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Carson Kolker Org 212-221-1517 
347-623-0100 ​Ed.Heavey@gmail.​com 
Gotham Recurring Fox 
The Blacklist Co-Star CBS 
Outsiders Recurring Guest (S1-13 eps) WGN 
Blue Bloods Co-Star CBS 
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Co-Star Netflix 
Person of Interest Co-Star CBS 
Falling Water Co-Star USA 
The American West Co-Star AMC 
Boardwalk Empire Recurring HBO 
The Following Co-Star FOX 
The Epic History of Ordinary Things Guest Star HX 
Godzilla Supporting Warner Bros.
Dir: Gareth Edwards 
Death House Supporting Entertainment 
Factory Dir. Harrison Smith 
Abnormal Attraction Supporting Fuzz on the Lens
Dir. Michael Leavy 
The Garden Lead LASI Faire Prod.
Dir. Ed Heavey 
Catch of the Day Lead Fuzz on the Lens
Dir. Michael Leavy 
M.M.P.R. Supporting Midnight Treehouse
Dir. Dominic Sivilli 
Additional Information​: 
U.S. Army Combat Medic, Florida Concealed Carry Weapons License(36 States), NBRC Respiratory 
Therapist, Certified PADI SCUBA diver (open water), Fencing, Guitar, NYS Drivers License (auto and 
Motorcycle), Valid USA Passport 

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