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Data Modeling (E-R Diagram and Descriptions)

1. The minimum number of supervisors overseeing the employee is zero because the

employee may be himself a supervisor. Every employee can only report to one supervisor

because one employee cannot be overseen by more than one person for cost effective


Every supervisor should have at least one subordinate or many subordinates. It depends on

the department size and the level of the supervisors.

2. Every sale record should be verified by one and only one supervisor to prevent fraud.

Every supervisor can verify many sales records because each of them many supervises

more than one salesperson. However, they can authorize none because they may not work

in the sales department.

3. Every job time record should be verified by one and only one supervisor.

Every supervisor can verify zero job time record because they may be responsible in this

area. Every supervisor can verify more than one job time records because they may have

more than one subordinate.

4. Employees can have no job time record if they are new employees. Every employee can

have more than one job time record if they work for a long time. Each job time record

represents one period.

Every job time record can be completed by zero employees because the new period hasn’t

started. Every job time record can only be completed be one employee for easy


5. Employees can have no sales records if they are new comer or they are not salesperson.

They can have many sales records if they work for a long period. Every period a new sales

record will be issued.

A sales record can be signed by zero employees if new period hasn’t started. A sales record

can record sales effort of only one employee for easy calculation of the commission.

6. Every check can be received by one and only one employee. Every employee can receive
zero checks if they are new comers. They may also receive more than one check in case of

bonus payment, overtime payment, etc.

7. Every check should be signed by one and only employee with proper authority

Every employee with proper authority can sign more than one check and none in case they

are not in charge in disbursement of cash.

8. Every check can be presented by one and only one bank. Every bank can present more than

one check or zero check in case that bank is new service provider.

9. Every check can be received by one and only one insurance company. Every insurance

company can receive more than one check (contribution of different periods) or none (New

service provider).

10. They can receive zero (new employee) or more than one period insurance contribution

notice (For employee works for more than one period).

Every insurance contribution notice can be received by one and only one employee.

11. Every insurance contribution notice can be issued by one and only one insurance company.

Every insurance company can issue zero (new service provider) or many insurance

contribution notice (to different employees).

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