(c) it is better than before
(d) it is easier than before

446588516.doc 3
The possession of illegal firearms is a serious problem in many developing
countries throughout the world. The United Nations estimates that there are
some 500 million light weapons in the world and more than half are illegally
owned by individuals, guerrilla forces, thieves or bandits. Even in relatively
stable countries like Russia, South Africa or Kenya, the possession of illegal
weapons is a threat to national security.

In Nairobi, crimes like car theft and kidnappings involving illicit weapons are
becoming more and more frequent. The amount of weapons entering Nairobi is
out of control. At the moment, the police are having problems controlling the
situation but new laws are being passed to help change this.

16. The main idea of the passage is:

(a) United Nations debt
(b) the size of some guerrilla forces
(c) crime in Nairobi and Africa
(d) growing illegal firearm possession

17. According to the United Nations

(a) bandits, thieves and guerrilla forces are bad
(b) Kenya is in danger of a revolution
(c) more than 50% of light weapons are illegally owned
(d) there are many countries with similar problems

18. The word “theft”(line 7) is closest in meaning to:

(a) stealing
(b) hijacking
(c) kidnapping
(d) arson

19. According to the text, what is out of control?

(a) the population of Kenya
(b) people using guns in Kenya
(c) weapons leaving Kenya
(d) weapons coming into Kenya

20. Who is having a hard time in Nairobi?

(a) the army
(b) most people
(c) politicians
(d) law enforcers

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1. D
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. A
19. D
20. D

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