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The Dark

napisala fotografije Sandro Lendler

written by photographs by

Divna Antičević


Vedran Pedišić Emil Špirić Eric Velasco Farrera Juan José Núñez Andrade

Škola i vrtić Kajzerica Kajzerica School and Kindergarten
zahtjeva dodamo i potrebu da se generiraju događanja čita- If you add to the list the need to generate activities in an, until-
vog jednog uspavanog dijela grada, rezultat ovakva programa now, passive neighbourhood, it is clear why the result of the
nešto je što se s nestrpljenjem iščekuje. ¶ Naselje Kajzerica, programme is eagerly anticipated. ¶ Kajzerica neighbourhood,
uglavljeno na južnoj obali rijeke Save, dugo je vremena bilo fixed on the south bank of the Sava River, has been in an urban
područje uljuljano u urbanistički status quo. Eklektičnom status quo situation for a long time. However, this neighbour-
spoju čvrstog kompleksa Zagrebačkog velesajma, rekreacij- hood, with the eclectic combination of the firm complex of the
skih prostora hipodroma i sportskih terena, jednolično posla- Zagreb Fair, recreational area of the hippodrome and the sports
ganih obiteljskih kuća i neuređenih gradskih terena, posljed- facilities, uniform family houses and neglected city terrains, has
njih nekoliko godina ipak se spremaju promjene. Natječaji za been undergoing changes during the last couple of years. The
izgradnju vrtića, škola, obrtničkog centra, rehabilitacijskog competitions for the construction of kindergartens, schools,
centra uriho i regionalnog centra seecel, obećavaju promi- craft centre, rehabilitation institution uriho, and the seecel
jeniti lice neurednog naselja. Stanovnicima Kajzerice osobito regional centre, indicate that the look of this chaotic neighbour-
su bili važni vrtić i škola, najavljivani još krajem devedesetih; hood will be changed. The kindergarten and the school are par-
pokrenuta je i građanska inicijativa koja se dugo borila za ticularly important to the residents of Kajzerica; their construc-
izgradnju tih objekata u ovom naselju. ¶ Odgojno-obrazov- tion was planned as early as in the 1990s, and the civic initiative
nom kompleksu namijenjen je široki potez prostora južno od was launched which has long fought for the construction of the
glavne ulične transverzale Kajzerice – područje guste vegeta- buildings. ¶ The educational complex has been designed for a
cije nastale na riječnom tlu. Na natječaju provedenom 2008. wide area south from the main intersecting road of the Kajzerica
godine pobijedio je projekt arhitektonskog studija Sangrad. neighbourhood, the area of dense vegetation growing by the
Kompleks se trebao sastojati od dvije vrtićke (hrvatska i fran- river. The project designed by the architectural studio Sangrad
cusko-njemačka) te tri obrazovne jedinice (razredna i pred- won the competition in 2008. The complex was supposed to
metna nastava hrvatske osnovne škole, francusko-njemačka include two kindergarten units (Croatian and French-German), uzdužni presjek
osnovna škola i francusko-njemački koledž). Ipak, od toga se and three educational units (general class teaching, specialised
početkom gradnje odustalo, tako da građevine na Kajzerici class teaching of a Croatian primary school, French-German longitudinal section

poprečni presjek ¶ Čitanjem i slušanjem komentara o novootvorenim obrazov- ¶ When we read and listen to the comments about a newly-
nim ustanovama, dolazimo do zaključka da je najbitnija stavka opened educational institution, we reach the conclusion that
cross section
oko koje javnost lomi koplja – izgled pročelja. Čim se pojavi battles are fought over the look of the façade. As soon as the
prva vizualizacija, kreće rat između pobornika monokromat- first visualisation appears, a debate between the supporters
skih tonova i veselih boja. Sve ostalo na stranu – izrazit će of monochromatic tones and those of rich colours begins. All
se zabrinutost ako su najnoviji škola ili vrtić previše hladni, things aside, concerns will be expressed if the new school or
ili previše infantilni. Dugo iščekivane škole bit će dočekane kindergarten is too cold or too infantile. Long-awaited schools
mješavinom rezigniranosti i olakšanja – napokon je tu, ali will be welcomed by the mixture of resignation and relief – we
mogla je biti i ljepša. Zadatak ovih građevina da afirmiraju finally have it, but it could have been better. This task of the
svoju vrijednost poprilično je nesretan. Moraju besprijekorno buildings, to affirm their value, is rather unfortunate. They have
funkcionirati, ali i imati ono nešto. Moraju zadovoljiti sasvim to function perfectly, but also have a certain something; they
mlade i odrasle korisnike te prosječne promatrače čije je doba have to please very young as well as adult observers, along with
boravljenja u takvim prostorima već prošlo. Kada na popis common bystanders who no longer spend time in the facilities.

68 oris, broj 90, godina 2014 oris, number 90, year 2014 V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, 69
Škola i vrtić Kajzerica Kajzerica School and Kindergarten
primary school and French-German college). The original plan
was abandoned during the construction, so the buildings at
Kajzerica today house a Croatian primary school, high school
and the kindergarten. All stages of the social development of a
child thus meet in a common area, the programmes function-
ally different, as much as they are similar. ¶ Due to differences
in their use, the volumes of the kindergarten and the school
are separated, but there is a loose connection by the common
access square. Lower, simpler and gentler volume houses the
kindergarten, while the schools are located in the higher volume
which has a more complex network and an underground con-
nection to a three-part sports hall. The elevation of classroom
tracts on columns created a square which is spread between
danas udomljuju hrvatsku osnovnu školu, gimnaziju i vrtić. U and under, and which does not only aim to unite this complex
tlocrt svakom slučaju, na zajedničkom su se prostoru susrele sve faze for children, but to become the meeting place of the whole
socijalnog razvoja djeteta, programi koji koliko su funkcionalno neighbourhood. Spatial memory is used to achieve that goal;
ground slični toliko su i različiti. ¶ Volumeni vrtića i škole na parceli the seemingly freely placed columns of the structure of dif-
floor plan razdvojeni su svaki na svoju stranu zbog razlika u korištenju, ferent cross sections are trying to evoke the dense vegetation

Bazilikalno osvjetljenje dvorane The sports hall’s clerestory

stvara podgled drugačiji od lighting gives a different view
onog na koji smo navikli than the one we are used to

tlocrt 1. kata

3 3 1st floor plan

1 4 1 4

2 2

no zadržana je labava veza preko zajedničkog pristupnog trga. which grew on location before the intervention. Next to specific
Niži, jednostavniji i pitomiji volumen udomljuje vrtić, dok se u spatial experiences, the relation between the volumes and the
višem, kompleksnije isprepletenom, nalaze škole podzemnom alteration of full and empty – covered and uncovered outdoor
vezom povezane s trodijelnom sportskom dvoranom. Podiza- area, paved ground and vegetation, also offers various possibili-
njem traktova učionica na stupove nastao je trg koji se prostire ties of use, and thus increases the chance that this area will be
između i ispod i želi ne samo objediniti ovaj dječji kompleks već accepted by the neighbourhood population. The walk around
i postati mjesto susreta cijelog naselja. Kako bi se to postiglo, the school square evokes a specific feeling of inclusion, as well
1 dječji vrtić 1 kindergarten
služi se i memorijom prostora, pokušavajući naizgled slobod- as isolation. The pupils walk around the same area during their
2 osnovna škola 2 primary school
01 5 10
nim postavljanjem stupova konstrukcije različitih poprečnih break. There are no transition zones towards a more private
3 gimnazija 3 high school
4 trodijelna dvorana 4 three-part hall presjeka evocirati gusto zelenilo prisutno prije intervencije. outdoor area – everything is available, and you are a part of

70 oris, broj 90, godina 2014 oris, number 90, year 2014 V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, 71
Škola i vrtić Kajzerica Kajzerica School and Kindergarten
design, as well as the attention given to detail, however, cannot
be denied. It is a low-energy building which uses the resources
of the underground waters of the neighbourhood, which should
definitely be complimented, especially considering the size of
the complex. The selection of colours, materials and the fur-
niture was carefully made. Acoustic boards are functional and
have aesthetic value, announcement boards are situated just
where they should be, and the colours are neither too aggressive
nor unpleasantly cold, due to the extensive use of wood. Many
issues are yet to be handled – the school was opened just a cou-
ple of months ago – but there is no doubt that everything will
be completed with the same precision as at the beginning. The
details show that every aspect of the project has been carefully
examined, such as the classrooms which are coded, not by the
colour of the door or the walls, but by the floors which reflect
the tones and thus give a specific aura to the area; or the serious
dark grey façade which is invigorated by wooden frames used to
indicate surface openings. The sports hall is particularly pleas-
ant; its clerestory lighting gives a different view than the one
we are used to. Such micro inventions, often overlooked in the
first stages of the project, again prove that it takes more than
a nice plan to build a house, and draw an important distinction
between merely done and carefully planned. ¶ The concept of
this demanding system emerged on the basis of natural char-
Odnos među volumenima te izmjena punog i praznog – nat- life which is being enjoyed there every day. The front façade of želja da su neke stvari ujednačenije i riješene manje školski te acteristics, a strong need to have something really functional,
krivenih i slobodnih vanjskih prostora, popločenja i zelenila – the school and the fence around the kindergarten draw a clear da se uzbudljiva ideja vanjskog prostora probila u interijer, gdje and the irrefutable fact that Kajzerica neighbourhood needs
osim specifičnih prostornih doživljaja, nudi i različite moguć- social and physical border, which allows you to participate, but bi zasigurno prije zaživjela. Uski hodnici traže cezuru, a druš- a social centre. The building which was created here brought
nosti korištenja povećavajući izglede da će ovo mjesto doista to an appropriate extent. ¶ Once we leave the exterior area, we tveni prostori mogli su postati nešto više od prostorije na kraju order into the community and stabilized the area of chaos. On
zaživjeti među stanovnicima naselja. Šetnja ovakvim školskim enter the area of strict order; the plans are perfectly functional, hodnika. ¶ No, ono što se nikako ne može osporiti jest sinergija one hand, it does what every building would do – it houses
trgom proizvodi naročit osjećaj uključenosti, ali i izdvojeno- with no incoherencies or experiments; they stick to the idea of projektantskih i tehničkih rješenja i pažnja posvećena deta- a specific programme. On the other hand, it has gone a step
sti. Prostorom kojim se krećete kreću se i učenici za vrijeme the simplest solution being the best. The entrances are strictly ljima. Radi se o niskoenergetskoj kući koja koristi resurse pod- further and has become the anchor of the area, offering more
odmora. Nema prijelaznih zona prema privatnijim vanjskim separated, there as the consequence of a multinational pro- zemnih voda Kajzerice, što svakako treba pozdraviti, osobito than just a regular school. This town in small scale has decided
prostorima – sve vam je dostupno, dio ste života koji se tu gramme which was supposed to be included in the building. kod kompleksa ovakve veličine. Kod odabira boja, materijala i to generate a big city, the real city. At this moment, it is hard
svakodnevno odvija. No ipak, ulazno pročelje škole i ograda Nursery on the ground floor and the kindergarten on the first namještaja ništa nije prepušteno slučaju. Akustične ploče imaju to say whether this idea will blossom, but we can hope that
vrtića predstavljaju jasnu društvenu i fizičku granicu koja vam floor are in a regular line with the multi-purpose space at the funkcionalnu, ali i estetsku vrijednost, oglasni panoi pojavljuju the Kajzerica population will recognize the idea, and develop a
omogućuje da sudjelujete, ali na primjeren način. ¶ Jednom end of the building. Classrooms and school cabinets are situated se tamo gdje ih trebate, a kolorit nije ni preagresivan ni neu- relationship with this complex which will offer more than just
kada napustimo prostor eksterijera, ulazimo u područje stro- in three parallel tracts, as opposed to the common area of the godno hladan, zahvaljujući obilnom korištenju drva. Mnoge an opinion on the colour of its façades.
gog reda. Tlocrti su besprijekorno funkcionalni, bez vrludanja multi-purpose area, library and administration units which are stvari još se rješavaju – škola je otvorena prije par mjeseci – ali
i egzibicija; drže se ideje da je najjednostavnije rješenje ujedno located on the ground floor, in a transverse volume which logi- nema sumnje da će biti dovršene s istom pažnjom s kojom su
i najbolje. Strogo odvojeni ulazi posljedica su multinacional- cally connects the whole system. Although it is clear that the započete. Detalji poput učionica koje su kodirane, ne bojom
nog sustava koji je trebao nastaniti zgradu. Jasličke jedinice decisions of the designers are the result of the originally estab- vrata ili zidova, već podova koji reflektirajući tonove prosto-
u prizemlju i vrtićke na katu pravilno su poslagane s pvn-om lished programme, some things may have been done differently rima daju vlastitu auru ili ozbiljne tamnosive fasade koja je
na kraju. Školske učionice i kabineti nižu se u tri usporedne than by the book; the exciting idea of the exterior should have oživljena drvenim okvirima odabranima kako bi označili plohe
lamele, dok su zajednički prostori pvn-a, knjižnice i admini- been transferred into the interior where it would surely be more koje se otvaraju, pokazuju da se o svakom aspektu projekta
stracije smješteni prizemno u poprečnoj lameli koja cijeli taj successful. Narrow corridors need a spatial break and social razmišljalo. Sportska dvorana osobito je ugodna, s bazilikalnim
sustav logično povezuje. Iako je jasno da su projektantske areas might have become more than just a room at the end of osvjetljenjem koje stvara podgled drugačiji od onog na koji
odluke posljedica prvotno zadanoga programa, ipak ostaje the corridor. ¶ The synergy of the technical solutions and the smo navikli. Ovakve mikrointervencije, koje se često previde

72 oris, broj 90, godina 2014 oris, number 90, year 2014 V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, 73
Škola i vrtić Kajzerica Kajzerica School and Kindergarten
Ovakve mikrointervencije, koje
Marjančević Vuksanić, Mladen Hofmann, Igor Blaha, Antonija Milovac | investitor client Grad Zagreb / City of Zagreb | površina parcele site area 29 602 m² | izgrađena površina built up area 16 220 m² | projekt project 2008
autori authors Vedran Pedišić, Emil Šprić, Eric Velasco Farrera, Juan José Núñez Andrade | projektni tim project team Vedran Pedišić, Emil Šprić, Eric Velasco Farrera, Juan José Núñez Andrade, Gordana Gregurić Miočić, Iva
se često previde u prvim fazama
projekta, još jednom dokazuju
da kuću gradi puno više od
Zgrada škole i vrtića u sklopu odgojno-obrazovnog kompleksa Kajzerica, Zagreb, Hrvatska School and Kindergarten Building within Kajzerica Educational Complex, Zagreb, Croatia

simpatičnog tlocrta
realizacija completed 2014 | cijena costs 123 272 000 hrk | glavni izvođač prime constructor gradnja d.d. Osijek, zagreb-montaža d.o.o., teh-gradnja d.o.o.

Such micro inventions, often

overlooked in the first stages
of the project, again prove that
it takes more than a nice plan
to build a house

u prvim fazama projekta, još jednom dokazuju da kuću gradi

puno više od simpatičnog tlocrta te čine bitnu razliku između
odrađenog i promišljenog. ¶ Koncept ovog zahtjevnog sustava
nastao je na temelju prirodnih datosti, naglašene potrebe da
stvari uistinu funkcioniraju i jedne neoborive činjenice – Kaj-
zerici treba društveni centar. Kuća koja je ovdje izrasla unijela
je red u zajednicu i stabilizirala područje kaosa. S jedne strane,
napravila je ono što i svaka takva građevina – udomila je spe-
cifičan program. S druge strane, otišla je korak dalje i usidrila
cijeli prostor, nudeći ipak nešto više od obične škole. Grad u
malom odlučio je izgraditi prostor velikog grada, pravog grada.
U ovom trenutku teško je reći hoće li ta misao zaživjeti, ali
ostaje nada da će stanovništvo Kajzerice prepoznati ovu ideju
i produbiti odnos s ovim kompleksom na nešto više od stava
prema boji njegovih fasada.

74 oris, broj 90, godina 2014 oris, number 90, year 2014 V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, V. PEDIŠIĆ, E. ŠPIRIĆ, E. VELASCO FARRERA, J. J. NúñEZ ANDRADE, 75
Škola i vrtić Kajzerica Kajzerica School and Kindergarten

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