Problem 1:: 0 A About S Ladder Tip The Assume

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Problem 1:

The uniform 20-lb ladder rests on the rough floor for which
the coefficient of static friction is μs = 0.8 and against the
smooth wall at B. Determine the horizontal force P the man
must exert on the ladder in order to cause it to move.

Assume the ladder tips about A
 NB  0

  Fx  0
 P  FA  0
 P  FA

   Fy  0
 20  N A  0
 N A  20lb
Problem 2:

A drum has a weight of 100 lb and rests on

the floor for which the coefficient of static
friction is μs = 0.5. If a = 3ft and b = 4 ft,
determine the smallest magnitude of the force
P that will cause impeding motion of the

Assuming that the drum slips, we first draw
FBD and solve for the unknown:
  Fx  0
 0.5 N  P   0
 N  P 

   Fy  0
 3
 P   100  N  0
 3 8
  P   100  P   0
5 5
 P  100lb
 N  100   160lb

Since x is smaller than the radius of the drum,

the calculated value of P is the smallest
magnitude of force for impending motion of
the drum.
Problem 3:

A force P=20 lb is applied perpendicular to the

handle of the gooseneck wrecking bar as shown. If
the coefficient of static friction between the bar and
the wood is μs = 0.5, determine the normal force of
the tines at A on the upper board. Assume the surface
at C is smooth.

We start with the FBD and write the force
equilibrium equations and moment equation about
point C:
Problem 4:

The uniform 6-kg slender rod rests on the top center of

the 3-kg block. If the coefficients of static friction at the
points of contact are μA = 0.4, μB = 0.6, and μC = 0.3,
determine the largest couple moment M which can be
applied to the rod without causing motion of the rod.


Assuming slipping occurs at point C and the block tips

FC = μs(C) NC = 0.3 NC and x = 0.1 m.

Substituting these values into equations (1) through (6):

M  8.561N .m  8.56 N .m
N B  50.83 N
N A  80.26 N
FA  FB  N C  26.75 N
FC  0.3 N C  0.3( 26.75)  8 N

Since (FA)max = μs(A) NA = 0.4 (80.26) = 32.11 N

(FA)max =32.11 N > FA = 26.75 N,
The block does not slip.

Also, (FB)max = μs(B) NB = 0.6 (50.83) = 30.50 N

(FB)max =30.50 N > FB = 26.75 N,
Hence, slipping does not occur at point B. The
assumption that slipping occurs at C is correct.

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