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Jl. Haji Nawi Raya no 9B

Gandaria Selatan
South Jakarta, 12420
Tel: (+6221)7227875, (+62)8170888594

Academic Year
A-STAR academic year is comprised of four terms. Duration of each term is ten weeks.
Payment Matter
1. Tuition fee for one term is paid in advance and is due two weeks before the starting of new term.
2. Tuition fee paid is non-refundable.
3. Summer classes commence right after the end of term four and end in the middle of July. Summer
classes are optional. Students who wish to have summer classes need to submit the summer form
given in term four. No fee is billed to students who take a break. Summer classes lesson fee is
counted based on the number of lessons.
4. Students continuing to next academic year should confirm new academic year schedule during the
registration period in the beginning of June. This will ensure us to secure the students’ seat before
we take admission of new students during summer holiday. First term fee needs to be settled prior
to schedule confirmation. Letter containing the detail of registration period, along with the summer
class form, is given in term four. Students returning not in the first week of term one are
automatically eligible for make-up classes according to a make-up policy. Should existing students
not enroll in the beginning of term one, they could only reenroll in the new term as new students.
5. Reducing the number of lessons (example from 3 lessons to 2 lessons) in a new term could be done
by notifying us prior to the first day of the new term. Such request made on or after the first day of
the new term is subject to refusal.
6. Graduating students (grade 12) who are enrolled in term four will only have lessons until the end of
week seven. Prorated lesson fee will be 70% of term four lesson fee. Lesson dates falling after exam
could be pulled forward to dates before exam.
Jl. Haji Nawi Raya no 9B
Gandaria Selatan
South Jakarta, 12420
Tel: (+6221)7227875, (+62)8170888594

Subjects Offered and Minimum Number of Lessons

1. Mathematics. Available for grade 6 to 12. Minimum number of lessons is one lesson in a week for
grade 6 to 8. Minimum number of lessons is two lessons in a week for grade 9 to 12.
2. Chemistry. Available for grade 9 to 12. Minimum number of lessons is one lesson in a week.
3. Physics. Available for grade 11 to 12. Minimum number of lessons is one lesson in a week.
Make-up Class Policy
1. Students qualify for a make-up class only if they give a notice to admin staff through a text message
or an email by a day (before midnight local time) prior to the missed lesson date. Students who give
missed lesson notice on the same day as missed lesson day for any reason including sickness do not
qualify for a make-up class.
2. No make-up class is given to students who miss the lesson on school holiday (Saturday does not
count) and public holiday. No make-up class is given in the extraordinary event beyond control of A-
STAR (force majeure).
3. Make-up classes are conducted every Sunday at 9:00 am and at 11:00 am. Parent/student can
confirm the make-up class via student dashboard at A-STAR website (please kindly request student
username and password). Make-up class confirmation cannot be cancelled after 3pm on Saturday.
Teachers conducting make-up class do not necessarily have to be the regular teachers. Request of
make-up class on weekday is subject to availability. Students who have previously confirmed make-
up class time and do not show up on the make-up class day will forfeit the make-up class. No other
replacement will be given.
4. Students who miss a regular class on Saturday and qualify for a make-up class will be offered a
make-up class on the next week Sunday while students who miss a regular class on weekday and
qualify for a make-up class will be offered a make-up class on the same week Sunday.
5. Maximum number of missed lessons replaced in one term is two for students having one lesson in a
week, four for students having two lessons in a week and six for students having three lessons or
more in a week.
6. The make-up class must be taken no later than 28 days since the missed lesson date.
Jl. Haji Nawi Raya no 9B
Gandaria Selatan
South Jakarta, 12420
Tel: (+6221)7227875, (+62)8170888594

Public Holiday
A-STAR is closed on Eid Al-Fitr public holiday for 2 days and on Chinese New Year public holiday for 1
day. Students whose schedule falls on the aforementioned public holidays will be given replacement
albeit the process will be slow. On any other public holiday, classes are conducted earlier. Regular
classes at 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm are conducted at 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 1:00 pm respectively.
Office Hour
A-STAR office hour is Monday to Thursday 1:30 pm-9:30 pm, Friday 1:30 pm-8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00
am-3:00 pm. Any incoming text, email or phone call out of office hour will be replied during office hour.
Students should give a notice before the first day of a new term if they would like to withdraw from A-
STAR. In the event that the students wish to reenroll in the future, they could only reenroll in the new
term as new students.

Acknowledged by

( )
Parent/Guardian of ....................

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