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Journal of Engineering Education

© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Edited By: Editor-in-Chief: Lisa C. Benson

Impact Factor: 3.047

ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2016: 5/41 (Education Scientific Disciplines);
10/85 (Engineering Multidisciplinary); 11/235 (Education & Educational Research)

Online ISSN: 2168-9830

Author Guidelines

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Mandate, please visit our policy statement
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your article through Wiley-Blackwell's Author Services.
Author Services enables authors to track their article - once it has been
accepted - through the production process to publication online and in
print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to
receive automated emails at key stages of production. The author will
receive an email with a unique link that enables them to register and have
their article automatically added to the system. Please ensure that a
complete email address is provided when submitting the manuscript. Visit ( for
more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources
including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.

Permission Request Form


Author Guidelines

Manuscript requirements

The manuscript length is expected to fall between 8,000 to 10,000 words,

including references. For empirical investigations, the Journal
discourages long literature review sections; only literature directly
relevant to the research problem or topic should be summarized.

The Journal generally discourages the publication of a body of research in

a series of dependent parts. Authors should either identify components of
the research suitable for publication as independent articles or prepare a
condensed manuscript and encourage interested readers to contact the
authors for additional information supporting the research reported.

Submitted manuscripts must not have been published as copyrighted

material nor be submitted for consideration for publication as copyrighted
material while in review by the Journal, whether in print or electronic
form. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that the copyright
will be transferred to ASEE if the manuscript is accepted for publication.
The author(s) retain the rights to the fair use of the article published, such
as in teaching and other nonprofit uses.

A manuscript is eligible for publication in the Journal even if an abstract

or a preliminary version was published in a copyrighted conference
proceedings. In this case, the manuscript should represent a significant
expansion of the conference version. In the cover the letter, the authors
should describe the major differences between the manuscript and the
conference version.

Manuscripts should report original research that contributes significantly

to the body of knowledge in the field of engineering education.
Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research designs are
accepted. Replication studies are welcome; see the guest editorial
( by Benson
and Borrego in the October 2015 issue. Manuscripts that primarily
describe a curricular or pedagogical innovation are generally not
appropriate for the Journal. The Journal typically publishes two types of
manuscripts: empirical investigations and research reviews.
Empirical investigations should state the questions addressed and their
context relative to prior knowledge on the subject. The relevant theories
should be presented, the research design decisions should be justified, and
the research methods should be described in detail to permit an evaluation
of their quality. The interpretation of the results must be supported by the
data. The conclusions should explain the significance of the results for
advancing engineering education research or practice.
Research reviews should state the propositions addressed in the review
and their context relative to the body of knowledge reviewed. A review
might include a critical analysis, synthesis, or evaluation of previous
research to provide new perspectives, a new knowledge structure, general
conclusions or overarching principles, or new research directions.
Reviews using systematic and meta-analytic approaches are encouraged,
but not required. An explanation of the significance of the insights gained
to advancing engineering education research or practice should be

Membership in ASEE does not influence either the review or publication

decision of manuscripts submitted.
Review Criteria
Manuscripts are reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the following
criteria, which are adapted from the International Journal of Teaching and
Learning in Higher Education (
( Also see the Standards for Reporting
on Empirical Social Science Research in AERA Publications

Empirical Articles

1. Focus: All empirical articles should report original research that

significantly extends the body of knowledge in the field of
engineering education. Is the manuscript's focus congruent with the
Journal's stated mission and focus (see Research Areas on Overview
9830/homepage/ProductInformation.html) page)

2. Problem: Does the manuscript clearly state and explain the problem
or issue that is addressed by the research, the warrants for claims
made, and the significance of the problem? Is the statement of the
problem directly linked with and in alignment with the subsequent
review of the literature?
3. Literature: Does the article identify, synthesize and evaluate the
relevant the literature that led the author to propose the research? Is
there a specific and persuasive explanation of how the present study
will contribute to the literature as well as to practice or policy? What
conceptual or theoretical framework informs the study?

4. Methods and Analysis: Does the manuscript present a well-

developed, clearly articulated, and appropriate method or set of
methods for the expressed problem, supporting literature, and
research approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative)? How detailed is
the description of the context of the study? Are the data that are
collected, regardless of form (e.g., interview transcripts, survey
results), analyzed using appropriate procedures? Are the results of
these analysis reported accurately and fully in the manuscript?

5. Quality of Data and Findings: Regardless of the method(s) used, the

data should be of sufficient quality to address the hypothesis and/or
research questions. In quantitative studies, are the sample size and
demographics appropriate to the problem? In qualitative papers, were
the data collected in a way to provide an in-depth understanding of
the context? Are findings supported by data and results? Are findings
sufficiently compelling to support publication.

6. Conclusions: Are the conclusions specific to the research questions

or hypotheses posed? Are they supported by the data analysis? In
addition, does the conclusion address both the original problem and
the implications of the research findings? For quantitative studies, do
the conclusions address the hypothesis? For qualitative papers, do the
conclusions address the research question? Does the manuscript
connect the findings to the conceptual framework that informs the
study, discuss the limitations of the study, and describe the
implications of the findings for further research or educational
7. Clarity and Organization: Is the manuscript organized in
accordance with currently accepted formats for reporting qualitative,
quantitative, or mixed methods research? (For guidance, see the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth
8. Style and Mechanics: Is the article written in an appropriate style? Is
the article free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors?
In addition to these general criteria, specific criteria apply depending on
the type of empirical article:

1. Quantitative studies will generally be hypothesis-driven. Is the

hypothesis clearly articulated and are the methods appropriate to
address the hypothesis? Are the sample and any controls appropriate?
When scales, instruments, or tests are used, is there evidence of
validity and reliability? Is the use of statistical tests explained clearly?
Are decisions regarding the choice of statistical tests justified? Have
assumptions for statistical tests been checked or verified? When
appropriate, are effect sizes, confidence intervals, statistical power,
and goodness of fit reported?
2. Qualitative studies do not have to be hypothesis-driven. Does the
manuscript articulate the research questions that guide the study? Are
the methods appropriate to answer the research questions?
Additionally, is there justification for the cases or participants being
studied? Are credibility and trustworthiness established? Are the
analyses used appropriate? Does the methodology provide a deep,
contextual understanding of the phenomenon being studied? Is the
researcher's epistemological stance clearly articulated and reflected in
the methodology?
3. For mixed methods studies, are the hypotheses or research questions
clearly stated? Does the article delineate whether it uses a mixed or
multiple methods approach? Does the article clearly describe the
research strategy and the plan for integrating the different data sets?
Finally, do the quantitative and qualitative components satisfy the
criteria given above?

Research Reviews

1. Focus: Is the focus congruent with the stated mission and focus of the
2. Topic: Does the manuscript clearly state and explain the topic or
issue that is addressed by the review? Is the statement of the topic
delineated and distinguished from related topics, and directly linked
with inclusion criteria described in the manuscript's methods section?
3. Methods and Analysis: Does the manuscript clearly describe how
articles were identified for the review, and is the approach appropriate
for the type of review? Are decisions as inclusion criteria, databases
used, and the number of qualifying articles documented? For a meta-
analytic review, is a description of the statistical techniques used in
the analysis included?
4. Synthesis and Critique: Does the manuscript sufficiently describe
what is known about the topic? Does it advance knowledge and
identify future directions of research? Is it a complete treatment of the
5. Conclusions: Are the conclusions meaningful and the scholarly
contributions supported by the literature review? Do the conclusions
suggest further directions for research, areas that are missing from our
current understanding, or implications for engineering education
6. Clarity and Organization: Is the manuscript organized in
accordance with currently accepted formats for literature reviews?
7. Style and Mechanics: Is the manuscript written in an appropriate
style? Is the manuscript free from grammatical, punctuation, and
spelling errors?

Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form only at the Journal's

Web site:
( An automatic and immediate e-
mail confirmation is provided if the submission process is completed
successfully. The Editor subsequently evaluates manuscripts for their
compatibility with the Journal's mission and review criteria. The Editor
typically is able to complete the evaluation and inform the author within
two weeks of the submission of the manuscript. The Editor forwards
appropriate manuscripts to one of the Journal's associate editors, who
handles the peer review. The Journal is normally able to complete the
peer review process and inform the author within four months. At present,
about 40 percent of new submissions are sent for peer review, of which
about 25 percent are accepted for publication, usually after multiple
rounds of revisions. The overall acceptance rate is about 10 percent.
Prior to submitting a manuscript an author must log in at the ScholarOne
Web site, register, and obtain a

The author should have the following information ready for this online
registration: For each author:

first name, middle initial, and last name; also title (e.g., Dr., Prof.)

order of appearance in the list of authors

e-mail address
primary (work) telephone number

postal address, including department and institution

Manuscripts submitted through ScholarOne must include the following

electronic files (which should be properly prepared as separate files before
beginning submission):

1. Cover letter: The cover letter, which will be accessible to editors

only, not to reviewers, should inform the Editor whether the
manuscript is submitted as a regular paper or contributed to a special
issue of the Journal. If the manuscript is a revised version of a
manuscript that was previously considered by the Journal, the cover
letter should include the reference number (e.g., JEE-2345) of the
previous version. If a preliminary version of the manuscript appeared
in a conference proceedings, provide the conference publication
2. Structured abstract and keywords: The structured abstract contains
background, purpose/hypothesis, design/method, results, conclusions,
and three to five keywords. Three of these keywords must be terms in
the current version of the Engineering Education Research Taxonomy
( The other keywords
may also be terms in this taxonomy or other terms chosen by the
authors. (See below for further information about the structured
3. Text of the manuscript, containing:
the full title of the manuscript;

a 250 word structured abstract properly formatted;

an introduction section following the abstract and preceding the main
body of the manuscript;

the main body of the manuscript, appropriately divided into sections;

a conclusion or summary section following the main body of the
acknowledgments (as appropriate);

list of references;

appendixes (as appropriate; and

figures (black and white or color) and tables, if any, either embedded at
appropriate locations within the manuscript (preferred) or collected
together and appended at the end of the manuscript. Be certain to include
a "call out" or reference in text about placement of figures and tables.

If the manuscript is a revision of an older manuscript that was previously

reviewed, then the main text document should begin with a description of
the revisions that the authors have made, including their response to each
major comment of each reviewer.

Instruction for Structured Abstracts

The format for a structured abstract depends on the type of manuscript

submitted. The format and subheadings for empirical investigations is:

Background - Briefly describe the context and motivation for the study
Purpose/Hypothesis- Summarize the research question/proposition(s)
Design/Method - Provide an overview of the research design, methods of
data collection, and analysis
Results - Summarize the key findings

Conclusions - State the key conclusion(s) based on the findings

The format and subheadings for research reviews is:

Background - Briefly describe the context and motivation for the work
Purpose - Summarize the research question/proposition(s) addressed
Scope/Method - Provide a description of the literature considered and the
methods used in the review process
Conclusions - State the conclusion(s) of the review

The author must label each part of the structured abstract with the
appropriate subheading. Abstracts are limited to 250 words (excluding the
subheadings). This limit generally results in about 2 to 5 sentences per
part. The parts do not need to be of equal length. A matter-of-fact,
statement-oriented writing style is better suited for structured abstracts
than an expository, conversational writing style (which is the more typical
manner of expression of one-paragraph, unstructured abstracts).

When entering the structured abstract in the Journal's web-based

submission site, authors must enter the subheading already embedded
within their abstract. NOTE: the abstract needs to appear twice, both in
the separate box for the abstract on the Web site and also in the
manuscript submited. Authors must use the journal's subheadings; new or
modified subheadings are not permitted.

Style for Submitted Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be prepared in 12-point font (preferably Times
Roman), double-spaced, in one column. Manuscripts may also include
appendixes, a glossary of symbols, and acknowledgments, as deemed
appropriate by the authors.

Since the Journal uses double-blind peer review (that is, authors will not
know the names and affiliations of the reviewers, and the reviewers will
not know the names and affiliations of the authors), authors must prepare
their manuscripts carefully before submission to ensure that their names
and affiliations are not revealed in the manuscript directly or indirectly. In
some cases, pseudonyms or indirect references may be necessary. For
example, rather than state the name of an institution directly, which might
reveal the identity of an author, the institution could be described as
follows: "The research involved a sophomore-level engineering statics
course offered at a large public university in the western United States."

Should the manuscript cite references written by the authors, the citations
and references should be written to avoid revealing the identities of the
authors. For example, in an article written by Lohmann and Riley, a
citation written as "In our prior research (Lohmann and Riley, 2010), we
showed that...," should be written as, "In our prior research (Authors,
2010), we showed that...," or "Research by Lohmann and Riley (2010)
showed that..." Use your judgment about which method to use; when in
doubt, it is better to anonymize entirely with “Author” than to leave
names in, especially when there are many citations to your own work.
After completion of the review process and upon acceptance of the
manuscript, authors will supply the identifying information, such as
acknowledgments of specific grant numbers and named individuals.

Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully proofread their manuscripts

before submission. The Journal does not use endnotes, and footnotes are
discouraged. If the material is important enough for a reader to seek it out,
then it is important enough to be included in the body of the text.

A detailed Guide for Preparing Manuscripts for Production will be

provided to authors of accepted manuscripts for use in preparing their
final text file, tables, figures, and graphics for typesetting and production.
Manuscripts accepted for publication will be expected to follow the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (sixth
edition, sixth printing, September 2011).

Copyright and Permissions

Authors must sign, scan and upload to the online system:

a copyright transfer agreement - it is the policy of the Society to own

the copyrights to all the material it publishes. You will be provided
with a copyright transfer form, which must be completed before
publication is scheduled. Authors and employers retain full rights to
the use of their own material;

permission grants - if the manuscript contains, extracts, including

illustrations, from other copyright works (including material from on-
line or intranet sources) it is the author's responsibility to obtain
written permission from the owners of the publishing rights to
reproduce such extracts using the Wiley permission request form. The
author is also responsible for identifying and acknowledging any
trademarks or service marks used in the manuscript.
Guest Editorials

The Journal welcomes guest editorials. A guest editorial is an essay of

about 1,500 words that presents an opinion on an aspect of engineering
education research. The opinion should be supported by scholarly
arguments, with references. Authors who wish to submit guest editorials
should contact the Editor.
Color and Page Charge Policy
All manuscripts are printed in black and white but posted online in color.
Authors of accepted manuscripts are asked to pay charges of $60 per
journal page, up to a maximum of $1,800. To estimate the total number of
pages, count on about 500 words of text per printed journal page, and add
the space required for figures and tables. Page charges partially defray the
costs of publication, such as professional copy-editing services. The page
charge includes a complimentary copy of the issue in which the
manuscript is published for each author. Authors should contact the Editor
to request reduced page charges if the manuscript reports research that
was not sponsored by a grant, or if the authors’ institutions do not provide
research support.

Editorial Office
Editorial questions and inquiries should be directed to Barbara J. Ramirez,
Associate Editor; voice: +1 (864)-656-0751; email:

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