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Guide to U.S.

presented by PwC

December 2018
Table of contents
This guide is current as of this December 2018, and is not updated regularly.

Executive Summary 4

A guide to the key US tax issues

Federal tax issues 10

State and local tax issues 16

US Tax Treaties 18

How can PwC help? 19

Appendix A: Other Taxes 20

Appendix B: Other Issues 21

Appendix C: Information reporting 22

Appendix D: Foreign company considerations 23

Appendix E: Transfer pricing 25

Appendix F: The OECD’s BEPS project 28

A guide to the key US tax issues

Federal Income Tax
Who is subject to
US Income Tax?
All US corporations must file an
annual federal corporate tax

What do I need to file?

Form 1120, the annual corporate
tax return, is used to determine
your taxable income and federal
tax liability. In addition to the
1120, there are other How much tax will I owe?
informational forms that may be US corporations will be taxed at a standard rate on their taxable income.
required. For example, US taxable income is based on the corporation’s gross receipts less
Form 5472, is required to be various business expenses (e.g., cost of goods sold, salaries and wages).
filed by a foreign owned, US For tax years beginning after December 31, 2017, taxable income of US
company. corporations is subject to a flat rate of 21%.

How can my taxes be When do I have to file my taxes?

reduced? A corporate taxpayer must file their annual tax return by the 15th day of
Numerous credits to reduce tax the fourth month following the close of its tax year. A taxpayer can obtain
are available, including credits a six-month extension to file its tax return, provided it timely and
for certain research activities. If properly files Form 7004, and pays the full amount of any tax due by the
a company is in losses in tax original due date. For example, if a corporate taxpayer whose year end is
December 31, 2018, properly obtains an extension, its 2018 federal
years ending before January 1,
tax return that would normally be due on April 15, 2019 is
2018, the losses may be carried
extended to be due on October 15, 2019.
back two years and, if not fully
used, carried forward 20 years.
NOLs generated in tax years
ending after December 31, When are tax payments due?
2017, generally may not be All of your federal income taxes are due by the 15th day of the third month
carried back and must instead following the close of the tax year, regardless of an extension granted for
be carried forward indefinitely; filing the actual return. Following your first tax year in the US, you may
for such NOLs the deduction is be required to make estimated tax payments at the close of each quarter.
limited to 80 percent of taxable Companies expecting a taxable profit for the year should consider
income (determined without whether or not estimated taxes are owed, and how much is
regard to the deduction). required to be paid in the year.

4 PwC
State Income Tax
What do I need to file? Which states do I need to file?
Each state in the US has their own tax system that requires annual filings A state generally may impose its
depending on your activity in the state. These filings are separate from the US tax on an entity to the extent a
federal return submitted to the IRS, and are submitted to tax authorities of the sufficient ‘nexus,’ or taxable
individual states. The tax rates vary across the states but generally result in an connection, exists between the
additional income tax of up to 10%. entity and the state. Forty-four US
states impose a corporate income
tax, and a company can be subject
to income tax in as many states as
they have nexus. Each state has
their own criteria for nexus but, in
general, owning property, paying
Federal vs. State taxable income? for rental property, or storing
The starting point for determining US state taxable income generally is an inventory in a state are examples
entity’s federal taxable income. However, there are several items that may of situations that would lead to a
be treated differently for state taxable income purposes (e.g., depreciation, filing requirement in that state.
state taxes paid, interest deductions and charitable contributions). The states Other factors, such as the location
will then apportion taxable income according to the company’s of employees and sales activity,
relative presence in the state using various factors (e.g., sales, can also be considered
property, payroll). depending on the state.

Other state tax issues

When are state taxes due?
A handful of states impose a
Most states require the corporate franchise or gross receipts tax
taxpayer to file their annual tax in addition to or in place of an
return by the 15th day of the income tax, reported on the
third or fourth month following annual tax return. There may
the close of its tax year. Some be situations in which a
states permit a five or six-month company is not required to pay
extension to file the return, an income tax, but still may be
provided the taxpayer timely and subject to a filing requirement
properly files the extension form and payment of a franchise,
for that jurisdiction and deposits capital, or gross receipts tax.
the full amount of any tax. These taxes are a way for states
Similar to federal income taxes, to tax companies based on
most require tax-paying gross receipts or balance-sheet
corporations to submit estimated capital rather than taxable
taxes on a quarterly basis. income.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 5

Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing regulations govern how
Examples of Transfer Pricing considerations:
related entities set prices for the transfers
of goods, intangible assets, services, and Foreign parent sells inventory US Subsidiary provides sales
loans. The US looks to what is known as to a US subsidiary which will support to foreign parent, in
the arm’s length standard to determine be used in production of the the US
the appropriate price. subsidiary’s inventory.
• Does the US Subsidiary charge
If you have multiple entities within your • Is the amount charged by the the foreign parent for the services
structure that interact with each other, foreign parent the same amount they are providing?
transfer pricing may be applicable to you. that they would have charged to
• If so, is the rate being charge
If multiple related parties within the US an unrelated third party?
appropriate under the ‘arm’s
have transactions, there may also be • If IRS determines the purchase length’ standard?
state transfer pricing issues to consider. price was not at ‘arm’s length’
• If the neither are considered, the
then an adjustment will be
The arm’s-length standard is met if the required on the purchase price
IRS may consider an adjustment
results of a related party transaction are and impute income in the US for
consistent with results that would have Foreign parent licenses the services being provided, and
software to be used by the the income would be taxable
been realized if unrelated parties had
engaged in a similar transaction under US subsidiary US subsidiary uses the name
similar circumstances. Analyzing • What rate does the foreign
brand of the foreign parent
comparables in your industry is parent charge the US subsidiary • What royalty payment does
important for appropriate transfer for use of the software license? the foreign parent charge the
pricing and tax compliance. US subsidiary for use of the
• If the IRS determines the rate
being charged is too high, brand name?
The IRS may adjust your profits and taxes
when considering the ‘arm’s • If the IRS determines the rate
you owe, as well as impose penalties for
length’ standard, the being charged is too high, when
incorrect transfer pricing. Having your deduction taken in the considering the ‘arm’s length’
transfer pricing positions accurately US may be adjusted. standard, the deduction taken in
documented can help you avoid the US may be adjusted

Transfer pricing in practice

• A and B are related parties in different tax jurisdictions.
• Tax authorities can be concerned that differences between Tangible goods / materials
Entity Entity
jurisdictional tax rules and rates create the opportunity A Intangible assets B
for related entities to shift income from a higher tax Country Country
jurisdiction to a lower tax jurisdiction (true for cross border X Services Z
transactions both internationally and between states).
Leases, loans, guarantees
• To deal with this concern, transfer pricing regulations
govern the price when items or services are transferred
between related entities.

Example of how profits can be taxed Entity Sales Cost Profit

Foreign parent Makes a t-shirt for $5 Foreign Parent $8 $5 $3

US Subsidiary $10 $8 $2
Sells the t-shirt for $8*
US subsidiary In this simplified example, the profit subject to tax in the US ($2)
represents its sales less cost of purchasing the T-shirt. The US
subsidiary may have other operating expenses that it can also
deduct to further reduce taxable income.
Sells the t-shirt for $10
Customer * Price must be similar to what the foreign parent would charge
to unrelated parties in the US.

6 PwC
Other Taxes
Indirect Taxes
• There is no federal value added tax (“VAT”) or similar consumption tax.
As a result indirect tax generally is a state tax issue.
• The most common indirect taxes are a state's sales and use tax,
and franchise taxes.

Sales and Use Taxes

• Generally, once a company has nexus to a state with respect to sales and use
taxes, that company must register with the state’s tax department, file sales
tax returns, and pay its sales tax liabilities.
• Depending on the volume of sales, the company may be required to file
returns on an annual, quarterly, or monthly basis. Physical presence is
not required for the imposition of sales and use tax by certain states.
• Generally, sales tax is imposed on retail sales, leases, rentals, barters, or
exchanges of tangible personal property and certain enumerated services
unless specifically exempted or excluded from tax.
• Sales tax generally is imposed in the jurisdiction in which the ‘sale’ occurs.
The definition of ‘sale’ differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction; however,
the definition generally includes both (1) consideration and (2) transfer of
title, right to use, or control (possession) in the case of tangible property and
completion of the service act in the case of a service.

Delaware Franchise Tax

• Any corporation that is incorporated in Delaware (regardless of where you
conduct business)must file an Annual Franchise Tax Report and pay Franchise
Tax for the privilege of incorporating in Delaware.
• Franchise Taxes and annual Reports are due no later than March 1st of
each year.
• The Delaware Franchise Tax will range from $175 to $200,000 depending on
the amount of the company’s authorized shares. For example, a corporation
having 10,000 authorized shares will have a tax of $250. Generally, the more
shares the US corporation has, the higher the Franchise Tax (with a maximum
annual tax of $200,000). An Annual Report filing fee of $50 is also required.

The United States has separate federal, state, and local government(s) with taxes imposed at each of these levels. Taxes are levied on
income, payroll, property, sales, withholding, as well as various fees (see detailed descriptions of each below). These taxes are
constantly evolving to keep up with new industries, to meet the changing needs of a state, or one of countless other factors. For
example, on June 21, 2018, the US Supreme Court in South Dakota v. Wayfair overturned prior Court decisions and ruled that a
physical presence is not required for the imposition of sales and use tax. This decision will have far-ranging tax and accounting
impacts on companies. Therefore as a business owner/member, it is important to be aware of the constant changes, and account for
them to reduce your potential risk.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 7

Other Taxes (continued)
Withholding Taxes
• People and companies making payments such as interest, dividends, and
royalties, to foreign people or foreign companies generally must withhold
30% of the payment amount as tax withheld at source.
• A lower rate of withholding can apply if the payee is eligible for a reduced rate
under a tax treaty or by operation of the US tax laws. The ability to apply a
reduced rate requires valid documentation evidencing the foreign payee’s
eligibility for a lower rate of withholding. For further details on applicable tax
treaties, please refer to the Addendum.
• Any taxes withheld on payments made to foreign payees must be reported to
the IRS before March 15 following the calendar year in which the income
subject to reporting was paid. An extension of time to file can also be

Payroll Taxes
• A payroll tax obligation will exist for a US company if it has employees.
• All payments for employment within the US are wages subject to (1) federal
income tax withholding, (2) Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
taxes (i.e., social security and Medicare), and (3) the Federal Unemployment
(FUTA) tax, unless an exception applies.
• The employer must pay and withhold social security taxes equal to 6.2% of
wages for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, up to $ 132,900 of wages
in 2019, and Medicare taxes equal to 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for
the employee.
• The employer generally must file quarterly and annual employment tax
returns and annual wage statements (Forms W-2) in its name and employer
identification number unless such statements are filed by a properly
authorized third party.

Further guidance
For a more comprehensive discussion of US Taxation, please see the following
section, “A guide to the key US tax issues.”

Contact us
To schedule a discussion with a PwC professional on general US tax issues,
please contact

8 PwC
A guide to the key
US tax issues
Federal tax issues
Taxes on corporate income Tax Reform

1. Corporate income tax 1. Base-erosion and anti-abuse tax

All US corporations are subject to
federal income taxes. Generally, US The Act creates a new US federal tax
taxable income is based on your gross called the ‘base erosion and anti-
receipts less various business expenses avoidance tax,’ or BEAT. The Act
(e.g., cost of goods sold, salaries and targets US tax-base erosion by
wages). imposing an additional corporate tax
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act significantly liability on corporations (other than
revised the federal tax regime. The Act RICs, REITs, or S corporations) that,
permanently reduced the 35-percent together with their affiliates, have
corporate income tax rate to a flat 21- average annual gross receipts for the
percent rate for tax years beginning three-year period ending with the
after December 31, 2017. preceding tax year of at least $500
million and that make certain base-
2. Alternative Minimum Tax
eroding payments to related foreign
persons during the tax year of three
AMT previously was imposed on percent (two percent for certain banks
corporations other than small and securities dealers) or more of all
corporations (generally those not their deductible expenses apart from
having three- year average annual certain exceptions
gross receipts exceeding $7.5 million).
The tax was 20% of alternative The most notable of these exceptions
minimum taxable income (AMTI) in are the net operating loss (NOL)
excess of a $40,000 exemption deduction, the new dividends
amount (subject to a phase-out). received deduction for foreign-source
AMTI was computed by adjusting the dividends, the new deduction for
corporation’s regular taxable income foreign-derived intangible income
by specified adjustments and ‘tax (FDII) and the deduction relating to
preference’ items. the new category of global intangible
low-taxed income (GILTI), qualified
The Act repealed the corporate AMT derivative payments defined in the
effective for tax years beginning after provision, and certain payments for
December 31, 2017, and provides a services.
mechanism for prior-year corporate
AMT credits to be refunded by the end
of 2021.

10 PwC
The BEAT is imposed to the extent 2. Mandatory deemed repatriation ‘toll Other Federal Taxes
that 10 percent (five percent for the charge’ (Section 965) 1. Sales and use taxes
2018 calendar year) of the taxpayer’s
The Act uses the mechanics under The US does not impose a federal
‘modified taxable income’ ─ generally,
subpart F to impose a one-time ‘toll sales tax, use tax, or value-added tax
US taxable income determined
charge’ on the undistributed, non- (VAT). For information related to sales
without regard to any base-eroding
previously taxed post-1986 foreign and use taxes that are imposed by the
tax benefit or the base-erosion
E&P of certain US-owned foreign States, please refer to Section II. State
percentage of the NOL deduction ─
corporations as part of the transition and Local Tax Issues.
exceeds the taxpayer’s regular tax
to a new territorial regime. The toll
liability net of most tax credits. (The 2. Customs duties and import tariffs
charge, found in revised Section 965,
above percentages are changed to 11
is reduced by a deduction computed All goods imported into the United
percent and six percent, respectively,
in a manner that ensures a 15.5- States are subject to customs entry and
for certain banks and securities
percent effective tax rate on earnings are dutiable or duty-free in accordance
represented by ‘cash’ and an 8- with their classification. The
A base-eroding payment generally is percent effective tax rate to the extent classification also identifies eligibility
any amount paid or accrued by the the earnings exceed the cash for special programs and free-trade
taxpayer to a related foreign person position.. agreement preferential duty rates.
that is deductible for acquiring
Taxpayers will need to analyze When goods are dutiable, ad valorem,
property subject to depreciation or
numerous issues before actually specific, or compound duty rates
amortization, or for reinsurance
repatriating their earnings. While the may be assessed. An ad valorem
payments. The category also includes
deemed mandatory repatriation rate, the type most often applied,
certain payments to ‘expatriated
under Section 965 will eliminate (or is a percentage of the value of the
entities’ under the anti-inversion
substantially reduce) any additional merchandise. A specific rate is a
rules of Section 7874.
US tax cost on the repatriation of specified amount per unit of measure
The provision is effective for base- earnings, local country implications ─ (weight or quantity). A compound rate
erosion payments paid or accrued in such as the imposition of withholding is a combination of both an ad valorem
tax years beginning after December tax on cash dividends or the lack of rate and a specific rate. US Customs
31, 2017. For tax years beginning after sufficient distributable reserves in and Border Protection (CBP) requires
December 31, 2025, the percentage of certain jurisdictions ─ could affect that the value of the goods be properly
modified taxable income that is such repatriations. declared regardless of the dutiable
compared against the regular tax status of the merchandise.
liability increases to 12.5 percent (13.5 Payment of duty becomes due at
percent for certain banks and the time an entry is filed with CBP.
securities dealers) and allows all The obligation for payment is on the
credits to be applied in determining person or firm in whose name the
the US corporation’s regular tax entry is filed, the importer of record.
liability. Special rules apply for banks, The importer of record has a legal
insurance companies and ‘expatriated obligation to exercise reasonable care
entities.’ in all aspects of its importing activity.
3. Excise taxes
The US government imposes excise
taxes on a wide range of goods and
activities, including air travel, gasoline
and diesel fuel used for transportation,
and manufacturing of specified goods.
The excise tax rates are as varied as
the goods and activities on which they
are levied.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 11

Payroll Taxes Transfer pricing Determining income
All payments for employment within Transfer pricing regulations govern 1. Gross Receipts
the United States are wages subject to how related entities set internal prices
Income received in the normal course
(1) federal income tax withholding, for the transfers of goods, intangible
of business will be treated as ordinary
(2) Federal Insurance Contributions Act assets, services, and loans in both
and taxable income, eligible to be
(FICA) taxes (i.e., social security and domestic and international contexts.
offset by various tax deductions, as
Medicare), and (3) the Federal The regulations are designed to
discussed below.
Unemployment (FUTA) tax, which are prevent tax avoidance among related
withheld by the employer on behalf of entities and place a controlled taxpayer 2. Capital Gains
the employee. Exceptions may apply. on par with an uncontrolled taxpayer
Gains or losses on the sale or exchange
For employees sent to the United States by requiring inter-company prices to
of capital assets held for more than 12
by their foreign employer, there is a meet the arm’s-length standard.
months are treated as long-term capital
de minimis exception for amounts less
The arm’s-length standard gains or losses. Gains or losses on
than $3,000 and visits of less than 90
generally is met if the results of a the sale or exchange of capital assets
days; also, certain treaty provisions
controlled transaction are held for 12 months or less are treated
may eliminate the need to withhold
consistent with results that as short-term capital gains or losses.
income taxes (but generally not the
would have been realized if The excess of net long-term capital
need to report).
uncontrolled taxpayers had gain over net short-term capital loss is
If a company has US employees, it engaged in a similar transaction considered net capital gain.
must pay and withhold social security under similar circumstances.
For corporations, capital losses are
taxes equal to 6.2% of wages for the
If a company is not in compliance with allowed only as an offset to capital
employer and 6.2% for the employee,
the arm’s-length standard, the IRS may gains. An excess of capital losses over
up to $132,900 of wages in 2019, and
adjust taxable income and tax payable capital gains in a tax year may be
Medicare taxes equal to 1.45% for the
in the United States. carried back three years and carried
employer and 1.45% for the employee.
forward five years to be used to offset
There is no cap on wages subject For additional information on global capital gains.
to Medicare taxes. The employer tax issues, including additional
also must withhold an additional transfer pricing guidance, please see 3. Other Income
0.9-percent Medicare tax on wages Appendices E and F.
above $200,000. The FUTA tax is Other common forms of income
between 0.6 and 6.0% (depending on include interest, rent, and royalties.
credits for state unemployment taxes) Please see page 1 of Form 1120, lines
on the first $7,000 of wages paid to 1-10 for a list of general sources of
an employee. revenue included in taxable income.

A company generally must file

quarterly and annual employment tax
returns and annual wage statements
(Forms W-2) in its name and employer
identification number unless such
statements are filed by a properly
authorized third party.

12 PwC
Corporate deductions • State, local, and other taxes Credits and incentives
(excluding federal income
1. Depreciation and amortization 1. Foreign tax credit (FTC)
Depreciation deductions are Generally, in any year, a US company
• Advertising and marketing
allowances that may be taken can choose whether to take as a
for capital expenditures for • Interest expense. The Act limits US credit (subject to limitation) or as a
tangible property. net business interest expense deduction foreign income and excess
deductions to the sum of business profit taxes paid or accrued during
Additionally, corporations can elect to
interest income, 30 percent of the tax year to any foreign country
expense, up to a statutory amount per
‘adjusted taxable income’ (ATI), or US possession. An FTC reduces US
year, the cost of certain eligible
and floor plan financing interest of income tax liability dollar for dollar,
property used in the active conduct of
the taxpayer for the tax year, while a deduction reduces US income
a trade or business, subject to a taxable
effective for tax years beginning tax liability at the marginal rate of the
income limitation and to a phase-out of
after 2017. taxpayer.
the deduction.
See Form 1120, page 1 lines 12-29 for
2. Charitable contributions 2. General business credit
the common deductions available to
Deductions for allowable charitable offset revenue and arrive at taxable Various business credits are available
contributions may not exceed income. to provide special incentives for the
achievement of certain economic
10% of a corporation’s taxable 5. Other significant items
income computed without regard objectives. In general, these credits are
• No deduction generally is allowed combined into one ‘general business
to certain deductions, including for a contingent liability until such
charitable contributions themselves. credit’ for purposes of determining
liability is fixed and determinable each credit’s allowance limitation for
Deductions for contributions so
limited may be carried over to the five • Costs incurred for entertainment the tax year. The general business
succeeding years, subject to the 10% must meet strict tests to credit that may be used for a tax year is
limitation annually. be deductible; the Act generally limited to a tax-based amount. In
eliminated this deduction for general, the current year’s credit that
3. Research and amounts paid or incurred after cannot be used in a given year because
experimental expenditures December 31, 2017 of the credit’s allowance limitation
• Royalty payments, circulation costs, may be carried back to the tax year
For tax years beginning before
mine exploration and development preceding the current year and carried
January 1, 2022, corporations can
costs, and other miscellaneous forward to each of the 20 years
elect to expense all research and
costs of carrying on a business following the current year.
experimental (R&E) expenditures
that are paid or incurred during the are deductible, subject to certain
conditions and limits. 3. Research credit
tax year or to defer the expenses
for 60 months. Taxpayers also can The research tax credit is available
6. Net operating losses (NOLs) for companies that make qualified
make a special election to amortize
their research expenditures over An NOL is generated when business research expenditures to develop new
120 months. deductions exceed gross income in a or improved products, manufacturing
particular tax year. An NOL may be processes, or software in the United
For tax years beginning after 2021,
carried back to offset past income and States. The deduction for R&E
the Act repeals expensing of R&E
possibly obtain a refund or carried expenditures described above must
expenditures and requires such
forward to offset future income. be reduced by the entire amount of
expenditures to be capitalized and
Generally, a loss generated in tax years the credit unless an election is made
amortized over a five-year period,
ending before January 1, 2018, may be to reduce the amount of the credit.
beginning with the midpoint of the
carried back two years and, if not fully
tax year in which the specified R&E
used, carried forward 20 years. NOLs
expenditures were paid or
generated in tax years ending after
December 31, 2017, generally may
4. Other common business not be carried back and must instead
expenses deductible for tax be carried forward indefinitely; for
such NOLs the deduction is limited to
• Salaries and wages
80 percent of taxable income
• Repairs and maintenance expenses (determined without regard to the
• Bad debts deduction).
A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 13
Administrative issues Form 1099-MISC must be furnished to made to US non-exempt recipients.
payees no later than January 31 of the Backup withholding at the current rate
1. Reporting and Withholding
year subsequent to the year of payment of 24% is required if the US non-
Withholding payments are required and must be filed with the IRS by exempt recipient fails to provide a
to be made by the corporation making February 28 of the year following the taxpayer identification number (TIN)
the payments. If the payment falls into payment. Requests to extend these in the proper manner prior to payment
the categories noted below, requiring a dates maybe made, but extensions are or if the payor is instructed to backup
withholding, the payor withholds the not automatic. withhold by the IRS.
tax from the payment, which is then
reported to the recipient on the The payor also must file Form 945, Payments made to US exempt
appropriate form. Annual Return of Withheld Federal recipients are not subject to reporting
Income Tax, to report any backup or backup withholding and such
a. 1099-K withholding. Form 945 must be filed recipients are not required to provide
Form 1099-K is an IRS information with the IRS by January 31 of the year a TIN. Exempt recipients include
return used to report certain payment succeeding the year of payments. governments (federal, state, and
transactions to improve voluntary local), tax-exempt organizations
tax compliance. If you have received c. Withholding on payments to non- under IRC Section 501(a), individual
payments from card transactions US people and non-US companies retirement plans, international
(e.g., credit or stored-value cards), or If your new US company makes certain organizations, foreign central banks
payments in settlement of third party payments to entities or individuals of issue, and most corporations and
network transactions, you will receive outside of the US, you must consider financial institutions.
Form 1099-K by January 31st of the withholding requirements in the US.
following year from your payment Payments made to US non-exempt
service provider. People and companies making US- recipients for dividends, gross
source payments (‘withholding proceeds, interest, compensation
As you must report on your income tax agents’), such as US-source interest, for services, rents, royalties, prizes,
return all income you receive, you will dividends, and royalties, to foreign awards, and litigation awards, among
need the information from Form 1099- people or foreign companies generally others, must be reported. A proper TIN
K when computing your income taxes. must withhold 30% of the payment should be obtained from all US payees
amount as tax withheld at source. In to avoid backup withholding. A TIN is
b. Reporting payments to US people other situations, withholding agents best obtained by receiving a valid Form
or companies may apply a lower rate of withholding W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification
if the payee is eligible for a reduced Number and Certificate, from US
A US entity engaged in a trade or
rate under a tax treaty or by operation payees, including exempt recipients.
business that during the calendar year
of the US tax laws (e.g., portfolio The IRS’s TIN Matching Program also
makes payments to a US non-exempt
interest exemption). can be utilized to verify names or TINs
payee totaling $600 or more must
with IRS records to ensure accuracy.
report the amount of the payments
on Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous The ability to apply a reduced rate
depends on whether the withholding e. Reporting payments to non-US people
Income. Payments subject to Form
agent receives valid documentation and non-US companies
1099-MISC reporting include
compensation for services (other evidencing the foreign payee’s Any taxes withheld on payments
than wages paid to employees), rents, eligibility for a lower rate of made to foreign payees must be
royalties, commissions, gains, and withholding. Valid documentation reported to the IRS on Form 1042,
certain types of interest. US payers are includes documentation provided Annual Withholding Tax Return for
responsible for reporting the payment using Form W-8. Since there are US Source Income of Foreign Persons.
whether made by cash, check, or wire various Forms W-8, the payee must Form 1042 must be filed with the
transfer. Amounts paid by payment determine which one is the correct IRS on or before March 15 following
card (including debt, credit, and form to be completed. the calendar year in which the
procurement) are not subject to Form income subject to reporting was paid,
d. Withholding on payments to unless an extension of time to file is
1099-MISC reporting by the payor.
US people and US companies obtained. Form 1042 must be filed if
All US and non-US entities are a Form 1042-S is filed (see below),
responsible for information reporting even if there is no withholding on
and backup withholding for payments the payment.

14 PwC
A withholding agent must file with g. Other Informational Forms 3. Statute of limitations
the IRS and furnish to each foreign As part of your federal income tax The IRS generally has three years after
payee Form 1042-S, Foreign Person’s US return, you may be required to submit an original return is filed to assess
Source Income Subject to Withholding. other informational forms. For income taxes. A return will be deemed
Form 1042-S is the information return example, Form 5472 is required for to have been filed on its due date, even
used by withholding agents to report foreign-owned US companies and is if the return is actually filed on an
US-source payments paid to foreign used to report certain transactions that earlier date.
payees. Form 1042-S must be filed with occur between foreign and US
the IRS and furnished to the foreign companies that are related. 4. Accounting for income taxes
payee on or before March 15 following
For US federal tax purposes, the two
the calendar year in which the income 2. Filing requirements
most important characteristics of a tax
subject to reporting was paid, unless an
a. Tax period method of accounting are timing and
extension is obtained. Form 1042-S is
US corporate taxpayers are taxed on an consistency. If the method does not
required whether or not withholding on
annual basis. Corporate taxpayers may affect the timing for including items
the payments has occurred.
choose a tax year that is different from of income or claiming deductions,
f. FATCA the calendar year. New corporations it is not an accounting method and
may use a short tax year for their first generally IRS approval is not needed to
FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax change it. In order to affect timing, the
tax period, and corporations changing
Compliance Act, was enacted in 2010 accounting method must determine the
tax years also may use a short tax year.
to prevent and detect offshore tax year in which an income or expense
evasion. FATCA requires many foreign item is to be reported.
b. Tax returns
financial institutions (FFIs) and some
nonfinancial foreign entities (NFFEs) The US tax system is based on the principle
In general, in order to establish an
to enter into agreements with the of self-assessment. A corporate taxpayer
accounting method, the method must
IRS under which they undertake must file an annual tax return (generally
be consistently applied. Once an
procedures to identify which of their Form 1120) by the 15th day of the fourth
accounting method has been adopted
accounts are held by US people or month following the close of its tax year; C
for federal tax purposes, any change
US companies and annually report corporations may obtain a six‐month
must be requested by the taxpayer
information regarding such accounts extension to file its tax return, provided it
and approved by the IRS. Changes in
to the IRS. timely and properly files Form 7004, and
accounting methods cannot be made
pays the full amount of any tax due by the
through amending returns. The two
FATCA imposes registration, due original due date.. Failure to timely file may
most common methods of accounting
diligence reviews, information result in penalties.
are the accrual-basis and cash-
reporting, and tax withholding
c. Payment of tax basis methods.
obligations on entities that qualify as
foreign financial institutions (FFIs). A taxpayer’s tax liability generally 5. Penalties
Legal entities with FFI characteristics must be prepaid throughout the year
Civil and criminal penalties may
must determine whether they are, in in four equal estimated payments
be imposed for failing to follow the
fact, FFIs and, if so, whether they are and fully paid by the date the tax
Internal Revenue Code when paying
required to register with the IRS. return is initially due for that year. For
US taxes. The civil penalty provisions
calendar-year corporations, the four
Businesses that do not adhere to the may be divided into four categories:
estimated payments are due by the
new obligations under FATCA may face delinquency penalties, accuracy-
15th days of April, June, September,
a variety of consequences. related penalties, information
and December. For fiscal-year cor
reporting penalties, and prepareror
porations, the four estimated payments
promoter penalties. Many, but not all,
are due by the 15th days of the fourth,
of these provisions include
sixth, ninth, and 12th month of the tax
exceptions for reasonable cause in
year. Generally, no extensions to pay
not complying. In addition, many
are allowed. Failure to pay the tax by
include rules as to how a particular
the due dates can result in estimated
penalty interacts with the other
tax and late payment penalties and
interest charges.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 15

State and local tax issues
Foreign companies with activity in the Following the US Supreme Court’s 2018
United States often are surprised that decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair,
such activity may trigger both federal which eliminated the “physical
and state-level taxes. Even more presence” requirement for the
surprising, there are no uniform rules imposition of state sales and use tax
among the states as to whether state tax collection obligations, it is possible that
liability attaches; in some cases, actual physical presence in a state may
significant state tax liabilities may be no longer be required for nexus to
imposed even if little or no US federal exist for state income taxation
tax obligations exist. purposes.

Activities that could subject There is no clear cut answer

an entity to state tax if you need to file – it depends.
Practically speaking, you may not owe
A state generally may impose its tax any taxes, but some states require
on an entity to the extent a sufficient returns even if you owe no tax. It's
‘nexus,’ or taxable connection, exists important to know the requirements of
between the entity and the state. While each state.
US federal taxation generally requires a
threshold level of activity of being Economic nexus could be deemed to
‘engaged in a trade or business’ or exist between a state and a company
having a ‘permanent establishment,’ based on the presence of intangible
mere physical presence in a state, such property in a state. For example, the
as having employees, owning property, license of trademarks to a company
storing inventory, or paying for rental located in a state could create nexus for
property in the state, generally may be the out-of-state licensor on the basis
sufficient for nexus to exist for state that the intangibles are ‘present’ in
taxation purposes. the state.

16 PwC
Dividing up taxable Sales tax generally is imposed in the Delaware Franchise Tax
income among the states: jurisdiction in which the ‘sale’ Any corporation that is incorporated
multistate apportionment occurs. The definition of ‘sale’ differs in Delaware (regardless of where it
For US state tax purposes, a percentage from jurisdiction to jurisdiction; conducts business) must file an
of the entire net income of an entity, however, the definition generally Annual Franchise Tax Report and pay
may be subject to tax by a state. That includes both Franchise Tax for the privilege of
percentage generally relates to the (1) consideration and (2) transfer incorporating in Delaware. Franchise
proportionate level of activity (e.g., of title, right to use, or control Taxes and annual Reports are due no
sales, property, and payroll) the entity (possession) in the case of later than March 1st of each year.
has within the state as compared with tangible
its activity outside the state. property and completion of the The Delaware Franchise Tax will range
service act in the case of a service. from $175 to $200,000 depending
Indirect tax on the amount of the company’s
considerations Local taxation authorized shares. A corporation
Many cities impose separate income having 5,000 authorized shares or
State ‘indirect taxation’ generally refers
tax filing obligations. Compliance less is considered a minimum stock
to any state tax that is not based on
complexities multiply because US corporation with a tax of $175.
income. The most common indirect tax is
a state’s sales and use tax; other indirect taxation geographies are further Generally, the more shares the US
taxes include franchise taxes, real estate divided within states and some US corporation has, the higher the
transfer taxes, telecommunications cities have significant taxing powers. Franchise Tax (with a maximum
taxes, commercial rent taxes, and hotel annual tax of $200,000). An Annual
In addition, cities may impose local-
occupancy taxes. The indirect taxes Report filing fee of $50 is also required.
level sales and use taxes.
that apply depend on the nature of the
Administratively, the sales taxes
company’s business activities. Corporations having nexus in
usually are collected by and remitted
Delaware are also required to file
Once a company has nexus to a state to the state, and then allocated to the
corporate income tax returns.
with respect to sales and use taxes, localities. Generally,
However, corporations that maintain a
that company must register with the the rules for the localities are modeled
statutory corporate office in Delaware
state’s tax department, file sales tax after the rules for the states, but this
but that do not do business in Delaware
returns, and pay its sales tax liabilities. is not always the case. The rules can
and corporations whose activities in
Depending on the volume of sales, the vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Delaware are limited to the
company may be required to file returns Overall, there are thousands of maintenance and management of
on an annual, quarterly, or monthly indirect taxing jurisdictions in the
intangible investments are exempt from
basis. Generally, sales tax is imposed on United States. corporate income tax.
retail sales, leases, rentals, barters, or
exchanges of tangible personal property Delaware requires that businesses with
and certain enumerated services unless nexus in the state must be licensed to
specifically exempted or excluded do business in the state and pay a fee,
from tax. the amount of which varies depending
upon the type of business. Additionally,
such business are generally required
to pay a gross receipts tax. The gross
receipts tax is imposed on a business’s
gross receipts in Delaware.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 17

US Tax Treaties

The United States has in place income • income earned by teachers, trainees,
tax treaties with more than 60 artists, athletes, etc.
countries, including treaties with most • gains from the sale of
European countries and other major personal property
trading partners, including Mexico,
Canada, Japan, China, Australia, and • real property income
the former Soviet Union countries. • employment income
There are many ‘gaps’ in the US
tax treaty network, particularly in • shipping and air transport income
Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and • income not otherwise
South America. expressly mentioned
The categories of income covered
US income tax treaties typically
vary from treaty to treaty, and no two
cover various categories of
treaties are the same.
income, including:
To gain treaty benefits, it is necessary
• business profits
to satisfy the conditions of the
• passive income, such as dividends, residency article as well as certain
interest, and royalties other requirements.

18 PwC
How can PwC help?

The United States remains a In the current challenging economic Our approach is designed to identify
favorable destination for global environment, we can work together on: tax opportunities and help manage
investment and offers a competitive efficiently adverse tax outcomes,
environment in which to do • financing your US operations so that the US business of a foreign
business. Given the new tax law and MNC plays its part in implementing
• managing your domestic and
the existing multi-tiered structure of a globally effective and integrated
state taxation
US taxation, global companies doing approach to tax planning for the group
business in the United States have an • planning for growth through and so that desired tax outcomes are
even greater incentive to examine transactions and deals integrated seamlessly into business
thoughtfully their approach to objectives and operations.
• transforming your value chain
taxation and management of their
operations. • navigating the new US federal
Our US Inbound Tax practice tax law.
specifically focuses on helping you • setting up your tax department
formulate your US inbound policies in the United States
and develop strategies so you can
meet your business needs and goals
in the United States.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 19

Appendix A: Other Taxes

1. Stamp taxes 3. Accumulated earnings tax

There is no federal-level stamp tax. The accumulated earnings tax equals
However, state and local governments 20% of ‘accumulated taxable income.’
frequently impose stamp taxes at the Generally, accumulated taxable
time of officially recording a real estate income is the excess of taxable income
or other transaction. The state or local with certain adjustments, including
sales tax on real estate may be a stamp a deduction for regular income taxes,
tax on the documents recording the over the dividends paid deduction and
transfer of the real estate. the accumulated earnings credit.
Note that a corporation can justify the
2. Capital gain taxes accumulation of income, and avoid tax,
The corporate tax rate on long- based on its reasonable business needs.
term capital gains currently is the
same as the tax rates applicable to a 4. Personal holding company tax
corporation’s ordinary income. (by US corporations that receive
contrast, individuals may be subject substantial 'passive income' and
to a lower rate on long-term capital are 'closely held' may be subject to
gain than on short-term capital gain.) personal holding company tax. The
personal holding company tax,
which is levied in addition to the
regular tax, is 20% of
undistributed personal holding
company income.

20 PwC
Appendix B: Other Issues

1. Group taxation 2. Payments to foreign affiliates

An affiliated group of US ‘includible’ A US corporation generally may claim
corporations, consisting of a parent and a deduction for royalties, management
subsidiaries directly or indirectly 80% service fees, and interest charges paid
owned, generally may offset the profits to foreign affiliates, to the extent the
of one affiliate against the losses of amounts are actually paid and are
another affiliate within the group by not in excess of what it would pay
electing to file a consolidated federal an unrelated entity (i.e., are at arm’s
income tax return. length). US withholding on these
payments may be required. Under
Filing on a consolidated (combined) certain circumstances, such
basis is also allowed (or may be payments also may give rise to a
required or prohibited) under the tax BEAT liability for the US payor, as
laws of certain states. discussed above.

Sales, dividends, and other

transactions between corporations
that are members of the same group
generally are deferred or eliminated
until such time as a transaction occurs
with a non-member of the group.
Losses incurred on the sale of members
of the group are disallowed under
certain circumstances.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 21

Appendix C: Information

Form W-8BEN, Certificate of Foreign In addition to Form W-8BEN or Form Treaty claims made by nonresident
Status of Beneficial Owner for United W-8BEN-E, other forms that can be alien individuals who provide
States Tax Withholding, is the most provided by a foreign payee to reduce independent personal services in the
commonly used Form W-8. That or eliminate withholding are: US are made on Form 8233, Exemption
version is used to establish that the from Withholding on Compensation for
payee is not a US person and is the • Form W-8ECI, Certificate of Foreign Independent (and Certain Dependent)
beneficial owner of the income related Person’s Claim That Income Is Personal Services of a Nonresident
to which the Form W-8BEN is being Effectively Connected With the Alien Individual, instead of on
provided. Form W-8BEN also can Conduct of a Trade or Business in Form W-8BEN.
be used to claim a reduced rate of the United States, is provided by a
withholding based upon an applicable non-US entity or individual that is Forms W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, W-8ECI,
income tax treaty. Note: Form W-8BEN engaged in a US trade or business and W-8EXP generally are valid for
is used only by individuals. Entities use and has income that is effectively three years from the date the form
Form W-8BEN-E. connected with such US trade is signed. New forms are required
or business. prior to the expiration of three years
Form W-8BEN-E, Certificate of Status of if there is a change in the information
• Form W-8EXP, Certificate of Foreign
Beneficial Owner for United States Tax disclosed by the payee on the forms.
Government or Other Foreign
Withholding and Reporting (Entities). For some purposes (not applicable if
Organization for United States Tax
Among other purposes (e.g., FATCA), treaty benefits are claimed), the forms
Withholding & Reporting, is provided
this form is used to establish that the can remain valid indefinitely absent
by non-US governments or non-US
payee is not a US person and is the a change in circumstances. Form
tax-exempt organizations.
beneficial owner of the income related W-8IMY is valid indefinitely unless
to which the Form W-8BEN-E is being • Form W-8IMY, Certificate of Foreign there is a change in the information
provided. Form W-8BEN-E also can Intermediary, Foreign Flow Through disclosed by the payee on the forms.
be used to claim a reduced rate of Entity, or Certain US Branches for Form 8233 is valid for only one year.
withholding based upon an applicable United States Tax Withholding &
income tax treaty. Note: Form Reporting, is provided by non-
W-8BEN-E is used only by entities. US flow-through entities (e.g.,
Individuals use Form W-8BEN. partnership) that is not engaged in a
US trade or business and non-US
intermediaries. Form W-8IMY
generally must be accompanied by
Forms W-8 and/or Form W-9 for the
beneficial owners and a withholding
statement that allocates the income
to the beneficial owners.

22 PwC
Appendix D: Foreign
company considerations

When foreign individuals or There is no definition in the tax statute

corporations are investing in the US of a trade or business within the United
they should be aware of the potential States—instead, that concept has
US tax implications for the foreign been developed mainly by the IRS and
entity interacting with the US. While court decisions through a facts-and-
the US tax consequences of the US circumstances analysis. The following
corporation are described throughout have been considered by the courts
this Guide, there are other tax and/or the IRS:
considerations for a foreign company
to manage the US tax risk of the • The business must have a
activities of the foreign company. The profit motive.
following issues should be considered: • Activities generally must be
‘considerable, continuous,
and regular.’
US trade or business
Generally, a foreign corporation • Ministerial, clerical, or collection-
engaged in a US trade or business related activities generally are not
is taxed on a net basis at regular sufficiently profit-oriented to
US corporate tax rates on income constitute a US trade or business.
from US sources that is effectively • Isolated activities generally do
connected with that business and not rise to the level of a trade
also is subject to a 30-percent or business.
branch profits tax on the
• An agent’s activities in the United
corporation’s effectively
States may result in a US trade
connected earnings and profits to
or business.
the extent treated as repatriated
to the home office; the branch tax
can be reduced or eliminated
under an applicable US tax treaty.

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 23

Effectively Permanent
connected income establishment (PE)
Multinational businesses face a variety
If a non-US person has a US trade or of tax systems in the countries where
business, the question arises as to they operate. To reduce or eliminate
what income is ‘effectively connected’ double taxation between countries,
to such US trade or business. promote cross-border trading, and
alleviate the burden of administration
All US-source active income earned by
and enforcement of tax laws,
a non-US person is treated as
countries typically enter into income
effectively connected, except that
tax treaties outlining how parties to
passive-type income and gain from the
the treaty (contracting states) will
sale of capital assets are treated as
be taxed on income earned in each
effectively connected to a non-US
contracting state.
person’s US trade or business only if a
connection with the US trade or
Income tax treaties contain an article
business exists. Such a connection
describing whether the activities of
exists if the passive-type income or
an enterprise rise to a level of a PE in
capital gain is derived from assets
a contracting state. The existence of
used in the US trade or business or if
a PE is important because it gives the
the activities conducted in the US
contracting state the right to tax the
trade or business are a material factor
enterprise’s income attributable to the
in the production of the passive-type
PE. This includes income from carrying
income or capital gain.
on a business in the contracting state
Certain types of foreign-source and passive income, such as interest,
income generated through a US office dividends, and royalties.
can be effectively connected income.
These include: A PE generally means:

• Rents or royalties for use of • there is a fixed place of business

intangible property outside the United through which the business of an
States that are derived in the active enterprise is wholly or partly carried
conduct of a US trade or business on, or
• an agent acting on behalf of the
• Foreign-source dividends or interest
enterprise has and habitually
derived in active conduct of banking
exercises the authority to conclude
business in the United States, or
contracts binding on the enterprise.
received by a corporation the
principal business of which is trading
in stocks or securities for its own This is a very factual determination
account that requires a full understanding of a
company’s particular facts and
•Gain from the sale outside the United
States of inventory property and
property held for sale to customers,
when the sale is made through a US
office or fixed place of business, unless
the property is sold for use outside the
United States and a non-US office
materially participates in the sale.

24 PwC
Appendix E: Transfer pricing

Due to growing government deficits, • intangible property (e.g., licenses, If a transaction between related
many jurisdictions are putting royalties, cost sharing transactions, parties is priced differently than if
additional pressure on transfer pricing platform contribution transactions, it were between unrelated parties,
in order to secure a larger portion of sales of intangibles). the IRS has authority to reallocate
entities’ profits for their tax bases. income or expenses to reflect the
This can result in the risk of tax The international standard for amounts that would have resulted
assessments, double taxation of the determining the appropriate transfer had the transaction been conducted at
same income by two jurisdictions, price is the arm’s-length principle. arm’s length.
and penalties for failure to properly Under this principle, transactions
allocate income among two or more between two related parties should The Section 482 regulations are
jurisdictions. Therefore, virtually all not produce results that differ from extensive and attempt to address
large MNCs should regularly review those that would have resulted a full range of transactions in light
their international transfer pricing from similar transactions between of the arm’s-length standard. In
strategies and potential risks. independent companies under similar practice, however, it is not easy to
circumstances. This principle is determine the appropriate arm’s-
Transfer pricing applies to a wide cited in the US transfer pricing rules length result based on a given set of
range of intercompany transactions, (IRC Section 482 and the Treasury facts and circumstances. Transactions
including transactions involving: regulations thereunder), the OECD in goods and services may embody
Transfer Pricing Guidelines, and unique, company or industry-
• tangible goods (e.g., the UN Manual for developing specific elements that are difficult to
manufacturing, distribution) countries. There are some countries compare with transactions involving
(e.g., Brazil) that do not follow the other companies. The Section 482
• services (e.g., management
international application of the arm’s- regulations concede the rarity of
services, sales support, contract
length principle. identical transactions, and instead
R&D services)
attempt to determine the arm’s-length
• financing (e.g., intercompany loans, results based on the ‘best method’ rule.
accounts receivable, guarantees,
debt capacity)

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 25

Best method rule Comparability factors The completeness and accuracy of
the data affect the ability to identify
The Section 482 regulations provide To determine the best method and quantify those factors that would
several methods to test whether a price for a particular transaction, the affect the result under any particular
meets the arm’s-length standard. relative reliability of a method method. Likewise, the reliability of the
Although there is no strict priority of must be evaluated on the degree results derived from a method depends
methods, and no method invariably of comparability between the on the soundness of assumptions made
will be considered to be more reliable controlled transaction or taxpayers in applying the method. Finally, the
than another, every transaction and uncontrolled comparables, taking sensitivity of results to deficiencies
reviewed under Section 482 must be into account certain factors. While a in data and assumptions may have a
judged under the method that, under specific comparability factor may be greater effect on some methods than
the facts and circumstances, provides of particular importance in applying others. In particular, the reliability
the most reliable measure of an arm’s- a method, each method requires an of some methods depends heavily on
length result (i.e., the ‘best method’). analysis of all the factors that affect the similarity of property or services
comparability under that method. involved in the controlled and
The selection of a method also varies
uncontrolled transaction, while other
depending on the type of transaction. Quality of data and assumptions
methods rely on broad comparisons
For example, the regulations provide
Whether a method provides the most of profitability.
five specified methods for transactions
involving tangible property, and six reliable measure of an arm’s-length
specified methods for service result also depends upon the reliability
transactions, while only three are of the assumptions and the sensitivity
specified for transactions involving of the results to possible deficiencies in
intangible property. Methods not the data and assumptions.
specified in the regulations are also
potentially applicable. Note that
while each method is important to
understand, an examination of each is
beyond the scope of this discussion.

26 PwC
Arm’s-length range Penalties and documentation taxpayer and the IRS), bilateral (with
the IRS and another tax authority), or
The Section 482 regulations recognize The Internal Revenue Code imposes multilateral (with the IRS and more
that a method is likely to produce penalties if a taxpayer receives an than one other tax authority).
a range of arm’s length results and IRS transfer pricing adjustment
provide that a taxpayer will not be exceeding certain thresholds. The
subject to adjustment if the taxpayer’s penalties do not apply, however,
results fall within such an arm’s- if the taxpayer has prepared and
length range. The arm’s-length range documented a reasonable transfer
ordinarily is determined by applying a pricing analysis supporting its reported
single pricing method selected under transfer pricing.
the best method rule to two or more
uncontrolled transactions of similar Under Section 6662(e), the transfer
comparability and reliability. pricing penalty generally is equal
to 20% of the underpayment of tax
The comparables used for the attributable to the transfer pricing
uncontrolled transactions must be misstatement, but increases to 40%
sufficiently similar to the controlled of the underpayment of tax for larger
transaction. If material differences adjustments. Having contemporaneous
exist between the two transactions, transfer pricing documentation that
adjustments must be made in order for satisfies the requirements under
the uncontrolled transaction to have Section 6662(e) in place at the time
a similar level of comparability and the tax return is filed can provide
reliability. In many cases, the reliability protection against these penalties.
of the analysis will be improved by
adjusting the range through the Another avenue for avoiding potential
application of a valid statistical transfer pricing penalties can be an
method, often the interquartile range advance pricing agreement (APA)—an
of results. agreement between a government and
a taxpayer that provides prospective
‘certainty’ for a defined term regarding
covered intercompany transactions.
APAs can be unilateral (between the

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 27

Appendix F: The OECD’s
BEPS project

OECD BEPS Action Plan Substance actions seek to align taxing • Second, there have been unilateral actions
rights with the relevant value-adding by some countries, notwithstanding OECD
Since 2012, G20 countries and the activity. Coherence actions aim to efforts to discourage such actions. Countries
OECD have pursued an initiative to remove gaps and ‘black holes’ among adopting unilateral measures may do so
reform international tax regimes by countries’ tax systems. Transparency because they disagree with the direction of
addressing opportunities for base actions look to provide significant the BEPS package or think the
erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). On additional disclosure to tax authorities. recommendations do not go far enough
October 5, 2015, the OECD released
final recommendations from its BEPS In addition to the various actions grouped Third, and perhaps most important, there
project, which then were endorsed by under these three themes, the BEPS Action has been a behavioral impact — specifically,
the G20 leaders at their summit in Plan also seeks to address digital business, in emboldening the behavior of tax
Antalya, Turkey, on November 15-16, improve dispute resolution, and create a authorities. This is likely to continue,
2015. A number of non-G20 countries multilateral instrument for rapid updating resulting in more aggressive and more
also have been involved in work on of bilateral tax treaties. Finalized proposals protracted challenges by tax authorities,
the Action Plan and contributed to for all these items were included in the higher thresholds for obtaining advance
the proposals. package of measures released by the rulings, and increased tax controversies in
OECD. general.
On May 23, 2016, the OECD Council
approved the amendments to the There are three fundamental ways in Increased risk of double taxation
Transfer Pricing Guidelines, as set out which the OECD’s work on BEPS has had a
in the 2015 BEPS Report on Actions 8- Historically, the goal of the OECD has
practical impact:
10, ‘Aligning Transfer Pricing been to promote global economic
Outcomes with Value Creation,’ and growth and development through the
• First, and most obvious, there has been
the 2015 BEPS Report on Action 13, unfettered exchange of goods and
the direct application of the BEPS package
‘Transfer Pricing Documentation and services, and the movement of capital,
itself, whether through changes to tax
Country-by-Country Reporting." In technology, and persons across
treaties ─ by amendment of the OECD
July 2017, the OECD released the 2017 borders. To that end, the OECD’s focus
model tax convention (updated in
edition of the Transfer Pricing has been on eliminating impediments
November 2017) ─ or the multilateral
Guidelines. to cross-border flows, such as double
instrument (with 78 signatories as of
taxation, by expanding income tax
January 2018) and transfer pricing
The OECD’s BEPS Action Plan treaty networks, by establishing clear
guidelines, or through changes to domestic
categorized its various focus areas into rules for governments with respect to
legislation as a result of individual
three themes: addressing substance; taxing companies with a limited
recommendations of the BEPS Action Plan.
coherence of the international tax presence in their jurisdictions, and by
system; and transparency. . reducing gross-basis withholding

28 PwC
Most significant impacts for Digitalization of the economy
The OECD BEPS project, by contrast,
focused on eliminating so-called
‘double non-taxation.’ In this quest, The most significant global tax
With regard to BEPS, the most
the OECD sought to coordinate policy development in 2017 was the
significant impacts on taxpayers are
action among participating emergence of taxation of the digital
likely to be in the following areas:
governments in order to avoid economy as the biggest focus for
increasing the risk of unrelieved • Tax treaty access becoming more policymakers and multinational
double taxation. constrained and in some cases companies. When the OECD BEPS
uncertain Project Report on the Tax
As a consequence, there are serious Challenges of the Digital Economy
concerns that one outcome of the • Increases in transfer pricing (Action 1) was released in October
BEPS project could be a surge in documentation, new ‘country-by- 2015, the OECD Task Force on the
instances of double taxation and tax country’ (CbC) reporting Digital Economy (TFDE) concluded
disputes worldwide. requirements, and the wider that digitalization exacerbated the
transparency agenda necessitating opportunities for BEPS, but that the
The OECD has undertaken two company information system changes other BEPS Action Item
measures to mitigate these concerns. recommendations should suffice to
In December 2016, the OECD • Increased focus on conduct as a address such risks. The TFDE also
launched the Mutual Agreement relevant test in assessing transfer concluded that the digital economy
Procedure (MAP) peer review and pricing compliance could not be ring-fenced because it
monitoring process under Action 14 ‘is increasingly becoming the
of the BEPS Action Plan with the aim • Increases in assertions of PE and economy itself.’
to improve the MAP process. In erratic interpretation of PE profit
addition, the OECD began its attribution rules While consensus was reached that
Inclusive Framework, under which these areas should be revisited in a
developing countries have formally • Restrictions in the relief for interest full review by 2020, there was an
participated and been engaged since and other financial payments understanding that countries might
the beginning of the BEPS Project. not await the result of this review
• Rise in the level of cross-border before acting unilaterally – albeit
Under this framework, more than 80 controversy and number of disputes consistently with their treaty
developing countries and other non- on formulas for allocating income and obligations – through introducing
OECD/non-G20 economies discuss deductions across jurisdictions, with measures such as virtual PEs,
the challenges of BEPS through double taxation possible as a result of equalization levies, and withholding
direct participation in the Committee non-uniform formulas. taxes. During 2016, a few countries
on Fiscal Affairs. sought to introduce ‘innovative’ tax
measures, but 2017 saw a
significant acceleration in the
consideration of such measures –
particularly by some European

A guide to the key U.S. tax issues 29

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