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FRIT 8132: Administration of Technology Resources

Technology Plan
Fall 2009

Sarah Wiggins
November, 1, 2009
The Forsyth County Three- Year Technology Plan was submitted May 6, 2009 to the Georgia
Department of Education. This recent update came as a change that occurred in the county with the
incoming new superintendent. The county has recently adopted the new IE2 status, and an updated
technology plan was required as part of the process. Forsyth County has always seen itself as putting
technology first in the process of education. This was seen in the last 5 years when Forsyth County was
the largest county to install Promethean ACTIV boards in every classroom pre-k – 12, and even in
special area classrooms throughout every school in the county. As a teacher in the county, I can testify
that the county takes pride in the technology and works hard to ensure that the faculty is trained and
prepared to use the technology within the classrooms. However, I was not even aware that we had a
technology plan, or of what was in the plan until I researched it for this project. I do not feel there is an
appropriate amount of communication about this plan to the teachers. Without the follow through and
the teachers carrying it out, it will serve no purpose.

The Technology Planning Analysis Rubric by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball was used to evaluate
Forsyth County Schools Three – Year Technology Plan. The following information is organized by
breaking the evaluation down into each of the Criteria as set forth by the rubric. The suggestions for
improvement follow the actual scoring using the rubric.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Broad Based A list of A list of A A
Support contributors is contributors is comprehensive comprehensive
Contributions not provided provided, but list of list of
(Administrati does not contributors is contributors is
provided with provided with
on, Teachers, describe the
the the
Students, constituencies constituencies constituencies
Community, they represent. they represent. they
and Staff) Equitable Representation represent.
representation is provided by Representation
is not apparent at least three of is across all
due to the lack the five areas five areas of the
of detail, of the objective. objective. The
The principal is principal is
included included.

Suggestions for improvement: The plan could be improved by creating a section

that provides background information for how the plan was created and included
the group(s) of people that worked on the plan. After reviewing the current plan, I
contacted the Technology Coordinator for the county to find out that the creation of
the plan was a large collaborative effort. The team was made up of Instructional
Technology teachers, teachers from elementary, middle and high school, county
level personnel, and a board member.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Broad Based No process for The process to The process to
Support Process equitable assure assure equitable
representation is equitable representation is
described. representation is emphasized and
briefly mentioned, mentioned in
but not detail.
Suggestions for improvement: After creating a section that lists the group
members that served, there should also be a section that details on what section
each of them worked.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Needs A needs A needs A needs The needs
Assessment assessment is not assessment is assessment is assessment is
Breadth provided. referenced, but referenced with comprehensive in
only covers more than one breadth, consisting
one element of the element analyzed, of detailed
school but information about
environment completely staff
(equipment or assessing staff, development
staff development, student, and needs and
but not community needs. competencies,
both) attitudinal surveys.
inventories, and
school and
Suggestions for improvement: More detailed accounts of the needs assessment
need to be stated. Currently one section of the plan states; “Currently walk
throughs are being conducted at the school level to determine the level of
technology integration occurring at each school.” Considering this document was
created during the 2008 – 2009 school year. Such data should now be available and
a detailed itemized account of these needs should be stated in the plan.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Needs Broad A needs A needs The assessment in
Assessment generalizations are assessment is assessment is any given area is
Depth made about what referenced, but the reference with detailed and
the instrument what appears to thorough. The
school needs with is informal, brief be some level of instrument
no and generally detail. is provided with
reference to an not very specific. However, the generalizations
assessment. For example, instrument and about
. a computer count data are not the data. Raw data
is provided provided, and may be provided in
with no specificity there may be room an appendix
as to where for
or how they are additional detail in
used. the collection
and analysis.

Suggestions for improvement: The document repeatedly states that teachers

have taken a survey, but the survey itself is not provided, not are the results. I can
testify as a teacher that we do indeed take an online survey every year showing
how much we use the technology; this data should be readily available. The current
plan states that computers are in the building in various classrooms and available
for check out, but again, there is not a detailed account of how the computers are
used. By stating such specifics, it would help provide accountability to teachers to
utilize the computers more often. The plan states that teachers have a wide variety
of software available and teachers within the county use the computers daily. It
would be a benefit to have the teachers actually complete an assessment showing
how they are used. The instrument used to collect the data could be shared in the
plan as well as the data collected to be more relevant.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Needs No equipment An inventory The inventory A comprehensive
Assessment inventory exists, but is moves beyond equipment
Equipment was provided. limited to computers inventory
computers only only(phone, TV), was provided,
and but including
does not represent does not address computers,
vintage. infrastructure infrastructure,
or vintage of access, ITV,
equipment. telephone
and other
Suggestions for improvement: The plan does a good job showing the current
technology that is available within Forsyth County Schools. The only area that is not
mentioned is the phone system. Additionally, schools have some differences in their
purchased equipment such as the fact that my school has a scanner in every
classroom. I think it would be fair to note that schools often do purchase separate
equipment through PTA’s and other organizations.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Mission and/or No clear mission Vision is skill Vision focuses on Vision is
Vision and/or based only and the comprehensive
vision is does not address technology which deals
articulated. the larger outcomes and with large learning
outcomes by the skirts outcomes of
school or around the students, not
district. learning outcome technology
issue. outcomes.
The statement
identifies the
process skills and

Suggestions for improvement: Forsyth County Schools are mission minded and
the technology department operates within a visionary mindset. Due to these
aspects. The Vision section is well designed in the Technology Plan.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Goals and General learning Goals are Goals are broad Goals are broad
Objectives goals are equipment based and and
not clear or are instead of based comprehensive but comprehensive,
absent. upon learning are not addressing
outcomes. completely clear. teaching and
Objectives are not The are linked learning
linked to goals or to objectives, but needs. The goals
are absent. are not readily are clear,
Objectives and/or obtainable or attainable,
goals do not measurable. and measurable.
appear to be Goals are loosely Objectives are
measurable or tied to the delineated from
obtainable. state or district goals, further
documents. defining how they
will be met.

Suggestions for improvement: The goals are specific and designed with
measurable objectives and a timeline by which they are expecting to meet the
needs. The one area I feel could be improved would be a monitoring device that
demonstrates that it is a work in progress, and shows the progress as it takes place.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Action Plans with An action plan The action plan is The action plan is The action plan is
Timelines, exists, but specifically specifically specifically tied to
Responsibilities timelines and tied to the goals tied to the goals the goals and
and Budget responsibilities are and and objectives. objectives. Each
nonexistent objectives. The The identified task, task
or limited. identified task, timeline, identifies a task,
Assessment is not timeline, responsibility, timeline, and
mentioned. The responsibility, funding, and responsibility,
action plan funding, and assessment funding, and
is not curriculum assessment are components are assessment.
based. incomplete and thorough, but one
several or more
elements are elements are
missing. missing.

Suggestions for improvement: All components are clearly identified.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Program Connection to The TUP mentions The TUP is loosely The TUP is tightly
Integration other efforts other coupled to coupled to the
is not mentioned efforts, but is not the other other
throughout explicit in documents with reform, curriculum,
the document. connection with needs or accountability
the other and program documents with
efforts. changes the approach fully
integrated much of integrated.
the time.

Suggestions for improvement: This is one of the larger areas in which

improvement is needed. Forsyth County Schools have many programs that are
working and functioning. However, within the school system there are times “the
right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.” By taking the time to clearly
define how the Technology Plan supports or enhances other programs; more
connections can be made in all areas. Additionally, as noted before, by creating
such integration the stake holders (mainly the teachers) can be more involved in
carrying out the Technology Plan.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Curriculum The plan focuses The plan mentions The plan The plan
Integration upon curriculum specifically specifically
technology integration and identifies identifies how
outcomes and enhancement, how the curriculum technology
skill based goals, but lacks detail. can be enhances the
and does enhanced by the curriculum,
not address how it use of and what a student
can technology with using the
enhance the detail. A technology may do
curriculum. technology-rich in such an
environment is environment. The
described, but plan addresses
strategies for strategies of
enhanced teaching teaching and
are not learning that
explored can be enhanced
thoroughly. as a result of

Suggestions for improvement: Again, through providing a more specific and

detailed account of how technology can be used to enhance the curriculum,
teachers would be able to support the plan better. The plan should have an
appendix section with a chart that shows what software programs can be used with
various lessons. Understandably, all lessons and software cannot and does not have
to be illustrated, but this would be a wonderful asset for teachers who struggle to
integrate technology with teaching. For example, one of the programs we currently
have installed is PIXIE. During science teachers can use this to allow students to
illustrate the parts of a cell by drawing them and labeling them, and then using their
voice to narrate the use of each part. At the same time, PIXIE is a perfect tool for
ELA in the lower grades as students can draw and journal their weekend events to
build sentence writing. Another source that is available for all teachers is a program
called ANGEL. ANGEL works similar to WebCT in the fact that assignments can be
posted, email is available for communication and even chat rooms can become
available. Although these are available, it would be an improvement to actually
illustrate how these can be used within a classroom to integrate the technology.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Evaluation No formal An evaluation An evaluation An evaluation
evaluation is process is process and process and
described. described, but lacks instrument is instrument
detail and described in are described in
comprehensiveness. detail, but lacks detail, and is
It does complete comprehensive in
not refer to learning comprehensiveness. nature.
outcomes. The link to Assessment
goals and objectives is timely, and tied
is not to the objectives.

Suggestions for improvement: Each goal and objective are clearly defined and
accompanied by different evaluation methods. An improvement that could be made
would again be an area that demonstrates this is a work in progress and keeps the
stakeholder (teachers, parents, and community) aware of the progress being made.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Multi-year A timeline is not The plan only The plan covers The plan is multi-
Planning mentioned covers one more than one year and
academic year or year, but is short references
project. term in nature. multi-year funding,
with no reference support, and
to on-going planning
planning and activities.

Suggestions for improvement: The plan is a 3 year plan and the funding and
evaluations are laid out for the three years.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Standards No equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment
and/or standards are standards are standards are
software standards mentioned, but specific but limited specific,
are limited in their to a narrow comprehensive,
mentioned in the specificity. scope. and a process is
document mentioned as to
beyond brand how they will be
names. employed.

Suggestions for improvement: Although the standards are mentioned within the
Access to Technology section of the plan, there is no broad analysis of the
standards. The current explanation states that the schools are equipped with
“modern computers.” Such a section could be placed in the appendix since it would
be a list of information and not necessarily fit with the narrative within this section.
Additionally, a chart in the appendix could demonstrate the process in which the
equipment is employed. For instance, within our school, we have 9 rolling carts that
house 10 lap top computers. When a teacher uses these laptops, the standard
practice is to submit the standards on which the teacher will be working with, and
provide the activity that will be completed. Then the teacher uses our Outlook
calendar to check out the laptops. It is possible that each school is different as to
the process to be used, but such things could be noted instead of writing a narrow

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Funding Funding resources Funding is Specific funding Specific funding
Alternatives are not mentioned, but sources are sources are
mentioned. primarily focuses described but are described
upon limited to including current
budgeting or traditional sources and future funding
specific site without sources. Including
funding and does specific budget the reallocation
not address figures. and
other incoming employment of
funding resources &
required to attached budget
implement the figures.

Suggestions for improvement: Each goal that is stated in the plan is

accompanied by a detailed analysis of the funding required to meet the goal.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
School Pilot No R&D projects R&D efforts are Specific R&D Specific R&D
Projects are mentioned, efforts are efforts are
(Research and mentioned or but lack detail. No described, but described,
Development) planned as timeline, scalabilty is not with implications
part of the project. assessment, or articulated; for future work
scalability is timelines and (scalability)
mentioned. measurements are articulated. The
mentioned, R&D
but are not efforts have a
specific. timeline and

Suggestions for improvement: This is not mentioned at all, but this may be due
to the fact that prior to the writing of this document there was a huge purchase with
SPLOST funds, and currently the budget is more in a maintenance mode. This is
reflected in the funding section that consistently says “pending availability of
funds”, and the strategy section that repeats the statement “maintain current…”

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Educational No educational Educational Specific Specific
Research research is research is educational educational
mentioned as part mentioned, but research is research is
of the only in the mentioned, but no mentioned, and
project. broadest sense. connections connections are
are made to the made to the efforts
efforts in the in schools.

Suggestions for improvement: In light of the fact that Forsyth County Schools
has recently purchased such a large amount of technology, I think it would be
beneficial to the Technology Plan to demonstrate the impact that this technology is
having on learning. Baseline data is available through CRCT’s and AYP data, and
such information could be added to the document using an appendix section that
updates the progress that students are making using technology. Additionally,
various schools use specific programs on which to focus their staff development.
Data could be collected prior to the instruction, and continued research could be
done throughout the implementation of the technology.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Model Classroom No classroom or Classroom Classroom Classroom and
Configurations school configurations are configurations are school
configurations are mentioned, but described in detail, configurations
described. lack detail. (i.e. but may be are specifically
there will be three restrictive in nature described, with
computers as the links
and a printer in “Only” right way. to teaching and
each room).. Usually only learning outcomes.
one type of They are provided
configuration is as possible
described. solutions to
problems, but are
not prescriptive in

Suggestions for improvement: The description provided currently is “Every

classroom in the district has four modern computers connected to the Internet. Each
permanent classroom is outfitted with an interactive whiteboard, mounted
projector, and sound system.” The plan needs to provide how classrooms can use
these items to meet the standards within the classroom. Again, it would be difficult
to list all items, but providing such information to teachers would be beneficial so
that this plan is a usable plan by the teachers, and not just a plan that sits idle on
the website. This chart could be used for the Program Integration, Curriculum
Integration, and Model Classroom Configurations.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Facilities Facilities issues Facilities issues Facilities issues Specific facility
(Electricity, are not are are identified issues are
Security, etc.) mentioned. mentioned, but and articulated, identified
lack the detail but solutions and addressed,
to build into an and suggestions with recommended
action plan. solutions,
lack detail or
clarity. budgets, and
Suggestions for improvement: Within the appendix, there are specific
documents that mention expectations for use by faculty, staff, and students. These
“Appropriate Use Policies” mention not only Internet safety, but also everyday uses
of the equipment, and security issues such as hacking, Internet use, personal
usernames and password protection, email security, and supervision of technology.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Maintenance and No maintenance Support plans are Support plans are Specific support
Support and mentioned, mentioned plans are
support are but do not have with clarity and articulated. This
provided. the detail or detail, but do included the
clarity to not take into process for
implement. consideration specific support
longterm issues
issues. and on-going
replacement, staff
development, and
Suggestions for improvement: The steps for maintenance and support are
articulated within the Employee Acceptable Use Guidelines.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Software No software Software Specific software Specific software
Agreements agreements agreements and policy is policy is articulated
(site licensing, or policy is policy are articulated, but is with plans to
etc.) mentioned. mentioned, but the not tied to the accommodate
specific policies needs of the site. software needs at
are not the site.
articulated in the

Suggestions for improvement: Each goal demonstrates the need to use the
software as a strategy for the specific goal. In addition the cost of the license is
included in the funding section as well as the department that would be financially
responsible for the payment f the license.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Copyright and No copy right or Copyright and Copyright and
Acceptable Use acceptable use acceptable use acceptable use
Policy policy is are mentioned, but policies are
described. specific articulated in the
policies are not document with
articulated in samples available.
the plan.

Suggestions for improvement: The appendix provides a section for each of these
as stated within the policies of Forsyth County Board of Education.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Gifts and No policy is Policy is provided, Specific policy is Specific policy is
Disposal provided for but is not articulated articulated
the disposal and clear or regarding disposal regarding moving
receiving of gifts of articulated. and gifts, but and disposal of
equipment and is not tied to the equipment. Gift
services standards. acceptance is tied
directly to
Suggestions for improvement: There is a policy for this within the Forsyth
County Schools located in the Board Policies. This section could be attached within
the appendix as the Copyright and Acceptable Use Policies were.

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Staff Staff development Staff development Staff development Staff development
Development is not is is is addressed
mentioned in the mentioned, but is articulated, but is either in the action
document. not clearly limited to plan or in a
articulated as to single modalities separate section. It
how it will be and is not included multiple
accomplished, or clearly provided for strategies,
evaluated. with incentives and
resources. resources.

Suggestions for improvement: This is articulated within its own section.

The Forsyth County Three–Year Technology Plan is overall a good plan. The areas in which it is
lacking are the specifics. Being a teacher within the county, I am well aware of the countless hours we
are trained on using the technology, and I think the county could do a better job demonstrating how the
technology is actually used within the schools. Additionally, by extending the document to have a
section that shows how the technology can be used, it can help teachers to use the plan and execute
quality lessons to help support the goals and objectives of the Technology Plan as well as their own
standards within the classroom. This would help the criteria of Program Integration, Curriculum
Integration, Standards, and Model Classrooms. I think this document could be so much more powerful
if it was a working document. On a regular basis, there should be a section that provides for the
progress we have made in meeting each of the goals. The surveys that are given, and the progress
made academically can be provided, and would be useful in seeing where we need to continue to work,
and where we are doing a good job.

As stated before, I was unaware that such a plan exists. After reading the plan, I realize that the
teachers are a crucial part to meeting the plans objectives. In order for this to be an effective document,
it is necessary for the technology department to make the teachers aware of this plan. Our system
currently became an IE2 county. By making this change, it has required so much more documentation
and data collection. We are already in the midst of doing many of the things expected of us, but if the
educators were more informed, it may be easier to streamline some of the work we are required to do.
The students of Forsyth County are progressing and growing through the technology. All in all the plan
that has been laid out by Forsyth County Schools is a true picture of the amount of technology provided
and used by the county to help enhance the education of the students.

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