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name class level name class level

attributes skills special abilities attributes skills special abilities

athletics bless cure athletics bless cure

STR int awareness

STR int awareness
deception deception
slay tough slay tough
decipher decipher
dex wis dex wis
backstab lucky backstab lucky
heal heal
reflexes tinker reflexes tinker
leadership leadership
cantrips command cantrips command
lore ritual summon lore ritual summon
con cha stealth
con cha stealth

weapons equipment weapons equipment

armor & speed hit dice hit points armor & speed hit dice hit points

none Light full total none Light full total

shield shield
Fast normal slow armor Fast normal slow armor

notes notes

needed for
next level xp coin
needed for
next level xp
Equipment Hirelings rules summary
You start with 60 silver pieces Cost per day
character creation Rangers get Survival. Choose two special
Light Weapon (10s): d6. May be wielded as a Torch Bearer (2s): 3HP, Knife. abilities: Pet (you have a loyal and effective
secondary weapon, allowing you to re-roll damage Attributes: Roll 2d6 for each. On a 6-, the
Guide (5s): 6HP, Knife, Lantern, Rope. animal companion), Scout (when you scout
once per attack. Includes daggers, short swords, and value is 0. On a 7-9, the value is +1. On a 10 or
ahead you always spot the target before
hand axes. Armsman (20s): 12HP, Spear, 11, the value is +2. On a 12, the value is +3.
it spots you), Volley (+2 ranged damage),
Shield, Light Armor. Choose one skill in addition to any granted
Martial Weapon (30s): d6+1. Must be wielded in main Wild (you can converse with and attempt to
hand. Includes long swords, hammers, axes, spears Expert (20s): 6HP, Skill 4, Dagger, by your class. command animals).
etc. Bow. You have 1 Hit Die (d6) + extra hit dice equal Make your own class: Choose a class skill
Great Weapon (40s): d6+2 damage. Uses two hands. Champion (60s): 18HP, Full Armor, to your CON. Roll all your hit dice and keep a and two special abilities.
Includes two-handed swords, battle-axes and pole Halberd, Sword, Shield, Dagger. number equal to your level to determine your
arms. HP. When you rest and consume a ration/ ROLLING THE DICE
Shortbow (10s): d6. Also slings etc. Magic waterskin/wineskin, you may re-roll your
HP. If you are attended by a healer, roll an
When you attempt something risky, sum 2d6
and add one of your attribute scores, based on
Most magic requires summoning
Bow (30s): d6+1. Also crossbows, pistols etc. extra hit die. the action you’re taking. (The GM will tell you
a spirit, demon, or elemental to
some of the possible consequences before
Heavy Bow/Gun (50s): d6+2 Damage if firing from a perform supernatural effects. Fighters get Athletics. Choose two special
you roll, so you can decide if it’s worth the risk
stationary position. Includes arbalests and muskets. A Wizard begins play with the abilities: Skirmish (+1 damage and worn
or if you want to revise your action.)
occult knowledge to summon armor counts as one type lighter), Tough (+1
Light Armor (30s): Armor 1.
armor), Slay (+2 melee damage), Hardy (+6 A total of 6 or less is a miss; things don’t go
two spirits. A spirit has a name,
Full Armor (60s): Armor 2. Always has a helm. Makes HP). well and the risk turns out badly. A total of
an appearance, and two domains
it very hard to run, move quietly, swim, leap etc. 7-9 is a partial success; you do it, but there’s
of power (flame, shadow, stone, Thieves get Stealth. Choose two special
Shield (10s): +1 Armor. some cost, compromise, retribution, harm, etc.
lightning, secrets, fear, etc.). abilities: Backstab (attack from concealment
A total of 10 or more is a full success; you do
Adventuring Gear (2s each): 20ft Rope, Iron Spike, To summon a spirit you know, you to do +3 damage), Lucky (once per day, turn
it without complications. And a total of 12 or
Chalk, Parchment, Flint/Steel, Torches (4), Tent, Dice, require one of the following: a miss into a partial success), Reflexes (you
more is a critical success; you do it perfectly
Caltrops (slows pursuers), Bandages, Travel Rations, always go first and can react when suddenly
•• 1 hour of uninterrupted ritual. to some extra benefit or advantage.
Waterskin, Wineskin. surprised), Tinker (you can attempt to quickly
•• A dose of quicksilver—a mild pick a lock, pick a pocket, or disarm a trap). Skills: If you have an applicable skill, you
Tools (5s each): Crowbar, Hatchet, Animal Trap, can’t miss. A roll of 6 or less counts as a
poison and addictive drug. Clerics get Decipher and Heal. Choose two
Lockpicks, Pen & Pot of Ink, Fishing Pole, Shovel, partial success, but with a bigger compromise
(10s per use). If you drink more special abilities: Bless (with holy water, you
Grappling Hook, Pickaxe, Collapsible Pole. or complication than a 7-9 result.
quicksilver doses in a day than can anoint items so they are considered holy
Occult Items (10s each): Quicksilver (per dose), Pouch your Level you must attempt to and magical—+3 damage vs. evil—for a short
of Bone Dust, Vial of Holy Water (one use), Vial of resist its negative effects with THE DIE OF FATE
time), Cure (you can attempt to neutralize Sometimes the GM will roll the die of fate
Blood, Ritual Incense and Oils. a CON roll. poisons, remove curses, or heal wounds with to see how the situation is established. Low
Fancy Items (20s each): Mirror, Lantern, Spyglass, •• A magic item containing a a touch), Turn (you can attempt to hold undead numbers are ill-fortune, high numbers are
Sand Timer, Board Game, Elaborate Clothes, Holy bound spirit. at bay with the power of your faith and a holy good fortune (or at least not misery). The die of
Symbols and other charms. symbol), Vision (drink holy water to commune fate might be rolled to establish the weather,
A Wizard may command a spirit with your deity for divine guidance).
Fire Oil (20s per flask): Sets an area on fire (d6+1 to perform a single magical effect indicate a random NPC’s general attitude, or
damage/round for 3 rounds unless extinguished). Fills that falls within its domains (it’s Wizards get Lore. You begin with two spirits to determine if a wandering monster appears.
a lantern 10 times. a good idea to give specific you can summon (see MAGIC, opposite). The GM may also roll the die of fate if the PCs
commands; spirits and demons You get Summon and choose one other take some action for which sheer chance is
Boats: Rowboat (50s) to Galley (200,000s).
can be capricious and cruel). special ability: Cantrips (you know three the only factor in the outcome.
Carts: Cart (30s) to Wagon (100s). Magical attacks do 2d6+level simple magical powers: Candle, Shadow, These rules are yours to bend to your will!
Taverns: 1s to Sleep, 1s to Eat, 1s to Get Drunk. or 3d6+level damage if they are Throw Voice), Command (you can attempt You may find it natural to expand, redact,
especially suited to the situation to command any spirit, demon, etc.), Ritual and modify them as you your game goes on.
Property: House (1,000s) to Manor (100,000). (you may perform occult rituals—detailed in
(using fire against a Frost Wraith, We advise keeping an open mind and lively
Horses: Mule (30s), Horse (100s), Warhorse (1,000s). for example). ancient tomes and scrolls—and begin with discussion of possibilities at the table.
two known rituals).
xp & levels names
As you level up you get rewards according to the table below. True names have power. If you tell someone your true name, they can attempt to have you
raised from the dead if you met your end before your time. Choose a true name below.
level hit dice skills attributes abilities damage xp total
North- Farrokh Ramak Boury Muntutep ankhyra &
1 1+con 1+1 – 2 0 lands cythonis
Shahruz Hamun Ardent Kahotep
2 +1 1,000 Arnar Shahkam Mehrshad Vornan Sinuhé Erasmé
Lárus Tahmatan Jaleh Cambel Adjo Pollux
3 +1 +1 3,000
Magni Kurosh Fereshteh Somer Ibenré Pierroc
4 +1 +1 (max +3) 6,000 Rúnar Hamid Asha Vauphria Khenti Épiers
Skúli Anoshiravan Ghazaaleh Orset Anhuri Demophon
5 +1d6 10,000
Ásmundur Esfandiyar Suriya Ducell Kemnebi Anvean
6 +1 +1 +1 15,000 Barði Sahand Afsaneh Thersandre
xanathar Rasui
7 +1 (max +3) 21,000 Júrek Shaahin Soraya & islands Nomti Orêt
Eymundur Kamraan Bahareh Hanif Remmao Sinon
8 +1 28,000 Falur Adar Leili Sefu Eumel
Rúrik uru &
9 +1 +1 36,000 Aram Delara Mbizi Christoph
Skjöldur the great
Zahir Setareh Ubaid Erix
10 +1 +1 (max +3) +1d6 45,000 Brimi
Khojasteh Nava Zuberi Harud Eupendre
Yrsa Omid Azadeh Yahya
You get 1 XP for each silver piece worth of treasure or coin that you loot from the dungeon. Kothás Cadme
Þura Arsalan Darwishi
You also get XP for defeating enemies and completing quests (10 XP for something easy up regency Vinid Icare
Árdís Aruhai Ishaq
to 200+ for a really tough one) but mainly it’s about the looting. Caul Hasau Perdix
Bára Awita Osaze
Aleand Kassai Cerçon
Úlfrún Damrina Nkosi
Thomer Yosol Chrysothème
Valdís Eilina Najja
Fríða Vaude Meyem Thalia
Hano Abuakar Medée
Dóra Andrel Kañañ
Khannah Jibade
Auðrún Villem Mór Pandarée
Markita Onuris
Freydís Laudius Syar Danaë
Nashiram Bennu
Júnía Menry Morug Macharia
Ninsina Fukayna
Kára Wester Násu Ariane
Rashomta Abibah
Einhildur Bragon Sesut Êtenou
Sharokina Theoris
Pála Wardius Lástal Adara
Zari Umayma
Róhildur Brance Faraz Cyrene
Darya Walidah
Úlfdís Shadi Brutlas Dhár Laetitia
Fjóla Alaaleh Canter Kathkár Cleite
IMPERIUM Kiana Vaunt Panya Hosor Éande
Zahiel Zahra Clance Sagira Nawar Nephele
Akhivar Taraneh Arcus Masika Luyun Ouranie
Aram Shun Samaneh Clard Rehema Kúlul Lyra
Azur Khadon Zhila Colius Nabirye Kánan Pasiphaë
Awidam Parya Mortio Oseye Nilázem Andromède
Awrahim Azita Couvlas Meht Séliyál Ioannes
Balishar Sahra Noretta Kakra Elizdi Makarios
Dom Ashur Tajie Octadia Maibe Mykiri Niphon
Eilram Shahla Linea Zaliki Nábi Theodoulos
virgil finlay

Khnan Mirza Montess Amahté Kíring Alexios

Nirar Keiva Verbela Djadao Ñíhlendu Theodoros
Romrama Farzin Solk Suten Anu Ráka Leontios
world of dungeons ©1979 by j.s. harper with c. Mcdowell. one & Seven tactical design institute, seattle, wa Yomadan Zain Vercy Sokkwi Sóna Andronikos

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