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Department stores, exclusive shops and ethnic market- Toronto has more than

20,000 stores catering to all fashions and tastes. Its premier shopping
destination, the Eaton centre, is a multi-levelled gallery with 320 shops and
restaurants, 17 cinemas, and the 400-room Marriot hotel.

Built in 1979, the Eaton Centre is the number one tourist attraction in Toronto
with one million visitors a week. Modelled after the Galleria in Milan, the Eaton
centre was among the first major downtown shopping centres constructed in
North America.

Toronto’s most exclusive retail district is located in the Bloor/Yorkville area.

International retailers offering high fashion designs, electric boutiques, fine
crystal and china shops, art galleries, and superb restaurants are all available in
the village-like atmosphere of Yorkville and Hazleton lanes.

Toronto is without doubt the world’s most ethnically diverse city. People from all
over the world have made it their home and the influences of this diversity can
be seen throughout the many shopping districts and markets that offer a wide
range of shopping experiences.

1. The article is mainly about

(a) The quality of Canadian restaurants
(b) Tourism in Canada
(c) Shopping in Toronto
(d) Ethnic diversity in North America

2. The Marriot hotel consists of

(a) 17 cinemas
(b) 400 rooms
(c) 320 shops and restaurants
(d) Many ethnic markets

3. The Eaton Centre:

(a) Is a 400 room hotel
(b) Was built in 1979
(c) Boasts $746 of sales per square metre
(d) Was the first major downtown shopping centre in North America

4. Toronto’s most exclusive retail district:

(a) Is located on Queen Street West
(b) Frequently hosts fashion shows
(c) Offers art galleries and superb restaurants
(d) Was modelled after the Galleria in Milan, Italy

5. Toronto:
(a) Is the world’s most ethnically diverse city
(b) Has a population of one million
(c) Is the most expensive city in North America
(d) Has 17 cinemas

On long flights one of the greatest problems that travellers suffer is that of jet-
lag. As we fly through the different time zones our natural “body clocks” lose
their rhythm and it may take days to adjust after a long flight, losing valuable
time. Here are some suggestions for trying to reduce the effects of jet lag.

Try and get a good night’s sleep before the flight so you are rested and avoid
late nights and heavy meals. Eating carbohydrates and proteins the day before
may also reduce the effects of jet lag.

On the plane carry spare underwear and a wash kit. Shortly before your arrival,
wash, change and brush your teeth.

Eat lightly and drink lots of liquids on the flight but try not to drink drinks with
caffeine like Coca Cola. It is also a good idea to limit the amount of alcohol you
drink as you could become dehydrated.

On arrival take a shower as soon as possible and eat lightly on the first day.
Exercise also helps. Continue to eat lightly when you first arrive and try not to
go to bed until your normal time in the new time zone.

6. Jet lag makes the body

(a) Act more or less like normal
(b) Feel bad during the flight
(c) Arrive late at its destination
(d) Take a long time to adjust

7. The day before your flight you should

(a) Eat a heavy meal
(b) Exercise
(c) Eat carbohydrates and proteins
(d) Try not to sleep

8. To avoid jet lag you should drink lots of

(a) Alcohol
(b) Coffee or tea
(c) Coca Cola
(d) Liquids

9. On the plane it is useful to

(a) Stay awake until you land
(b) Wash, change and brush your teeth
(c) Have a few glasses of wine
(d) Exercise

10. When you land at your destination you should

(a) Have a wash
(b) Eat a heavy meal
(c) Visit a gymnasium
(d) Go straight to bed

With its huge size and small population, Australia is one of the world’s most
desired tourist destinations. Unfortunately, because of its distance from Europe
and North America, relatively few people will have the opportunity to visit this
island continent.

The population of Australia is only 19 million and is roughly the size of the
United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii). About 85% of the people live in
cities on the coast, so the vast majority of the country is uninhabited. One
advantage of such vastness is that you don’t have to go far to be alone. A
disadvantage is that if you go too far and get into trouble, you might never be
found again.

Tourists should be aware of the dangers of travelling in a country the size of

Australia. All trips away from the cities and into the outback should be well
planned and adequate supplies should be taken. However, many tourists from
the USA, Europe and Asia do not prepare well and end up experiencing a nasty
end to their vacation.

11. The article is mainly about:

(a) Large continents
(b) Australia’s population
(c) Australia
(d) North America and Europe

12. The word “huge” in line 1, is similar in meaning to

(a) Wide
(b) Small
(c) Enormous
(d) Tiny

13. The word “roughly” (line 4) is similar in meaning to:

(a) More or less
(b) Bigger than
(c) A lot smaller
(d) Exactly the same

14. What is considered both a pro and con about Australia?

(a) Its location
(b) Its weather
(c) Its immensity
(d) Its people

15. What is said about European, Asian and North American tourists?
(a) They mostly stay in the cities
(b) They don’t go to Australia
(c) They enjoy themselves greatly
(d) Their holidays finish badly

It’s winter again and time to start thinking about that winter break to the ski
fields or a sunny beach. More and more people are dividing their holiday time
in two and enjoying both summer and winter holidays. There are many
advantages to doing this and in today’s stressful world it makes a lot of sense to
divide up the year.

One of the most popular destinations for Europeans is the Canary Islands. With
their magnificent beaches, climate and tourist attractions, the Canaries are a
must for anyone wanting to escape the sub-arctic temperatures of January and
February in continental Europe. Many different islands are on offer but if you
want to avoid the crowds, head to one of the lesser known ones like Gomera or

16. The passage is mainly about

(a) Today’s stressful environment
(b) The winter in Spain
(c) Winter holidays
(d) Summer vacations

17. According to the text, more and more people

(a) Take both summer and winter holidays
(b) Live in Spain all the year
(c) Have many advantages and disadvantages
(d) Go to Gomera Island

18. What makes the Canaries so popular?

(a) Its sub-arctic weather
(b) Its climate and facilities
(c) The number of islands
(d) Its proximity to Africa

19. “sub-arctic temperatures in January and February” mean

(a) Norway and Sweden’s climate change
(b) Ice melting at the North Pole
(c) Very cold weather
(d) Very hot weather

20. Why does the author recommend going to Gomera and Hierro?
(a) There is more atmosphere
(b) There are less people
(c) The weather is better
(d) They are easier to get to


1. C
2. B
3 B.
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. B


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