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EAF and secondary dust characterisation

M. C. Mantovani*1, C. Takano1 and P. M. Büchler2

The basic knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of the electric arc furnace (EAF)
and secondary dust (SD) obtained by the characterisation provides important information on the
potential problems that could be encountered during the processing of such materials. EAF dust
consists mainly of very fine spherical particles. The most common phases in the EAF dust are
solid solution of iron spinels generally enclosed into a matrix of calcium–iron silicate glass.
Leaching tests show that as the Zn/Fe ratio increases, there is an increase in the zinc extraction,
whereas the iron extraction decreases as the Zn/Fe ratio increases. It was possible to produce a
SD containing 55.8% zinc by means of charging EAF primary dust–coal composite pellets into an
induction furnace. SD consists of very fine particles presenting a mean particle size of 0.26 mm. In
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

addition, SD contains significant levels of iron, chloride and fluoride. The iron content in the SD
was identified as being iron droplets ejected from the bath caused by high intensity gas
generation during the smelting of the EAF primary dust–coal composite pellets.
Keywords: Electric arc steelmaking, Dust, Characterisation, Recycling, Zinc, Leaching I&S/1805

Introduction the molten steel at concentrations higher than permis-

sible to meet specifications for proper mechanical and
One of the most important problems encountered in physical properties of the steel. In spite of these
minimill steel plants throughout the world is the difficulties, a variable amount of the dust is usually
disposition of dusts (EAF dusts) generated during the recycled to the EAF. With this treatment, a new dust
production of steel in an electric arc furnace (EAF). In a with higher zinc and lead content can be obtained and
typical EAF operation, approximately 1–2% of the iron is recovered. However, there is still a disposal
charge is converted to dust, which is collected in the problem because not all of the dust can be recycled to
baghouse.1–3 Dusts generated during carbon steelmak- the EAF.
ing tend to be richer in zinc and lead, while EAF dusts There are many different EAF dust treatment
from stainless steelmaking are relatively low in zinc and processes used in commercial operations or at a
lead, but richer in alloying elements such as chromium developmental stage. These can be categorised into the
and nickel.4 following:7–14 (a) high temperature metal recovery
EAF dust has been classified by various government (HTMR) processes; (b) hydrometallurgical processes;
regulatory agencies as a hazardous waste, because of the and (c) vitrification or chemical stabilisation treatments.
leachability of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and Zinc can be extracted from EAF dust by the use of a
chromium.5 This classification means that the EAF dust number of different methods. In pyrometallurgical
cannot be disposed of in an ordinary landfill site. processes the zinc is vaporised and recovered as zinc
EAF dust recycling to the EAF can be repeated only oxide or metallic zinc. The most commonly used practice
for a limited number of cycles. The following possible for treatment of EAF dust is by means of a Waelz
operating problems can occur:6 (a) increase in the energy kiln,15–17 a technology employed since the early 1900s
requirement for reducing and melting of the components
for the beneficiation of oxidic zinc ores. There are
from the EAF dust; (b) with repeated recycling, the
several kilns operating worldwide, with the EAF dust
nonferrous metal content of the dust increases to the
being mixed with a carbonaceous material (coal fines
point where their return to the steel bath adversely
and coke) and a flux (lime and silica). Dust processing in
affects the steel melting operation; (c) the slag formed
a kiln generates two marketable products: a mixed zinc/
during recycling can attack the refractory lining of the
lead oxide (zinc content of 55–60% and iron in the range
furnace; and (d) in reduced form, some of the
of 2.5–7.5%) generated as the dust of the process and a
components from the dust can be incorporated by
solid reduced iron. The concentration of halides and
other impurities in crude zinc oxide limits its market-
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Polytechnic ability as a zinc raw material. Generally, as a minimum
School, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes 2463, CEP: requirement, the halogens must be removed significantly
05508–900 Cidade Universitária, São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, Polytechnic School – University of
by washing and/or calcining. Even after preprocessing,
São Paulo, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes 2463, CEP: 05508–900, Cidade the only significant outlet for the crude zinc oxide is as
Universitária, São Paulo/SP, Brazil raw material for pyrometallurgical zinc plants, such as
*Corresponding author, e-mail the Imperial Smelting Furnace or the Electrothermic

ß 2004 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 20 May 2003; accepted 25 May 2004
DOI 10.1179/030192304225018163 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2004 VOL 31 NO 4 325
Mantovani et al. EAF and secondary dust characterisation

be collected in a gas cleaning system (baghouse) as

shown in Fig. 1.

Particle size analysis

Particle size analyses of the EAF dust and SD were
determined by a laser granulometer (MALVERN 2600).
The sample was soaked in deionised water overnight and
dispersed ultrasonically for 3 min before the measure-
ment was carried out.

Morphology and microtexture of the particles

Scanning electron microscopy (Cambridge Stereoscan
240) with X-ray energy dispersive analysis (SEM–EDS)
and optical microscopy were used to verify the
morphology and microtexture of the particles. The
samples of the dusts were mounted on metallic dish
plate or in cold setting epoxy. Further, the samples were
1 Schematic representation for de-zinc treatment sputtered with carbon or gold and the images were
generated from both secondary and backscattered
Process. In fact, most Waelz kiln operations are electrons.
integrated or closely aligned with a zinc smelter. The
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iron-rich slag has been sold as a road base, antiskid Specific surface area (BET) and density
agent, Portland cement additive and an aggregate in Specific surface area (SSA) of the dusts was obtained by
highway blacktop.18 nitrogen gas adsorption using a Strönhlein Area Meter
These treatment processes (pyrometallurgical or II surface area analyser. Density was determined by
hydrometallurgical) are greatly enhanced by knowledge pycnometer (bottle).
of the main physical and chemical properties of the EAF
and secondary dust (SD). In the present study, the Chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction
techniques employed to determine some properties of Chemical analyses were carried out using atomic
the dusts were: (a) particle size analysis; (b) Brunauer– absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Chlorine and fluorine
Emmet–Teller (BET) specific surface area; (c) density were analysed by ion chromatography, and the carbon
(pycnometer); (d) optical microscopy; (e) scanning and sulphur contents were determined by the LECO
electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy method. The X-ray diffraction was performed using a
(SEM–EDS); (f) X-ray diffraction; (g) chemical analyses Philips PW 1710 diffractometer. In the last case, the
(atomic absorption spectroscopy – AAS and ion samples were packed into a flat aluminium tray and the
chromatography); and (h) leaching tests using two kinds upper surface was pressed flat. Cu Ka radiation was used
of leach liquors (1 M H2SO4 and 4 M NH4Cl). for the analysis.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the
main characteristics of the EAF and SD in order to Leaching procedure
identify economically viable ways for its utilisation.
EAF dust samples of 40 g were used for each experi-
ment. EAF dusts were leached using 1 M H2SO4 (room
Experimental temperature) and 4 M NH4Cl (80uC) as leach liquors.
Sampling The agent leaching into a beaker (400 ml) was main-
tained in a thermostated water bath, which was covered
Five EAF dust samples used in this study were collected
in order to keep the solid–liquid ratio during the
at the baghouse and kindly donated by Aços Villares
experiments. The EAF dust was gradually added to
SA, a producer of carbon and low alloy steels. EAF dust
the leach liquor while the stirring was made using a
(EAFD) samples 1–4 were generated when only scrap
magnet stirrer. The beaker was removed from the
was charged in the furnace. However, sample EAFD-5
thermostated water bath after the reaction time and
was generated by recycling EAFD-1 to the EAF, i.e.
the slurry was immediately filtered. Further, the slurry
charging EAFD-1 together with scrap. SD was gener-
was washed several times in order to remove any
ated after charging of EAFD-1 dust–coal composite
residual content of the liquor. After drying of the
pellets into the high frequency induction furnace
samples, chemical analysis (AAS) was performed to
previously containing a cast iron bath (Fig. 1). In this
verify the iron and zinc content of the solid fraction.
case the EAFD-4 was mixed with 5 wt-% Portland
cement as a binder, and with 19.4 wt-% coal fines. In
order to make cold bonded pellets as the agglomerates Results and discussion
(about 12 mm in diameter), the mixture was pelletised,
cured for 28 days and dried until reaching 0.3% final EAF and SD characterisation
moisture. The pellets (10 kg) were then slowly charged Particle size analysis and texture characterisation
into a cast iron bath. Zinc oxide, zinc ferrite and other The EAF dust particles consist primarily of spheres
oxides are reduced by carbon contained in the agglom- (Fig. 2), but broken spheres, cenospheres and angular
erates. Metals with high vapour pressures (Zn, Pb and particles (Fig. 3) are also observed in all samples.
Cd) are volatised at temperatures around 1873 K, and Cenospheres are formed because of the presence of gas
further react with air forming the so-called SD that will within the particles at the time of their solidification.

326 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2004 VOL 31 NO 4

Mantovani et al. EAF and secondary dust characterisation

4 Optical micrograph showing a halo consisting of very

fine particles formed around large ones
2 Secondary electron image (SEM) showing common
morphology of EAF dust
According to Lopes et al.,19 magnetic separation was
used for separating the ferrous and non-ferrous compo-
Generally, broken spheres and angular particles are the nents for subsequent treatment by other technologies. At
result of disintegration of larger particles through CO room temperature, magnetite is ferromagnetic while zinc
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

gas explosions. ferrite is paramagnetic and zincite is diamagnetic. It is

Most of the individual EAF dust particles are less therefore possible in theory to achieve useful separations
than 10 mm, but particles of 20–80 mm are not uncom- on the basis of magnetic properties. However, owing to
mon. It is possible to observe that in some cases very fine fine particle size and the mode of occurrence of zinc and
particles are agglomerated forming multiple particle iron, as will be seen in more detail later, it was very
aggregates. From Table 1, it is noted that the sample difficult to obtain a significant fraction of a non-
EAFD-1 presents a mean particle size higher than other magnetic zinc rich product.
samples. In this case, during their storage at the steel From Fig. 4, it can be observed that the finest particles
plant the EAFD-1 was exposed to air moisture and, as a are magnetically and electrostatically attracted to one
consequence, particle agglomerates were formed because another and they commonly form halos around the large
of hydration reactions. particles. According to Hagni and Hagni,20 the orange–
red internal reflections (reflected light microscopy) of
these halos indicate the presence of zincite in this
fraction of fine particles.
SD consists of very fine particles presenting a mean
particle size of 0.26 mm (commercial zinc oxide has a
mean particle size around 0.21 mm). From Fig. 5, it can
be seen that the SD consists mainly of multiple particle
aggregates. In addition, it was observed the presence of
iron droplets in the SD. In this case, during the smelting
reduction process of the EAF dust–coal composite
pellets there was the ejection of the iron droplets from
the bath, which were collected together with the zinc
oxide by the gas cleaning system (baghouse).
Table 1 gives the specific surface area of the EAF
a dusts. In spite of the small particle size, the specific
surface area is limited in the range from 0.59 to
4.32 m2 g21, mainly because of the spherical morphol-
ogy of the particles. SD collected from the baghouse
presents a specific surface area of 4.7 m2 g21, very
similar to that presented by commercial zinc oxide (4–
5.9 m2 g21).
As can be seen in Table 1, EAF dust densities range
from 2.96 to 4.12 g cm23 and are consistent with those
reported earlier by Wu and Themelis.21 Although the

Table 1 Physical properties of the dusts


D50 (mm) 20.07 4.06 3.55 3.91 4.38 0.26
a cenosphere; b angular particle SSA (m2 g21) 3.62 5.09 0.59 1.14 4.32 4.70
3 Optical micrographs showing the ordinary morpholo- Density
(g cm23) 4.12 3.76 2.96 3.05 3.41 5.02
gies of the EAF dust particles (section polished)

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2004 VOL 31 NO 4 327

Mantovani et al. EAF and secondary dust characterisation

5 Secondary electron image (SEM) showing common

1 calcium–iron–manganese silicate glass; 2 solid solution
morphology of the SD: an iron spherical particle can
of iron spinels
also be seen
6 Backscattered electron image (SEM) showing a particle
with a shape of a drop
densities of the EAF dusts are significantly lower than
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

the major components (5.2 g cm23 for magnetite and the dust to the EAF also contributes for increasing the
5.6 g cm23 for zincite), the discrepancies are explained zinc content in the EAF dust.
by the presence of occluded pores and by the lower According to several studies,23–26 the main mechan-
densities of the others components contained in the EAF isms of EAF dust formation are: (a) volatilisation of
dusts. metals such as zinc, lead, and cadmium with a high
vapour pressure at steelmaking temperatures; (b) CO
Chemical and mineralogical analysis bubble bursting and ejection of metal droplets that
Table 2 gives the chemical composition of the EAF dusts subsequently ‘explosively’ oxidize to form fume; (c)
used in the present study. EAF dusts 1–4 were generated vaporization of iron under the electric arc; and (d)
when only scrap was charged in the furnace. The content entrainment of solid particles. It is important to mention
of zinc is low because scrap in Brazil contains a low that the second mechanism is in agreement with the
percentage of galvanised steel. However, EAFD-5 was spherical morphology of the particles as shown in Fig. 2.
generated by recycling EAFD-1, i.e. charging EAFD-1 Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy
together with scrap. The composition of the EAF dust dispersive analysis (EDS) was utilised to obtain more
varies considerably.22 It is dependent not only on the details of the mineralogical species contained in the EAF
scrap used, the type of steel being made, but also on the dusts. Figure 6 shows a particle that presents a shape of
operating conditions and procedures. Even a minor a drop. In zone 1 the elements detected in significant
change in the operating procedures from heat-to-heat amounts were Ca, Fe, Mn and Si (calcium–iron–
could result in a variation in the composition of the dust. manganese silicate glass). The polygonal phase (zone
Because the ratio of galvanised to regular steel scrap 2) contains Fe as the main element together with Mn, Ca
used in automobiles has been increasing, then the zinc and Zn (solid solution of iron spinels). It is important to
content has also been increasing and this trend will likely mention that chromium is concentrated in these poly-
continue. It is important to mention that the recycling of gonal phases, and they commonly contain small

Table 2 Chemical analysis of the dusts


Component, wt-% EAFD-1 EAFD-2 EAFD-3 EAFD-4 EAFD-5 SD

FeT 49.10 35.10 48.75 39.20 29.79 3.12

Zn 3.54 19.76 10.85 14.49 27.07 55.80
Pb 0.51 3.02 0.94 1.51 2.55 3.81
K 1.08 1.42 0.73 0.83 1.98 3.65
Na 1.26 1.04 0.54 0.39 1.13 0.89
C 2.90 1.67 2.30 1.80 1.09 1.33
S 0.22 0.46 0.43 0.58 0.36 0.38
Cl 1.55 2.94 1.75 1.63 3.29 4.40
F 0.55 0.40 0.34 0.31 0.61 0.66
SiO2 3.80 2.40 2.40 2.71 1.96 0.32
CaO 8.40 1.42 0.90 1.78 0.90 0.50
Al2O3 0.84 0.11 0.06 0.14 0.05 0.15
MgO 1.18 1.16 0.86 0.75 1.03 0.35
MnO 3.17 3.18 4.57 4.72 2.38 0.28
Cr2O3 0.59 0.58 0.49 0.61 0.43 ,0.05
Ignition loss 2.82 8.75 2.42 2.56 9.77 14.2

328 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2004 VOL 31 NO 4

Mantovani et al. EAF and secondary dust characterisation

7 Backscattered electron image (SEM) showing a particle

where the solid solution of iron spinels is present in a
dendritic form (white) enclosed in calcium–iron silicate a
glass (grey)
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amounts of magnesium and aluminium. As can be seen

in Fig. 7, solid solution of iron spinels can also be
present in a dendritc form enclosed in calcium–iron
silicate glass.
Figure 8 shows a particle containing three phases. In
zone 1 only iron was detected. Although metallic iron
particles are not especially abundant in the EAF dusts, it
is possible to find them enclosed within a matrix
containing very complex phases. In zone 2 the main
elements detected were Ca, Si and Fe (calcium–iron
silicate glass). In zone 3 Fe, Mn, Ca, Zn and Cr were
detected (solid solution of iron spinels).
In general, the EAF dust particles are polymineralic
and exhibit a variety of internal crystalline configura-
tions that are specially characterised by skeletal textures
as a result of the rapid cooling of the particles. The
crystal morphology of the iron spinel solid solution,
depending on the cooling rate, varies from the dendritic a dendritic; b rhombohedron
9 Optical micrographs showing the texture configura-
tions of iron spinel particles

texture to well developed rhombohedron morphology

(Fig. 9). It is important to mention, that the textures and
therefore the crystallization process is the same for
spinels from the large particles to the sub-sieve particles.
Therefore, it seems reasonable to suppose that CO
bubbles rising through the steel bath can burst and eject
droplets of metal and slag from the bath into the furnace
atmosphere. According to Badger,27 as the gas rises
through the melt and into the slag interface, the bubble
possesses a ‘skin’ of steel. As this bubble rises through
the slag, additional material from the slag is added to
CO bubble. The slag layer adds the CaO and SiO2
necessary to produce the calcium–iron silicate glass,
while the molten iron contributes to formation of spinel-
ferrite and magnetite phases. In addition, it is important
to consider that when the temperature of the gas phase
drops in the roof or hood of the furnace and in the ducts
conveying it, the fumed material oxidises and condenses,
largely, on particles mechanically carried out of the
8 Backscattered electron image (SEM) of a particle con- bath. Interaction of the particles leads to formation of
taining three phases: (1) metallic iron; (2) calcium–iron chemically complex phases. According to another
silicate glass and; (3) solid solution of iron spinels study,28 the solid solution of iron spinels is produced

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2004 VOL 31 NO 4 329

Mantovani et al. EAF and secondary dust characterisation
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a 10.85% Zn; b 14.49% Zn; c 27.07% Zn

10 X-ray diffraction patterns of EAF dusts with different zinc contents

by atomising of several oxide layers formed on the predominant phase is the zincite with minor amounts of
molten steel such as: (Mn,Zn)Fe2O4, (Mn,Zn)Fe2O4– NaCl and KCl.
Fe3O4, Fe3O4–(Mn,Fe)O and (Mn,Fe)O. According to Lindblom et al.,29 most of the halogen
The mineralogy of EAF dust as determined by X-ray bearing phases in the EAF dust and SD are mainly
diffraction (XRD) shows a predominance of a solid soluble NaCl and KCl. In addition, the minor unleach-
solution of iron spinels and zincite. The amount of able amount of halogens in the leached SD occurs as
zincite varies with the percentage of zinc present in the CaF2 and an aluminate–silicate phase that contains up
sample, i.e. dust with more zinc contains more zincite. to 10% chlorine. These two halogen bearing phases
Figure 10 shows three XRD patterns selected to originate from the carry over of materials from the
illustrate the differences among the EAF dusts (low, reactor furnace. Therefore, the lowest possible halogen
medium and high zinc content). The dust containing content in the SD depends on the amount of the carry
27.1% zinc has a primary ZnO peak almost as great as over material from the reactor furnace, which is
the (Zn,Fe,Mn,Ca)Fe2O4 primary peak. Zincite is dependent on the stability of the process and the
significantly reduced in the EAF dust containing 14.5% operation conditions. In the same way, the carbon and
zinc and barely present in the EAF dust with low zinc sulphur contents are also influenced owing to carry over
content (,10%). materials from the reactor furnace.
Chemical analysis and XRD of the SD are shown in For electrolytic zinc producers (sulphate based leach-
Table 2 and Fig. 11, respectively. It is clear that the SD is ing) the chlorine and fluorine content of the electrolyte
enriched in zinc as compared to the EAFD-5, and it can must be less than 100 and 10 mg L21, respectively, to
also be seen that the chlorides and fluorides concentrate avoid severe cathode and anode corrosion and cathode
in the SD. The XRD pattern of the SD shows that the sticking problems. The halide control methods used by

330 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2004 VOL 31 NO 4

Mantovani et al. EAF and secondary dust characterisation

11 X-ray diffraction pattern of the SD

most electrolytic zinc processors is to avoid, if at all treatments as an important factor in process design.
possible, the use of any chlorine and fluorine bearing The new hydrometallurgical processes specially devel-
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feeds to the leaching circuit. If some primary or oped for treating these zinc bearing materials can
secondary raw materials containing chlorine and fluor- produce high purity metallic zinc or zinc oxide,33–36
ine are used, they must be either treated to remove the but most of them cannot completely leach zinc ferrite
halides to an acceptably low level or fed at very low rates contained in the dust as a major phase. Therefore, it is
to avoid exceeding critical chlorine and fluorine levels. important to increase the Zn/Fe ratio by means of
These latter practices, however, are the exception rather recycling the EAF dust to the EAF, at least in some
than the rule.30 extension in spite of the problems that can occur during
Therefore, for using the SD produced in this work as a this procedure.
raw material for pyrometallurgical zinc plants (Imperial
Smelting Furnace or Electrothermic process), it is inter- Conclusions
esting to find a method (washing and/or calcining) for
lowering the halogen content to the acceptable level before EAF dust characterisation
any pyrometallurgical application. However, the SD can EAF dust consists mainly of very spherical particles, but
be used in the new hydrometallurgical processes specially broken spheres, cenospheres and angular particles are
developed for treating zinc bearing materials.31–33 also present mostly in large fractions. Most of the
individual particles are less than 5 mm, but particles of
Leaching of the EAF dusts 20–80 mm are not uncommon. Also, there are agglom-
It is remarkable to see from Figs. 12 and 13 that as the erates predominantly composed of spherical particles of
Zn/Fe ratio increases there is an increase in the zinc less than 1 mm.
extraction, whereas the iron extraction decreases as the EAF dust densities range from 2.96 to 4.12 g cm23.
Zn/Fe ratio increases. The amount of zinc extraction This physical property is influenced by the presence of
depends strictly on the Zn/Fe ratio of the dust, i.e. high occluded pores and by the lower densities of the other
zinc content means more zincite present in the dust components contained in the dust.
instead of zinc ferrite. Because the Zn/Fe ratio is related Most of the EAF dust particles are very fine, but also
to the level of iron and zinc extraction, such an aspect spherical in shape and, as a consequence, the specific
must be considered mainly in hydrometallurgical surface area is limited in the range of 0.59–4.32 m2 g21.

12 Effect of Zn/Fe ratio on the zinc extraction 13 Effect of Zn/Fe ratio on the iron extraction

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Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

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