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People a year, use 500 billion plastic, use it and dispose of it in less than 10 minutes, plastic takes 400

or 500 years, at
birthday parties, it is where plastic dishes are most discarded, this means that in all the sea of the world there is by
quantity of plastic plates.
let's change the plastic plates for edible dishes, biodegradable dishes among others.
¡change this for that!, ¡raise awareness!


With this initiative, consumers are invited to reuse the vessels to reduce their consumption and thus
reduce environmental impacts in stores and generate savings in each transaction, make the
maximum effort to recycle the glasses used in stores through its comprehensive management
program of solid waste “Don't Break the Sustainability Cycle”. Through this program it manages to
recover 6% of the total used vessels.
¡change this for that!
The rise of bioplastics arises in response to the inconvenience generated by conventional plastics.
These include the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastics in the oceans and landfills.
¡change this for that!,
On the other hand, conventional plastics have a high carbon footprint and high content of toxic
elements. On the other hand, bioplastics have several advantages since they do not produce toxic
elements and are generally biodegradable and recyclable.



As cardboard is biodegradable, it becomes the clear winner in this category, Cardboard is cheaper than
plastic but other factors such as size or quality must always be taken into account. The cardboard time is 1
year. Being basically cellulose, its decomposition time is short. In addition, if the environment is rainy and it is
on the surface, its biodegradation accelerates. The problem may lie in the inks that are used.
¡change this for that!,




It turns out that plastic takes much longer than paper to decompose, but the effects on the environment of
producing one and the other are not equal. That is why it is necessary to examine them. The paper is made with
the cellulose of the tree trunk, a polymeric compound made of glucose units that form fibers of different sizes,
which are held together by lignin. This substance gives firmness and hardness to the structure of the fibers.
¡change this for that!,


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