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SAP® Global Certification Digital Badges

Step-by-Step Guide
STEP 1: EARN YOUR SAP® GLOBAL CERTIFICATION DIGITAL BADGE ................................................. 3
STEP 2: SHARE YOUR SAP GLOBAL CERTIFICATION DIGITAL BADGE ................................................. 4
LinkedIn ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
LinkedIn Profile .................................................................................................................................................. 6
LinkedIn Newsfeed ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Twitter ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Facebook .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
XING .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Embedded Code ............................................................................................................................................ 10
URL (for Digital Documents and SAP Learning Rooms) ........................................................................... 10
SAP Learning Rooms ...................................................................................................................................... 11
E-Mail .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Download Image ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Create a Hyperlink for the SAP Global Certification Digital Badge Image in Your E-Mail Signature .............. 12
Step 3: Get the Latest SAP Global Certification Digital Badge ................................................................. 13


You will be notified by e-mail that you’ve earned an SAP® Global Certification digital badge. After that, you
can do the following:

• Create an Acclaim account: First-time users are required to create an account with Acclaim.

• You will be asked to complete the form and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and confirm
your e-mail address.

• If you are a return user, you will be asked to sign into your account to claim your SAP Global Certification
digital badge.

• After you click the “Create My Account” button, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you.

• Once you have received the confirmation e-mail, you will be prompted to sign in using the credentials
you provided.

• After signing in, you can view an SAP Global Certification digital badge.

• You can review the details of a pending digital badge by clicking on the badge icon or the badge title.

• Now, you can accept your pending SAP Global Certification digital badge by clicking “Accept.”

Once your account is confirmed, you can view the profile containing the complete history of all collected SAP
Global Certification digital badges (including badges that are already retired).
You can choose not to display a digital badge once it's expired.


You can share your SAP Global Certification digital badge by:

• Connecting to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or XING and sharing your badge

• Copying the unique code for the digital badge for embedding the badge on a personal Web site

• Copying the unique URL for the digital badge for pasting into e-mails, other digital documents, or
community Web sites, including expert communities such as SAP Learning Rooms

• E-mailing your digital badge to a contact or employer

• Downloading the image of your badge for use in a resume or an e-mail signature

Prior to sharing, you must connect to your LinkedIn account through your Acclaim profile to streamline

There are two options for sharing on LinkedIn:

• LinkedIn profile

• LinkedIn newsfeed

LinkedIn Profile
You can use the copy and paste function to copy your certification information from the information page for
your SAP Global Certification digital badge into your LinkedIn profile.

Be aware that:

• You need to perform a separate “Copy” function for Certification Name, Certification Authority, and
Certification URL

• You should define the same expiration date as shown on the Acclaim Platform

• An expired digital badge cannot be verified after it expires, therefore, you should ensure both dates are
the same

By pressing “Save,” you can make your achievement a permanent, verifiable part of your LinkedIn personal
The SAP Global Certification digital badge will appear in the Accomplishments section of your profile, and
the issuing organization logo will appear instead of the SAP Global Certification digital badge visual.

LinkedIn Newsfeed
You can share your achievement with your entire network. The SAP Global Certification digital badge visual
will appear when the digital badge is shared to the newsfeed.

You can connect to your Twitter account from your Acclaim profile to easily share your SAP Global
Certification digital badge with Twitter followers.

You can connect to your Facebook account from your Acclaim profile to easily share your SAP Global
Certification digital badge with Facebook friends and followers.

You can connect to your XING account from your Acclaim profile to easily share your SAP Global
Certification digital badge.

There are two options for sharing:

• XING profile

• XING private message

Indicate where you want to share your digital badge on XING by first selecting either “As a XING update” or
“Via private message,” and then click “Share.”

Embedded Code
You can embed your SAP Global Certification digital badge on a personal Web site or blog by copying and
then pasting the unique embed code.

URL (for Digital Documents and SAP Learning Rooms)

You can copy the unique URL for your SAP Global Certification digital badge for pasting directly into, for

• E-mails

• Other digital documents such as resumes (for one-click verification)

• Feeds on expert communities, including SAP Learning Rooms, that are used to promote your

SAP Learning Rooms
The URL that you copy from Acclaim can be used to promote an achievement in an expert community such
as an SAP Learning Room.
To promote your certification achievement in an SAP Learning Room:

• Sign in to SAP Learning Hub

• Enter your SAP Learning Room

• Write a feed including the URL for the SAP Global Certification digital badge

You’ll find more information on how to share digital badges in SAP Learning Rooms in this video.

You can send your SAP Global Certification digital badge directly to a colleague, recruiter, or employer with a
customizable e-mail initiated from within Acclaim. This sharing method streamlines the verification process
with employers by linking to the most updated version of your credentials.

Download Image
You can add the visual image of your SAP Global Certification digital badge to resumes, documents, or e-
mail signatures. (After you download the image, you can copy and paste the unique URL for your digital
badge to create a hyperlink for the image.)
Choose the small-image icon for your e-mail signature.

Create a Hyperlink for the SAP Global Certification Digital Badge Image in Your E-Mail Signature
Within your e-mail signature, you can hyperlink the SAP Global Certification digital badge visual with the
unique digital badge URL:
• Click the URL icon from the share options in Acclaim (as described earlier)

• Click the “Copy to Clipboard” button, and then hyperlink to your digital badge image within your e-mail

The image of your digital badge will appear nicely within your e-mail signature and will include the hyperlink
to the information page for your badge.

Step 3: Get the Latest SAP Global Certification Digital Badge

SAP Global Certification digital badges will be issued to certified professionals on the latest available
software release date. The digital badge will carry the year of the product release availability. For product
release availability dates that occur after October 1 and later, the digital badges will carry the date of the
following year.
If parallel core certifications are available, digital badges will be issued for the new release only.
Digital badges for older certifications expire following the overall retirement policy for certification as follows:
• Certification without “Stay Current Process”

A new SAP Global Certification digital badge is issued for passing a new core certification exam.
Expiration of the digital badge follows the overall retirement policy.
• Certification with “Stay Current Process”

A new SAP Global Certification digital badge is issued when “stayed current” within a defined timeframe
that depends on the solution. If the earner does not stay current in time, the existing digital badge
expires. The earner must then complete a new core certification to earn a digital badge.
• Certification without defined new release and no “Stay Current Process” (SAP Global Certification digital
badge is still valid)

An SAP Global Certification digital badge expires as soon as a new release date is set. This change is
automatically communicated to the earner through the SAP Credential Manager site.


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