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Analysis of An Eccentric Cam

FBD of
FBD of
a) Plot of Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration and Contact
Force for an Eccentric Cam System
b) Graph of Torque Components and Total Cam-Shaft Torque

In the torque
characteristic, the
(+) area is equal
Jump (float) may occur to (-) area. i.e.
(F23=0) Energy required
to drive the
+ follower in the
forward direction
is recovered
+ when thefollower
- returns. A
flywheel may be
used on the cam
shaft to handle
this fluctuating
b) enegy
About Jump
• 1. To prevent jump, increase the term ke+P, by
increasing preload P, or spring constant k, or
• 2. Here, jump begins at t=180 with cos t=-1
• F23=0 
2ke  P Critical
• 3. Jump will not occur if,
P  e(m 2  2k )
Harmonic Motion
Rise Return

Rise Return

 angle is measured from

the beginning of rise, in
rise return rise formulations.

 angle is measured from

the beginning of return, in
return formulations.
Parabolic Motion
v a

Inflection L
/2 /2

For the first part of the parabolic rise (=0 =/2):

Boundary conditions: At =0: y=0, =0 & at =/2: y=L/2 give,

B=0, C=0. Therefore,

On the other hand, and

For constant ,

For the second part of the parabolic rise (=/2 = )

Boundary conditions: At = /2: y=L/2 & at =: y=L , =0

Problem: Parabolic Motion
Parabolic Rise 40 mm for 120, Dwell for 30, Parabolic Return for the remaning 210 

k=5 kN/m, P=35 N

m=18 kg
a) Without computing
numerical values,
sketch approximate
graphs of the
acceleration and
cam-contact force,
versus cam angle.
On this graph show
where jump (lift-off)
is most likely to
b) At what cam speed
would jump begin?

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