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An Autonomous college affiliated to Bharathiar University 15UK041
Kuniamuthur; Coimbatore - 641 008
End Semester Examinations: November- 2016
Programme(s) ~Course Code(s) Title
B.Sc.(ECS) ,15IDU21j14IDU16 C Programming
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks :55
No. of Pages :02
Section A
Answer all questions (10 x 1 = 10)
1 The C language terminator is
A Semicolon C Period
B Colon D Exclamation mark

2 -14%3=
A -2 C 4
B 2 D -4

3 Let a[5]="Tamil". What is the value of a[4]= ?

A a C
B m D I

4 Each case statement in switchj) is separated by

A Break C Exit
B Continue D Go to

5 is used to find length of the string.

A strlent) C strlt)
B strlengthf) D stringleru)

6 Which of the C loop is a pretest loop?

A For C Do
B Switch D While

7 A function can return

A More than ~o values C Only one value
B Only two values D Constants

8 is a collection of variables in distinct data type.

A Arrays C Multi dimensional arrays
B Structure D Pointer and arrays

9 getct) function is used to handle --------- at a time.

A One character C More than one string
B One string D More than one character

10 Rewind takes a file pointer and resets the position to the

A Start of the file C Desired location of the file
B End of the file D All the above

_ SKASC / November' 2016

SKASC 12016

Section B
Answer All questions (5 x 3 = 15 )

11 A What is an identifier?
B List out the relational operators in C.

12 A What is the purpose of break statement?

B How one-dimensional array elements are read and written?

13 A How to declare a function in C? Explain.

B Write the need for user defined functions in C.

14 A Write a C program to check the given string is palindrome or not.

B Describe the structures with in structures with example.

15 A How error handling is performed during I/O operations on files?

B Write a C program to check whether a given year is leap year or not.
Section C
Answer All questions (5 x 6 = 30)

16 A Describe the four basic data types with examples.

B Explain the arithmetic and logical operators available in C with examples.

17 A What are the control structures available in C? Explain any two of them.
B Compare Array and Union.

18 A Explain how structures are defined in C and how they are passed to function.
B Discuss the concept of function calls with example.

19 A Write a C program to sort a set of names stored in an array in alphabetical order.

B How will you access pointers to functions in C? Discuss.

20 A·A file contains information about the employees of an organization. The information
includes employee number, salary and age. Write a C program to count the number
of records in that file and also print the employee number for those who are getting
salary less than Rs. 15,000 and aged more than 30.
B Discuss the file input and output operations on files.

/ / /END/ / /

_ SKASC/ November' 2016

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