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Apolo gets its bow and arrow from Hepaistus. When he was little, Apolo and Artenis
defeated the giant giants Hera. The Queen of the Gods was still not satisfied to work on
Leto. He sent a ramaa called Tityos to disturb the Titan. Then the two toddlers protected
their mother and succeeded in defeating the giant by archery using a bow. Zeus always
helps his children complete their battles. Tityos was hit with his lightning until completely
helpless. Then lock it in Tartarus. Shortly afterwards, Hera launched her next attack, this
time she sent a dragon outfit named Python to attack the small Apolo. With its silver bow
and all its successes, Apolo finally killed the python. Zeus who couldn't stand with all the
treatments Hera finally persuaded his wife to no longer attack them. Zeus also brought
all three to Olympus.

After growing up, Apolo was famous for his archery skills. He is considered the Archer
God. Sometimes Apolo and his twin brother Artenis went hunting along with his mother
Leto. I love the mother, they will be angry if anyone dares to insult her mother. A Thebes
Queen named Niobe said that she was superior to Leto. Because it has seven child pairs.
Whereas Leto is only a pair. Apolo was angry and arched all of his sons and his twin sister
Artenis beat up all of his daughters Niobe and were condemned to stone.

Apolo is more famous as the God of Music. He is also a healing God and is considered
the God of truth. He reflects the brightest and most luminous youth of other Gods. So he
got the nickname of the God of Light. Apolo has a musical instrument created by Hermes
for him. So, Lira is a symbol of the Apolo God.

Just like Artenis, Apolo is also not married, but he has many lovers and children. One of
his famous children is Asklepios. The results of his relationship with Coronis. Sat
convicted of pregnancy, Apolo killed him for having an affair with another man. But his
son was saved. The child was entrusted to the Jentawe Jeran. Then he grew up to be a
great healer. Even able to revive the dead. People call it a healing God. But this actually
made Zeus become worried. Because it can change human destiny. Finally, the king of
the Lord had to forcefully get rid of his grandson with a single bolt of lightning

Asklepios immediately met his death. Apolo became sad even he was also very angry at
Father Zeus. The courage of an Apolo when no other Gods dared to oppose Zeus. Apolo
instead killed one of the Saiklops who made the king of God lightning to avenge his
son's death. Zeus became angry, he planned to confine his child against the Tartarus. But
Leto the mother begged to forgive her child. Eventually Zeus only gave a sentence to
serve humans for 9 years. In his service, Apolo actually strongly advised him about his
destiny. He can avoid his death. If anyone wants to replace it. But no one wants it. Until
finally his own wife died. Fortunately, at that time Hercules arrived who was willing to
help. The hero goes to the underworld and fights with Thanaos the god of death. He
finally won and managed to bring the human wife back from the dead.

Apolo and Hercules once had a dispute. At that time Hercules came to Oracledelphi to
ask how to treat his skin disease. But the fortune teller there doesn't want to share it.
Hercules became angry and screwed up there. Then said he would set up his own
Korakel. Apolo, who heard that, had wanted to beat the hero. But luckily Zeus separated
the two sons. The second is peace. After hearing an explanation from Hercules. Apolo
tells the astrologer to give it the medicine. Oracledelphi is the first Apolo prediction
place. It used to be owned by Gaia or the Goddess of the Earth. And guarded by Python
the dragon snake. Then when Hera sent the python to kill the little Apolo. The dragon
snake was actually defeated. So that Apolo now controls Oracledelphi and the fortune
tellers there are intermediaries.

Apolo is also the God of Divination. He is also the god of divination. He is also the God
of the plague. When humans dare to oppose it, they will spread disease outbreaks in the
area. During the Proya war, Apolo who sided with Proya also often helped them drive
out the Greek army. Once he helped the Proya prince named Paris. At that time the hero
wanted to avenge Kakanya's death named Hector. When a duel with a great hero named
Greek hero Akhiles. Previously Akhiles had been warned by his mother not to kill him
there. Especially if you kill one of the sons of Apolo who became the King there. Nama
Akhiles ignored his mother's advice. The Apolo son named Tenes was killed by him.

Apolo is very angry. And when Paris wants to shoot the famous Akhiles immune to
weapons, he helps direct the arrow to hit the hero's heels. Apolo already knows, the only
thing that isn't immune from Achiles is his heel. Apolo also competed with the Gods
several times. He will also accept that there are those who dare to oppose him playing a
musical instrument or boasting about it.

A King named Midas, he once cursed to be an eagle-eared, because he did not side with
him during the race. His handsome paras make Apolo easy to get the woman he wants.
But when he dealt with the son of the goddess of love, all of that became useless. One
day he met eros or cupid cupid. Then the apolo boasts its bow and arrow to the Cupid.
He then mocked Cupid and said that Cupid was only a child who played a useless arrow.
While he was able to defeat many enemies with his bow. Angered by his ridicule, Cupid
shot him with a golden arrow, making Apolo fall in love with a nymph attack named
Dafney Princess of the river god. Cuoid also shot the nymph but with the arrows that
made him unable to love other people. Apolo love failed because of mocking Cupid. He
tried to chase after Dafney, who always ran away when approached. In fact, Dafney
begged the Earth Goddess to change her form to avoid Apolo. Gaia answered her
prayer. So that the nymph is converted into a bay tree. Apolo became sad because
Dafney could no longer get him. He broke one of the trees to put on his head. And since
then the salam pohn is sacred to him.

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