Analysis Report

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Wind energy is a form of solar energy. Wind energy (or wind

power) describes the process by which wind is used to generate
electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into
mechanical power. A generator can convert mechanical power into
electricity. Mechanical power can also be utilized directly for specific
tasks such as pumping water. The US DOE developed a short wind
power animation that provides an overview of how a wind turbine works
and describes the wind resources in the United States.

Wind power is the use of air flow through wind turbines to

mechanically power generators for electric power. Wind power, as an
alternative to burning fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely
distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during
operation, consumes no water, and uses little land. The net effects on the
environment are far less problematic than those of nonrenewable
power sources.

Wind farms consist of many individual wind turbines which

are connected to the electric power transmission network. Onshore wind
is an inexpensive source of electric power, competitive with or in many

places cheaper than coal or gas plants .Offshore wind is steadier and
stronger than on land, and offshore farms have less visual impact, but
construction and maintenance costs are considerably higher. Small
onshore wind farms can feed some energy into the grid or provide
electric power to isolated off-grid locations.

Wind power gives variable power which is very consistent

from year to year but which has significant variation over shorter time
scales. It is therefore used in conjunction with other electric power
sources to give a reliable supply. As the proportion of wind power in a
region increases, a need to upgrade the grid and a lowered ability to
supplant conventional production can occur. Power management
techniques such as having excess capacity, geographically distributed
turbines, dispatchable backing sources, sufficient hydroelectric power,
exporting and importing power to neighboring areas, using vehicle-to-
grid strategies or reducing demand when wind production is low, can in
many cases overcome these problems. In addition, weather
forecasting permits the electric power network to be readied for the
predictable variations in production that occur.

As of 2015, Denmark generates 40% of its electric power from

wind, and at least 83 other countries around the world are using wind
power to supply their electric power grids. In 2014 global wind power
capacity expanded 16% to 369,553 MW. Yearly wind energy production
is also growing rapidly and has reached around 4% of worldwide
electric power usage, 11.4% in the EU.


A wind turbine is a device that converts the wind's kinetic

energy into electrical power. Wind turbines are manufactured in a wide
range of vertical and horizontal axis types. The smallest turbines are
used for applications such as battery charging for auxiliary power for
boats or caravans or to power traffic warning signs. Slightly larger
turbines can be used for making contributions to a domestic power
supply while selling unused power back to the utility supplier via
the electrical grid. Arrays of large turbines, known as wind farms, are
becoming an increasingly important source of intermittent renewable
energy and are used by many countries as part of a strategy to reduce
their reliance on fossil fuels.

Wind turbines are used to generate electricity from the kinetic

power of the wind. Historical they were more frequently used as a
mechanical device to turn machinery. There are two main kinds of wind
generators, those with a vertical axis, and those with a horizontal axis.
Wind turbines can be used to generate large amounts of electricity in
wind farms both onshore and offshore. The articles on this page are
about wind turbine.

Factors for greater efficiency for wind turbines are as follows

1.2.1 Wind

It being a wind turbine, its output first most depends on the

wind. Both the speed and force of the wind can be deciding factors. The
more wind speed and force, the greater is the amount of power wind
turbine generates. Different regions have different wind speeds.

1.2.2 Height

Places of higher altitudes have more wind due to various

atmospheric factors. Besides, at higher places there is less obstruction
from the surrounding hills, trees and building. In fact the height is so
important that alternative energy scientists and engineers are trying to
use kites to tap the wind power

1.2.3 Rotor

The amount of energy produced by your wind turbine is

proportional to the size of the rotor used, when all other factors have
been taken into consideration. A bigger rotor certainly generates more
power. Although it may cost more, in the long run, whenever you are
getting a wind turbine erected, go for a big a rotor as possible.


Wind energy has tremendous potential and can be used to

produce free source of power just like solar and hydro

It is cleanest form of renewable energy and is currently

used many leading developed and developing nations to
fulfill their demand for electricity.

Dependence on the fossil fuels could be reduced too much

extent if it is adopted on a much wider scale by all the
countries across the globe.

It can also help to curb harmful greenhouse gas emissions

which are the major source of global warming.

It does not destroy the environment or release toxic gases.

Less pollution in the air and water reduces the risk of

outbreak of diseases and creates a healthier environment.

Land owners can look for additional cash by installing

wind turbines on land that can even be used for
agricultural purposes.


Requires large open areas for setting up wind farms.

Noise pollution problem is usually associated with wind


Wind energy can be harnessed only in those areas where

wind is strong enough and weather is windy for most
parts of the year.


Wind turbines are generally classified into two types based on

rotational axis:

Horizontal axis wind turbines [HAWT]

Vertical axis wind turbines [VAWT]


Horizontal axis wind turbines, also shortened to HAWT, are

the common style that most of us think of when we think of a wind

turbine. A HAWT has a similar design to a windmill; it has blades that
look like a propeller that spin on the horizontal axis.

Horizontal axis wind turbines have the main rotor shaft and
electrical generator at the top of a tower, and they must be pointed into
the wind. Small turbines are pointed by a simple wind vane placed
square with the rotor (blades), while large turbines generally use a wind
sensor coupled with a servo motor to turn the turbine into the wind.
Most large wind turbines have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation
of the rotor into a faster rotation that is more suitable to drive an
electrical generator.

Since a tower produces turbulence behind it, the turbine is

usually pointed upwind of the tower. Wind turbine blades are made stiff
to prevent the blades from being pushed into the tower by high winds.
Additionally, the blades are placed a considerable distance in front of
the tower and are sometimes tilted up a small amount.

Downwind machines have been built, despite the problem of

turbulence, because they don't need an additional mechanism for
keeping them in line with the wind. Additionally, in high winds the
blades can be allowed to bend which reduces their swept area and thus
their wind resistance. Since turbulence leads to fatigue failures, and
reliability is so important, most HAWTs are upwind machines.

1.6.1 HAWT Advantages

The tall tower base allows access to stronger wind in sites with
wind shear. In some wind shear sites, every ten meters up the wind
speed can increase by 20% and the power output by 34%.

High efficiency, since the blades always moves
perpendicularly to the wind, receiving power through the whole rotation.
In contrast, all vertical axis wind turbines, and most proposed airborne
wind turbine designs, involve various types of reciprocating actions,
requiring airfoil surfaces to backtrack against the wind for part of the
cycle. Backtracking against the wind leads to inherently lower

1.6.2 HAWT Disadvantages

Massive tower construction is required to support the

heavy blades, gearbox, and generator.

Components of a horizontal axis wind turbine (gearbox,

rotor shaft and brake assembly) being lifted into position.

Their height makes them obtrusively visible across large

areas, disrupting the appearance of the landscape and
sometimes creating local opposition.

Downwind variants suffer from fatigue and structural

failure caused by turbulence when a blade passes through
the tower's wind shadow (for this reason, the majority of
HAWTs use an upwind design, with the rotor facing the
wind in front of the tower).

HAWTs require an additional yaw control mechanism to

turn the blades toward the wind.

HAWTs generally require a braking or yawing device in

high winds to stop the turbine from spinning and
destroying or damaging itself.


Vertical axis wind turbines, as shortened to VAWTs, have the

main rotor shaft arranged vertically. The main advantage of this
arrangement is that the wind turbine does not need to be pointed into the
wind. This is an advantage on sites where the wind direction is highly
variable or has turbulent winds.

With a vertical axis, the generator and other primary

components can be placed near the ground, so the tower does not need
to support it, also makes maintenance easier. The main drawback of a
VAWT generally creates drag when rotating into the wind.

It is difficult to mount vertical-axis turbines on towers,

meaning they are often installed nearer to the base on which they rest,
such as the ground or a building rooftop. The wind speed is slower at a
lower altitude, so less wind energy is available for a given size turbine.
Air flow near the ground and other objects can create turbulent flow,
which can introduce issues of vibration, including noise and bearing
wear which may increase the maintenance or shorten its service life.

However, when a turbine is mounted on a rooftop, the building

generally redirects wind over the roof and these can double the wind
speed at the turbine. If the height of the rooftop mounted turbine tower
is approximately 50% of the building height, this is near the optimum
for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence.

1.7.1 VAWT Advantages

No yaw mechanism is needed.

A VAWT can be located nearer the ground, making it

easier to maintain the moving parts.

VAWTs have lower wind startup speeds than the typical

the HAWTs.

VAWTs may be built at locations where taller structures

are prohibited.

VAWTs situated close to the ground can take advantage

of locations where rooftops, mesas, hilltops, ridgelines,
and passes funnel the wind and increase wind velocity.

1.7.2 VAWT Disadvantages

Most VAWTs have an average decreased efficiency from

a common HAWT, mainly because of the additional drag
that they have as their blades rotate into the wind.
Versions that reduce drag produce more energy,
especially those that funnel wind into the collector area.

Having rotors located close to the grounds where wind

speeds are lower and do not take advantage of higher
wind speeds above.

Because VAWTs are not commonly deployed due mainly

to the serious disadvantages mentioned above, they
appear novel to those not familiar with the wind industry.
This has often made them the subject of wild claims and
investment scams over the last 50 years.

1.8 VAWT

Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) are a type of wind

turbine where the main rotor shaft is set transverse to the wind (but not
necessarily vertically) while the main components are located at the base
of the turbine. This arrangement allows the generator and gearbox to be
located close to the ground, facilitating service and repair. VAWTs do
not need to be pointed into the wind, which removes the need for
wind-sensing and orientation mechanisms. Major drawbacks for the
early designs (Savonius, Darrieus and Giromill) included the
significant torque variation or "ripple" during each revolution, and the
large bending moments on the blades. Later designs addressed
the torque ripple issue by sweeping the blades helically.

A VAWT tipped sideways, with the axis perpendicular to the

wind streamlines, functions similarly. A more general term that includes
this option is "transverse axis wind turbine" or "cross-flow wind
turbine." For example, the original Darrieus patent, US Patent 1835018,
includes both options.

Drag-type VAWTs such as the Savonius rotor typically

operate at lower tip speed ratios than lift-based VAWTs such as
Darrieus rotors and cyclo-turbines.


The Darrieus wind turbine is a type of vertical axis wind

turbine (VAWT) used to generate electricity from the energy carried in
the wind. The turbine consists of a number of curved aero foil blades
mounted on a vertical rotating shaft or framework. The curvature of the

blades allows the blade to be stressed only in tension at high rotating
speeds. There are several closely related wind turbines that use straight
blades. This design of wind turbine was patented by Georges Jean Marie
Darrieus, a French aeronautical engineer; filing for the patent was
October 1, 1926. There are major difficulties in protecting the Darrieus
turbine from extreme wind conditions and in making it self-starting.

A Darrieus is a type of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)

generator. Unlike the Savonius wind turbine, the Darrieus is a lift-
type VAWT. Rather than collecting the wind in cups dragging the
turbine around, a Darrieus uses lift forces generated by the wind
hitting aero foils to create rotation.

1.9.1 Benefits

A Darrieus wind turbine can spin at many times the speed of

the wind hitting it (i.e. the tip speed ratio (TSR) is greater than 1). Hence
a Darrieus wind turbine generates less torque than a Savonius but it
rotates much faster. This makes Darrieus wind turbines much better
suited to electricity generation rather than water pumping and similar
activities. The centrifugal forces generated by a Darrieus turbine are
very large and act on the turbine blades which therefore have to be very
strong – however the forces on the bearings and generator are usually
lower than are the case with a Savonius.

1.9.2 Self Starting

Darrieus wind turbines are not self-starting. Therefore a small

powered motor is required to start off the rotation, and then when it has
enough speed the wind passing across the aero foils starts to generate

torque and the rotor is driven around by the wind. An alternative is
shown in the illustration above. Two small Savonius rotors are mounted
on the shaft of the Darrieus turbine to start rotation. These slow down
the Darrieus turbine when it gets going however they make the whole
device a lot simpler and easier to maintain. Variants of the Darrieus
wind turbine are the giromill and cycloturbine.


A Savonius is a type of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT)

generator invented in 1922 by Sigurd Johannes Savonius from Finland
though similar wind turbine designs had been attempted in previous

The Savonius is a drag-type VAWT which operates in the

same way as a cup anemometer.

Looking at the anemometer, it has three cups mounted on a

rotor which is free to spin. At any time the front of one of the cups will
be facing into the wind, while the remaining two cups will be back on to
the wind. As the backs of each cup are rounded, they experience much
less drag than the front of the cup which is facing into the wind.
Therefore the force exerted by the wind on the open cup will be greater
than the total force exerted on the backs of the other cups and so the
rotor will be pushed around (anti-clockwise in the example of the
pictured anemometer).When the rotor has spun around one-third of a
revolution, the cup which was open to the wind will now be back on,
and one of the previously back on to the wind cups will have spun

around on the rotor to offer its open face into the wind. In this way, the
rotor will continue to spin for as long as the wind is blowing.

With a Savonius wind turbine it does not matter from which

direction the wind is blowing, since there will always be more force
exerted on whichever cup has its open face into the wind, and this will
push the rotor around. This makes this design of wind turbine ideal for
areas with very turbulent wind.

Unfortunately, Savonius wind turbines typically only have

an efficiency of around 15% – i.e. just 15% of the wind energy hitting
the rotor is turned into rotational mechanical energy. (This is much less
than can be achieved with a Darrieus wind turbine which uses lift rather
than drag.)

The speed of the cups of a cup anemometer (and a Savonius

wind turbine) cannot rotate faster than the speed of the wind they are in
and so they have a tip speed ratio (TSR) of 1 or below. This means that
a Savonius type vertical axis wind turbines will turn slowly but
generate high torque. Therefore Savonius turbines are not ideal
for electricity generation since turbine generators need to be turned at
hundreds of RPM to generate high voltages and currents. A gearbox can
be employed to reduce the torque and increase the RPM of the
generator, but that leaves the Savonius requiring a stronger wind to get
spinning meaning it may not be able to self-starting.

Savonius wind turbines are best suited to applications such

as pumping water (see image above) and grinding grain for which slow
rotation and high torque are desirable. They are often used in the Third

World in exactly these ways with wind turbines made from an old oil
barrel (or barrels) welded to a pole which is passed through bearings
taken from an old vehicle. Because of the high torque yield of a
Savonius wind turbine, the bearings used must be very sturdy and may
require servicing every couple of years.


Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid

mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data structure to solve and
analyze problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to
perform the calculations required to simulate the interaction of liquids
and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. With high-
speed supercomputers, better solutions can be achieved. Ongoing
research yields software that improves the accuracy and speed of
complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or turbulent flows.
Initial experimental validation of such software is performed using
a wind tunnel with the final validation coming in full-scale testing,
e.g. flight tests.

1.11.1 Methodology

In all of these approaches the same basic procedure is


During pre-processing

The geometry and physical bounds of the problem can be

defined using computer aided design (CAD). From there,

data can be suitably processed (cleaned-up) and the fluid
volume (or fluid domain) is extracted.

The volume occupied by the fluid is divided into discrete

cells (the mesh). The mesh may be uniform or non-
uniform, structured or unstructured, consisting of a
combination of hexahedral, tetrahedral, prismatic,
pyramidal or polyhedral elements.

The physical modeling is defined – for example, the

equations of fluid motion + enthalpy + radiation + species

Boundary conditions are defined. This involves

specifying the fluid behavior and properties at all
bounding surfaces of the fluid domain. For transient
problems, the initial conditions are also defined.

The simulation is started and the equations are solved

iteratively as a steady-state or transient.

Finally a postprocessor is used for the analysis and

visualization of the resulting solution.

1.11.2 Mesh Independency

Mesh or grid independence study is carried to determine this

optimum point where a fairly accurate solution for the problem is found
at the expense of least computational resources. In other words, given a
level of accuracy (the deviation of the solution calculated from the CFD
method, compared to the actual solution of the NS equations) for the

solution, the mesh used is good enough to achieve that accuracy at the
expense of minimum possible computational power. Using an optimum
mesh, the accuracy of the results is good enough to capture all the
necessary flow features, their gradients and so forth.

In other words, a coarse grid will not capture all the flow
features (not a solution of required accuracy) and a finer mesh will give
a solution of a little higher accuracy than required but at the expense of
computational power and time. This and this alone is the reason for
performing a mesh independence study.

1.11.3 Time Independency

Time independence study is carried to determine this optimum

point where a fairly accurate solution for the problem is found at the
expense of least computational time. In other words, given a level of
accuracy (the deviation of the solution calculated from the CFD method,
compared to the actual solution of the NS equations) for the solution, the
degree of rotation used is good enough to achieve that accuracy at the
expense of minimum possible computational power. Using an optimum
degree, the accuracy of the results are good enough to capture all the
necessary flow features, their gradients and so forth.



1. Abdullah Mobin Chowdhury, Hiromichi Akimoto,

Yutaka Hara Numerical validation of an existing experimental
work of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) in upright and tilted
conditions has been carried out. The numerical validation is
accomplished by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
analysis by solving Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes
(URANS) equation. A rigorous parametric study of choosing a right
turbulence model for solving URANS equation, mesh dependency
analysis and optimum time step is comprehended. After choosing the
right parameters, validation is performed. Following that the flow fields
of upright and tilted conditions are visualized. The possible reasons of
getting higher power coefficient in tilted condition have been discussed.
While carrying out the study, it is observed that in case of tilted
configuration the wake stream shifts downward. This feature of VAWT
in tilted condition could lead into effective sea surface utilization in
floating offshore wind farms.

2. Alessandro Bianchini, Giovanni Ferrara, Lorenzo

Ferrari At the end of this work, it has to be noticed that the
present analysis was carried out under specific assumptions in terms of
dimensions, airfoil types, load system and struts’ shape; on these bases,

the reader has to consider that different performance maps could come
from a new set of theoretical assumptions, although some general trends
outlined in the work (e.g. the influence of the turbine proportions on the
Reynolds numbers and the rotational speed) are of general validity. The
proposed design criterion, however, besides being theoretically more
rigorous from a truly energetic point-of-view than a conventional one
based on a single reference wind speed, has shown interesting prospects
in terms of energy production improving. In particular, different models
could be designed for specific wind distributions in order to optimize the
energy yield also at low wind speeds, which are very frequent in several
countries and in unconventional installation sites, e.g. the urban

3. Anders Goude, Olov Ågren, a vertical axis

turbine (optimized for free flow) has been simulated by a two-
dimensional vortex method, both in a channel and in free flow. The first
part of the study concerns the numerical parameters of channel
simulations. It is found that for free flow and wide channels, a large
number of revolutions is required for convergence (around 100 at the
optimal tip speed ratio and increasing with higher tip speed ratio), while
for smaller channels, the required number of revolutions decreases. The
second part analyses changes in turbine performance by the channel
boundaries. The turbine performance increases when the channel width
is decreased, although the results are below the predictions from stream
tube theory, and this difference increases with decreasing channel width.
It is also observed that the optimal tip speed ratio increases with
decreasing channel width. By increasing the chord, which decreases the

optimal tip speed ratio, the power coefficient can be increased

4. Dag Herman Zeiner-Gundersen ability to

achieve a carbon neutral future in Norway and other countries depends
on the development of renewable resources such as tidal energy
extraction. Commercialization of free style turbines is primarily limited
by installation costs, operating in the harsh environment, mechanical
fatigue-related issues, and blade failures. Further work is needed to
minimize the impact of turbine technology on the surrounding
environment, as well as optimizing turbine interactions operating within
a multi turbine field. The vertical axis turbine presented herein had high
solidity, flexible blade foils, and a passive blade pitching mechanism
that induced blade flopping motions and achieved high efficiency at low
tip speed ratios. These features helped achieve near constant RPM
independent of the incoming water velocity by reducing vortex
induction and turbine vibrations, thereby improving the turbine
efficiency and lifespan. The overall turbine dimensions and
characteristics of the blade foil fabric, and springs could be further
adjusted to optimize the turbine performance for varying incoming flow
velocities and usages. Complementary free style turbine concepts could
improve the cost-effective extraction of renewable tidal energy.

5. Daegyoum Kim n, MortezaGharib The effect of an

upstream flat deflector on the power output of two counter-rotating
straight-bladed vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) was investigated
experimentally. Although many studies on the deflector effect have been
done for a drag-based Savonius VAWT, there is little information on the

performance of a lift-based VAWT with a deflector. If a flat vertical
plate is normal to the free-stream wind direction, the local wind speed
outside the near-wake region of the plate is larger than the free- stream
velocity. Thus, when each of the counter-rotating turbines is positioned
outside the near-wake region, its power output increases significantly.
The power output increase with the deflector installed is dependent on
the width and height of the deflector and the turbine position relative to
the deflector.

6. David Wafula Wekesa a,b,n, Cong Wang a, Ying jie Wei

a, Louis Angelo M.Danao c, The Computational Fluid
Dynamics(CFD) numerical method was used to analyze the
aerodynamic performance and physics of flow of the VAWT. The
VAWT dynamic motion of blades was introduced by sinusoid ally
oscillating both VAWT blades. Using a validated CFD model, steady
wind simulation sat Umean¼7.00m/sand11.00m/s were conducted and
the results predicted the Power Coefficient (CP) performance for the
VAWT scale. The results derived in the numerical analysis show that,
within fluctuating free-stream wind conditions, thicker air foils are
desirable. Overall maximum unsteady CP of VAWT with thicker blades
reveals positive deviations if the tip speed ratio is slightly higher than
of the steady maximum CP, while thinner blades maximum CP
marginally drops from the steady maximum CP for the same range.
Higher frequencies of fluctuation marginally improve the unsteady wind
performance of both VAWT blade profiles.

7. F. Trivellato, M. Raciti Castelli CFL number is

here manipulated in a convenient form to tackle rotating grids; this

manipulation discloses the dependence of the CFL number from the
angular location of rotating grid elements and also from the tip speed
ratio of the rotating grid. An upper bound of the CFL number that does
not depend on the angular location of the rotating grid element is
derived. The present findings prove that the analytical plot of local
properties shows negligible differences among the tested angular
discretization; however, integral properties, such as the most important
power coefficient, indeed are affected by Da.

8. Francesco Balduzzi , Alessandro Bianchini , Riccardo

Maleci , Giovanni Ferrara ,Lorenzo Ferrari, First, CFD
simulations with the described settings were compared to the power
coefficient data of the rotor obtained with the wind tunnel campaign. As
discussed, this validation was indeed of particular interest as the
experimental data had been purposefully collected to represent a valid
test case also for a 2D simulation (blades with high aspect ratios and
purging of the parasitic torque).Moreover, the possibility of exploring
the entire power curve was functional to the validation of the
differentiated numerical settings with the operational regime of turbine.
A further assessment of the reliability of the proposed approach was
achieved by applied the numerical settings to the simulation of the rotor
tested by Raciti Castelli. The analysis, whose details are reported,
revealed the CFD approach was able to reproduce the experimental peak
power coefficient with an error lower than 4%. Moreover, the proposed
numerical approach was also assessed in comparison to a research
numerical code. As a second step, the need of validating the prediction
accuracy of instantaneous torque led to the selection of one of the most
reliable experimental data set available in literature. In detail, the

experiments by Laneville e Vittecoq, were analyzed in terms of torque
coefficient over a revolution.

9.Feng-Zhu Tai, Ki-Weon Kang, Mi-Hye Jang, Young-Jin

Woo, Jang-Ho Lee Firstly, the optimum number of stream tubes
was obtained by calculating and comparing results from 12 different
stream tube combinations. Secondly, calculations with LDWT codes for
2-m diameter Darrieus rotor were carried out, and results were
compared with previous study and experimental data. Conclusions can
be drawn as followings.1. The present results from LDWT codes show
better match with test data in the higher TSR region than DART code,
previously researched by Sandia National Laboratory. The main reason
is the accurate Reynolds number using real speed of air on theblade.2. It
is shown that the main reason of the big gap in the calculation of the
lower tip-speed ratio is much related with stall, and the need for
employing stall delay model in this region is verified with adopting
simple PROPID stall delay model.3. For the future work, proper stall
delay model is needed in order to improve the present result.

10.J. K jellin, F. Bülow, S. Eriksson, P. Deglaire, M.

Leijon, H. Bernhoff, A measurement campaign has been
performed to collect data to calculate the power coefficient using the
method of bins. The measurement was performed at different constant
rotational speeds on the turbine during varying wind speeds to observe
the power coefficients dependence on Tip Speed Ratio. The power
coefficient peaked at 0.29 for a tip speed ratio equal to 3.3.

11. J. Mc Naughton, F. Billard, A. Revell Simulations

using the k– -SST and k– -SST LRE versions were performed for

three values of the TSR: 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5, which are referred to herein as
the lower, optimal and higher TSRs respectively. These values are chose
in order to consider primary effects of dynamic stall and secondary
effects related to attach flow. The flow study and turbulence modeling
comparison first focuses on the flow structure, by means of
identifications of the vortex formation, blade–vortex interactions and
aerodynamic load. Practical consequences for turbine efficiency are also

12. JianChen, Hongxing Yang, Mo Yang, Hongtao Xu

The simulation results revealed that the power coefficient (CP) of a rotor
with an opening is smaller than that of a rotor without an opening.
However, the opening does increase the static torque coefficient (CTs)
of the rotor, especially when the opening is located at the outer surface
of the airfoil. Moreover, the inner opening has a fairly large negative
effect on the ICT in the upwind zone. And the outer opening has a fairly
small negative effect on the ICT in the upwind zone and has a greater
negative effect on the ICT in downwind zone. It appears that the
desirable rotors for inner opening are the rotors with 0.48 and 0.60
opening ratios. And the desirable rotors with an outer opening are the
rotors with 0.72 and 0.84 opening ratios. They can be regarded as
promising devices to replace the Savonius-Darrieus rotor considering
the CP loss, CTs increase and SOICTs increase.

13. Jonathan Butbul, David MacPhee, Asfaw Beyene

Their performances were tested in a low speed wind tunnel. The
predicted magnitude and direction of blade morph was validated using a
high speed camera as well as finite element analysis. The comparative

results of straight rigid and straight morphing blades show that the
coefficient of performance greatly depends on the tip speed ratio.
Overall, the morphing blade has better performance at low RPMs, but
the rigid blade performed better at high RPMs. It was observed that the
flexible blade self-started in the majority of the experiments. At high
RPM, the centrifugal force overwhelmed the lift force, bending the
flexible blade out of phase in an undesired direction increasing drag and
therefore reducing the coefficient of performance.

14. Joshua Yen n, NoorA.Ahmed novel application

of modern active flow control on vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT)
dynamic stall is explored in this paper. Operation of VAWT at low
blade speed ratios offers numerous noise and safety advantages over
higher blade speed ratios but suffer from dynamic stall that degrades
their performance. Consequently, an experimental investigation was
carried out on VAWT operating at low blade speed ratios that employed
synthetic jets as a means of active flow control. Large angles of attack
on VAWT rotor blades were simulated by sinusoidal oscillation of a
thick NACA 0020 turbine blade about its quarter-chord. The pressure
distribution and thrust hysteresis results showed synthetic jet actuation
to be effective when dynamic stall effects were present, and clearly
demonstrated that they could be utilized to improve low blade speed
ratio VAWT performance and thus enhance turbine safety and noise.
The findings from this study have significant practical implications for
the design and development of safe and efficient wind turbines, both
small- and large-scale, and further the cause of wind as a viable
renewable energy source.

15. K. Pope , V. Rodrigues , R. Doyle, A. Tsopelas , R.
Gravelsins , G.F. Naterer , E. Tsang, In this paper, numerical
and experimental studies are presented to determine the operating
performance and power output from a vertical axis wind turbine
(VAWT). A k-3 turbulence model is used to perform the transient
simulations. The 3-D numerical predictions are based on the time
averaged Spalart-Allmaras equations. A case study is performed for
varying VAWT stator vane (tab) geometries of a Zephyr vertical axis
wind turbine. The mean velocity is used to predict the time averaged
variations of the power coefficient and power output. Power coefficients
predicted by the numerical models are compared for different turbine
geometries. The predictive capabilities of the numerical model are
verified by past experimental data, as well as wind tunnel experiments in
the current paper, to compare two particular geometric designs. The
numerical results examine the turbine’s performance at constant and
variable rotor velocities.

16. K.M. Almohammadi , D.B. Ingham , L. Maa, M.

Pourkashan, Numerically investigates four methods, namely
mesh refinement, General Richardson Extrapolation (GRE), Grid
Convergence Index (GCI), and the fitting method, in order to obtain a
mesh independent solution for a straight blade vertical axis wind turbine
(SB-VAWT) power curve using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
The solution is produced by employing the 2D Unsteady Navier Stokes
equations (URANS) with two turbulence models (Shear Stress
Transport (SST) Transitional and Re-Normalized Groups (RNG) k _ 3
models). The commonly applied mesh refinement is found to be
computationally expensive and not often practical even for a full 2D

model of the turbine. The mesh independent power coefficient produced
using the General Richardson Extrapolation method is found to be
encouraging. However, the Grid Convergence Index may not be
applicable in mesh independency tests due to the oscillatory behavior of
the convergence for the turbine power coefficient.

17. M. Elkhoury,T.Kiwata, Two simulations

were carried out in order to determine how the time step affects the
turbine power coefficient. The objective is to use a large time step that
guarantees the lowest computational time without compromising the
accuracy of the results. The study was run for the NACA0018 with wind
speed of 8m/s at a TSR of 1 at two different time steps corresponding
tot¼ 0.00157079 and t¼ 0.00078535.These values correspond to the
time needed to rotate 2 /300 and 2 /600, respectively. The results of the
instantaneous power coefficients are plotted for both of these time steps
post the transient startup of the turbine. It can be seen that the results are
extremely close and thus utilizing the larger t does not decrease the
accuracy of the predicted results. Hence, time-step based on 2 /300
degree is adopted for all tip speed ratios throughout the present work.
The inflow angle of the tail vane (eccentric angle p) was set to zero in
both the experiments and the numerical simulations. The modeling of p
along with equations were employed in Fluent utilizing the user defined
scalars/functions(UDS/UDF).It is worth mentioning that the power
coefficient as measured in the experiment includes the power loss due to
pitching motion of blades (inertia moment of blades),and excludes the
bearings loss of the main shaft. On the contrary, the numerical study
accounts only for the losses of the main and the second links. It should
be noted that solidity plays a major role indicating the TSR at which the

turbine reaches its maximum power coefficient. Turbines attaining their
maximum efficiency at TSR between 2 and 3 showed maximum power
coefficients of less than 30%. Given the high solidity of the present
turbine, as well as its low AR, it is expected that its maximum Cp values
to be even lower. Low solidity turbines are conventionally used for low
torque, low speed operations whereas high solidity turbines are used for
high torque, low speed operations. The later scenario is of interest in the
present design as relatively low velocities minimize vibration response
due to turbine imbalance. This in turn maximizes the turbine longevity
while producing acceptable power output.

18. M. Salman Siddiqui, Naveed Durrani, Imran Akhtar Torque ripple at different conditions is explained. It can be
concluded that it is very important to quantify and understand the effect
of various levels of approximations done in CFD simulations. This
finding high lights the fact that care must be taken in drawing
conclusions based on pure 2D simulations, or simulations with no tip
effects for performance of any VAWT. This study gives an overview of
possible error in predictions due to various approximations. The
Optimum performance of a VAWT depends on its rotational speed. In
present study, it is found at a TSR value of 3.

19. Mahmoud Alidadi, Sander aerodynamic

loading on the blades are calculated using aquasi-steady modeling. A
time-marching scheme is used for implementation of the numerical
method. The results of this method are compared with experimental
results for a turbine model. A good correlation between the numerical
and experimental results is obtained for tip speed ratios equal and higher

than 2.25. However due to a lack of dynamic stall modeling, the
numerical method is not able to predict power output accurately at lower
tip speed ratios wherein effects of dynamic stall are significant. Both
numerical and experimental results also showed that the power output
from a turbine can increase significantly when it is enclosed within a
well-designed duct. The maximum power output of the turbine model
investigated in this paper showed a 74% increase when the turbine is
operating within the duct relative to the case it is in free-stream

20. Michele Nini, Valentina Motta, Giampiero Bindolino,

Alberto Guardone, Two different operating conditions were
investigated: = 2.5 and = 1.52. Numerical results, obtained by means
of ROSITA software, show relevant aerodynamic features of the flow
around vertical axis wind turbine, including the interaction between
blades and the complexity of the wake especially in the rotor area.
Moreover, for the larger value of the tip speed ratio in the symmetry
plane a region of separated flow imputable to dynamic stall was

21. Muhammad Mahmood Aslam Bhutta, Nasir Hayat,

Ahmed Uzair Farooq, Zain Ali, Sh. Rehan Jamil, Zahid Hussain This paper reviews various configurations of VAWT along with
their merits and demerits. Moreover, design techniques employed for
VAWT design have also been reviewed along with their results. It was
learned that coefficient of power (CP) for various configurations is
different and can be optimized with reference to Tip Speed Ratio. Latest
emerging design techniques can be helpful in this optimization.

Furthermore, flow field around the blade can also be investigated with
the help of these design techniques for safe operation.

22. Rosario Nobile, Maria Vahdati, Janet F. Barlow,

Anthony Mewburn-Crook As the integration of vertical axis
wind turbines in the built environment is a promising alternative to
horizontal axis wind turbines, a 2D computational investigation of an
augmented wind turbine is proposed and analyzed. In the initial CFD
analysis, three parameters are carefully investigated: mesh resolution;
turbulence model; and time-step size. It appears that the mesh resolution
and the turbulence model affect result accuracy; while the time step size
examined, for the unsteady nature of the flow, has small impact on the
numerical results. In the CFD validation of the open rotor with
secondary data, the numerical results are in good agreement in terms of
shape. It is, however, observed ad is crepancy factor of 2 between
numerical and experimental data. The introduction of an Omni
directional stator around the same rotor has the potential to increase the
average power Cp, ave and torque Ct, ave coefficients byabout30–35%
when compared to the open rotor with a TSR of 2.75. For the augmented
rotor the orientation of the stator blades is fundamental for the
performance of the AWT; with as been found that the best orientations
at 01 with an average torque of 60 Nm per unit blade length. It was
found also that the power and torque coefficients of the augmented rotor
are independent of the incident wind speed considered in this paper.

23. S. Rolland , W. Newton, A.J. Williams, T.N. Croft, D.T.

Gethin, M. Cross, The study investigates the extent to which a
CFD model employing the simplest turbulence representation can

provide a useful input to evaluate the impact of several key operational
parameters: wind speed, rotor speed, yaw angle and blade pitch angle.
The results show that simple turbulence modelling techniques are
sufficient to evaluate the performance of the turbine in the designed
operating conditions and can predict when the turbine will run outside
each parameter’s operational range. The experiments covered a wide
range of operational parameter sand the CFD model was carefully
compared with data for: the power output, the pressure distribution
around the devices. Videos of smoke illustrating features of the flow
such as vortex formation, etc.

24. Yan Li a, Kotaro Tagawa b, Wei Liu, Under the

test conditions of this study, the results can be summarized as
follows:(1) The attachment reduced the rotation and power performance
of SB-VAWT. Reduction rates increased as the mass attached and wind
speed increased. It is supposed that the reduction of steady revolution
and power coefficient is caused by the unbalance of weight of the rotor
and the variation of the aerodynamic characteristic based on the change
of airfoil geometry in the case of the attachment on blade surface.

25. Young-Tae Lee, Hee-Chang Lim The performance

of Darrieus-type VAWT can be characterized by torque and power.
Various parameters affect this performance, such as chord length,
helical angle, pitch angle, and rotor diameter. To estimate the optimum
shape of the Darrieus-type wind turbine in accordance with various
design parameters, we examined aerodynamic characteristics and the
separated flow occurring in the vicinity of the blade, the interaction
between the flow and the blade, and the torque and power characteristics

derived from these characteristics. In flow analysis, flow variations were
investigated based on the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes
equation. A sliding mesh algorithm was also employed to consider the
rotational effect of the blades.



3.1 CFD

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid

mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data structure to solve and
analyze problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to
perform the calculations required to simulate the interaction of liquids
and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. With high-
speed supercomputers, better solutions can be achieved. Ongoing
research yields software that improves the accuracy and speed of
complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or turbulent flows.
Initial experimental validation of such software is performed using
a wind tunnel with the final validation coming in full-scale testing,

3.1.1 Mesh Independency

In CFD, mesh independency test is carried out for design with

different meshes and then, results are validated for selecting best mesh
in which the maximum amount of power is obtained.

3.1.2 Time Independency

Once mesh independency is finished, time independency is

taken over for different degree of rotation. The results obtained from
time independency analysis is validated for selecting the best degree of
rotation in between 1, 3 and 5 degrees.

3.1.3 Analysis

Results from the mesh independency and time independency is

used for the further analysis in which the variant parameter is velocity of
wind speed. By varying different wind speed the analysis is carried out
to obtained the power in which shows the efficiency of turbine and TSR
which is selected.




1. Twist angle

2. Wake effect

3. Wind speed

4. Tip speed ratio

5. Co-efficient of power

6. Chord length

These are the main parameters which affects the performance

of turbines, but in order to savonius vertical axis wind turbine Tip Speed
Ratio is considered as a main factor in which affects the performance of
the turbine. So, we considered the TSR as main parameter which affects
the turbine performance.



Front View Side View

Top View Isometric View

All dimensions are in mm

The above dimensions of the blade is selected by using Q-

Blade software which is used to find the efficiency of turbine with
respect to both dimension and TSR for the same swept area, but with
different length and diameter. Under the analysis of the dimensions, the
length 650mm is selected which is given below.

4.2.5 Dimension analysis

The above graph shows the performance of turbine in order to

select the dimension of the turbine, which is completely given in the
mini project.


4.3.1 TOP VIEW



Theoretical maximum Power:

Energy (P) carried by moving air is expressed as a sum of its

kinetic energy, Power, P = ½ A

Where, V - Air Velocity, A – Turbine swept area, - Air Density.

Analysis is done for air velocity of 10m/s (from the survey)

Power, P = 1/2*1.225*0.39*10^3

Power, P = 238.875watts

For TSR analysis:

TSR = (angular velocity * radius)/velocity of air

4.4 = (angular velocity*0.39)/10

Angular velocity = (4.4*10)/0.39

Angular velocity = 127.1676301rad/sec

To convert angular velocity in rad/sec into deg/sec

Angular velocity = rad/sec*57.296

Angular velocity = 127.1676301*57.296

Angular velocity = 7286.1965deg/sec

Time for 3 degree time step = 3/7286.1965

Time for 3 degree time step = 0.0004117374527 sec

Total time = Time for 3 degree time step *60

= 0.0004117374527*60

Total time = 0.024704247 sec


The materials are selected based on their properties,

applications and on economic.

Table 4.5.1 Material Selections

Component Number of Material used

Turbine shaft 1 Aluminium
Turbine blade 3 Galvanised iron
Turbine blade 6 Aluminium


Table 4.6.1 Bill of Material

No of
Component Specification n Cost

Turbine shaft (Dia17)mm 1 700

Turbine blade
(300*10)mm 6 1200

Turbine blade (Dia150)*650mm 3 630

Machining cost - 2000
Labour cost - 1000
Miscellaneous cost - 1500
Total cost - 7,030



In this chapter the validation of CFD takes place. In which the

validation are

1. Mesh Independency
2. Time Independency


Mesh independency technique is a technique in which it is

used to find the best mesh among the meshes. They are namely,


5.1.1 Coarse Mesh

Coarse mesh is one in which the mesh of a domain will be not

fine refinement. The results for the coarse mesh with the time step as 5
degree is given below with the graph and the diagram of the coarse
mesh is given below.

5.1.1 Coarse mesh

5.1.1 The results of coarse mesh:



1 60.287426 0.098831847

2 6.96386385 0.1141617

3 18.4229126 0.030201497

4 25.6395435 0.042032037

5 36.0851936 0.059156053

6 46.1283073 0.05620174

7 53.7342911 0.088088997

8 56.1250076 0.092008211

9 53.9245834 0.88400953

10 47.0238113 0.077088215

11 37.6328926 0.61693266

12 28.1237812 0.046104558

13 20.1952572 0.033106978

14 15.5583019 0.025505414

15 15.9010763 0.026067339

16 22.9357033 0.037599515

17 32.5169144 0.053306416

18 42.9395905 0.070392765

19 53.3217621 0.087412722

20 64.9221725 0.106429793

21 75.0265503 0.122994348

22 79.7386169 0.130719036

23 77.5776215 0.127176434

24 72.4486313 0.118768252

25 64.4738693 0.105694868

26 56.504364 0.092630103

27 49.7595978 0.081573106

28 44.9823761 0.0737416

29 41.7571526 0.068454348

30 39.7786789 0.065210946

5.1.2 Medium Mesh

Medium mesh is one in which the mesh of a domain is little

more refinement then coarse. The results of medium mesh for 5 degree
is given below along with the graph and the picture of mesh refinement
is given below.

5.1.2 Medium mesh

5.1.2 The results of medium mesh:



1 69.8630219 0.114529543

2 14.4070616 0.023618136

3 26.5627327 0.043545462

4 33.3261299 0.054633003

5 41.7177773 0.068389796

6 50.3804932 0.082590967

7 57.4709663 0.0942147

8 60.0087357 0.098374978

9 56.9257126 0.093320839

10 49.5115662 0.081166506

11 40.3641815 0.066170789

12 31.7225399 0.052004162

13 25.9398899 0.042524409

14 24.3606243 0.039935451

15 26.7242489 0.043810245

16 31.4638252 0.051580042

17 39.5557213 0.064845443

18 52.1498337 0.085491531

19 67.8489685 0.111227818

20 80.9944305 0.13277775

21 88.478241 0.145046294

22 88.9492645 0.145818472

23 83.2497101 0.136474937

24 74.7630768 0.122562423

25 66.7369232 0.109404802

26 59.385685 0.097353578

27 51.8971138 0.085077234

28 45.0461731 0.073846184

29 40.7509918 0.066804901

30 38.5362053 0.063174106

5.1.3 Fine Mesh

Fine mesh is one which the mesh of a domain will be more

fine refinement and which the results along with graph and the picture of
mesh refinement is given below.

5.1.3 Fine mesh

5.1.3 The results of fine mesh:


1 70.1168213 0.104897037
2 14.4833326 0.011044797
3 26.798584 0.029953711
4 33.6591377 0.044294249
5 42.0641365 0.060751263

6 50.8017654 0.077573508
7 57.7926216 0.091898724
8 60.2024956 0.097351998
9 57.1157265 0.0911192
10 49.6154709 0.076981209
11 40.4661598 0.06037727
12 32.0280952 0.044644926
13 26.3388195 0.033231001
14 24.4568405 0.028039182
15 26.2402649 0.030000018
16 30.6830273 0.038708314
17 38.8277473 0.054879811
18 51.6894722 0.079977997
19 67.5925064 0.110745274
20 80.9792023 0.139747545
21 88.7845078 0.15460436
22 89.265358 0.151388869
23 83.7733841 0.137578785
24 75.4472275 0.12092226
25 67.2884064 0.106753521
26 59.9830246 0.095319957
27 52.6425247 0.084348254
28 45.764061 0.073682308
29 41.2305336 0.065668538
30 38.9556313 0.061632302

5.1.4 Validation of Mesh Independency

The validation of mesh involves to select the better mesh in

order to develop the analysis. From the above results, the validation
takes place with help of graph which is given below. By comparing
these three results the best mesh is selected and it is used for the analysis
for the further process. The graph for the validation of meshes is given

Mesh Independency





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time steps

Coarse Mesh Medium Mesh M-F Results of Mesh independency

From the above graph shows that the results of medium mesh
and fine mesh is similar one with slightly changes. So, the results
obtained from the both mesh are same. So, we consider the medium
mesh, because the computational time for medium mesh is less
compared with fine mesh.

The results of medium mesh are given below:

1. Minimum face size :0.00132264

2. Maximum face size :0.132264
3. Maximum size :0.26452
4. Growth rate :1.2107
5. Minimum edge length : 0.20908

5.2 Time Independency:

Time independency is not time-dependent, not determined by

the value of a variable representing time.

Time independent test is taken for three values:

1) 1 degree
2) 3 degree
3) 5 degree

5.2.1 One Degree

In 1 degree, the entire 180 degree tested for each 1 degree time
step and the results are tabulated below:

5.2.1. One degree time step table:

1 24.45613
2 23.97659
3 23.54861
4 23.33401
5 23.42084

6 23.30639
7 23.77816
8 24.43112
9 25.13756
10 26.16771
11 26.7416
12 27.71979
13 28.93222
14 29.87528
15 31.07882
16 31.97202
17 32.89866
18 34.18047
19 35.15017
20 36.2504
21 37.13934
22 37.97678
23 39.45388
24 41.04084
25 42.83292
26 44.74532
27 46.52952
28 48.98789
29 51.89117
30 55.05575
31 58.57202
32 62.39233
33 66.30854
34 70.93372
35 75.89049

36 81.77603
37 87.15206
38 92.75204
39 98.46856
40 103.3936
41 107.7818
42 110.8556
43 112.6442
44 113.3407
45 112.8806
46 111.7522
47 110.2356
48 108.1406
49 105.861
50 103.2973
51 100.8433
52 97.97801
53 94.5106
54 91.31971
55 87.46944
56 83.57175
57 80.13922
58 76.5513
59 73.24952
60 70.34007
61 67.55373
62 65.2411
63 63.41636
64 61.8903
65 60.73288

66 59.6301
67 58.72875
68 58.19878
69 57.77389
70 57.45167
71 56.89101
72 56.04109
73 55.06911
74 54.02338
75 52.85884
76 51.56712
77 49.89379
78 48.24669
79 46.83415
80 45.55637
81 44.58103
82 43.60324
83 42.77904
84 42.32141
85 42.06502
86 42.20813
87 42.36491
88 42.39344
89 42.48648
90 42.45446
91 42.61325
92 42.66635
93 42.34332
94 41.95587
95 41.34308

96 40.77221
97 40.21864
98 39.38123
99 38.62536
100 37.71903
101 36.84098
102 36.18884
103 35.42687
104 34.7354
105 34.07914
106 33.37691
107 32.98456
108 32.52707
109 32.08579
110 31.75954
111 31.35654
112 31.34234
113 31.30537
114 31.05671
115 31.047
116 30.86924
117 31.10962
118 31.4428
119 31.1475
120 30.97437

The above table show the results of one degree rotation, but
the first 60 degree is not taken, because in any analysis the first some
results are not in correct manner due the starting. So, the next 120
degree is considered and tabulated above.

5.2.2 Three Degree

In 3 degree, the entire 180 degree is tested for 3 degree of

rotation and the results are tabulated below:

5.2.2 Three degree time step table:


3 24.1023407
6 23.2548637
9 24.6076412
12 27.0890141
15 30.1756783
18 33.2555885
21 36.6964111
24 41.2185593
27 47.0965996
30 55.4052124
33 65.7602463
36 78.5284882
39 91.8863297
42 101.563423
45 104.858162
48 103.202438
51 98.7980423
54 92.3742218
57 84.2327652
60 76.3267593

63 69.7031708
66 64.7802505
69 60.6298447
72 57.2079964
75 53.7204666
78 49.4596748
81 44.7033195
84 40.4765015
87 37.5599861
90 35.4843826
93 34.0687637
96 32.9952621
99 32.2115707
102 31.5613461
105 30.9884853
108 30.6623783
111 30.4781933
114 30.6312408
117 31.0253468
120 31.1187477

The above table represents the power generated for the 3

degree rotation in which it has 60 time steps but we consider only last 40
time steps because of analysis error at initial stage.

5.2.3 Five Degree

In 5 degree, the entire 180 degree is tested for each 5 degree

time-steps and in which the results are tabulated below:

5.2.3 Five degree time step table:

5 27.306
10 26.46892
15 29.30872
20 34.3779
25 42.60814
30 55.61368
35 72.03667
40 86.75432
45 95.25028
50 95.77271
55 88.86339
60 79.13843
65 70.31722
70 62.5156
75 54.68255
80 47.31067
85 42.08641
90 39.14933
95 37.16365
100 35.53325
105 34.17343
110 33.32413
115 32.67393
120 31.38271

The above table shows the result of 5 degree timesteps. Inn 5
degree the entire timesteps is 30 but we consider only 24 timesteps for
better analysis purpose.

5.2.4 Validation of Time Independency

The validation of time independency involves choosing the

best degree of rotation to generate high power in order to get high
efficiency. The validation is taken through results of each degree of
rotation and the graph is given below.








1deg 3 deg 5 deg

5.2.4 Results of Time Independency

From the above graph the 1 degree and 3 degree has same
results without any major changes but with comparing to 5 degree of
rotation. S0, we considered 1 and 3 degree of rotation, in between them
we had chosen 3 degree of rotation for the following reasons. The
results obtained is similar with 1 degree of rotation and computational
time for 3 degree is slightly lesser than the 1 degree rotation.

The results of 3 degree of rotation are given below:



3 60 0.002617994 0.157079633



From the validation process, the results of mesh independency

and time independency are taken into the analysis process. In analysis,
TSR variation takes place in order to evaluate the best TSR and by using
that TSR the performance of turbine is calculated.


In order to evaluate TSR, angular velocity is calculated for

various TSR and tabulated below:

6.1.1 TSR values:



1 0.2 5.78 331.33 0.009054417 0.543265

2 0.4 11.561 662.73 0.004526730 0.271603

3 0.6 17.341 994.07 0.003017896 0.181073

4 0.8 23.121 1325.41 0.002263450 0.135807

5 1.0 28.901 1656.74 0.001810785 0.108647

6 1.2 34.682 1988.14 0.001508948 0.090536

7 1.4 40.462 2319.477 0.001508948 0.090536

8 1.6 46.243 2650.873 0.001131702 0.067902

9 1.8 52.023 2982.21 0.001005965 0.060357

10 2.0 57.803 3313.55 0.000905373 0.054322

11 2.2 63.5838 3644.931 0.000823060 0.049383

12 2.4 69.364 3976.28 0.000754474 0.045268

13 2.6 75.145 4307.675 0.000696431 0.041785

14 2.8 80.925 4639.0127 0.000646689 0.038801

15 3.0 86.705 4970.35 0.000603579 0.036214

16 3.2 92.4855 5299.049 0.000566139 .0339683

17 3.4 98.2659 5630.243 0.000532836 0.031970

18 3.6 104.0462 5961.431 0.000503234 0.030194

19 3.8 109.8265 6292.619 .000476749 0.028604

20 4.0 115.6069 6623.812 0.000452911 0.027174

21 4.2 121.3872 6955.001 0.000431344 0.025880

22 4.4 127.1676 7286.194 .0004117375 0.024704

23 4.6 132.9479 7617.383 .0003938360 0.023630

24 4.8 138.7283 7948.547 0.000377426 0.022645

25 5.0 144.5086 8279.765 0.000362329 0.021739

From the above table the value of each TSR is calculated and
then it is used for the analysis process. Analysis is taken for each TSR
with their respective time steps.

6.1.2 Results of each TSR is tabulated below:



0.2 -0.0852 -0.00036

0.4 -0.0834 -0.00035

0.6 0.1463 0.000612

0.8 0.7129 0.002984

1 1.6918 0.007082

1.2 3.0531 0.012812

1.4 4.8776 0.020419

1.6 7.3103 0.030603

1.8 10.4982 0.043949

2 14.5532 0.060924

2.2 19.5711 0.08193

2.4 25.6442 0.107354

2.6 32.8745 0.137622

2.8 42.2414 0.176834

3 51.1677 0.214203

3.2 62.41505 0.261287

3.4 75.20394 0.314825

3.6 89.61599 0.375159

3.8 105.743 0.442671

4 123.7043 0.517862

4.2 143.5639 0.601

4.4 165.4342 0.692555

4.6 -18.9406 -0.07929

4.8 -21.5587 -0.09025

5 -24.4043 -0.10216

For the above results, it is clearly shows that from the TSR 0.2,
the power is gradually increasing, at a particular point TSR 4.4, it gets
the maximum value of power and then at the point of 4.6 TSR, the
power suddenly decreases. So, the performance can be obtained at
higher level in 4.4 TSR.

6.1 Graph between power and TSR:






0 1 2 3 4 5 6

-50 TSR

6.2 Graph between Co efficient of power and TSR:

Co efficient of Power

-0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


The two graph shows that relation between TSR, Power and
Coefficient of power. It states that as per the TSR increases, power and
coefficient of power will also increases at a particular point. The
maximum power is obtained at 4.4 TSR, after that the power is suddenly

decreasing in which the efficiency of turbine will affects. So, 4.4 TSR is
selected for savonius turbine.

6.1.1 Picture Explanation of TSR Analysis

The counter flow and streamline pictures are given below in

order to demonstrate the TSR analysis 0.2 TSR STREAMLINE FLOW:




In 0.2 TSR, the air entering into the domain will goes
immediately from the domain so the power generation is very low.
Whereas, in 4.4 TSR, air creates turbulence in which raises the power
generation. But in 5.0 TSR, it creates high swirl inside the domain, so
the efficiency will suddenly decreases.


Performance analysis is taken as considering 4.4 as TSR by

varying the wind speed. So, numerical performance is generated through
analysis and then theoretical power is calculated and validation between
numerical power and theoretical power is done.

The results obtained from the analysis and theoretical is tabulated

6.2 Table between Wind Speed vs Power



1 0.10931721 0.238875

2 1.47103 1.911

3 5.2121767 6.449625

4 12.322407 15.288

5 24.22759 29.85937

6 42.1428 51.597

7 67.2988 81.934

8 100.8509 122.304

9 143.94523 174.139

10 197.778 238.875







0 2 4 6 8 10 12


6.2.1 Graph between Wind Speed vs Power

The above graph is drawn between the numerical power

generated and theoretical power calculated. The above graph shows that
the efficiency between numerical power and the theoretical is 80%.

As per the graph, as wind speed increases, power numerical

increases in which the efficiency is 80% but in accord to Boltzmann
constant is 0.579 which includes with the generator, while
including the generator efficiency the efficiency between the theoretical
and rated becomes nearly 50%.So, as per the results, power is generated
at higher rate in 4.4 TSR.




From the results, it is concluded that in mesh independency

analysis, the medium mesh is selected which shows a growth rate of
1.207, when compared with other meshes and also from the time
independency analysis, 3 degree of rotation is selected because of
considering the computational time. By using the results of mesh
independency and time independency analysis, analysis of various TSR
is carried out.

By the analysis of TSR values ranges from 0.2 to 5.0, 4.4 is

selected where the performance of Savonius turbine is high. Using TSR
as 4.4, the numerical analysis of turbine for variable wind speed is
carried out and the results are validated with theoretical results. From
the validation, it seems that efficiency of Savonius turbine is nearly 80%
at 4.4 TSR without considering generator efficiency.

It is concluded that, at 4.4 TSR with medium mesh and 3

degree of rotation, the Savonius turbine perform at the efficiency of


1. Abdullah Mobin Chowdhury, HiromichiAkimoto, Yutaka Hara-

Comparative CFD analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in
upright and tilted configuration.

2. Alessandro Bianchini, Giovanni Ferrara, Lorenzo Ferrari - Design

guidelines for H-Darrieus wind turbines: Optimization of the
annual energy yield.

3. Anders Goude, OlovÅgren -Simulations of a vertical axis turbine

in a channel.

4. Dag Herman Zeiner-Gundersen - A vertical axis hydrodynamic

turbine with flexible foils, passive pitching, and low tip speed
ratio achieves near constant RPM.

5. Daegyoum Kim, MortezaGharib - Efficiency improvement of

straight-bladed vertical-axis wind turbines with an upstream

6. David WafulaWekesaa,b,n, Cong Wang a, Ying jie Wei a, Louis

Angelo M.Danao - Influence of operating conditions on unsteady
wind performance of vertical axis wind turbines operating within
a fluctuating free-stream: A numerical study.

7. F. Trivellato, M. Raciti Castelli - On the Courante –Friedrichse-

Lewy criterion of rotating grids in 2Dvertical-axis wind turbine

8. Francesco Balduzzi , Alessandro Bianchini , Riccardo Maleci ,

Giovanni Ferrara ,Lorenzo Ferrari - Critical issues in the CFD
simulation of Darrieus wind turbines.

9. Feng-Zhu Tai, Ki-WeonKang,Mi-HyeJang, Young-JinWoo, Jang-

Ho Lee -Study on the analysis method for the vertical-axis wind
turbines having Darrieus Blades.

10. J. K jellin, F. Bülow, S. Eriksson, P. Deglaire, M. Leijon, H.
Bernhoff - Power coefficient measurement on a 12 kW straight
bladed vertical axis wind Turbine.

11. J. Mc Naughton, F. Billard, A. Revell - Turbulence modelling of

low Reynolds number flow effects around a vertical axis turbine
at a range of tip-speed ratios.

12. JianChen,HongxingYang, Mo Yang,HongtaoXu -The effect of the

opening ratio and location on the performance of a novel vertical
axis Darrieus turbine.

13. JonathanButbul, David MacPhee, Asfaw Beyene - The impact of

inertial forces on morphing wind turbine blade in vertical axis

14. Joshua Yen n, NoorA.Ahmed -Enhancing vertical axis wind

turbine by dynamic stall control using synthetic jets.

15. K. Pope, V. Rodrigues, R. Doyle, A. Tsopelas, R. Gravelsins,

G.F. Naterer, E. Tsang -Effects of stator vanes on power
coefficients of a zephyr vertical axis wind turbine.

16. K.M. Almohammadi, D.B. Ingham, L. Ma, M. Pourkashan -

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) mesh independency
techniques for a straight blade vertical axis wind turbine.

17. M. Elkhoury, T.Kiwata, E.Aounet - Experimental and numerical

investigation of a three-dimensional vertical-axis wind turbine
with variable-pitch.

18. M. Salman Siddiqui, Naveed Durrani, Imran Akhtar -

Quantification of the effects of geometric approximations on the
performance of a vertical axis wind turbine.

19. Mahmoud Alidadi, Sander Calisal - A numerical method for

calculation of power output from ducted vertical axis hydro-
current turbines.

20. Michele Nini, Valentina Motta, GiampieroBindolino, Alberto

Guardone - Three-dimensional simulation of a complete Vertical
Axis Wind Turbine using overlapping grids.

21. Muhammad Mahmood Aslam Bhutta, Nasir Hayat, Ahmed Uzair
Farooq, Zain Ali, Sh. Rehan Jamil, Zahid Hussain - Vertical axis
wind turbine - A review of various configurations and design

22. Rosario Nobile, Maria Vahdati,Janet F. Barlow, Anthony Mew

burn-Crook - Unsteady flow simulation of a vertical axis
augmented wind turbine: A two-dimensional study.

23. S. Rolland , W. Newton, A.J. Williams, T.N. Croft, D.T. Gethin,

M. Cross -Simulations technique for the design of a vertical axis
wind turbine device with experimental validation.

24. Yan Li a, Kotaro Tagawa b, Wei Liu - Performance effects of

attachment on blade on a straight-bladed vertical axis wind

25. Young-Tae Lee, Hee-Chang Lim - Numerical study of the

aerodynamic performance of a 500 W Darrieus-type vertical-axis
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