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--------- beginning of main

11-12 18:35:40.321 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309) expire

95 lines
11-12 18:35:40.322 2851 2857 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309) Jit thread pool
expire 1 line
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309) expire
43 lines
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void (
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void (
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void,
android.os.Bundle) (
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at$Activit
yClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void$Activity
ClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void
android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message)
11-12 18:35:40.324 2851 2851 I zygote : at void
android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2851 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop()
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2851 I zygote : at void[]) (
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2851 I zygote : at java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2851 I zygote : at void$ (
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2851 I zygote : at void[]) (
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2851 I zygote :
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2857 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=10KB,
11-12 18:35:40.325 2851 2857 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
11-12 18:35:40.419 2851 2857 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection,
code=36KB, data=22KB
11-12 18:35:40.419 2851 2857 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=36KB,
11-12 18:35:40.419 2851 2857 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
11-12 18:35:40.420 2851 2857 I zygote : Method exceeds compiler instruction
limit: 25337 in void org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.HTMLSchema.<init>()
11-12 18:35:40.586 2851 2851 E isPermissions: isPermissions: bSTORAGE true
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ WindowService.getHeiht
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ getHeiht:1440
11-12 18:35:40.907 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ WindowService.getWiidth
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ getWiidth:720
11-12 18:35:40.909 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ WindowService.getHeiht
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ getHeiht:1440
11-12 18:35:40.911 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ surface.<init> (
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ surface
11-12 18:35:40.913 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.963 2851 2851 I AppCompatDelegate: The Activity's LayoutInflater
already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 11
11-12 18:35:40.992 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:40.994 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.994 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:40.994 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.994 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:35:40.995 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:40.995 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:35:40.995 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.000 2851 2913 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.002 2851 2913 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ LauncherActivity.onCreate
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ uuid=e93217254466ea50
11-12 18:35:41.004 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.009 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.151 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1583, previously 1672
11-12 18:35:41.151 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3, previously 18
11-12 18:35:41.151 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1668, previously 1672
11-12 18:35:41.154 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 477, previously 530
11-12 18:35:41.154 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1213, previously 1216
11-12 18:35:41.154 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 142, previously 569
11-12 18:35:41.363 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 182, previously 187
11-12 18:35:41.363 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 354, previously 363
11-12 18:35:41.363 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.366 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 11, previously 12
11-12 18:35:41.366 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 75, previously 106
11-12 18:35:41.366 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.369 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1076, previously 1160
11-12 18:35:41.369 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 2612, previously 2613
11-12 18:35:41.369 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1294, previously 1755
11-12 18:35:41.369 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 2549, previously 11868
11-12 18:35:41.369 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 149, previously 808
11-12 18:35:41.372 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 104, previously 105
11-12 18:35:41.372 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.383 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 157, previously 159
11-12 18:35:41.383 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 357, previously 359
11-12 18:35:41.383 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.387 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 104, previously 113
11-12 18:35:41.387 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.391 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 181, previously 182
11-12 18:35:41.391 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.394 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 25, previously 26
11-12 18:35:41.394 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 216, previously 214
11-12 18:35:41.394 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.398 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 217, previously 218
11-12 18:35:41.398 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.399 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 30, previously 29
11-12 18:35:41.399 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.402 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 317, previously 332
11-12 18:35:41.403 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.406 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 72, previously 76
11-12 18:35:41.406 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.407 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 21, previously 29
11-12 18:35:41.408 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.408 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 17, previously 23
11-12 18:35:41.408 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.412 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 155, previously 156
11-12 18:35:41.412 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.416 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 9, previously 15
11-12 18:35:41.416 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.420 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 150, previously 151
11-12 18:35:41.420 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 449, previously 450
11-12 18:35:41.420 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:35:41.723 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 940, previously 1062
11-12 18:35:41.723 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 899, previously 913
11-12 18:35:41.723 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 167, previously 741
11-12 18:35:41.847 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3282, previously 3285
11-12 18:35:41.847 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3277, previously 3285
11-12 18:35:41.848 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 163, previously 320
11-12 18:35:41.848 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 303, previously 310
11-12 18:35:41.848 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 162, previously 616
11-12 18:35:41.858 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.858 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.858 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.859 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:35:41.859 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.859 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:35:41.859 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket : ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils.creatServerSocket
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket : ║ 开启服务
11-12 18:35:41.865 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.867 2851 2915 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2851 E readInputListenr: startInputListener
11-12 18:35:41.868 2851 2917 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2917 E socket : ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-0
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2917 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2917 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils$1.doInBackground
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2917 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2917 E socket : ║ doInBackground
11-12 18:35:41.869 2851 2917 E socket :
11-12 18:35:41.873 2851 2915 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.892 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:35:41.892 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.892 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:35:41.892 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty: ║ GeneralUtil.getSystemProperty
11-12 18:35:41.892 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty: ║ ro.product.cpu.abilist64 =
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType: ║ GeneralUtil.getArchType
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType: ║ CPU arch is 64bit
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 1
11-12 18:35:41.893 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:35:41.895 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.898 2851 2851 D SHENG : INFINIX MOBILITY LIMITED
11-12 18:35:41.898 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.898 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.898 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.899 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:35:41.899 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.899 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 20
11-12 18:35:41.899 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.900 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.900 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.900 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.900 2851 2923 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.901 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:35:41.901 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.901 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:35:41.901 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2923 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 12
11-12 18:35:41.902 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:35:41.904 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.905 2851 2851 E updateApkController: init: 1100119
11-12 18:35:41.906 2851 2924 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.908 2851 2851 E updateApkController: checkUpdate: 1
11-12 18:35:41.908 2851 2924 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.908 2851 2851 E isUseDefaultRom:
VersionHelper.getRomVersion().versionCode: 100119 BuildConfig.romversionCode100119
11-12 18:35:41.910 2851 2925 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.912 2851 2925 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.915 2851 2851 I System.out: 文件存在!!!!
11-12 18:35:41.915 2851 2851 E updateApkController:
intiPostUpdateInfo:isUseDefaultRom 1
11-12 18:35:41.915 2851 2851 E isUseDefaultRom:
VersionHelper.getRomVersion().versionCode: 100119 BuildConfig.romversionCode100119
11-12 18:35:41.917 2851 2851 I System.out: 文件存在!!!!
11-12 18:35:41.919 2851 2851 E BasePresenter: postUpdateInfo: PUpdate
11-12 18:35:41.929 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.929 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:35:41.929 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.929 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:35:41.929 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.929 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:35:41.930 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:41.953 2851 2926 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.955 2851 2926 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:35:41.958 2851 2929 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
11-12 18:35:41.996 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:41.998 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309)
identical 20 lines
11-12 18:35:41.998 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build :
263a1d1, I26dffed9a4
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : Build Date :
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : Local Branch :
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE
11-12 18:35:42.009 2851 2929 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
11-12 18:35:42.037 2851 2929 I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
11-12 18:35:42.043 2851 2929 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
11-12 18:35:42.043 2851 2929 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
11-12 18:35:42.061 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:42.061 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309)
identical 2 lines
11-12 18:35:42.061 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:42.091 2851 2928 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 919, previously 918
11-12 18:35:42.091 2851 2928 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 165, previously 681
11-12 18:35:42.768 2851 2873 I System.out: true
11-12 18:35:43.417 2851 2851 E updateApkController: onSuccess: apk 需要更新
11-12 18:35:43.503 2851 2851 E updateApkController: initDialog: 1
11-12 18:35:43.511 2851 2851 E updateApkController: onSuccess: Rom 不需要更新
11-12 18:35:43.531 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:43.582 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309)
identical 40 lines
11-12 18:35:43.582 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:43.580 2851 2851 W Thread-10: type=1400 audit(0.0:73795): avc: denied
{ ioctl } for path="socket:[4300215]" dev="sockfs" ino=4300215 ioctlcmd=8927
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=udp_socket permissive=0
11-12 18:35:43.580 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309)
identical 5 lines
11-12 18:35:43.580 2851 2851 W Thread-10: type=1400 audit(0.0:73801): avc: denied
{ ioctl } for path="socket:[4300215]" dev="sockfs" ino=4300215 ioctlcmd=8927
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=udp_socket permissive=0
11-12 18:35:43.580 2851 2851 W Thread-10: type=1400 audit(0.0:73802): avc: denied
{ read } for name="address" dev="sysfs" ino=35891
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file
11-12 18:35:43.591 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:43.618 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309)
identical 91 lines
11-12 18:35:43.619 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:44.470 2851 2851 W Thread-4: type=1400 audit(0.0:73803): avc: denied
{ read } for name="uptime" dev="proc" ino=4026532294
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
11-12 18:35:44.470 2851 2851 W Thread-4: type=1400 audit(0.0:73804): avc: denied
{ read } for name="power_supply" dev="sysfs" ino=16344
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir
11-12 18:35:44.470 2851 2851 W Thread-4: type=1400 audit(0.0:73805): avc: denied
{ read } for name="power_supply" dev="sysfs" ino=16344
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir
11-12 18:35:44.470 2851 2851 W Thread-4: type=1400 audit(0.0:73806): avc: denied
{ read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532295
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file
11-12 18:35:44.470 2851 2851 W Thread-4: type=1400 audit(0.0:73807): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=15653
scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
11-12 18:35:44.482 2851 2878 E libc : Access denied finding property
11-12 18:35:44.545 2851 2928 I zygote : Deoptimizing java.util.Map
e.gson.Gson,, java.lang.Class) due to JIT inline
11-12 18:35:44.577 2851 2857 I zygote : Do full code cache collection,
code=82KB, data=126KB
11-12 18:35:44.577 2851 2857 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=67KB,
11-12 18:35:44.589 2851 2928 I zygote : Deoptimizing void due to JIT inline cache
11-12 18:35:44.667 2851 2928 E setSavaCall: Save:
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-3
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ WindowService.getHeiht
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ getHeiht:1440
11-12 18:35:44.676 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.682 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.682 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-3
11-12 18:35:44.682 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.683 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ WindowService.getWiidth
11-12 18:35:44.683 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.683 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ getWiidth:720
11-12 18:35:44.683 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.688 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.688 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-3
11-12 18:35:44.688 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.688 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ WindowService.getHeiht
11-12 18:35:44.689 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:44.689 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ getHeiht:1440
11-12 18:35:44.689 2851 2928 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:35:45.101 2851 2991 I System.out: true
11-12 18:35:45.173 2851 2872 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
11-12 18:35:45.186 2851 2851 E updateApkController: onClick:
11-12 18:35:45.319 2994 2994 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
11-12 18:35:45.319 2994 2994 I MultiDex: Installing application
11-12 18:35:45.319 2994 2994 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
11-12 18:35:45.346 2994 2994 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
11-12 18:35:45.379 2994 2994 D channelName: channelName:app
11-12 18:35:45.466 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 15, previously 22
11-12 18:35:45.468 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 15, previously 22
11-12 18:35:45.493 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 29, previously 35
11-12 18:35:45.494 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 29, previously 35
11-12 18:35:45.495 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 2215, previously 2212
11-12 18:35:45.496 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 272, previously 1532
11-12 18:35:45.532 2994 3024 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from:
11-12 18:35:45.800 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1583, previously 1672
11-12 18:35:45.801 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3, previously 18
11-12 18:35:45.801 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1668, previously 1672
11-12 18:35:45.802 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 477, previously 530
11-12 18:35:45.802 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1213, previously 1216
11-12 18:35:45.802 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 142, previously 569
11-12 18:35:46.024 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1823, previously 2224
11-12 18:35:46.024 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1423, previously 1428
11-12 18:35:46.024 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 257, previously 1656
11-12 18:35:46.052 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3282, previously 3285
11-12 18:35:46.052 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 3277, previously 3285
11-12 18:35:46.053 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 163, previously 320
11-12 18:35:46.053 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 303, previously 310
11-12 18:35:46.053 2851 2872 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 162, previously 616
11-12 18:35:46.260 2851 2873 I System.out: true
11-12 18:35:47.801 2851 2851 E updateApkController: connected: 已经连接上
11-12 18:35:47.807 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:47.852 2851 2851 I chatty : uid=10309(u0_a309)
identical 7 lines
11-12 18:35:47.852 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:48.751 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:35:50.125 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:35:51.903 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:35:51.922 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:51.922 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:53.780 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:35:56.175 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:35:58.657 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:35:58.672 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:35:58.672 2851 2851 D Minikin : locale is en-US
11-12 18:36:00.421 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:36:02.293 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:36:03.888 2851 2851 E updateApkController: progress:
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager:
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity has leaked window DecorView@2ff7566[] that was
originally added here
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$000(updateApk
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$1.onSuccess(updateAp
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$1.success(
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$1.success(
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$1.onNext(
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$1.onNext(
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at$
11-12 18:36:04.535 2851 2851 E WindowManager: at
11-12 18:36:05.551 2851 2851 I AppCompatDelegate: The Activity's LayoutInflater
already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 1
11-12 18:36:05.553 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.554 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.554 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.554 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.555 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:05.555 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.555 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:05.555 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.556 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.556 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave: ║ PUserTrajectory.postUUidSave
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave: ║ e93217254466ea50
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave: ║ PUserTrajectory.postUUidSave
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave: ║ RELEASE 8.0.0 BRAND Infinix
MODEL Infinix X573
11-12 18:36:05.557 2851 2851 E postUUidSave:
11-12 18:36:05.559 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.559 2851 2913 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.559 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.559 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.560 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:05.560 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.560 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:05.560 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.561 2851 2913 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.564 2851 2884 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.567 2851 2884 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.747 2851 2851 E isPermissions: isPermissions: bSTORAGE true
11-12 18:36:05.776 2851 2851 I AppCompatDelegate: The Activity's LayoutInflater
already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 11
11-12 18:36:05.788 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:05.790 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.793 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.794 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.794 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.794 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:05.795 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.795 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ LauncherActivity.onCreate
11-12 18:36:05.795 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.795 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ uuid=e93217254466ea50
11-12 18:36:05.795 2851 2851 E PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:05.796 2851 2925 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.796 2851 2851 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.797 2851 2925 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:05.949 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 182, previously 187
11-12 18:36:05.949 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 354, previously 363
11-12 18:36:05.949 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.950 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 11, previously 12
11-12 18:36:05.950 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 75, previously 106
11-12 18:36:05.950 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.951 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1076, previously 1160
11-12 18:36:05.951 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 2612, previously 2613
11-12 18:36:05.951 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1294, previously 1755
11-12 18:36:05.952 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 2549, previously 11868
11-12 18:36:05.952 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 149, previously 808
11-12 18:36:05.953 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 104, previously 105
11-12 18:36:05.953 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.955 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 157, previously 159
11-12 18:36:05.955 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 357, previously 359
11-12 18:36:05.955 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.957 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 104, previously 113
11-12 18:36:05.957 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.958 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 181, previously 182
11-12 18:36:05.958 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.959 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 25, previously 26
11-12 18:36:05.960 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 216, previously 214
11-12 18:36:05.960 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.961 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 217, previously 218
11-12 18:36:05.961 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.962 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 30, previously 29
11-12 18:36:05.962 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.963 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 317, previously 332
11-12 18:36:05.963 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.964 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 72, previously 76
11-12 18:36:05.964 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.965 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 21, previously 29
11-12 18:36:05.965 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.966 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 17, previously 23
11-12 18:36:05.966 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.967 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 155, previously 156
11-12 18:36:05.967 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.969 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 9, previously 15
11-12 18:36:05.969 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.971 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 150, previously 151
11-12 18:36:05.971 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 449, previously 450
11-12 18:36:05.971 2851 2851 W ResourceType: Found multiple library tables,
11-12 18:36:05.992 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 940, previously 1062
11-12 18:36:05.993 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 899, previously 913
11-12 18:36:05.993 2851 2851 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 167, previously 741
11-12 18:36:06.038 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.038 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.038 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.038 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:06.038 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.039 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:06.039 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.041 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.042 2851 2851 E socket : ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.042 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.042 2851 2851 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils.creatServerSocket
11-12 18:36:06.042 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.042 2851 2851 E socket : ║ 开启服务
11-12 18:36:06.042 2851 2851 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.043 2851 2851 E readInputListenr: startInputListener
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket : ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-4
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils$1.doInBackground
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket : ║ doInBackground
11-12 18:36:06.044 2851 3083 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.045 2851 2923 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.046 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:36:06.046 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty: ║ GeneralUtil.getSystemProperty
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty: ║ ro.product.cpu.abilist64 =
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 E getSystemProperty:
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType: ║ GeneralUtil.getArchType
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2923 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType: ║ CPU arch is 64bit
11-12 18:36:06.047 2851 2851 D getArchType:
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 1
11-12 18:36:06.048 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.049 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.049 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.049 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.050 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:06.050 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.050 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:06.050 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.051 2851 2851 D SHENG : INFINIX MOBILITY LIMITED
11-12 18:36:06.051 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.051 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.051 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.052 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:36:06.052 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.052 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 20
11-12 18:36:06.052 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.053 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.053 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.053 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.054 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.055 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
11-12 18:36:06.055 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.055 2851 2851 E trajectoryType: ║ 12
11-12 18:36:06.055 2851 2851 E trajectoryType:
11-12 18:36:06.055 2851 2915 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.056 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.056 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.056 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.056 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:06.056 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.057 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:06.057 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.057 2851 2915 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.057 2851 2926 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.057 2851 2851 E updateApkController: init: 1100119
11-12 18:36:06.059 2851 2926 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.059 2851 2851 E updateApkController: checkUpdate: 1
11-12 18:36:06.059 2851 2851 E isUseDefaultRom:
VersionHelper.getRomVersion().versionCode: 100119 BuildConfig.romversionCode100119
11-12 18:36:06.061 2851 2851 I System.out: 文件存在!!!!
11-12 18:36:06.062 2851 2851 E updateApkController:
intiPostUpdateInfo:isUseDefaultRom 1
11-12 18:36:06.062 2851 2851 E isUseDefaultRom:
VersionHelper.getRomVersion().versionCode: 100119 BuildConfig.romversionCode100119
11-12 18:36:06.063 2851 2924 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.064 2851 2851 I System.out: 文件存在!!!!
11-12 18:36:06.064 2851 2851 E BasePresenter: postUpdateInfo: PUpdate
11-12 18:36:06.065 2851 2924 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ ApiManager$3.accept
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER: ║ doOnSubscribe(Okhttp):main
11-12 18:36:06.066 2851 2851 D PRETTYLOGGER:
11-12 18:36:06.071 2851 2885 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.074 2851 2885 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from
android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning
read-only value.
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: Address already
in use
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at Method)
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at<init>(
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at$3.doInBackground(
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at$
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.097 2851 2851 W System.err: at$UtilsThreadFactory$
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 E onFail : onFail: Address already in use
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: Address already
in use
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at Method)
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at<init>(
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at$1.doInBackground(
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at$
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at
11-12 18:36:06.098 2851 2851 W System.err: at$UtilsThreadFactory$
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket : ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-8
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils$1.doInBackground
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket : ║ doInBackground
11-12 18:36:06.099 2851 3090 E socket :
11-12 18:36:06.199 2851 3089 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 919, previously 918
11-12 18:36:06.199 2851 3089 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 165, previously 681

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