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What happens in On His Blindness?

In "On His Blindness," Milton writes of his experience of blindness. He asks if God wants him to keep
working, in spite of the fact that his job caused him to lose his sight. A personified Patience tells him that
God rewards even those who stand and wait to be of service.

 Milton went blind working for the English Republic. His service to the government often
required that he stay up late reading and writing. This caused him to lose his sight.

 The poem takes the form of a Petrarchan sonnet. Petrarchan sonnets traditionally focus on love
and romance, but Milton subverts this in order to explore his relationship with God.

 Milton fears that his blindness will prevent him from doing God's work. Patience tells him that
even his idleness is useful to God if he continues to have faith.

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Summary and Analysis

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John Milton’s poem “On His Blindness” is an autobiographical sonnet in which Milton meditates on his
own loss of sight. For most of his life, Milton had been able to see perfectly, but his late-night reading
and writing on behalf of the government of the short-lived English Republic, in which he held a very
prominent position, helped ruin his eyesight. This sonnet—written in the “Petrarchan” rhyme scheme
associated with the fourteenth-century Italian poet Francesco Petrarca—is divided into an eight-line
“octave” and a six-line “sestet.” The octave rhymes a/b/b/a/a/b/b/a. The sestet rhymes c/d/e/c/d/e.
The sonnet is therefore a typical Petrarchan sonnet in form, but in subject matter, the poem departs
from the topics usually associated with Petrarchan poems. Petrarch (the English version of Petrarca’s
name) was most famous for writing about love; Milton departs from that conventional topic to deal with
a very practical, very physical problem, but a problem with many broader spiritual implications.

By beginning line one with the word “When," Milton immediately signals that he is opening with a
subordinate clause (a dependent clause) that introduces the main idea to follow. Beginning the poem
this way creates a certain suspense; the main idea is postponed so that we have to continue reading in
anticipation of its eventual arrival. Shakespeare also often used this kind of sentence pattern in
constructing his own sonnets. By opening with a dependent clause, Milton heightens our sense of
anticipation by delaying the key statement.
The word “consider” implies careful, rational thought rather than purely emotional reaction. Here and
throughout the poem, the speaker uses his reason, which Renaissance Christians considered one of the
greatest gifts that God had bestowed upon human beings. The ability of humans to reason, they
believed, linked them to God and distinguished them from animals. The speaker feels that his “light” is
“spent” (extinguished) in several senses of the word “light.” This word clearly alludes, at least
eventually, to the speaker’s loss of sight, but "light" may also suggest one’s intelligence. The opening
line may at first seem to mean “When I think about how I have used my intelligence,” but it soon comes
to mean “When I ponder how my ability to see has become extinguished.” This latter meaning is, of
course, foreshadowed by the poem’s title.

The idea of losing one’s sight is obviously a deeply troubling one. The blind person is suddenly at risk in
all kinds of ways. The speaker in the poem feels vulnerable; he can no longer literally see his own way or
easily protect himself from dangers. The special tragedy of this particular speaker is that he has lost his
sight at an unusually early stage of life. Rather than becoming blind when elderly, he has become blind
in middle age. He now inhabits a world that seems “dark” (2) in at least two senses: it is no longer
physically visible, and it is a world full of sin and spiritual darkness. The world, moreover, is not only dark
but also “wide”: the speaker will somehow have to navigate, both literally and...

(The entire section is 1,654 words.)

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On His Blindness Homework Help Questions

 What is a summary of "On His Blindness" by Milton?

The title of John Milton’s poem “On His Blindness” is first found in a 1761 edition of Milton's poetry. The
poem was originally published in Milton's 1673 Poems, and was identified by a...

 What was Milton's crisis in "On His Blindness"?

"On His Blindness" by John Milton is written in the form of an Italian sonnet. It is an autobiographical
poem written in the first person. It was written after Milton, a deeply religious writer,...

 Explain the last line of the poem "On His Blindness."

"They also serve who only stand and wait." This last line of the poem "On His Blindness" by John Milton
relates to a person exercising patience and faith despite their circumstances. The person...

 Milton was completely blind by the time he was about 43 years old. He reveals something of

Milton's "On His Blindness" is an Italian sonnet written in the first person. In this, Milton, a deeply
religious writer, explores how he feels about his blindness in light of his religious...

 I need an explanation of "On His Blindness."

John Milton's poem, "On His Blindness," speaks to the frustrations Milton had regarding his lost sight.
The poem reflects upon the idea that he (the speaker of the poem) will not be able to serve...



The poem On His Blindness is an autobiographical sonnet in which he expresses his feelings as a blind
person. The poet thinks, in the beginning, that he will not be able to serve God as his sight is gone.

As the poem develops, he begins to believe that God wants him to keep working, in spite of the fact that
his job caused him to lose his sight. In the end, he is assured that he is serving God like the angels who
just wait for the orders of God.

The poem has a number of Biblical references that depict Milton’s stern belief in God. The poem is
written in the Petrarchan rhyme scheme.

Line by Line Summary of On His Blindness

Savefrom englishsummary.com34English SummaryPoetry

Stanza 1

The poet starts the poem with ‘When’ thus he introduces his idea in the very beginning. According to
him, he often thinks that half of his life or sight or intelligence has been spent in serving humanity, but
now he has lost his eyesight and so his other half-life is dark now and wide i.e. challenging as well.

The one talent (of writing) which he had, is useless now because without eyesight he cannot write. Thus
it is just a load from the God that has been bestowed on him. The poet laments over the loss of his
eyesight and wonders what this talent means for him now as without eyesight he cannot use it.

Stanza 2

In these lines, the lament of poets turns into desire and wonder. He says that he desired to serve his
Maker but because of this blindness he cannot do so.

He wonders if God still wants to serve Him in spite of the fact that his sight is gone. The poet says that
this foolish thought often haunts him.

Stanza 3
In these lines, the poet says that when such foolish thoughts come into his mind, the patience at once
comes to reply that the work of man does not please God, but the ‘who best bear his mild yoke’ i.e.the
one who remains patient and content with what he has is most liked by Him.

God has a huge Kingdom and there are thousands of angels who remain in motion to carry God’s order.
They never take rest. The poet compares them with those who have the talent and use it to serve God.

On the other hand, there are some other angels also who serve Him just by standing and waiting before
God. According to him, their service is equally valuable to God as that of the first category of angels.

The poet compares himself with the later Angels who just keep patience. Thus, in the end, the poet is
quite satisfied as he is also serving God just by keeping patience.

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