Background of Esp

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Background of esp

English for specific purposes (here after ESP) is appraised as an application for

teaching and learning of English as a foreign language (Hutchinson & Waters,

1987). However in distinction to other pedagogical approaches, the whole course,

its content and purposes are based on the specific exigency of target learners

(Lesiak-Bielawska, 2015). ESP is developed as a subcomponent of language

teaching with the exigency of an international because of irresistible rise of

technology and commerce. Furthermore, the transfer in language teaching from

grammar to genuine use of language in particular situation was also an important

factor for the advent of ESP ( Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). Particularly these

details called out the need of a language for actual communication in ESP, which

imitates with the constructivist learning viewpoint supporting the impression that

language learners should participate in activities promoting real life use of

language rather than learning rules ( Hart, 2003).

Due to significantly varying nature of language from one environment to another,

i.e . tourism, commerce, engineering, medical, business so and so forth, the

activities engaged and the materials used in ESP classes in these particular areas

should be methodologically chosen through reviewing learners needs and wants.

On account of the dare in doing this, ESP teachers seeks to integrate technology

in their classes and finally ESP pedagogy was exaggerated by the use of

technology ( lesiak-Bielawska, 2015). When all domains of life are either

negatively or positively affected by technology, language learning and ESP have

not been freed from the significant changes.

This process was certain due to the expansions in technology and language

teachers desire to fully integrate computer and mobile phone technology in

language learning process ( Warschauer & Healey, 1998) because the expansion

of new technologies and language learning have always kept well formed

(Vukićević-Đorđević, 2015). Precisely, integrating technology in ESP curriculum

provides students with a lot of learning facilities and benefits extending from

providing interactive and chatty activities related to their profession to tackles for

giving comment and self-assessment on that specific context( Butler-Pascoe &

Wiburg, 2003).

The benefits contain the usage of aids of technology over computer-assisted

language learning in ESP instruction, development of ESP materials, and the

design of ESAP courses ( Butler-Pascoe,2009; Dashtestani & Stojković, 2015). With

the expansion of technology use in ESP classes, experts of ESP started with

numerous tools, multimedia, junk males, and internet sources to encourage ESP

learners with the actual use of target language in states or conditions (Arnó-

Macía, 2012). In count, communicative and shared events particular to several

occupations and specific input for student`s interest in the associated field are

among the qualities of technology use in the area of ESP. Technology use in ESP

also offers students with the tactics to learn languages for specific purposes,

content-based authentic materials, task-based and collaborative learning

activities, and tailored learning contexts to student individual needs ((Dashtestani

& Stojković, 2015). However, teachers’ style of teaching is another feature

defining benefits of technology utilize in language classes illustrated above, in that

a controlling way of teaching and firm control of students’ behavior may not

contribute to practice of smart technologies (Hovhannisyan, 2016).

At the same time, specialist’s usage of technology has provided researchers in the

field of language learning and taeaching with chances to be more aware of the

language utilize in professional and academic communications and more

implication of technology in ESP classes ( Arnó-Macía, 2012). Likewise,

Technology, specifically mobile learning and associated devices made it probable

for the student with altered learning style to actively partake in the learning

method in today’s classroom (Albadi, 2016).

Therefore, multiple researchers directed studies to explore the effects of

technology both in general language and ESP classes, such as the use of wikis

(Hadjiconstantinou & Yerou 2012), blended learning is listening (Kavaliauskiene,

2011), Twitter mobile application is also known for valid and interactive learning

(Albadi, 2016) use of multimedia ( dayag, 2016) and the special effects of

slideshow-supplemented lecture and virtual learning context (Have & Corcoran,

2008). Chliaras (2014) also stated communicative whiteboards, document

cameras, student response system, lecture capture system, digital projectors, and

wireless and projection keyboards as the new tech tech instruments used in ESP

classes chiefly in higher education setting. With these facilities through student

response system can make student to answer the question through handheld

devices known as ‘clicker’ or’ key pads’ in the UK ‘zappers’ and in the USA ‘

handset (Laxman, 2011). However typically ideal in large classes and educational

settings, but the small institutions and classes also engage these systems

(Caldwell, 2007 . In spite of common use of clickers in General English classes (

e.g Akbatogun,2014; Celik, 2015; Laxman 2011) and in number of other fields,

such as economy ( Elliott, 2003), engineering, and computer sciences( d’lnverno,

Davis & white 2003), the literature is rare related to the investigation of the use

this technology in ESP context. Moreover, the exigency for ESP is increasing day

by day because of international exchanges, interactions, globalization and

exigency of skilled employees.

Additionally, the need for ESP is increasing day by day due to international

exchanges, interaction, globalization, and the need of qualified employees. Therefore, this has

led to the fact that more and more people are needed to know not only General English but

also extensive vocabulary and communicative use of the language on various specific fields,

such as politics, science, tourism, etc. (Beshaj, 2015). This need is even more urgent and

critical in tourism sector in Turkey, where, with the rapid growth of international tourism

since the 1980s, tourism industry has had serious problem of well-educated and well-trained

work-force (Kusluvan & Kusluvan, 2000). Knowing the language in the relevant area of

expertise is crucial for the employees to be referred as ‘qualified employee’ in international

context. Especially in the field of tourism, a foreign language speaker would be more

comfortable in his/her position if he/she has a good control of the specific language used.

However, despite the growing number of English speakers, still a noticeable deficiency in

employees’ English for tourism can easily be observed in Turkey.

Teaching English with Technology, 18(3), 86-104, 89

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